Light a Virtual Candle
Unity World Day of Prayer is a global event.
 We invite you to light a virtual candle
to represent your light shining in prayer.


How Can You Participate in World Day of Prayer?

We invite all to submit a prayer request and light a virtual candle.

You can join for the events at Unity Village or other Unity centers.

Follow our hashtag #WDOP2019 and join us at the Unity Facebook page

to connect with our reflection questions and watch live events.

Sign up for Unity4Today to receive email updates and announcements.

What Is World Day of Prayer?

Held annually on the second Thursday in September, World Day of Prayer unites Unity and draws in New Thought partner communities for a 24-hour period of prayer practice. In prayer, we dissolve our personal borders as we realize God within us, around us—an active source of life, love, and wisdom

Daily Word A Note from the Editor
Prayer is an excellent place to start no matter what you want to be, accomplish, or overcome. Teresa Burton

Prayer…an excellent  place to start…accomplish…overcome…

On September 12 Unity will celebrate World Day of Prayer where, for 24 hours, people at Unity Village and beyond will join together to celebrate the gift, power, and life-changing potential of affirmative prayer.World Day of Prayer is a special event for the entire Unity movement and also for me as I remember the ways that prayer helped me grow through one of my bleakest periods. At the nadir of my life—chronically ill and marginally employed and with a host of other problems—my prospects for improving my circumstances looked dim. The worst part was that I felt powerless.

I didn’t know what I was going to do to help myself. Maybe you’ve been there—no ideas, no options, nowhere to turn. I realized I had exhausted every option except for one. I knew in my heart it was time to surrender.

Like many unaccustomed to prayer, I came to it feeling desperate. Even though I felt exhausted, worried, scared, and humbled, prayer gave me comfort and hope and helped me feel less alone.

Over the next few months, I learned how to use affirmations, which helped me feel empowered. I then started to give thanks daily for blessings great and small and practiced forgiveness of myself and others along the way. Through it all I prayed.

That was almost 20 years ago. Looking back, what felt like the end turned out to be the best beginning I could have hoped for.

I’m sure discovering the power of prayer and learning how to use affirmations were the driving forces that led me to change my life. I didn’t stop there, of course. I took definite and concrete steps in the direction of my goals. I worked hard and dreamed big.

None of those worldly efforts would have gotten me far had it not been for the work I undertook to change my thinking, still my mind, and open my heart through prayer.

Of course, you don’t have to wait until your back is against the wall to pray (in fact, I recommend that you don’t!). But I do want you to know that prayer is an excellent place to start no matter what you want to be, accomplish, or overcome.

Twenty years ago, I changed my life through prayer. I discovered the power of thought and discovered that my thinking creates my experience of the world. I took regular time in the Silence and committed to a deep process of self-discovery, but I didn’t have to do it alone.

Being able to reach out to Silent Unity® for prayer support over the years has been a treasured part of my spiritual path. Throughout its 129-year history, Silent Unity has touched the hearts of people all over the world who have reached out for prayer for themselves and others.

I’ll be among the thousands of people in prayerful participation on World Day of Prayer on September 12, and I welcome you to join me as we share in knowing this affirmation: I celebrate the vast possibilities for my life.

The presence of God within you is infinite. Your potential is truly unlimited. Give yourself the gift of prayer.


Rev. Teresa Burton

Teresa Burton, Daily Word Editor

PS: You can watch World Day of Prayer live events on the Unity Facebook page, and join in collective prayer at our Silent Unity Virtual Prayer Vigil that day. And, as always, Silent Unity warmly welcomes your prayer requests.

World Day of Prayer 2019—Invitation

Guiding Prayer

Breathing in to prayer, I am in awe of the unbound spirit, the in­finite presence within and around me. God is vitality in my breath, beauty in the natural world, strength in my determination, and compassion in my acts of service. I recognize God in the spaciousness of the universe as well as in my limitless dreams.

Let me set my sight beyond where I have seen before, into the vast reality of divine power and presence. Let me draw upon divine power and presence in order to ful­fill my great potential.

In the harmony of prayer, my heart beats to the rhythm of God. The pulse of in­finite life moves me, nourishes me, and empowers me to give life to my dreams.

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