Drawdown EcoChallenge

Our Story

For over 25 years, we’ve inspired, educated and activated thousands of communities and organizations through our solutions-focused programs and ready-to-use social and digital tools. Together, they provide the launchpad for emerging generations and sustainability leaders to experience “ah-ha” moments that lead to extraordinary environmental and social change.

Drawdown EcoChallenge is:

  • a 21-day engagement program focused on carbon reduction;
  • a challenge taking place April 3-24 and;
  • following actions highlighted in Drawdown, a book based on meticulous research that maps, measures, models, and describes solutions to global warming that already exists and;
  • where participants track and share their progress online in a robust platform and earn points for taking action and;
  • the combination of collective action, camaraderie, and friendly competition makes change a little easier — and a lot more fun and;
  • providing tools and inspiration to turn intention into action, and
  • giving participants a fun and social way to think about and act on proven solutions to reverse global warming!


Over eighty actions within seven challenge categories

provide participants with diverse options to reduce carbon usage. 


The EcoChallenge Platform is a signature offering of EcoChallenge.org (formerly Northwest Earth Institute), a sustainability organization that provides innovative social and digital tools designed to be a launchpad for emerging generations and sustainability leaders to experience “ah-ha” moments that lead to extraordinary environmental and social change. EcoChallenge.org also hosts a global October EcoChallenge which is free and open to everyone, everywhere. Over 73,500 people from 101 countries have used the EcoChallenge Platform and the organization has engaged over 250,000 people throughout its 25-year history. The EcoChallenge Platform can also be used to create custom Challenges that meet the engagement and action goals of your workplace, college, or community.

107 SE Washington St. #251
Portland, OR 97214
(503) 227 2807

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