
Expand The Box thoughtware upgrade 5-day training @ ROC Illetas Hotel
May 3 – May 7 all-day

Expand The Box is a safe and astonishing 3-day learning environment for upgrading traditional thinking and behaviors.

Without our knowing how, the standard thinking and behavior patterns we adopted from our parents, our culture and our education system severely limit both the quality of our relationships and our ability to respond creatively to the opportunities and challenges of life. Expand The Box installs swinging doors through walls that previously appeared to be impenetrable.

Kites for Peace Zimbabwe @ Haka Game Park
Sep 17 all-day

We will be flying kites for Peace at a game park in Harare Zimbabwe. We will be hosting 40 charities who will be fundraising and spreading awareness of their causes. We hope to inspire unity hope peace gratitude and love

Global Prosperity and Peace Summit in Santa Cruz @ Peace United Church
Sep 21 @ 2:00 pm

Everyone is invited who would like to enjoy more prosperity and peace for all.

The Children’s Global Wave of Love @ Inside your heart space and the world
Jun 21 all-day
The Children's Global Wave of Love @ Inside your heart space and the world

We come together for the Annual Children’s Global Wave Of Love, at 1:11pm in every time zone beginning in New Zealand and ending in Hawaii, we come together to collectively intention “Children across the planet in love, care and respect.” Based on the Fibinacci sequence of increasing increments of divine love we send out love across the waters and lands for all. A peak day for International Children’s Month and our free year long thematic activity platform International Children Love Self Love and Cooperation 2018.

FREE Yoga Cosmic Love Breath @ 30-Day Cosmic Love Experience
Sep 20 @ 10:00 am – 10:45 am
FREE Yoga Cosmic Love Breath @ 30-Day Cosmic Love Experience

Yoga is described as a Union of Mind, Body, Spirit..Yoga Cosmic Breath brings in the Heart.
This Ancient practice is part energy tool/part meditation/ part pranayama. It is a link to Higher Love and Higher Consciousness.

Each night is a new experience, however the foundation follows this sequence
Rhythmic Breathing, Reiki, Neck and Shoulder Stretches, Closing with the main event the Yoga Cosmic ‘Love’ Breath

Humanity has done the work to raise the vibration enough to be able to be emass as a container and anchor of this energy to the new earth.

This practice was offered first for the month of Sept in 2009 and now again in 2018
To serve others as a way to the higher heart resonance, which elevates us into different dimensions and Cosmic Consciousness.

Research has shown that the magnetic field of the heart is 5,000 times more powerful than the mind.

The way to living in the higher dimensions is through the heart portal which leads to unconditional love and a greater connection to the Divine, to yourself, to others and to nature.

The Cosmos ARE are here to help humanity.
It’s about a being in alignment with a cosmic heart connection of a different heartbeat, a heartbeat attuned to Cosmic Love through activations and being in rhythm with the Universe.

WE are stronger together is true!

How do you make an impact when you are working alone? Sloooowly.
Let us quicken as One.

It is a simple solution, we have done the heavy lifting, now we are in the labor pains and a smart mother- to-Be will learn how to breathe to ease the pain.
It only makes sense to do this as well, while we are in this process of birthing a new earth, does it not?
Our work now only requires us to BREATHE in a new way, and connect to our hearts.
This is about something greater than ourselves!
To Be, Midwives for the New Earth whether you are a woman or a man.

You will discover the more of us that do the inner work consistently, of raising our vibration and releasing density, we will be pulled towards the 5th World.
This is not a might be, this is a pathway.
I’m here to be a wayshower and a bridge.
This will fill the body with cosmic energy, assisting you to hold more light and love and to be the anchor And container.


Climate Action – Art Build Workshops @ Two Bridges Neighborhood Council (Community Room)
Mar 16 – May 8 all-day
Climate Action - Art Build Workshops @ Two Bridges Neighborhood Council (Community Room)

MARCH 2-MAY 8, volunteers invited to participate in workshops working with the community to create spectacular visual art, giant puppets, and costumes for the Ecological City procession celebrating climate solutions.

-Costume Workshops: WEDNESDAYS, 6-9:30pm with artist Yelaine Rodriguez
-Puppet Workshops: SATURDAYS, 12-4pm with artist Lucrecia Novoa

Workshops are free of cost and take place every week at Two Bridges Neighborhood Council (Community Room) 82 Rutgers Slip (between FDR and Cherry St. -LES)

Please register here:

ECOLOGICAL CITY PAGEANT, on Saturday May 11, 2019 (Rain date- May 12), is a climate action, ecological urban pilgrimage and performance art event featuring a spectacular 7 hour procession of visual art, giant puppets and costumes with 20 site performances of dance, music, theater and poetry celebrating sustainability solutions throughout the community gardens, neighborhood and East River Park waterfront on the Lower East Side of New York City.

Ecological City: Procession for Climate Solutions @ Two Bridges Neighborhood Council
May 11 all-day
Ecological City: Procession for Climate Solutions @ Two Bridges Neighborhood Council

ECOLOGICAL CITY PAGEANT, on Saturday May 11, 2019 (Rain date- May 12), is a climate action, ecological urban pilgrimage and performance art event featuring a spectacular 7 hour procession of visual art, giant puppets and costumes with 20 site performances of dance, music, theater and poetry celebrating sustainability solutions throughout the community gardens, neighborhood and East River Park waterfront on the Lower East Side of New York City.

For more information:


PAGEANT DAY: Volunteers are needed to participate for various roles. Sign up today!
-Wear a spectacular ecological costume, direct puppets, marshal parade, direct make-up/body painting, photograph/video document and more…

-Marshals/ Key Performers needed: 8am-6pm / Make-Up artists 8am-12pm

Sign up here:

We, The World Song Weavers @ Livestream on MNN2
Aug 14 @ 5:00 pm – 5:30 pm

Reclaim Your Voice, Reclaim Your Time as WE, The World spreads Peace and Love and Unity. Hear the We, The World song and the story of its creative song weavers’ collaboration. livestream . tune in to the 28 minute show where Rick, Heidi and Andrew promote WE and Heidi sings our song; scheduled to air on MNN2 channels:
Spectrum 56 RCN 83 FIOS 34 and livestream, click on MNN2 at the following dates/times:
August 12 at 2:30 pm Eastern
August 14 at 5 pm Eastern
August 18 at 7 pm Eastern

Global Circles of Men Project – Retreat @ Ancient Yoga Center
Apr 24 @ 4:00 pm – Apr 26 @ 9:00 am
Global Circles of Men Project - Retreat @ Ancient Yoga Center

“As within so without” or “as above so below” are an aphorisms associated with sacred geometry, Hermeticism, Baphomet, and the Tarot. The phrases derive from a passage in the Emerald Tablet. The Bible and other writings traditionally render this as “on earth, as it is in heaven.” It means that your outer world is a reflection of your inner world.

Whatever is presented to you in your life can inform how you think and feel on the inside. Likewise, what you think and feel is reflected back to you in your real- ity. In this sense, you manifest your life based on how you think and feel.

This year’s Circles of Men Retreat is will explore the theme “As Within, So Without.”

Join this circle of men as we discover and expand male spirituality, increasing awareness of our inner worlds and outer worlds. In addition, we have the opportunity to construct the bridge between the two worlds to use them both in powerful, creative ways.

We will create a psychologically safe environment to deepen self-understanding, build healthy bonds with each other, and transcend old limiting beliefs and patterns of action. Growth modalities include: Cognitive and behavioral skills – Depth psychology – Meditation – Group dynamics – Journaling

This is a non-sectarian event open to all who identify as male, to all faiths or none at all.

Intergenerational Climate Collaborative Project Hosted by: Sue Blythe and Chitra Golestani @ Online - Zoom
Apr 26 @ 1:00 pm

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