
Share Your Plans for International Day of Peace 2019 @ Your community
Sep 30 all-day

Share Your Plans for International Day of Peace 2019

IDP 2019 poster

We invite URI Cooperation Circles and URI Regional Support Offices

to share their plans for the International Day of Peace!

Please take a moment to fill out the form below to inform us of your plans

and how you hope the event will unfold.

After the event has happened, we hope you’ll send us actual numbers

(of participants, etc.) with reflections on what took place.

We will be in touch to request those details at the end of September.

We wish you the best and thank you for all the work you do to bring peace,

justice and healing to the world!

If you have any questions, please email

Please use your best guess to give us the information requested below. After the event has happened, we hope you’ll send us actual numbers (of participants, etc.) with reflections on what took place. We will be in touch to request those details at the end of September.

By submitting this form, I agree that this information may be used by URI, and shared with our International Day of Peace partners (including UNIFY, the Compassion Games, 1 Billion Acts of Peace and the United Nations).
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