
#GlobalUnityNow Meditation @ Global Meditation
Sep 11 @ 5:00 pm – Sep 21 @ 5:00 pm

Recap of the day and a gathering of hearts in the vision for #GlobalUnityNow

Astrology with Christina Caudill for Global Unity @ Online Livestream
Sep 14 @ 11:00 am

Join us on GlobalKindnessTV with Christina Caudill sharing what the stars and cosmos have to say about Global unity,kindness, justice, and health A wonderful and inspiring conversation to uplift us.

Peace Love and Kindness in Business with Karen McMillian @ Online Live Stream
Sep 21 @ 1:30 pm

Join us on GlobalkindnessTV with host Karen Palmer @MindfulmediaMom on all social media and Karen McMillian founder of Sacred space, community/mastermind of YINpreneurs. Heart-centered women blending ancient wisdom with modern practice and balancing yin and yang energy to slow down and speed up your success.

The place to gather, breathe, celebrate and support each other with love, wisdom, practices, tools and resources to grow you and your business bliss.

Implementing The Nuclear Ban Treaty in the US: Where We Are and Where We’re Going @ Brooklyn Quaker Meeting House
May 13 @ 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Implementing The Nuclear Ban Treaty in the US: Where We Are and Where We’re Going @ Brooklyn Quaker Meeting House

Come help strategize at the first national meeting of NuclearBan.US!
• Find out how Takoma Park, MD, became the first US city to declare
itself “treaty compliant”
• Learn how other US cities, states, organizations and institutions are
implementing the Treaty
• Get the latest news and strategies from ICAN
• Be part of a crucial international movement
• Support the Treaty in your city and state

Implementing The Nuclear Ban Treaty in the US: Where We Are and Where We’re Going @ Brooklyn Quaker Meeting House
May 13 @ 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm

Come help strategize at the first national meeting of NuclearBan.US!
• Find out how Takoma Park, MD, became the first US city to declare
itself “treaty compliant”
• Learn how other US cities, states, organizations and institutions are
implementing the Treaty
• Get the latest news and strategies from ICAN
• Be part of a crucial international movement
• Support the Treaty in your city and state

The Rohingya Genocide and Refugee Crisis @ Church of the Advent Hope
Jun 2 @ 2:30 pm

This program will discuss the Genocide currently being committed against the Rohingya people in Myanmar/Burma.
Special guests Beth Lilach (Head of the Education Department at the Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County) , Adem Carroll (United Nations Program Director for Burma Task Force) and Jacqueline Murekatete (Rwanda Genocide Survivor and Activist) will speak about the Rohingya genocide to help us better understand the ongoing atrocities—and what we might be able to do to help.

Global Yoga Day Events @ UNIFY
Jun 21 all-day
Global Yoga Day Events @ UNIFY

The UN declared June 21st as International Yoga Day, and in honor of this special day, UNIFY along with its partners are organizing a Global Synchronized Yoga and Meditation Journey. From a full day YOGA SUMMIT to live events around the world, join us to participate and UNIFY with millions of others practicing at the same time.

Enter your info in the form to the page to receive a mobile text reminder to sync up with us on World Yoga Day, and the ability to share photos from your event by text! Your information is private and secure and will not be shared with other organizations.

You can also find an event on the map on our site, add your event, or list your studio to support our network in practicing year round.

ROB DUNCAN LIVE with his Funkin Soul Band- Charity Concert. Let’s help re-unite Children who have been separated from their families @ Rockwood Music Hall 3
Jul 7 @ 6:45 pm – 8:00 pm
ROB DUNCAN LIVE with his Funkin Soul Band- Charity Concert. Let's help re-unite Children who have been separated from their families @ Rockwood Music Hall 3

A great soul /funk concert. Come and be uplifted by great music and let’s raise as much money as possible to help re-unite children who have been separated from their families at the U.S. border. Tickets are $10. Please click on the link below to buy tickets, bring friends! You may make an extra donation on the night if you so wish. All proceeds will go to this great cause. Rob Duncan has played music all over the world, is a father of 3 and writes music about his experience of being human, man and father.

Here’s what he says about his music and this concert:
My music draws from my life experience; spiritually, soulfully, intellectually, and emotionally. All of my songs represent my musical influences like soul music, blues, jazz, and rock. Deeply soulful, funky, melancholy music with ultimately a message of hope. That’s how I write my music. That’s how I sing my music. I lay my heart on the table and reach you in places that you feel.

I have decided to donate the cover charge from my upcoming show at Rockwood Music Hall 3 to RAICES. RAICES primarily provides two very very important things.
It provides lawyers for the children who have been torn from their parents by ICES, and it pays the Immigration Bond which releases the parent from detention allowing their children to rejoin them. This is where your $10 cover charge for my upcoming show will go. If you wish to donate extra you may do so on the night of the show.

ROB DUNCAN LIVE with his Funkin Soul Band
Date: Saturday, July 7
Time: 7 PM – 8 PM (Arrive by 6:30. Show starts at 7:00! )
Rockwood Music Hall Stage 3
185 Orchard St, New York, NY
Hosted by North Corner Music

$10 Cover Charge
For Tickets, Click Here:

Hiroshima Nagasaki Peace Committee and All Souls Church Unitarian Sponsor Events @ MLK Memorial, National Mall, Washington, DC
Aug 5 @ 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Dear Peace-making, Peace-building, and Peace-keeping Friends of All Souls Church and beyond,

For the past 37 years, the Hiroshima/Nagasaki Peace Committee of the National Capital Area has been organizing for the abolition of nuclear weapons and power, and in support of nuclear victims. We believe that if the world is to avoid repeating the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we must strive to keep alive the memory of the bombings. This August we again will commemorate the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

While we will not have our traditionally provided Hibakusha guests from Japan this August, instead, this summer we welcome Reverend William H. Lamar IV, Senior Pastor at Metropolitan AME Church and an activist in the New Poor People’s Campaign. Reverend Lamar was recently arrested at the Supreme Court protesting against unjust voting laws. He will speak about the links between the issues of racism, poverty, militarism, and ecological devastation and the threat of nuclear annihilation.  In addition, Reverend Rob Hardies, Senior Minister of All Souls Church will speak to his, and All Souls Church’s activism in relationship with the Japanese Survivors, our Japanese Partnerships, and our congregational activism in nuclear weapons abolition.

Reverend Lamar will be joined by Martin Fleck, program director for the Physicians for Social responsibility Nuclear Weapons Abolition Program and by Diane A’Arrigo, Radioactive Waste Project Director at the Nuclear Information & Resource Service. They will discuss current issues concerning nuclear power and nuclear weapons.

This August, HN-DC leadership team member, John Steinbach, will represent the Hiroshima Nagasaki Peace Committee at the World Conference Against A & H Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Upon his return, we will host him in discussions of his contemporary findings from Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  The website of The Hiroshima/Nagasaki Peace Committee of the National Capital Area is located on the Web at John’s speech will be posted on the website.

Please make every effort to attend one of the Commemoration activities, and please forward this announcement as widely as possible.

Details of the DC Hiroshima and Nagasaki Memorializing events are as follows:

2018 Hiroshima/Nagasaki Calendar with Hibakusha & Downwinder Testimonies

Hiroshima Peace Commemoration

Sunday, August 5, 6:30 – 8:30 pm

Martin Luther King Memorial on the National Mall

There will be a moment of silence at 7:15pm to commemorate the Hiroshima catastrophe (exactly 13 hours before memorializing the detonation in Hiroshima)

Nagasaki Candlelight Vigil

Wednesday, August 8, 9:45 pm

White House (Lafayette Park)

Moment’s Silence at 10:02, sharing of thoughts for peace. Candlelight Vigil   (exactly 13 hours before memorializing the detonation in Nagasaki)

For more information, contact Kio Kanda:  571-319-6688  or Mel Hardy 202-630-4635

Film Screening of ‘Enemies of Peace – Preventing the Next War in the Middle East’ @ Martin Luther King Jr. Auditorium, Santa Monica Public Library
Sep 16 @ 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Film Screening of 'Enemies of Peace – Preventing the Next War in the Middle East' @ Martin Luther King Jr. Auditorium, Santa Monica Public Library

This powerful film serves as a warning sign of the impending threat of escalating regional war in the Middle East. With the increasing number of U.S. military bases and direct U.S. military involvement in the region, it is clear that our governmental officials as well as the public are not sufficiently informed in regards to the dynamics of the conflicts in the region. Enemies of Peace shines a spotlight on the instigators, aggressors and funders of these catastrophic wars as well as their motives. Featuring some of the most renowned scholars, journalists and activists on the subject, Enemies of Peace offers insights and solutions not often expressed by the mainstream media and serves to empower activists in helping to bring the principles of peace, justice, cooperation and diplomacy back into politics, international relations and the collective consciousness.
For more information about Enemies of Peace and to view the trailer, visit:

FREE Laughter Yoga on the PHONE! @ On the PPHONE from wherever you are!
Sep 17 @ 9:00 am – 9:15 am
FREE Laughter Yoga on the PHONE! @ On the PPHONE from wherever you are!

Join others for 15 glorious minutes of Laughter Yoga on the phone as we celebrate 11 Days of Global Unity!
No previous experience, no special clothes or equipment required. CALL: +1-218-339-2460 CODE: 52844# (LAUGH#) We’ll start with SMILE-UPs and get the giggles with silly, playful LAUGHTER exercises that help unite us as we decrease stress, anxiety and depression, increase joy, connection, creativity, energy, focus and productivity. “Laughter is the shortest distance between 2 people.” – Victor Borge Connect to others with Laughter! Different times each day so check the calendar. More information about Sarah and her work on Come together to LAUGH for joy!

5 pm NYC Rally City Hall to oppose federal assault on sexual and reproductive rights @ NYC City Hall 5-7 pm
Feb 25 all-day

President Trump’s gag rule dismantles Title X, our nation’s only federal program for affordable sexual and reproductive health care. More than four million people with low incomes rely on this program, including 150,000 right here in NYC. Now, many of them won’t be allowed to get birth control, STD testing and treatment, and cancer screenings from health care providers like Planned Parenthood. Unite on the steps of City Hall on Monday, February 25th at 5 p.m. Elected officials, patients, and health care providers will be there to voice their fears, their outrage, and their resolve to inform and activate positive action to support reproductive rights and compassionate healthcare.

Chant UP with Gaura Vani @ United Palace
Apr 14 @ 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Chant UP with Gaura Vani @ United Palace

Join us for a monthly celebration of the ancient, mystical tradition of mantra music. Elevate your spirit and cultivate community through the joyous, sacred sound of kirtan at the all-inclusive United Palace of Spiritual Arts.

Chant UP with Gaura Vani is a monthly world-music experience of kirtan. It is true spiritual artistry – it’s about connecting to the sacred – whatever that means for you – through participatory performance art and the ancient practice of communal singing. Kirtan is a musical form of storytelling, shared recitation and call-and-response that opens the heart and allows a glimpse of the beauty that lies in our human and spiritual connections.

Come experience a celebration of music, spirit and community led by Gaura Vani. Raise your voice and vibration!

Chant UP with Gaura Vani @ United Palace
May 8 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Chant UP with Gaura Vani @ United Palace

Join us for a monthly celebration of the ancient, mystical tradition of mantra music. Elevate your spirit and cultivate community through the joyous, sacred sound of kirtan at the all-inclusive United Palace of Spiritual Arts.

Chant UP with Gaura Vani is a monthly world-music experience of kirtan. It is true spiritual artistry – it’s about connecting to the sacred – whatever that means for you – through participatory performance art and the ancient practice of communal singing. Kirtan is a musical form of storytelling, shared recitation and call-and-response that opens the heart and allows a glimpse of the beauty that lies in our human and spiritual connections.

Come experience a celebration of music, spirit and community led by Gaura Vani. Raise your voice and vibration!

Tree of Peace & Reconciliation Tree Planting with Drawdown Markham @ Fly High Farm and Gardens
Sep 15 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Tree of Peace & Reconciliation Tree Planting with Drawdown Markham @ Fly High Farm and Gardens

In cooperation with the WE-Energime-Global Cooperation Turtle Island International Civil Society Organization and in support of peaceful interfaith dialogue, especially in light of Laudato Si, the recent message from Pope Francis on “Care for Mother Earth”, Drawdown Markham will be assisting Global Cooperation Day (GCD, New Zealand) to Celebrate the 800 year Anniversary (in 2019) of the meeting between Saint Francis of Assisi and Sultan Al Kamil in the year 1219 by planting a *Commemorative Tree of Peace* on a property in the East end of Markham (Locust Hill) on Sunday, September 15th.

This event is being done in support of the DD Markham CCAH Collaborative Exchange Project (CEP) and the “Spark for Humanity” project by We Are Mother Earth! (WAME) and GTI Enterprises (cooperative corporation), and for the eventual establishment of our “Go Local” Campaign for community resilience and adaptation, supported by our local Drawdown Markham Interfaith Neighborhood and Business Collaborative (which is part of the EncounterCanada collaborative, which is intended “to localize the Sustainable Development Goals to build ‘Climate Smart’ safe and sustainable communities and cities, pursuant to the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction”).

More Info

Online Course on Leadership, Sustainability, and Ethics
Oct 7 – Dec 13 all-day
Online Course on Leadership, Sustainability, and Ethics @  |  |  |

This training programme seeks to enhance young people’s skills and knowledge to be ethical and effective sustainability leaders and implement Earth Charter-inspired projects, contributing towards a more sustainable and peaceful world.

Participants of this programme will receive an Earth Charter International certificate as recognition of their successful completion of the “Leadership, Sustainability and Ethics” training and an invitation to become an Earth Charter Young Leader.

Join the next group of exceptional change makers and deepen your knowledge and skills in sustainability leadership. Become part of our global network and support your fellow participants as you explore your role as a leader in your own community. This 10-week programme is open to participants ages 18-30 and begins on 7 October 2019.

Humanity Rising: Global Solutions Summit @ Online Conference
May 22 @ 8:00 am
Humanity Rising: Global Solutions Summit @ Online Conference

Humanity Rising represents a movement of people and organizations coming together to take counsel on how to leverage the crisis of the current pandemic into an opportunity for human renewal and increased resilience to future challenges. . The coronavirus has been an unprecedented global event. For the first time in history, virtually everyone everywhere has been challenged by the same illness with consequences that have effectively compelled most infected countries into some form of lockdown. People all over the world are having the same feelings about their wellbeing, the same anxieties about survival, and the same questions about how they are going to rebuild beyond the pandemic. This is true whether you are an individual, a company, an organization, or a country. All of us everywhere at every level are in the same conversation. Everything has been disrupted, everything needs to change. Let us take advantage of this and come together to reshape our world in alignment with a positive vision of the future.

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