
Hip Downtown Book Signing Event @ Cha Cha's
May 8 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Hip Downtown Book Signing Event @ Cha Cha's

Lily Sanders {Author, Speaker, Radio Personality, Coach} cordially invites you to join us for a discussion and book signing of “Truth To Triumph: A Spiritual Guide to Finding Your Truth”. Get ready to be inspired!

Peace Walk & Singing Peace @ Big Love Headquarters
Sep 23 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm


Peace Walk & Singing Peace

Hosted by Zach Freidhof

May all beings know peace. Om Shanti. 

My the leaves of aggression fall from the trees of society,
and may the rotting fruits of anger
be turned to compost
through our inward efforts and outward compassion.

September 23, 2018
11 AM – 2 PM
1111 Carey Ave (Big Love Headquarters)
 Akron, OH 44314-1975

We will begin at Big Love HQ and walk in silence and mindfulness to Chestnut Ridge Park, about 25 min. We will meditate there for about 20 min and return to Big Love HQ. Then we will have a Peace Kirtan until 2pm, chanting for Peace – mainly Peace Shalom Salaam Shanti.

All are welcome! If anyone would like to bring food, it can be there at Big Love HQ for after the walk. We will walk rain or shine, though if there is a drenching rain or thunderstorm, we will just chant for Peace and reschedule the walk.

For those who have not experienced The Big Love Network, Peace Month is the perfect time. Come and walk with the kindest group of folks you”ll ever meet. Laugh and share food. Please bring a dish to share and stay for the meditation and chanting for inner peace and the power to send that on.

The Laramie Project
Oct 5 @ 7:30 pm – Oct 14 @ 11:30 pm



Theater Company of Lafayette Presents

The Laramie Project
by Moises Kaufman and the Tectonic Theater Project
Directed by Nanci Van Fleet






October 2018 marks the 20th anniversary of Matthew Shephard’s murder. He was the victim of a brutal assault because he was gay. Moises Kaufman and fellow members of the Tectonic Theater Project made six trips to Laramie over the course of a year and a half, in the aftermath of the beating and during the trial of the two young men accused of killing Shepard. They conducted more than 200 interviews with the people of the town and created a deeply moving and fascinating theatrical experience.

Do not miss this powerful and moving production that explores the depths to which humanity can sink and the heights of compassion of which we are capable.

Performances run October 5 – 14

Fridays and Saturdays – 7:30 pm

Sunday matinees at 2:00 pm

420 Courtney Way
Lafayette CO  80026


Tickets at

Meditation and Prayer Gathering for World Peace on Hiroshima Day @ DAG Hammarskjold Plaza
Aug 5 @ 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Meditation and Prayer Gathering for World Peace on Hiroshima Day

August 5 @ 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm


This is a simple call for a gathering of spiritually-minded persons dedicated to world peace. Please join us, to make peaceful compassionate steps to help heal our wounded world. Walk together one step at a time mindfully. Let us cultivate peaceful minds and hearts within, and work harmoniously with our fellow beings on earth.

The event includes A-bomb panels, experiencing a walking mindful meditation, Origami, Tanabata tree of wishes, music, prayer and readings.


August 5
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm


DAG Hammarskjold Plaza
245 E. 47th St
New York, NY 10017 United States
+ Google Map
STAND UP FOR HUMANITY! @ Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool,
Aug 10 @ 6:00 pm


1225 R Street NW    |    Washington, DC, 20009    |    202-543-1414

Stand Up For Humanity! is a movement promoting and supporting a world that works for all. It is about embracing those qualities that serve the Highest and Best of our Humanity.  We are here to help each other connect and act from our universal and common good; and to raise the consciousness and vibrations on the planet, and within our nation, to one of inclusion, peace, and harmony. And to demonstrate that even one small act taken by an individual can make a difference and contribute to the positive uplifting of humanity.

On Saturday, August 10, 2019 at 6pm, let’s gather, millions strong at the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, to “Stand Up For Humanity”. Featuring dynamic speakers and fantastic music! We are calling all people willing to raise the consciousness within our nation and the world!

Hosted by Unity of Washington, DC – Rev. Sylvia E. Sumter, Senior Minister
1225 R Street NW – Washington, DC 20009 – 202-543-1414



The Nature of Unity

Unity is a religious movement that began over a century ago. In the 1880’s Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, co-founders of Unity, began to work with some new ideas that they had found about life. Charles had a withered leg; Myrtle had tuberculosis. But in a short time, Myrtle was healed and Charles’ health was so much improved that other people, seeing the changes in them, were drawn to them to find out how they, too, could change.

The Fillmores had no thought of starting a new religion; they just wanted to help themselves and others who turned to them for help. In 1889 they began to publish a little magazine called Modern Thought, which a few years later they renamed Unity. In this magazine, they presented the ideas that had helped them heal themselves and find peace and strength. These ideas are simple. They are centered around two basic propositions:

One ~ God is Good.
Two ~ God is available, in fact, God is in you.


If God is good, God’s will is good. It is impossible to believe that a good God — a God who is love and intelligence — could have made you in any other way except to be healthy, happy, prosperous, loved and loving, courageous and strong. If you are not healthy and happy, it can only be because you have separated yourself from God in mind — the only place you can separate yourself from God and God’s good. You have only to reunite in mind with God, and your life is certain to be full and fulfilling. You do this best by getting still and realizing your oneness with God. Every thought, negative or positive, comes one at time to the door of your conscious mind; there you let it in or turn it away. To have a good life, you have to learn to say no to the negative thoughts which deny your oneness with god’s good and say yes to the positive thoughts which affirm your oneness with God’s good.

Perhaps this is an oversimplification of Unity teachings, but these are the essential elements.

Unity is not a proselytizing religion. We are happy to have you call yourself a Unity student and join a Unity group. But we are also happy when we can help you be a better Methodist, a better Catholic, a better whatever you are.

Unity began as an open-ended religion, and we pray it always will be. May we always be seekers after Truth rather than people who feel that they have found all the Truth and must form an exclusive little circle to preserve it.

Unity is the religion of the written word, and Unity School of Christianity is the organization that has carried that written word around the world. Unity has grown almost entirely because individuals who have been helped by its ideas have told others who need help about it. Unity has always been a warm and loving way of life, sensitive to people’s needs, God-centered but human-hearted. This is Unity.


Calling All Volunteers – “Stand Up for Humanity”
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool

In November of 2017, Unity of Washington, DC kicked-off our Stand Up for Humanity Movement on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. We are excited to share that we have planned another gathering at the Memorial on Saturday, August 10, 2019. Additional information will be forthcoming, however in the interim we are seeking volunteers to assist with the execution of the event. There will be a variety of opportunities to serve on sub-committees prior to the event, as well as onsite. If you are interested in volunteering sign-up TODAY!

Aug 24 all-day



Akron Pride Festival is an open celebration of music, entertainment and information focused on promoting equality and inclusion of ALL people. Our fiscal agent is CANAPI (Community AIDS Network Akron Pride Initiative).

The mission of Akron Pride is to unify and affirm the LGBTQ community and allies in celebrating our diversity and recognizing our likeness.

We will promote acceptance of all individuals by defending human equity.

“We came together, strong, unified, for the p
urpose of uniting the LGBTQ community for one day of celebration. With many obstacles and challenges ahead of us, we are willing to take risks and ask questions. With allies in tow, every person in this endeavor is helping to write history in this small city of Akron, Ohio. Every city in every state, no matter how big or small, should own their pride-strong, united, untethered! When there are many that say ‘no’ there is one to say ‘yes’-‘yes we can!’ Small city, big heart!”
-D. Lottman Cruise, President & Founder
759 W Market St
Akron, Ohio
Call (330) 252-1559
Akron Pride Festival
For Sama – Film Screening @ Konover Auditorium at Dodd Center
Sep 10 @ 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Join us for a screening of


TUESDAY, September 10, 2019

4:00pm – 6:30pm

Konover Auditorium

Dodd Center
University of Connecticut


FOR SAMA is both an intimate and epic journey into the female experience of war. A love letter from a young mother to her daughter, the film tells the story of Waad al-Kateab’s life through five years of the uprising in Aleppo, Syria as she falls in love, gets married and gives birth to Sama, all while cataclysmic conflict rises around her.

Her camera captures incredible stories of loss, laughter and survival as Waad wrestles with an impossible choice– whether or not to flee the city to protect her daughter’s life, when leaving means abandoning the struggle for freedom for which she has already sacrificed so much.

The film is the first feature documentary by Emmy award-winning filmmakers, Waad al-Kateab and Edward Watts.

Following the screening, join us for a post-show discussion with

Sana Mustafa
founding member of The Network For Refugee Voices, a refugees led coalition working to increase refugees engagement with international community to pursue inclusive, sustainable, and effective refugee and immigration policy

Dr. Kathryn Libal
Associate Professor of Social Work and Human Rights at the University of Connecticut and Director of the Human Rights Institute.

Please note: this film contains deeply distressing scenes of violence and trauma.  Attendees are encouraged to prepare themselves emotionally for the experience.  Should anyone experience the film as traumatizing, we will work to support them and help direct them to counseling resources.

Sponsored by

Department of Digital Media and Design

Human Rights Institute

Huskies for Human Rights
Middle East Studies

Thomas J. Dodd Research Center


Please join The Square One Project and The Vera Institute of Justice for Reimagining Justice: The Next 25 Years. @ The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in Harlem, NY
Sep 11 @ 3:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Please join The Square One Project and The Vera Institute of Justice for Reimagining Justice: The Next 25 Years.

About this Event

Please join The Square One Project and The Vera Institute of Justice for Reimagining Justice: The Next 25 Years, taking place on September 11th at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in Harlem, NY. As we approach the 25th anniversary of the federal 1994 Crime Bill, this multi-format event will consider the visionary work, big ideas, and fundamental values that will guide the next 25 years of justice policy.

Program: 3:30pm – 6:00pm ET (details to be announced soon)

Reception: 6:00pm – 7:00pm ET

Details for the livestreaming option for this event will be available shortly.

Update: The full list of researchers, activists, and professionals that will be participating in Reimagining Justice: The Next 25 Years is available here!

Speakers and presenters include [list in formation]:

  • Bruce Western, Co-Director, Columbia University Justice Lab; Co-Founder, Square One Project
  • Daryl Atkinson, Co-Director, Forward Justice
  • Deanna Van Buren, Co-Founder and Design Director, Designing Justice + Designing Spaces
  • Emily Wang, Associate Professor of Medicine, Yale School of Medicine; Director, Health Justice Lab; Co-Founder, Transitions Clinic Network
  • Eric Cumberbatch, Executive Director, Mayor’s Office to Prevent Gun Violence, New York City
  • Eric Gonzalez, Brooklyn District Attorney
  • Insha Rahman, Director of Strategy and New Initiatives, Vera Institute of Justice
  • Jeremy Travis, Executive Vice President of Criminal Justice, Arnold Ventures
  • John Pineda, Leadership and Learning Coordinator, MILPA
  • Mahogany L. Browne, Writer/Organizer/Educator
  • Michael Lawlor, Associate Professor, University of New Haven; former Undersecretary for Criminal Justice Policy and Planning, Connecticut’s Office of Policy and Management
  • Nicholas Turner, President, Vera Institute of Justice
  • Pastor Michael McBride, National Director, Urban Strategies/LIVE FREE Campaign
  • Ray Kelly, Lead Community Liaison, Baltimore Consent Decree Monitoring Team
  • Reverend Vivian Nixon, Executive Director, College and Community Fellowship
  • Tyrone Walker, Associate, Justice Policy Institute


GLOBAL CAPITALISM Monthly Economic Update @ Judson Memorial Church
Sep 11 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm


Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum, Judson Memorial Church & Individual Contributors

These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month. Then Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. Our goal is to develop all participants’ understanding and ability to explain current economic events and trends to others. When time permits, we open the floor to questions and comments.

Requested Fee/Donation: $10 per person. If you access the videos of these monthly updates posted on YouTube and our websites, we ask you to join our attendees who contribute at least $10 at each event to help defray costs of producing, video-taping, and distributing these videos. Please contribute via our donate page. Contributions to Democracy at Work are tax deductible (we will gladly provide receipts at the event). For those able to contribute more than $10, our special thanks.


September 11, 2019 at 7:30pm – 9pm



Judson Memorial Church
239 Thompson St
New York, NY 10012
United States

APPLAUD THE CULTURE OF PEACE @ Online/Church of the Covenant
Sep 13 – Sep 14 all-day

9/13/19 –  UN High Level Forum on the Culture of Peace (Anniversary Observance)
10:00 am – 6:00 pm Eastern Time via Livestream 

9/14/19 – First Annual Culture of Peace Youth Movement Launch
All day youth-led intergenerational program in NYC

9:00 am – 9:00 pm ET at the Church of the Covenant, 310 E. 42nd Street, near the UN



Peace Alliance



Two Days / Two Events

* 9/13/19 – UN High Level Forum on the Culture of Peace (20th Anniversary)
* 9/14/19 – First Annual Culture of Peace Youth Movement

Launched Twenty years ago this September 13th the United Nations General Assembly passed by consensus the momentous UN Declaration and Programme of Action on the Culture of Peace (A/RES/53/243).

We observe this milestone now by highlighting Article 5 of that norm-setting document which provides that “Governments have an essential role in promoting and strengthening a culture of peace,” thus encouraging advocacy for a U.S. Department of Peacebuilding.

See UN Culture of Peace Declaration 


.9/13/19 –  UN High Level Forum on the Culture of Peace

 (Anniversary Observance)

10:00 am – 6:00 pm Eastern Time via Livestream 

At its 8th annual High Level Forum on the Culture of Peace, the UN Office of the President of the General Assembly will conduct a special observance of the 20th anniversary passage of the UN Declaration and Programme of Action on the Culture of Peace.  This year’s theme is “The Culture of Peace:  Empowering and Transforming Humanity.”  Dignitaries speaking include Leymah Gbowee, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, and H.E. Jacqueline O’Neill, Canada’s Ambassador for Women, Peace and Security.  For more information, see 20th Anniversary Culture of Peace

.9/14/19 – First Annual Culture of Peace Youth Movement Launch

9:00 am – 9:00 pm ET at the Church of the Covenant, 310 E. 42nd Street, near the UN

All day youth-led intergenerational program in NYC:

This event honors the 20th year observance of the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace and is titled “Empowering Youth Transforming Humanity.”  It is from 9:00 am – 9:00 pm ET at the Church of the Covenant, 310 E. 42nd Street, near the UN, presented in partnership with Pathways to Peace and the Global Movement for a Culture of Peace.  Its aim is to interlink youth movements to ignite and infuse a new generation of Culture of Peace activists.   For more information and to register, see


When constructing a building, the architectural design must first be completed before the structure can be constructed.  So it is with “building” the Culture of Peace.  The Culture of Peace needs the proven scaffolding muscle of governmental peace infrastructures in order to grow.  Celebrate the evolving national and international trend to create governmental Infrastructures for Peace (i4P) that will provide the institutional framework “to build and strengthen” the Culture of Peace.  See Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace at  If you have questions, please contact Anne Creter –

“The flourishing of a culture of peace will generate the mindset in us that is a prerequisite for the transition from force to reason, from conflict and violence to dialogue and peace.” – Ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury

The Peace Alliance/ National Department of Peacebuilding Committee
Anne Creter, Karen Johnson, Nancy Merritt, Kendra Mon, Debra Poss, Pat Simon, Concetta Smart, Jerilyn Stapleton


Vigil for Peace and Ecology @ Central Park Bandshell
Sep 15 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

You are cordially invited to attend:

The Vigil for Peace & Ecology

The Vigil is a transformational, grassroots effort dedicated to promulgate peace through participation in art, song, dance, music, community building, prayer and ceremony. The purpose of this Vigil is to awaken humanity to harmony and peace through the power of intent, education and celebration. Our vision is to heal and bridge our lives and communities to achieve divinity alignment and recognize the oneness in all. All are welcome! – 917-744-32 – 917-744-8895

Grandmothers Book Launch @ Tibet House
Sep 18 @ 4:00 pm – 7:30 pm


Dear Friends and Community,

The Grandmothers are getting ready to travel to New York next month to celebrate the Grandmothers Wisdom book launch and then we will travel to upstate New York for a historical event at Menla, LIFT THE EARTH, where we will be joined by other spiritual leaders.

Are you being called to action to support Mother Earth and world peace? Many have requested guidance on how to respond to the chaotic state of the world. Join us in traditional dialogue, ceremonies and circles, and participate in indigenous wisdom on these topics.

We hope you can join us!

In love and peace,
Grandmother Mona Polacca



Book Launch

September 18, 2019
Tibet House US, New York, NY

Our much-anticipated book promises to be a ground-breaking portrayal of traditional spiritual women in history and will be an inspiration for all. These stories are ageless wisdom of earth-based cultures that can benefit all people in today’s climate of disconnection.

Please join the Grandmothers and special guests in New York City for the book launch of Grandmothers Wisdom: Reverence for All Creation.

Tickets are selling fast!

GRANDMOTHERS WISDOM: Reverence for All Creation – Book Launch

September 18, 2019

4:00 – 7:30  pm

Tibet House

22 West 15th Street

New York, NY  10011


Join the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, Dr. Henrietta Mann, Nena Thurman and other special guests for the book launch of“Grandmothers Wisdom: Reverence for All Creation”.

The Earth is our loving grandmother. For all time, Cheyenne storytellers, generation after generation, have repeated this belief with both their minds and their hearts. As they say, The Great One, Everywhere Spirit, created the universe and all life with power so vast it defies human imagination. Entirely with the force of thought, the four powerful spirit beings came into existence to witness creation and to eventually safeguard and shelter all life, especially human beings. Next came the water of life, the fire and light of the sun, the infinite sky air, and compassionate Earth. The Great One, Everywhere Spirit, contemplated creation and thought the Earth to be the most beautiful of all, then declared that the Earth be known as our grandmother.

Grandmother Earth is also, more commonly, referred to as Mother Earth. Indeed, she is first woman, first mother, first teacher, oldest mother, and oldest grandmother. The Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers whose magnificent lives are encapsulated in the work of this book represent Earth’s titanic spirit, power, beauty, and love. Individually and collectively, they are rooted in the Earth and carry her wisdom as a perpetual trust. They are committed to sustaining their Earth home and to educating and defending the hearts of all the world’s children.

Please join us in celebrating the manifestation of “Grandmothers Wisdom: Reverence for All Creation”, life and the continuation of this movement of peace, spiritual activism, honoring Mother Earth and future generations.

Seating is first-come, first-served.

Reception and book signing to follow. To join the signing line, we ask that you please purchase a copy of the book available at the event.

Lakota Waldorf School Pow Wow @ Lakota Waldorf School
Sep 19 @ 1:00 pm

Lakota Waldorf School Pow Wow

Dear Friends of Lakota Waldorf School

We are very excited to host our first Pow Wow in celebration of Waldorf school’s 100th anniversary, September 19th 2019


Peace Lanterns Festival 2019 @ Gantry Plaza State Park
Sep 21 @ 2:00 pm – 8:30 pm


Peace Lanterns Festival 2019

September 21, 2019


Gantry Plaza State Park

Long Island City 11011

Our next peace event that Heiwa Peace & Reconciliation Foundation is co-sponsoring will be annual Peace Lanterns Festival on Saturday, September 21 (UN International Day of Peace!!!) from 2pm – 8:30pm. It will be held at Gantry Plaza State Park in LIC, NY (along with East River, across the River from the United Nations) – Center Blvd & 49th Ave., LIC.

Schedule of Peace Lanterns Festival:
-Free Public Event. Donations are welcome. –

2:00 – 6:00pm Lantern Decorating, Origami, Face Painting, Henna Tattoos, Seedball Making, and African Dance.

2:30 – 5:30pm “Meditate NYC” – Public Meditation Day
Practice mindfulness and calming under the guidance of revered teachers from Buddhist and other traditions from across the globe.

3:00 – 6:00pm Public Paddling, organized by HarborLAB

6:15pm – 7:30pm Speakers and Interfaith Prayers for Peace
Music by Heiwa Peace Band

7:30 – 8:30pm Floating Peace Lanterns
108 lanterns with your words and images of peace and set them afloat with the setting sun.

Peace Lanterns Festival is co-sponsored by the HaborLAB, the Heiwa Peace Reconciliation Foundation of New York and the Buddhist Council of New York, in partnership with the Global Movement for the Culture of Peace, the Interfaith Center of New York, the Interfaith Center of USA, the Newtown Creek Group, the NY de Volunteers, the Origami Therapy Association, the Sikh Cultural Society, the TF Cornerstone, and the World Yoga Community.

Call (646) 797-7982


Women’s Leadership in the Fight for Justice, Democracy & Labor @ The Joseph S Murphy Institute
Sep 24 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Women’s Leadership in the Fight for Justice, Democracy & Labor

 · Hosted by Open Society Foundations
Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at 3 PM – 5 PM

The Joseph S Murphy Institute

25 W 43rd St Fl 19, New York, New York 10036

Open Society Foundations, the Ford Foundation, the Freedom Fund, Fundación Avina, C&A Foundation, Humanity United and AFL-CIO, Solidarity Center, and Global Labor Justice invite you to join us for a discussion on Tuesday, September 24, 2019 from 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm entitled:

Building Power: Women’s Leadership in the Fight for Justice, Democracy, and Fair Work

Major trends and disruptions are altering the world around us. Threats to human rights and labor rights defenders, closing civic space, automation’s impact on the future of work, and the underlying conditions leading to the #MeToo movement are real challenges to ensuring a fair global economy that works for everyone. However, against these threats there are significant efforts underway to build power, set standards, and ultimately to ensure economic and social justice in communities across the world.

At the frontlines of this fight are incredible women who are paving the way for reforms in law, policy, and practice. These leaders understand that to truly course correct we need to build power and work in collaboration. This event will both celebrate their achievements and reflect on what’s worked—and what needs more support—in the fight for justice, democracy, and fair work for all.


  • Sharan Burrow is the General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation and a former president of the Australian Council of Trade Unions. She is the first woman to become General Secretary of the ITUC since its foundation in 2006, and was the second woman to become president of the ACTU.
  • Liz Shuler is an American labor activist and, since 2009, Secretary-Treasurer of the AFL-CIO. She is the first woman and the youngest person to hold the position of Secretary-Treasurer and is the highest-ranking woman in the labor federation’s history.
  • Anannya Bhattacharjee is the International Coordinator of Asia Floor Wage Alliance, a global supply chain campaign for living wages and a violence-free workplace for garment workers in Asia who are mostly women and who produce most of the world’s clothing. She is one of the few women trade unionists in India and has helped build grassroots labor-related collaboration between North America, Europe and Asia for well over a decade.
  • Maricarmen Molina is the General Secretary of the Confederación Sindical de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras de El Salvador – CSTS, one of the largest trade union confederations in El Salvador.
  • Liduvina Magarin, an attorney and longtime public servant, is Executive Director of the Center for Worker and Migrant Integration / Centro de Integración para Migrantes, Trabajadores y Trabajadoras (CIMITRA) based in San Salvador, El Salvador. She is the former Vice Minister for Salvadorans Living Abroad for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador, and has held posts in the Legislative Assembly and Legal Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs covering investment, immigration, health, and the environment.
  • More speakers to be announced


The Murphy Institute

25 W 43rd St

18th Floor

New York, NY 10036

View Map


Open Society Foundations, formerly the Open Society Institute, is an international grantmaking network founded by business magnate George Soros. Open Society Foundations financially support civil society groups around the world, with a stated aim of advancing justice, education, public health and independent media. Wikipedia

FoundedApril 1993
LocationNew York City, New York, U.S
Did you knowOpen Society Foundations is the seventh-wealthiest charitable foundation by endowment ($19.6 billion USD)

The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens.

Community Guidelines:

The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens. To achieve this mission, the foundations seek to shape public policies that assure greater fairness in political, legal, and economic systems and safeguard fundamental rights. On a local level, the Open Society Foundations implement a range of initiatives to advance justice, education, public health, and independent media. At the same time, we build alliances across borders and continents on issues such as corruption and freedom of information. The foundations place a high priority on protecting and improving the lives of people in marginalized communities.

Investor and philanthropist George Soros established the Open Society Foundations, starting in 1984, to help countries make the transition from communism. Our activities have grown to encompass the United States and more than 100 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Each foundation relies on the expertise of boards composed of eminent citizens who determine individual agendas based on local priorities

How to Invest, Shop, Give to Empower Women @ Susan Crown Exchange
Sep 25 @ 5:30 pm

On September 25th we’re hosting a live event in Chicago!  At AWE Partners we LOVE the idea of blending profit and purpose to change the world.  So we have created an event for business women who want to learn how they can support women’s empowerment.  The event is called How to Invest, Shop, Give to Empower Women and will feature a panel of extraordinary women whose lives are a testament to doing good.  At the event you will learn about…

The struggles our sisters are facing

Who is implementing solutions to change lives

How you can support these solutions in the way you invest, shop, and give

There will be plenty of time for Q&A, networking with other amazing women, and yummy food & drink.  The event will be held at Susan Crown Exchange (4 East Ohio) and the price is only $30 – but space is limited so register early.  Here’s the EventBrite link…



SEPTEMBER 25, 2019

How to Invest, Shop, Give to Empower Women

by AWE Partners, LLC

$15 – $30

Event Information

Are you passionate about creating impact with your actions? Do you want to learn how to empower other women through investing, shopping, and giving?

Join a diverse community of heart-centeredmission-driven, and socially conscious women for a night of networking and learning. Our panelists and fellow impact-oriented women will help us discover how we can best incorporate the principles of Conscious Capitalism into our life and business for more passion, purpose, and profit!

We are embracing a paradigm shift to a more feminine approach to solving our social challenges that says “yes” to a new way forward and “no” to what’s not working.

Our guest panelists are:

Invest – Peg Quinn is a financial advisor and Certified Financial Planner for Paradigm Wealth Management. She works with individuals and families to simplify and organize their financial matters by providing comprehensive financial planning and investment management services. Her studies include a BS and MBA concentrating in finance. In addition, her 35 years of experience within the investment industry provide her a unique perspective into impact investing’s evolution. She is a friend of Gilda’s Club Associates Board and a member of the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO).

Shop – Daniela Ancira is a human rights lawyer, an Ashoka Fellow, and founder of La Cana, a social enterprise working with incarcerated women in Mexico and creating social reintegration programs in prison. Daniela has promoted public policies on issues regarding prison labor, and is currently working closely with legislators to create a framework that guarantees basic working and social standards to inmates to incentivize companies to formally employ convicts, in order to help reduce recidivism and delinquency rates in Mexico. She has worked as a Human Rights lawyer defending victims of torture and enforced disappearance at a national and international level, and has collaborated with several organizations in litigating human rights violation cases before the UN and the Inter-American Human Rights Commission. She is a member of the Technical Working Group of the United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime to create the United Nations Advanced Standards for the Mexican Penitentiary System; and in private practice has worked in prestigious firms in Civil and Commercial litigation, Corporate Law and Intellectual Property matters. Daniela is an Ashoka Fellow and was named Citizen of the Year in 2018.

Give – Izabel Olson is the Founder and CEO of Salt and Light Coalition here in Chicago, a non-profit organization which works with victims of human trafficking. She is dedicated to the empowerment of women, especially survivors of human trafficking, as they reframe their trauma experience and find success in the workplace. The unique combination of an academic background in cognitive science and a passion for holistic self-care gives her a unique ability to have a positive impact on women’s lives. Olson holds a Ph.D. in Learning Sciences from Northwestern University and is the founder and CEO of Salt & Light Coalition, a grassroots organization focused on job training and mind/body restoration for survivors of human trafficking in Chicago and beyond. In 2017, Olson was awarded the Illinois Secretary of State’s Latina Humanitarian Achievement Award.

Light appetizers and drinks will be served. The event starts at 5:30 and our panel will begin at 6. Hope to see you all there


Women are the future
of Social Impact.

If you’re here, we’re willing to bet you believe this, too. Here’s some AWEsome news: no matter if you’re a solopreneur just starting out or a seasoned exec, you absolutely can make a social impact (and inspire others to do the same)!

AWE Partners is a social enterprise created for women who are eager to give, invest, and shop for maximum impact on the causes they care about most.

In business…in life…in every area of our world, women aren’t just rewriting the “rules”. They’re redefining them, shattering the status quo, and leading the way on social issues that demand our attention.

Are you determined to create social impact…

Are you a female entrepreneur or executive determined to create meaningful social impact… but not quite sure where to start?

If you…
  • feel confused and overwhelmed by the giving process
  • don’t know where to begin
  • aren’t sure where to find the information you need
  • want to save time and money

Welcome home! Prepare for a whole lot more passion, purpose, AND profit in your life and business!

7 in 10 Americans think companies have the obligation to take actions to improve issues that may not be directly relevant or related to their everyday business. They are expected to help solve social problems.
That’s according to a 2017 study by Cone Communications

Working with AWE Partners

You desire to:
  • Discover Your Purpose
  • Ignite Your Passion
  • Grow Your Impact
  • Make a Positive Difference in the World
  • Create a Meaningful Legacy

We understand this desire.
We can help.

Together we will:
  1. Identify the social issues that matter most to you
  2. Define your unique goals
  3. Maximize your social impact
  4. Connect you with a supportive community of like-minded women

There has never been a better time to unleash your AWE-thentic Impact! 


Learn more about our on-line course Impact from the Inside Out



AWE Partners is a boutique advisory firm for women who desire to give, invest, and shop for maximum impact on the causes they care about most.

Encourage, Inspire, Empower.

10 minute guide to sustainable social enterprise | social impact guide

Subscribe to our e-mail list and receive this FREE Guide, Give & Grow: Business with Purpose delivered directly to your inbox!

Celebrate Tewa Women United’s Past, Present, and Future
Oct 14 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm



Governor’s Mansion, One Mansion Drive, Santa Fe, NM

Located in the ancestral Tewa homelands of Northern New Mexico, Tewa Women United is a multicultural and multiracial organization founded and led by Native women. The name “Tewa Women United” comes from the Tewa words wi don gi mu which can be translated as “we are one” in mind, heart, and in the spirit of love for all.

Learn more about our vision, mission, and history here.

Please Visit the Contact Us page for a list of program/staff emails addresses.

Come Celebrate Our 30th Anniversary With Us!

Please join us for this special evening
to celebrate Tewa Women United’s Past, Present, and Future

This event, on Indigenous People’s Day, celebrates 30 years of being in beloved community and showcases how Tewa Women United has created spaces for Indigenous women to uncover their power, strength, and skills.

Wo’watsi will feature…

  • Pueblo Dances
  • Blessings from the TWU Sayain/Grandmothers’ Circle
  • Words from executive director Dr. Corrine Sanchez
  • Indigenous-inspired appetizers from Chef Ray Naranjo
  • Offerings of Poetry & Art
  • And more….

All ticket proceeds will benefit the work of Tewa Women United.

This will be an evening to remember…we look forward to sharing it with you!

• NOTE: Tickets are limited and available until October 7 or until sold out

• To receive email updates about this event, sign up here

Contact Us

Tewa Women United
Phone: (505) 747-3259 | Fax: (505) 747-4067

Mailing Address:
Tewa Women United
PO B0x 397
Santa Cruz, NM 87567

Office: 912 Fairview Lane, Española, NM 87532


About Us

About Tewa Women United

Located in the ancestral Tewa homelands of Northern New Mexico, Tewa Women United is a multicultural and multiracial organization founded and led by Native women.

The name “Tewa Women United” comes from the Tewa words wi don gi mu which can be translated as “we are one” in mind, heart and in the spirit of love for all.

Our Beginnings

Tewa Women United (TWU) started in 1989 as a support group for women from the Pueblos of the northern Rio Grande concerned with the traumatic effects of colonization, religious inquisition, and militarization leading to issues such as alcoholism, suicide, domestic/sexual violence and environmental violence. In the safe space we created, we transformed and empowered one another through critical analysis and by embracing and reaffirming our cultural identity.

In 2001 we transitioned from an informal, all volunteer group to a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Tewa Women United was incorporated for educational, social and benevolent purposes, specifically for the ending of all forms of violence against Native Women and girls, Mother Earth and to promote peace in New Mexico.

Our Vision
TWU believes in strengthening and re-strengthening beloved families and communities to end violence against women, girls, and Mother Earth.

Our Mission
The mission of TWU is to provide courageous spaces for Indigenous women to uncover the power, strength, and skills they possess to become positive forces for transformative change in their families and communities.

Our Values

A’Gin – respect for self and others
Wina ta yay – Together we live these values
Seegi ma vay i – Loving, caring for each other
Kwee-wa seng-wa vi tuu – female/ male energy – ancestral knowingness
Nung Ochuu Quiyo – Our Mother, Mother Earth, multi-versity
Bin mah pah di – Letting go
Wowatsi – Our breath, our prayer, commitment to live life with purpose and good intentions

Honoring Uncommon Heroes 2019 @ Impact Hub
Nov 13 @ 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm

UnCommon Law Events

Upcoming Events

UCL logo with full name (2).png

November 13, 6:30-9:00 pm/Impact Hub Oakland

Meet this year’s honorees Taina Vargas-Edmond and David Cowan:


Taina Vargas-Edmond is the Founder & Executive Director of Initiate Justice, a grassroots organization created to build the political power of people directly impacted by mass incarceration. Under her leadership, Initiate Justice has recruited almost 17,000 members in prison, and fought for important policy wins such as passing and implementing Prop 57, eliminating the Felony Murder Rule (SB 1437), and advocating to restore voting rights to all people in prison and on parole in California.

Taina has a Master of Arts Degree in Diplomacy and International Relations from Seton Hall University, and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science from California State University, Northridge.

David Cowan pic.png

David Cowan is the Director of a new organization, Bonafide, which connects with prison programs and organizes volunteers to meet newly released people at the gate with a “welcome back pack” of basic necessities. They then organize structured outings including critical learning goals and bonding activities to build learning and community among its newly released members. David is also the operations manager for the Prison University Project.

David has an Associate of Arts degree from Patten University and a Bachelor of Arts degree from San Francisco State University in Criminal Justice.


We are transforming justice, one life at a time. We provide many services for reduced or no fees.


Tel: (510) 271-0310
Fax: (510) 271-0101

Address: 220 4th Street, Suite 103, Oakland, CA 94607


At this year’s event, we will enjoy food from CALA restaurant which hires formerly incarcerated employees for front and back of house positions (and was named the best Mexican restaurant in the U.S. by SF Chronicle food critic Michael Bauer). 

Join us: RootSkills Workshop @ WaterFire Arts Center // Providence, RI
Nov 15 @ 8:30 am – 5:00 pm

Join us: RootSkills Workshop

November 15th // WaterFire Arts Center // Providence, RI

For full event details, visit the event website – linked hereIncluding: agenda, workshop offerings, speakers, cost of registration, scholarships & stipends, carpooling & travel.

View event website              View workshops & agenda                Register to attend                     Apply for a scholarship

The Grassroots Fund’s RootSkills workshops are day-long gatherings where grassroots organizers, colleagues and supporters convene to network, share stories and dig into both issue- and process-based skills-building sessions. We work with a planning committee ahead of each event to ensure a broad range of lived experiences and perspectives weigh in as we set agendas, select workshop topics and invite speakers.

The Grassroots Fund is committed to participatory, democratic decision making processes across our grantmaking and skillsbuilding programs. We work to bring together a broad range of lived experiences as we plan and design the RootSkills Training Series. We invite community organizers, students, non profit colleagues, funder partners and sustainable business people to apply to be on the planning committee for each of our RootSkills in-person trainings.

Contact program manager Tess Beem with questions about this event: or 603-905-9915×2. 


In an effort to make the RootSkills Conference as accessible as possible, registration is on a self-identified, sliding scale from $35 – $150.

BOOM – written, directed and performed by Rick Miller @ 59E59 Theater
Jan 9 @ 7:00 pm – Feb 23 @ 9:00 pm

Show Info

Written, directed, and performed by Rick Miller

100 voices. 25 years. 1 man.

BOOM is an explosive solo performance that documents the music, culture, and politics that shaped the Baby Boomers (1945-1969).

Rick Miller takes us through 25 turbulent years and gives voice to over 100 influential politicians, activists, and musicians. BOOM is a mind-blowing experience for audiences of all generations.

Rick Miller
Dates: January 09 – February 23, 2020
Run Time: 2 Hours (evening: 7 – 9pm; matinee: 2 -4pm)
Tickets :$55-$70 (Members $49)
59 East 59th Street
New York, NY 10022

Kidoons and WYRD Productions

Kidoons and WYRD Productions seek to build connections through storytelling. Their mission is to create stories using integrated multimedia, blending hi-tech and low-tech techniques and technologies. They develop productions onstage and online that engage, entertain, enlighten, and empower people of all ages.

Read more at:


BOOM will blow your mind! A triumph of clever writing, state-of-the-art production and remarkable performance” – Edmonton Sun

“Astonishing… This is your story told brilliantly. See it.” – CBC Radio

“A solo tour-de-force!” – Vancouver Observer

“Technically masterful”
“One of the most prodigiously complex solo shows I’ve ever seen.”
“You’ll experience Rick Miller detonating an H-Bomb of talent in BOOM.” – Theater Pizzazz

“Undeniably diverting”
“His dynamism grows accordingly” – NY Stage Review

“You can’t help but be impressed with BOOM.”
“Boggles-the-mind” – NY Stage Review

“An intriguing tale of three people that does much to illuminate the texture of lfie in the Baby Boom era.”
“More than enough for an engaging evening.”
BOOM is never dull… it certainly will bring back memories for audience members of a certain age.” – Lighting and Sound America

“Rick Miller’s charm, versatile talents and energetic performance makes BOOM very dynamic.”
“Full of moments that will surprise, intrigue, and inform audiences of all ages.” – Broadway World

“But Rick Miller (a Gen X-er himself, who wrote directs, and stars) is a talented enough mimic, and his script is so briskly efficient, that it works. Miller’s wry edge keeps the piece from descending too far into a nostalgia fest, and the archival clips (projected on a nifty cylindrical screen, designed by David Leclerc) that he weaves through the show often lend a fresh spin to painfully familiar events” – The New Yorker

“A dynamic glimpse into the generation we call Baby Boomers.” – Manhattan with a Twist

BOOM covers the time period in two humorous, thought-provoking, and delightful hours at 59E59 Theaters”
“Miller doesn’t disappoint”
BOOM is a delightful trip through the Baby Boomer generation, on the arms and voices of the very talented Rick Miller” – Theater Scene


Since 2004, Drama Desk Award-winning 59E59 Theaters has been dedicated to hosting the best theater from across the country and around the world to premiere in the heart of Midtown. This Off Broadway destination is a spectacular, modern theater complex boasting three performance spaces, presenting live performances 50 weeks a year.


59E59 Members click here and log in to access your discount.
Need help buying tickets? Call the Box Office at 646-892-7999 for assistance.

By Phone

59E59 Box Office: 646-892-7999
Hours: 12 – 6PM daily
From one hour prior to performance start times, 59E59 Box Office phones will be closed and window sales are limited to same-day performances.

In Person

59E59 Theaters Box Office (Click here for a map.)
59 East 59th Street
New York, NY 10022
Hours: Opens 12PM daily. Closes at 6PM or at the beginning of the final performance.
From one hour prior to performance start times, 59E59 Box Office phones will be closed and window sales are limited to same-day performances.

General Phone inquiries: 212-753-5959
59E59 Box Office: 646-892-7999
E-mail inquiries:

59E59 Theaters is committed to curating innovative and invigorating work never-before-seen by New York audiences. We provide a space for emerging and established not-for-profit theater companies to reach new audiences, partnering with these producing theater companies by giving them highly-subsidized rental rates, as well as production, marketing, and press support. Companies also receive 100% of their net box office sales.


The Elysabeth Kleinhans Theatrical Foundation was established by Founding Artistic Director, Elysabeth Kleinhans, to create a new, state-of-the-art theater complex to host original and innovative theatrical productions in East Midtown Manhattan.

In 2002, the building at 59 East 59th Street was donated to the Foundation. The building was then gut renovated, creating three brand new theaters, Theater A, Theater B, and Theater C, designed by architect, Leo Modrcin, who collaborated with the Foundation to create an inviting ambiance.

Under the leadership of Founding Artistic Director Elysabeth Kleinhans and Executive Producer Peter Tear, 59E59 Theaters opened its inaugural season in February 2004 with a production of The Stendhal Syndrome produced by then resident company, Primary Stages, in the largest of its three spaces, Theater A. Shortly following, in April 2004, the other two spaces – Theater B and Theater C, opened their doors with productions of Sun Is Shining, by the ground breaking British-Chinese Mu Lan Theatre Company, and My Arm, Tim Crouch’s critically-acclaimed hour-long solo show from the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, during the Theaters’ first annual Brits Off Broadway—a season dedicated to premiering new work by Off Broadway-style UK companies.

Since 2004, the theaters have been continuously occupied with shows running from three to seven weeks. For detailed information about past productions, please see our Archives.

In 2017, Elysabeth Kleinhans and Peter Tear stepped down from their roles, and Val Day, a longtime agent with William Morris and ICM, was appointed as Artistic Director. With the addition of a new Artistic Director, 59E59 Theaters moved to the final phase of transitioning from the founding team to a traditional theater management structure, begun in 2012 with the appointment of Brian Beirne as Managing Director

Poor People’s Campaign in Dayton, Ohio – Manifesting the DREAM of MLK, Jr. @ College Hill Community Church
Jan 19 @ 12:00 pm


It’s not the waking, it’s the rising!

We must do M.O.R.E!

Manifesting the DREAM of MLK Jr.!

Sneak Peek Showing of “We Cried Power: A documentary of the PPC”

Dayton: January 19th at 12:00PM

College Hill Community Church

1547 Philadelphia Drive

Dayton, Ohio 45406


Looking forward to hearing your voices and making a change with you to mobilize,organize, register and educate Ohioans around poverty, racism,ecological devastation and the war economy! 

Check out the newly designed website! Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival 

Here is a link to a video that describes the tour during the 2nd stop in North Carolina.

PPC in NC, We Must Do M.O.R.E!

For those of you wanting to join us in DC for the Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington, June 20, 2020, please visit the site below and book your ride!  The PPC Rally will also make stops along the way to fill the bus, so if you don’t see your city listed let us know and we can find a way to connect you.  We will also need to do a tremendous amount of fundraising to send those that are impacted.

Here is the link to book your ride to DC, Click HERE  

Register for the March on Washington Click HERE

Here is the donation link for those who would like to support those going to DC.


EXCITING NEWS FOR APRIL:  The National Mobilizing, Organizing, Registering and Educating (M.O.R.E.) Tour, will be coming to Dayton, Ohio, with Campaign co-chairs Rev. Theoharis, and Rev. Barber on April 23, 2020—details will be coming in a few weeks!  

Poor People’s Campaign in Cincinnati, Ohio – Manifesting the DREAM OF MLK, Jr.
Jan 20 @ 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm


It’s not the waking, it’s the rising!

We must do M.O.R.E!

Manifesting the DREAM of MLK Jr.!

Cincinnati: January 20th

A special collaboration with Public Allies from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m.

Sneak Peek of “We Cried Power”, followed by an economic  and  panel discussion.

Cincinnati Public Library in the Tower Room

800 Vine St, Cincinnati, OH 45202


Looking forward to hearing your voices and making a change with you to mobilize,organize, register and educate Ohioans around poverty, racism,ecological devastation and the war economy! 

Check out the newly designed website! Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival 

Here is a link to a video that describes the tour during the 2nd stop in North Carolina.

PPC in NC, We Must Do M.O.R.E!

For those of you wanting to join us in DC for the Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington, June 20, 2020, please visit the site below and book your ride!  The PPC Rally will also make stops along the way to fill the bus, so if you don’t see your city listed let us know and we can find a way to connect you.  We will also need to do a tremendous amount of fundraising to send those that are impacted.

Here is the link to book your ride to DC, Click HERE  

Register for the March on Washington Click HERE

Here is the donation link for those who would like to support those going to DC.


EXCITING NEWS FOR APRIL:  The National Mobilizing, Organizing, Registering and Educating (M.O.R.E.) Tour, will be coming to Dayton, Ohio, with Campaign co-chairs Rev. Theoharis, and Rev. Barber on April 23, 2020—details will be coming in a few weeks!  


WE The World & THE POOR PEOPLE’S CAMPAIGN Collaborate Together! @ WE The World Facebook Page
Jan 26 @ 6:00 pm

It’s not the waking, it’s the rising!

We must do M.O.R.E!

Manifesting the DREAM of MLK Jr.!



Visit OUR Facebook page to watch a virtual screening of “We Cried Power”.

There will be a panel discussion afterwards.

Visit the facebook page here –  We, the World

to watch the live screening

of the PPC documentary on January 26th, at 6:00 pm.


Looking forward to hearing your voices and making a change with you to mobilize,organize, register and educate Ohioans around poverty, racism,ecological devastation and the war economy! 

Check out the newly designed website! Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival 

Here is a link to a video that describes the tour during the 2nd stop in North Carolina.

PPC in NC, We Must Do M.O.R.E!

For those of you wanting to join us in DC for the Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington, June 20, 2020, please visit the site below and book your ride!  The PPC Rally will also make stops along the way to fill the bus, so if you don’t see your city listed let us know and we can find a way to connect you.  We will also need to do a tremendous amount of fundraising to send those that are impacted.

Here is the link to book your ride to DC, Click HERE  

Register for the March on Washington Click HERE

Here is the donation link for those who would like to support those going to DC.


EXCITING NEWS FOR APRIL:  The National Mobilizing, Organizing, Registering and Educating (M.O.R.E.) Tour, will be coming to Dayton, Ohio, with Campaign co-chairs Rev. Theoharis, and Rev. Barber on April 23, 2020—details will be coming in a few weeks!  

Special Online Interactive Broadcast—Manifesting The Dream: The Poor People’s Campaign–A National Call for Moral Revival @ Online
Feb 23 @ 6:00 pm

February 23, 2020

Special Online Interactive Broadcast
Part of our MLK Program
Manifesting The Dream
The Poor People’s Campaign
A National Call for Moral Revival
Panel Discussion and Interactive Online Broadcast
Featuring National Campaign Leaders
Sunday February 23rd at 6PM Eastern Time

Watch the Broadcast LIVE or Watch the Recording on
We, The World’s Facebook Page
Please LIKE the Page to be notified when our Broadcasts are startingThese Special Broadcasts are part of our MLK Program
Manifesting The Dream
Carrying Forward the Work and Legacy
of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
During the Compassion Games’ MLK 40 Days of Peace
To Participate in Manifesting The Dream: MLK 40 Days of Peace

Sign Up Here
Takes under a minute!

Full MLK Broadcast Links and other activity details here:

THE NEW CONTEMPORARY ANTISEMITISM UNIT–A Webinar–presented by Echoes and Reflections @ Online
Feb 27 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm


Echoes & Reflections empowers middle and high school educators with dynamic classroom materials and professional development.

PROGRAMS FOR EDUCATORS and anyone who wants to know more

and understand…


A Webinar on February 27th, 2020  4PM – 5PM EST

With a changing education landscape and the recent spike in antisemitic incidents, it is essential that educators have access to strategies and tools to address the reality of antisemitism and hate with their students. To meet this need, Echoes & Reflections is launching a revised Contemporary Antisemitism Unit with an inquiry-based and student-centered learning approach to raise the important topics of hate, antisemitism in the US and globally, and what it means to be an ally. Participate in this webinar, led by the lead developer of this Unit, to discover new curated content and approaches for incorporating these important lessons into your classroom.


Check out other webinars on our website. 


Holocaust survivor Itka Zygmuntowicz wrote poems in her head
during her time in Auschwitz…


Founded in 2005
A professional development program for secondary educators, offering primary sources & visual history testimony from witnesses to help teach the Holocaust.
Company Overview
Echoes and Reflections, a no-cost professional development program for secondary educators, offers primary sources, informational texts, and visual history testimony from witnesses to help teach about the Holocaust and address academic standards, including Common Core Standards.
Broadway and No Bully @ Sony Hall
Mar 9 @ 7:00 pm



MARCH 9, 2020

New York City at Sony Hall

Get ready to celebrate!

Join us in New York on March 9, 2020 as No Bully celebrates our partners and friends at our annual Broadway Against Bullying event. This annual one-night-only cabaret show, featuring stars from some of Broadway’s biggest musicals, benefiting No Bully’s mission to eradicate bullying and cyber-bullying worldwide.

Calling all New York area Friends who LOVE Broadway.    March 9th: Broadway Against Bullying, a one-night-only cabaret featuring stars from some of Broadway’s biggest musicals.  Lexi Lawson (Hamilton), Telly Leung (Aladdin) and Kevin Duda (Book of Mormon). A wonderful organization, committed to a kinder world, No Bully has teamed up with Broadway Stars,(Year 2)  for an evening supporting bullying prevention school programs and positive action initiatives. Entertainment and Doing Good!  Get your tickets for March 9: and join the movement to end bullying! #broadwayagainstbullying #nobully #bullying #kindevolution, #nobullyingperiod


Words that come to mind when describing our team include: compassionate, kind, inclusive, strong, and has a generosity of spirit.

Each one of us has our own personal story around bullying and we hold this work near and dear to our hearts. We are constantly trying to live out our mission on a day to day basis, both igniting compassion around the office and also the world!

No Bully takes a holistic approach to partnering with schools and districts by involving the administration, staff, parents, and students in the process.



No Bully is the most comprehensive professional development program proven to combat bullying and enhance school culture.

There are so many ways to become a part of No Bully’s mission to dramatically reduce bullying. Consider yourself invited to tell us how you’d like to connect.

(415) 767-0070

Mailing Address:
No Bully
1012 Torney Ave
San Francisco, CA 94129

The Interfaith Leadership Institute – for Students and Educators – 2020
Aug 7 – Aug 9 all-day

Interested in joining us in 2020? Fill out our early interest form and be the first to know when registration opens and save $50 off your registration.  We’ll make sure you’re the first to know when registration opens for our August 7-9, 2020 ILI in Chicago. Bonus: you’ll receive $50 off when you register!

See the ILI in action

The Interfaith Leadership Institute (ILI) is the largest gathering of students and educators with a commitment to American religious pluralism. Each year, hundreds of people who care about the future of our religiously diverse society converge in Chicago to learn, train, share, and get inspired to bring the movement for interfaith cooperation back to their campuses and communities.  Over the course of three days, participants learn to bridge divides and forge friendships across lines of religious and worldview differences. Come to the ILI with the passion to bring people together and leave equipped with the knowledge and skills to make it happen.

Interested in joining us in 2020? Fill out our early interest form and be the first to know when registration opens and save $50 off your registration.


Training Tracks

Introductory and advanced training tracks are designed to support those new to this work by laying the foundation for interfaith leadership, and providing advanced skills in topics ranging from strategic planning to navigating tricky challenges and more.

Plenary Sessions

Plenary sessions will feature conversation with experienced leaders and their stories of engaging religious difference and disagreement in American life. During the Unconference, attendees will have the power to guide these conversations by choosing discussion topics and important questions at the beginning of the gathering.

Discounts & Scholarships

As we do not want cost to be a hindrance to engaging with interfaith leadership, we have a number of discounts, as well as registration scholarships available.

Interfaith Youth Core
141 W. Jackson Blvd, Suite 3200, Chicago, IL 60604
Phone: (312) 573-8825

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