
Expand The Box thoughtware upgrade 5-day training @ ROC Illetas Hotel
May 3 – May 7 all-day

Expand The Box is a safe and astonishing 3-day learning environment for upgrading traditional thinking and behaviors.

Without our knowing how, the standard thinking and behavior patterns we adopted from our parents, our culture and our education system severely limit both the quality of our relationships and our ability to respond creatively to the opportunities and challenges of life. Expand The Box installs swinging doors through walls that previously appeared to be impenetrable.

Twitter Parties @ Twitter Party for #GlobalUnityNow #11DaysOfGlobalUnity
Sep 11 @ 7:34 am – Sep 21 @ 7:34 am

A Fun way to help #GlobalUnityNow and #11DaysOfGlobalUnity trend on social media. Follow and

Globally Good Show with guest Emily Harrison @ Online Talk Show
Sep 15 @ 12:00 pm

Globally Good Show with host @MindfulMediaMom features guests and stories to focus on the good in our world. In this episode we talk about how to experience synchronized breathing and messages of hope and unity from Emily Harrison founder of The Akashic Academy.

8th Zermatt Summit – Humanizing Globalization
Sep 12 – Sep 14 all-day
8th Zermatt Summit - Humanizing Globalization

Our current economic model has become unsustainable, it has lost its moral and political legitimacy. In the competitive market economy it has shown a continuous ability to be creative and to increase wealth. In the last decades, there has been a progressive blurring of its link with the global common good and a significant loss of our capacity to regulate it. Economics have been disconnected from ethics and politics as financial capitalism tends to nurture a speculative race where money creates more money without sufficiently investing in the economy of goods and services useful to mankind. Destruction of the planet and its biodiversity, growing inequality and poverty, injustice, exclusion and alienation are some of the dysfunctions likely to have significant negative consequences for future generations.

Tree of Peace & Reconciliation Tree Planting with Drawdown Markham @ Fly High Farm and Gardens
Sep 15 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Tree of Peace & Reconciliation Tree Planting with Drawdown Markham @ Fly High Farm and Gardens

In cooperation with the WE-Energime-Global Cooperation Turtle Island International Civil Society Organization and in support of peaceful interfaith dialogue, especially in light of Laudato Si, the recent message from Pope Francis on “Care for Mother Earth”, Drawdown Markham will be assisting Global Cooperation Day (GCD, New Zealand) to Celebrate the 800 year Anniversary (in 2019) of the meeting between Saint Francis of Assisi and Sultan Al Kamil in the year 1219 by planting a *Commemorative Tree of Peace* on a property in the East end of Markham (Locust Hill) on Sunday, September 15th.

This event is being done in support of the DD Markham CCAH Collaborative Exchange Project (CEP) and the “Spark for Humanity” project by We Are Mother Earth! (WAME) and GTI Enterprises (cooperative corporation), and for the eventual establishment of our “Go Local” Campaign for community resilience and adaptation, supported by our local Drawdown Markham Interfaith Neighborhood and Business Collaborative (which is part of the EncounterCanada collaborative, which is intended “to localize the Sustainable Development Goals to build ‘Climate Smart’ safe and sustainable communities and cities, pursuant to the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction”).

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