
What in the World is Happening? @ Still Mind Zendo
Jun 4 @ 10:00 am

Free talk about Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom, here to guide humanity out of the current chaos into a brilliant new age where sharing and cooperation are guiding principles. Included will be an introduction to Transmission Meditation, a potent form of world service and personal spiritual growth.

Healing Through Music on Int’l Women’s Day with Charter for Compassion Partner WonHeart @ Allan Hancock College Student Center
Mar 7 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Healing Through Music on Int'l Women's Day with Charter for Compassion Partner WonHeart @ Allan Hancock College Student Center

March 7th 12:00 PM – 1:30
WonHeart’s Joelyn Lutz of Healing Through Music
will participate in the 7th Int’l Women’s Day Event and share her level of healing and calmness for more ease and joy in life at the, at Allan Hancock College Student Center in Santa Maria, Ca

Celebrating Int’l Women’s Day Live Streamed From The Christ Church New Zealand @ Christ Church
Mar 8 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Celebrating Int'l Women's Day Live Streamed From The Christ Church New Zealand @ Christ Church

Live Streamed from the Christchurch New Zealand, part of a live stream from our Capital in Wellington,
Organized by Port Hills Labour and Greens, 40 years after women in NZ won the right to vote, Elizabeth McCombs was elected as the first woman MP. She stood in Lyttelton, now Port Hills Electrate.

The Alchemy of Women and Girls Collective Wisdom and Power @ Henry Street Settlement
Mar 9 @ 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
The Alchemy of Women and Girls Collective Wisdom and Power @ Henry Street Settlement

Women and Girls Only are invited to attend this Power-Full gathering at the historic Henry Street Settlement. Together we will be led in dialogue in the wisdom of sacred listening, the power of our body, and anchoring our voice and our power. Bridging the March 8th Int’l Day of Women and the Opening Forum of the United Nations Commission on The Status of Women.

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