
Expand The Box thoughtware upgrade 5-day training @ ROC Illetas Hotel
May 3 – May 7 all-day

Expand The Box is a safe and astonishing 3-day learning environment for upgrading traditional thinking and behaviors.

Without our knowing how, the standard thinking and behavior patterns we adopted from our parents, our culture and our education system severely limit both the quality of our relationships and our ability to respond creatively to the opportunities and challenges of life. Expand The Box installs swinging doors through walls that previously appeared to be impenetrable.

Peace Love and Kindness in Business with Karen McMillian @ Online Live Stream
Sep 21 @ 1:30 pm

Join us on GlobalkindnessTV with host Karen Palmer @MindfulmediaMom on all social media and Karen McMillian founder of Sacred space, community/mastermind of YINpreneurs. Heart-centered women blending ancient wisdom with modern practice and balancing yin and yang energy to slow down and speed up your success.

The place to gather, breathe, celebrate and support each other with love, wisdom, practices, tools and resources to grow you and your business bliss.

IFPSD Side Event for International Youth Day-S.P.A.C.E for Youth: Safe Place to Actively Collaborate and Engage for Youth @ United Nations Headquarters Conference Room 8
Aug 13 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
IFPSD Side Event for International Youth Day-S.P.A.C.E for Youth: Safe Place to Actively Collaborate and Engage for Youth @ United Nations Headquarters Conference Room 8

In celebration of the International Youth Day, the President of International Federation for Peace & Sustainable Development, Mrs. Sally Kader requests the pleasure of your company at our side event panel discussion on creating safe spaces for youth empowerment on August 13th, 2018 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, NY.

Topic: S.P.A.C.E for Youth: Safe Place to Actively Collaborate and Engage for Youth
Date: August 13th, 2018
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Location: Conference Room 8, United Nations Headquarters, NY 10017

Young people constitute the majority for the world’s population today. In 2015, a global figure of 1.2 billion aged 15-24 accounted for one in every six people worldwide. However, nearly 535 million of children are living in harsh conditions, lacking access to decent health, education and protection services. Discrimination based on religion, race, disability, age and gender, high unemployment rates and lack of opportunities are also some of the adversities that the youth need to overcome. In face of such hardship, what is much needed for youth to become activists who can change the world into a place free of hunger, inequality and violence is a safe space where their voices are heard.

Our event will feature a prominent panel of speakers including youth leaders, ambassadors, ministers and other experts in the field of youth and social development speaking from their expertise and personal experience. The speakers will shed light on effective methods to create safe spaces for youth for their empowerment through government policies.

At IFPSD, we are deeply committed to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which necessitates the empowerment and inclusion of youth in the development plan, and we hold events to celebrate the International Youth Day annually. The panel discussion aims to take a step forward towards the realization of sustainable peace, stability, human rights and effective governance, with the collective voice of youth better heard. Please join us at our event on August 13th at the United Nations.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Attendance is open to all delegates, diplomats, government officials and civil society representatives including students with a valid UN Pass. Feel free to forward to interested colleagues. For Non-UN Ground Pass Holders, you must RSVP and bring your valid government ID when you pick up your UN pass. Once you RSVP we will send you further instructions via email regarding where you can pick up your UN Grounds Pass.

Tree of Peace & Reconciliation Tree Planting with Drawdown Markham @ Fly High Farm and Gardens
Sep 15 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Tree of Peace & Reconciliation Tree Planting with Drawdown Markham @ Fly High Farm and Gardens

In cooperation with the WE-Energime-Global Cooperation Turtle Island International Civil Society Organization and in support of peaceful interfaith dialogue, especially in light of Laudato Si, the recent message from Pope Francis on “Care for Mother Earth”, Drawdown Markham will be assisting Global Cooperation Day (GCD, New Zealand) to Celebrate the 800 year Anniversary (in 2019) of the meeting between Saint Francis of Assisi and Sultan Al Kamil in the year 1219 by planting a *Commemorative Tree of Peace* on a property in the East end of Markham (Locust Hill) on Sunday, September 15th.

This event is being done in support of the DD Markham CCAH Collaborative Exchange Project (CEP) and the “Spark for Humanity” project by We Are Mother Earth! (WAME) and GTI Enterprises (cooperative corporation), and for the eventual establishment of our “Go Local” Campaign for community resilience and adaptation, supported by our local Drawdown Markham Interfaith Neighborhood and Business Collaborative (which is part of the EncounterCanada collaborative, which is intended “to localize the Sustainable Development Goals to build ‘Climate Smart’ safe and sustainable communities and cities, pursuant to the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction”).

More Info

A Better World Celebrates 26th Year on the Air with Swami Beyondananda! @ Center for Remembering & Sharing (CRS)
Oct 4 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
A Better World Celebrates 26th Year on the Air with Swami Beyondananda! @ Center for Remembering & Sharing (CRS)

Come celebrate A Better World with Mitchell Rabin’s 26th Anniversary of alternative media on the air, with a Swami Beyondananda performance fun-raiser for A Better World, who has been a friend & supporter of ABW for decades. Swami will give a comedy performance followed by a dialogue between Mitchell & Steve about how to creatively create a better world. Your presence is desired.

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