
Children’s Global Wave Of Love @ The World Your Heart
Jan 11 @ 10:11 am

We come together in our own time zones at 1:11 pm on January 11th, 2017 to collectively intention ‘Children across the planet in love, care and respect.” Unifying our hearts and minds in love, peace, and compassion for all. And igniting these intentions. Do yoga, meditate, dance ,sing, however you are uniquely called to contribute, host a meditation flashmob, gather at a favorite body of water. We come together for the children.

Gaia Is Hiring UnConference @ Lenzwald
May 25 – May 28 all-day

To enlarge the team of planet Earth, Gaia is looking for evolutionaries working in full self-responsibility and on a freelance basis in different departments (e.g. cultural evolution, regeneration and conservation of flora and fauna, sustainable energy production, evolution of the economy, enlivening soils, upgrading human thoughtware, etc.)

– Are you willing to put your talents in service of something bigger than yourself?

– Are you ready to take radical responsibility for everything you do and don‘t do?

– Are you willing to leave your comfort zone and explore the unknown?

A growing team of extraordinary, inspired, and like-minded people with a strong vision of what is possible who lead a purposeful life, being their destiny in action and creating a future where all living beings can live harmoniously on planet Earth instead of merely surviving. If you are interested to meet with your team-colleagues, join us at the UnConference. We are looking forward to creatively collaborating with you!

INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S MONTH @ Your heart space, the world
Jun 1 – Jun 30 all-day
INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S MONTH @ Your heart space, the world

International Children’s Month is a full year long, free, thematic, activity platform for all. The mission is “Children across the planet in love, care and respect.” Our peak month is JUNE and we ask all involved with children to take it up a notch or twenty and do something special for this month with them. Support the children in doing what they feel called to do. Support the children in what you feel called to do. This month is about celebration and joy of our children, and of appreciation. Please visit the SEL partner platform for all at

We want to keep the Poppies! (Nous voulons des Coquelicots)
Aug 2 @ 6:30 pm – 6:30 pm
We want to keep the Poppies! (Nous voulons des Coquelicots) @  |  |  |

Monthly gathering in many towns and villages to share information and raise awareness of environmental issues related to pesticides in particular. François Veillerette, president of GF, will be in the castle at Carnville in Normandy. There is an ongoing national petition calling on the government to take action to protect the environment.

A Better World Celebrates 26th Year on the Air with Swami Beyondananda! @ Center for Remembering & Sharing (CRS)
Oct 4 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
A Better World Celebrates 26th Year on the Air with Swami Beyondananda! @ Center for Remembering & Sharing (CRS)

Come celebrate A Better World with Mitchell Rabin’s 26th Anniversary of alternative media on the air, with a Swami Beyondananda performance fun-raiser for A Better World, who has been a friend & supporter of ABW for decades. Swami will give a comedy performance followed by a dialogue between Mitchell & Steve about how to creatively create a better world. Your presence is desired.

Humanity Rising: Global Solutions Summit @ Online Conference
May 22 @ 8:00 am
Humanity Rising: Global Solutions Summit @ Online Conference

Humanity Rising represents a movement of people and organizations coming together to take counsel on how to leverage the crisis of the current pandemic into an opportunity for human renewal and increased resilience to future challenges. . The coronavirus has been an unprecedented global event. For the first time in history, virtually everyone everywhere has been challenged by the same illness with consequences that have effectively compelled most infected countries into some form of lockdown. People all over the world are having the same feelings about their wellbeing, the same anxieties about survival, and the same questions about how they are going to rebuild beyond the pandemic. This is true whether you are an individual, a company, an organization, or a country. All of us everywhere at every level are in the same conversation. Everything has been disrupted, everything needs to change. Let us take advantage of this and come together to reshape our world in alignment with a positive vision of the future.

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