
Crystal Reiki Training and Attunements @
Jun 18 all-day
Crystal Reiki Training and Attunements @

Crystal Reiki is an Alternative Healing method which combines the Universal Life Force of Reiki Energy with the Healing Power of Quartz Crystals!

Requirements: Reiki Practitioner Level 1+2. If you are not a Level 2 Reiki Practitioner, please specify this, and I will include the Reiki Level 1+2 Attunements in this session.

You will learn how to use Crystals and how to benefit from the Reiki Energy for Healing.

Sounds True presents THE 30-DAY WAKE UP CHALLENGE WITH ADYASHANTI @ online
Aug 15 @ 12:00 am
Sounds True Presents
A Direct Way to Spiritual Liberation
Join Adyashanti in this journey beginning Thursday, August 15, 2019
“We’re seeking to wake up in all of the dimensions of being.”
bestselling author and spiritual teacher


adyashanti headshot
Meet Your Teacher
Adyashanti is an American-born spiritual teacher devoted to the awakening of all beings. His teachings are invitations to stop, inquire, and recognize what is true and liberating at the core of existence. His books include Emptiness Dancing, Falling into Grace, and The Most Important Thing. Adyashanti offers teachings that are free of any tradition or ideology.


When You Enroll in The 30-Day Wake Up Challenge, You’ll Enjoy ALL These Benefits
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Become More Present

Learn to become aware of the pure consciousness underlying all of your experiences. When you perceive this always-available presence, you open to startling new vistas of awareness.
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Delve Deeper

Realize the boundless potential of the fundamental ground of being. From this most basic, universal consciousness, you will experience the natural arising of wisdom, insight, and purpose.
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Evoke Love and Compassion

Discover an awareness connected with your all-accepting compassionate nature as Adyashanti guides you in contacting the silent spaciousness of the Spiritual Heart.
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Embody Awakened Awareness

With practical guidance from Adyashanti, you will learn how to embody the dimensions of awakened awareness with your family, career, and every other aspect of your life.


Enroll Today—We Begin Thursday, August 15!


Journey Schedule
The 30-Day Wake Up Challenge is divided into four weekly sessions that guide you throughout the different dimensions of awareness. In this eye-opening journey, you will learn:
Awakened Awareness
Week One | Thursday, August 15
Awakened Heart
Week Two | Thursday, August 22
Awakened Ground of Being
Week Three | Thursday, August 29
Enlightened Relativity and the Paradox of Being
Week Four | Thursday, September 5


How do I contact customer service?

You may contact us Monday–Friday, 8:00 am–5:00 pm Mountain Time.

Phone: US and Canada Customers 1-800-333-9185 #3 | International Customers 1-303-665-3151 #3
HOW WE CAN BEGIN TO HEAL OUR BROKEN WORLD – A Healing Story Approach @ Online
Sep 10 @ 8:00 pm


For more than 26 years, I’ve been helping individuals and communities creatively navigate difficult transitions — such as loss of a loved one, livelihood, illness, or bursting forth of a life unlived, the collective trauma of community disaster — through story-making. I’m now finishing a book — a combination memoir and workbook — about my healing story approach.

Not since 9/11, have I felt such urgency to put my work in service to healing our national culture. For the next year and half, I’m going to be offering more community reconciliation programs to counter-attack the hate and violence-filled narratives that the Administration and its minions are flooding media with. I’m targeting my programs now to change-makers: healers, writers, storytellers, teachers, activists.

Here’s the mistake many are making: Focusing on Trump’s media grabs day after day. This only gives energy to his evil and distracts from the fact that millions of citizens support him as a cult – meaning a disregard for facts in favor of allegiance to a leader that makes false promises, but is interested only in expanding his own power and wealth. But how can we pull followers out of this cult? Not by judging, preaching, haranguing.

Rather by listening, engaging, finding non-political common ground, by sharing our stories – not our victim tales, but a deeper story that is always flowing like a river beneath the surface of our lives – where we are one people, one race, one blood.

On Sept. 10, at 8 pm eastern, I’m going to be offering a free introduction to a 3-step healing story process for people who would like to use story in their community, therapeutic, or classroom programs, but may not know how. That’s Tuesday, Sept. 10 at 8 pm eastern time.

To register and receive the link, write to me at

Enjoy the rest of your summer,
Juliet Bruce, Ph.D.


Healing After Divorce Begins With The Parents – Learn How with ShaRon Rea @ Zoom
Oct 7 @ 6:00 pm – Oct 29 @ 8:30 pm


Healing After Divorce Begins With The Parents

Your children will be better when you are better.


10 “Parenting Pick Me Up” tips to inspire you on those tough days.

Co-Parenting Course For: Moms

Mondays 6:30pm to 8pm October 7, 14, 21, 28, 2019

Co-Parenting Course For: Dads

Tuesdays 6:30pm to 8pm October 8, 15, 22, 29, 2019


You Matter! Self-love is not selfish. It’s necessary.

Give yourself permission to focus on your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health with kindness and compassion. You deserve to feel good!

I’m inviting you to take a bold step and join me in this safe, supportive and nonjudgmental place I’ve created for you. We meet live online in small groups for your convenience so each parent receives personal attention.

Do this for you, because your NEW LIFE is calling!



I’m ShaRon Rea and I’m thrilled you’re here!
After years of helping hundreds of parents regain their confidence after a breakup or divorce, my clients tell me how glad they were to work with me. They just couldn’t read another co-parenting self-help book!

Let me be your personal guide. Discover how you too can experience more success managing the day to day challenges of co-parenting. Learn how to anticipate problems before they escalate and stop making decisions from desperation.   The Co-Parenting Course increases your parenting skills and inspires you to try new things to build a high-quality future for you and your children.

Who Is The Co-Parenting Course For?

This course is for divorced, separated and single parents. You can take control for yourself and the kids, even if the other parent is not willing. This course is also for grandparents, foster parents and any adult caring for children of divorce.

In the United States and abroad, courts mandate divorcing parents take a class. The court ordered classes give parents a foundation, but in the months and years after the court classes have ended, parents still struggle to find peace. Conflicting opinions about what’s best for the kids, and so many other arguments, stop effective co-parenting from becoming a reality for many families.

In The Co-Parenting Course, I deliver the next level of support to parents so they can deal more successfully with conflict, have patience with the ups and downs of their children’s behavior and turn their focus to solutions instead of staying stuck in the problems.


In just four weeks, after completing The Co-Parenting Courseyour life will be filled with



This 4-week course repeats each month
on the first Monday for moms and the first Tuesday for dads.


October 2019 classes are open and enrolling now.

Each group meets LIVE online


once a week,
for 90 minutes per class,

for a total of four classes.


Coach ShaRon Rea

will teach each group with:

information-rich slides,

open discussions

and manages each class,

leaving lots of time for Q&A.

What Do You Know?

Discover important statistics parents need to know about children and divorce, explore The ACE Study (Adverse Childhood Experiences), and learn to take care of yourself so you can better help the kids.

Show Off Your Parenting Style and Kid “Know-How.”

Discussions about why your “parenting style” is important, the ages and stages of your child’s development and critical secrets kids are afraid to tell their parents.

He Said. She Said.

Men and women use different words to talk about what’s important to them.
Learn to hear the other parent in ways that make conversations more effective.

Getting to the Win-Win

Learn strategies to move from being stuck to discovering solutions and develop problem-solving methods with more chances of success!


Because you’re worth it and it’s fun to give!


Pay $299 in full
Get 2 Bonus private sessions with Coach ShaRon Rea

Make two payments of $149
Get 1 Bonus private session with Coach ShaRon Rea



Meet Coach ShaRon Rea

Trained Professional Educator

  • Certified Family Communication and Relationships Coach
  • Arizona State Attorney General trained Mediator
  • Certified Fatherhood Practitioner and Healthy Relationship Educator
  • Certified Social Emotional Learning Educator
  • Certified ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) Trainer

Real-Life Experience
Married for 21 years, I raised two children and divorced in 2008. I lived through the anger, fear, and grief until finding the way to a successful co-parenting relationship with my children’s father. What I teach is what has helped me, and my clients. My passion is to see all families live in the greatest amount of love and compassion. I’m really excited to meet you and help you find your personal co-parenting success!


“ShaRon is compassionate and really cares about all members of the family. What I like the most is that when it fits, she shares her own experiences with us. She truly wants us to understand what’s working and what we can change. My daughter adores going to see ShaRon!”

L.T. Co-parenting mother of 3 teen daughters

“Thank you for working with me ShaRon. I appreciate how you are able to shed perspective on my life and help me see my worth. I appreciate you very much and don’t know what I would do without you guiding me through this very difficult time in my life.”

M.J. Co-parenting dad of a young son

“I have worked with ShaRon for over a year. She has been an invaluable support and resource.  She listens in non-judgmental ways and has never-ending knowledge on how to work through co-parenting conflicts. She has helped me find peace, clarity, and a loving approach to challenges in times when the children and I needed it most.”

A.P. Co-parenting mom of 2 elementary aged kids


ShaRon Rea
Champion for Outstanding Family Relationships
Founder of the Global Movement No Judgment. Just Love.®
Founding Corporate Member of World Kindness USA
Peace in your family and in the world. 
Both are possible! Let's talk...480.420.9551 






Festival of the Child @ Online
Nov 14 – Nov 20 all-day

Festival of the Child is a free summit empowering parents & educators to help children thrive. 21+ expert speakers, 7 days, online.

About this Event

????Festival of the Child is a completely FREE event and takes place ONLINE, from Nov 14th-20th, featuring experts and change-makers working tirelessly for the good of children everywhere.

????Supporting a paradigm shift in learning, we are reimagining education.

????Join us and add your voice to the collective.

????Learn directly from visionaries, storytellers, teachers, activists, doctors, psychologists and more to get the latest insights in how to grow today’s child for tomorrow and restore wellbeing now.

????So many of our children suffer from mental health issues that directly result from ways in which they are being educated and a system that is failing to look at their developmental needs.

????Learn tried and tested strategies that support YOUR child to grow up healthy, happy and full of hope for the future.

????Now more than ever we have an incredible opportunity to shift the learning paradigm into one that supports ALL of our children to truly thrive.

????It is time to be bold in our vision and brave in our footsteps as we re-imagine what learning looks like in the 21st century.

????We know that you want your children to grow up with a connection to themselves a strong sense of self and personal identity, empathy and care for others and full of creative solutions to transform humanity as this crucial time in our collective evolution.

????Come join the education revolution. Be heard. Have your say. Be a part of this important conversation.

????Completely free to sign-up. ????

But only available to registered participants.

Get your FREE eventbrite ticket then head on over to our website to REGISTER.

It’s the only way to access the videos – as all links will be sent out by email.

Can’t wait to see you all on the other side!

Online Certificate on Education for Sustainable Development 2020
Jan 15 – Jun 24 all-day
Online Certificate on  Education for Sustainable Development 2020 @  |  |  |

“Integrate into formal education and life-long learning the knowledge, values, and skills needed for a sustainable way of life.” Principle 14 – Earth Charter
“Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning.” SDG4

Are you interested in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)? With this online programme you can achieve deeper knowledge, skills, and abilities in ESD and be a certified Earth Charter Educator. This is a unique training opportunity offered under the framework UNESCO Chair on ESD with the Earth Charter and provides a space for transformative learning that responds to the educational needs of today.

Spiritual Wildfire Summit @ Online
Feb 2 – Feb 7 all-day

pictured above:  Brooke Medicine Eagle

I’m thrilled to invite you to a FREE global online Summit that starts Feb. 2-7 called:


Igniting the Worldwide Spiritual Wildfire We Need Now: A Call to Action




I’ll be participating with 23 other featured speakers including Sandra Ingerman, Andrew Harvey, Nina Simons, Cynthia Jurs, Steve Farrell and Lyla June Johnston and I’d love for you to join us! Each of us will be offering inspiration, healing, and empowering practical tools to anyone who is ready to courageously use their own light to help ignite a worldwide spiritual wildfire.

The Spiritual Wildfire Summit is organized to address the fact that we live in epic times. In fact, we are experiencing nothing less than the reinvention of civilization. Yet as we dive into uncharted waters and move closer to a critical tipping, we see a worldwide awakening beginning to catch fire. The Spiritual Wildfire Summit offers inspiration, healing, and empowering practical tools to anyone who is ready to courageously use their own light to help ignite a worldwide spiritual wildfire.

To register for this free event click here. Link to:

Together we can create a new world based on compassion, wisdom, justice, and joy!

During this FREE 6-day global online summit, together we will experience & integrate profound ways to restore the Story of Our Awakened Hearts.

This transformational event is FREE to all registered attendees! You do need to RSVP in order to receive all of the info you need to participate in this unique and never before seen gathering of visionaries!


Would you like to have permanent downloadable lifetime access to all 25 interviews, in both audio & video format, so you can watch or listen to them at your convenience even after the Summit has ended? If so, the Lifetime Access Upgrade Package is available for a very special Early Bird Price through Feb. 4 only. CLICK HERE to learn more about this upgrade package. 50% of all Lifetime Access purchases go to the Changing Woman Initiative.


Finally, here’s a link to a 2-minute video that beautifully sums up the Spiritual Wildfire Summit theme. Take a look and please share this video and info about this Summit to anyone you think would like to join the Spiritual Wildfire Revolution!


If you know someone that would like to participate in the Summit, please send them here so they can receive all of the benefits of the Spiritual Wildfire Summit.


We begin on 2-2-2020! Here’s to igniting the worldwide spiritual wildfire we need now! See you on the inside!


With gratitude and bright blessings,


Your host,

Joan D’Argo


P.S. Be sure to return to the Event Schedule Page often while the Spiritual Wildfire Summit is airing so you get the most out of this event!


Women in the Holocaust – a Webinar @ Online
Mar 11 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Webinar Registration


March 11th, 2020


Women experienced the Holocaust differently from men. How did they manage to cope under such horrific circumstances and still function in their traditional roles and beyond?

Liz Elsby, a Yad Vashem educator, will explore this question using personal stories and multi-disciplinary sources to help give these courageous women a voice in your classroom.

To register:

Check out other webinars on our website at

People’s Hub Workshops: Getting Through Economic Downturns Together @ Online
May 21 @ 1:00 pm – Jun 11 @ 1:00 pm


Where have we been?

Where are we going?

What might be possible together?

The Circle may be over but the workshops are coming up! 

It’s time to sign up!!

This has been a time of organizing. We are moving from our deep roots in community to challenge the status quo. We are building systems that work for our people. We are imagining a different way. 

It has been a time of reckoning. 

Covid-19 has magnified the disparities and injustices of our world. Specifically, the ways that Black, Indigenous, People of Color, chronically ill and disabled people experience higher levels of violence, housing insecurity, and job discrimination. We continue to lose people to white supremacy: 

Nina Pop

Breonna Taylor

Ahmaud Arbey

There is a missing and murdered indigenous women’s epidemic. 

Capitalism and white supremacy will attempt to make us forget this time and return to a disconnection from each other and the earth. 

We cannot and will not return to a normal that devalues people and planet. 

“We can impose beauty on our future.”
–Lorraine Hansberry 

Instead, let’s make a promise, a commitment to honor community. For those of us with privileges it’s a time to risk comfort,  #share your check.

Together, we can be a part of community-based solutions, be a part of the radical imagination. As Lorraine Hansberry stated, we can impose beauty on our future.

Join us for a deepened understanding of economic downturns and solidarity economy. What we do now matters. 

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