
Crystal Reiki Training and Attunements @
Jun 18 all-day
Crystal Reiki Training and Attunements @

Crystal Reiki is an Alternative Healing method which combines the Universal Life Force of Reiki Energy with the Healing Power of Quartz Crystals!

Requirements: Reiki Practitioner Level 1+2. If you are not a Level 2 Reiki Practitioner, please specify this, and I will include the Reiki Level 1+2 Attunements in this session.

You will learn how to use Crystals and how to benefit from the Reiki Energy for Healing.

Sounds True presents THE 30-DAY WAKE UP CHALLENGE WITH ADYASHANTI @ online
Aug 15 @ 12:00 am
Sounds True Presents
A Direct Way to Spiritual Liberation
Join Adyashanti in this journey beginning Thursday, August 15, 2019
“We’re seeking to wake up in all of the dimensions of being.”
bestselling author and spiritual teacher


adyashanti headshot
Meet Your Teacher
Adyashanti is an American-born spiritual teacher devoted to the awakening of all beings. His teachings are invitations to stop, inquire, and recognize what is true and liberating at the core of existence. His books include Emptiness Dancing, Falling into Grace, and The Most Important Thing. Adyashanti offers teachings that are free of any tradition or ideology.


When You Enroll in The 30-Day Wake Up Challenge, You’ll Enjoy ALL These Benefits
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Become More Present

Learn to become aware of the pure consciousness underlying all of your experiences. When you perceive this always-available presence, you open to startling new vistas of awareness.
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Delve Deeper

Realize the boundless potential of the fundamental ground of being. From this most basic, universal consciousness, you will experience the natural arising of wisdom, insight, and purpose.
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Evoke Love and Compassion

Discover an awareness connected with your all-accepting compassionate nature as Adyashanti guides you in contacting the silent spaciousness of the Spiritual Heart.
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Embody Awakened Awareness

With practical guidance from Adyashanti, you will learn how to embody the dimensions of awakened awareness with your family, career, and every other aspect of your life.


Enroll Today—We Begin Thursday, August 15!


Journey Schedule
The 30-Day Wake Up Challenge is divided into four weekly sessions that guide you throughout the different dimensions of awareness. In this eye-opening journey, you will learn:
Awakened Awareness
Week One | Thursday, August 15
Awakened Heart
Week Two | Thursday, August 22
Awakened Ground of Being
Week Three | Thursday, August 29
Enlightened Relativity and the Paradox of Being
Week Four | Thursday, September 5


How do I contact customer service?

You may contact us Monday–Friday, 8:00 am–5:00 pm Mountain Time.

Phone: US and Canada Customers 1-800-333-9185 #3 | International Customers 1-303-665-3151 #3
HOW WE CAN BEGIN TO HEAL OUR BROKEN WORLD – A Healing Story Approach @ Online
Sep 10 @ 8:00 pm


For more than 26 years, I’ve been helping individuals and communities creatively navigate difficult transitions — such as loss of a loved one, livelihood, illness, or bursting forth of a life unlived, the collective trauma of community disaster — through story-making. I’m now finishing a book — a combination memoir and workbook — about my healing story approach.

Not since 9/11, have I felt such urgency to put my work in service to healing our national culture. For the next year and half, I’m going to be offering more community reconciliation programs to counter-attack the hate and violence-filled narratives that the Administration and its minions are flooding media with. I’m targeting my programs now to change-makers: healers, writers, storytellers, teachers, activists.

Here’s the mistake many are making: Focusing on Trump’s media grabs day after day. This only gives energy to his evil and distracts from the fact that millions of citizens support him as a cult – meaning a disregard for facts in favor of allegiance to a leader that makes false promises, but is interested only in expanding his own power and wealth. But how can we pull followers out of this cult? Not by judging, preaching, haranguing.

Rather by listening, engaging, finding non-political common ground, by sharing our stories – not our victim tales, but a deeper story that is always flowing like a river beneath the surface of our lives – where we are one people, one race, one blood.

On Sept. 10, at 8 pm eastern, I’m going to be offering a free introduction to a 3-step healing story process for people who would like to use story in their community, therapeutic, or classroom programs, but may not know how. That’s Tuesday, Sept. 10 at 8 pm eastern time.

To register and receive the link, write to me at

Enjoy the rest of your summer,
Juliet Bruce, Ph.D.


Fall Mushroom Retreat @ Blue Deer Center
Sep 20 @ 6:00 pm – Sep 22 @ 12:00 pm

Blue Deer Center  1155 County Route 6  Margaretville, NY   12455
(845) 586-3225

September 20 – 22, 2019

Fall Mushroom Retreat

Fungi for food, health, cultivation and restoration

Friday, 9/20, 6 pm to Sunday, 9/22 12 pm

Cost: $385 (includes lodging on Friday and Saturday, plus dinner on Friday through breakfast on Sunday)

A commuter rate of $225 per person includes meals as above and no lodging.

Please contact Linda at with any questions about this program or registration.

Please plan to arrive at the Blue Deer Center between 4 and 6 pm on September 20th. 

Transportation options can be found by clicking on the link on your registration confirmation or by clicking here.

We offer the option of special meals for those with certain dietary restrictions (gluten-free, dairy-free, gluten- and dairy-free). If you have other dietary restrictions, please email to discuss your needs.

Cancellation Policy:  Cancellation of your reservation more than 14 days prior to arrival entitles you to a full refund of tuition less a $25 processing fee. If you cancel 8 to 14 days prior to arrival, your program fee, less a $25 processing fee, will be held for you to use in another future program up to a year.  If you cancel 2 to 7 days prior to arrival, your program fee, less a $25 processing fee and food costs, will be held for you to use in another future program up to a year. No refunds or credits will be issued for cancellations received less than 48 hours before a program’s start date. Refunds will be processed within 2 weeks of cancellation.

Learn About Our Center

The Land

Many years ago, in the broad valley of the Upper Delaware, near what is now called Margaretville, New York, several Mohawk and Oneida families made camp for summer hunting and gathering. It happened that a dispute over territory arose between the two groups, and soon afterwards the death of a warrior was discovered. Who was responsible? There were allegations and counter-allegations.

TransOhio and Clintonville Counseling and Wellness present the 2nd Annual Trans Career and Wellness Day @ Columbus Public Health
Sep 21 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

TransOhio and Clintonville Counseling and Wellness present the 2nd Annual Trans Career and Wellness Day at Columbus Public Health! Local employers and community and wellness partners will be onsite to offer employment, health, and other opportunities to the transgender and gender non-confirming community.

10AM – 3PM: Job Fair with dozens of local affirming and inclusive employers and resources from Community organizations

11AM – 4PM: Wellness Workshops

10AM – 4PM: Medical testing by Columbus Public Health

Please check back to hear about the employers and community partners attending this year, details about the wellness workshops, and info about raffle prizes! Please share!

(614) 645-7417

TransOhio, Inc.
P.O. Box 14481
Columbus, Ohio 43214

Facebook: TransOhio Fan page

Our Mission

TransOhio serves the Ohio transgender and ally communities by providing services, education, support, and advocacy, which promotes and improves the health, safety and life experience of the Ohio transgender individual and community.

Our Vision

  • to serve as a bridge to other LGBTQ+ and ally communities
  • to provide a focus for matters of concern to the Ohio transgender community and their allies by providing open, affirming, visible and tangible support
  • to promote opportunities and networking that increase awareness of the Transgender and gender-nonconforming community’s needs and concerns such, as discrimination and violence
  • to increase lesbian, gay, bisexual, heterosexual, and ally understanding and cultural awareness of the Ohio Transgender community
  • to help ensure that Ohio educational programs and services are inclusive and supportive of Ohio Transgender issues, perspectives, and concerns
  • to provide social activities that are inclusive of all LGBTQ+ and ally communities, access to safe-spaces, people, forums for confidential discussion, support, and local and national resource information
  • to foster Ohio Transgender community pride
Virtual Reality, Māyā,and Yoga’s Virtual Bodies @ Online
Mar 3 @ 7:00 pm – Mar 24 @ 11:00 pm

A Four Week Online Course with Dr. Kenneth Rose

Virtual Reality, Māyā,
and Yoga’s Virtual Bodies

Tues, Mar 3, 10, 17, 24 (7-9:00 pm EST)

Course Description

Everyday life is rapidly going virtual, and we are experiencing the vaporization of physical reality as technology rapidly evolves. Apps are displacing shopping malls, and crude single-player video games have morphed into massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs). This rapid virtualization of physical reality leads MIT computer scientist Rizwan Virk to suggest in The Simulation Hypothesis that we may be living in an MMORPG without knowing it.

If we are living in a hypnotic simulation controlled by beings greater than us but unknown by us, can we develop a powerful video game to break through to reality? Perhaps, but we would remain dependent upon machinery to awaken—like always needing a meditation app to meditate. Humanity’s mystical traditions teach that we are master simulators of our own experience—with or without machinery—and that it is our choice to sleep or to wake up.

In this course, we will unfold the classic Panchakosha, or Five-Bodies Teaching, from the Upaniṣads to realize the mystical depth in human life. This ancient teaching shows us how to perceive the multiple subtle or virtual bodies that cover up our ordinary consciousness. As we enter more deeply into this teaching over the four weeks of this course, we will also learn how to dismantle these virtual bodies and return to our inborn standpoint of natural enlightenment.

Students who take this course will learn:

The difference between virtual, augmented, and simulated reality

How Hinduism’s Five-Bodies Teaching uncovers the multiple bodies that cover our naturally illumined consciousness

How to use the natural technology of meditation

How the Simulation Hypothesis mirrors ancient teachings about māyā and illusion

 How to enter deeper stages of meditation

How to perceive and pass beyond the five bodies that enclose our true Self


4 Live, Interactive Zoom Sessions
4 Q&As with Kenneth
4 Downloadable Videos &amp MP3s
Course Readings
10 Embodied Philosophy Credits
10 Yoga Alliance Cont. Ed. Credits
Private Pop-Up Facebook Group


Course Outline

Kenneth Rose, Ph.D., has been a professor of Philosophy and Religion for three decades. His degrees include an M.Div. from Harvard Divinity School and an M.A. and a Ph.D. in the Study of Religion from Harvard University. He developed and lead the online course, “Wisdom from World Religions,” which is funded by a Templeton World Charity Foundation grant (

His books include:

Yoga, Meditation, and Mysticism: Contemplative Universals and Meditative Landmarks,

Pluralism: The Future of Religion,

The Light of the Self: A Memoir of a Spiritual Awakening,

Edge of Awakening: Poems from the Borderline of Mind and Awareness.

These books and his three Audible programs are available at:

BEING & DOING PRESENTS…Practicing in the Midst – Deepening Presence, Compassion and Resilience in Times of Great Change @ Online
May 11 @ 12:00 pm – May 12 @ 7:30 pm


Practicing in the Midst

Deepening Presence, Compassion and Resilience in Times of Great Change

REGISTER FOR FREE  Live-Streamed Global Online Gathering May 11th & 12th

To accommodate our global audience, the online live-stream will have

a 24-hour replay ​on Wednesday, May 13th, in every timezone.

welcome letter from the host…

Greetings friends…

We’ve all got to follow best practices for staying safe and taking care of each other during the pandemic. This online gathering is about best practices for your inner life.

How can you rest in your own presence and non-reactivity? How can you open in compassion and let your heart’s intelligence guide your actions? How can you stay open to your experience – not grabbing onto your emotion but not bypassing it either? How can your struggles deepen your practice and bring forward new capacities?

This Being & Doing gathering will give you a chance to hear from some extraordinary, open-hearted, generous mentors. The teachers will all be live – guiding practices, taking questions and joining with you in a supportive field of collective presence. Use this opportunity to help you stay open and free inside of yourself, to nourish your resilience, and to connect with a powerful community of like-minded souls.

Jeff Charno, Being & Doing Host


You can use this Awakening in the Midst video collection right away.  

From Loch Kelly, Craig Hamilton, Diana Winston, Caverly Morgan

These aren’t ordinary guided meditations. These four short programs lead you directly into natural awakened awareness – a state of flow and effortless presence. Clarifying this in yourself is life changing and it’s easier than you think.

FREE VIDEO DOWNLOAD+ Reserve Your Place at the Gathering


PRACTICING IN THE MIDST is a free two-day LIVE online gathering bringing together ten extraordinary and generous teachers with a community of thousands of people.  Challenging times can be a powerful catalyst for personal and collective evolution. Come join us in practice.



You will learn to rest in your already awakened nature. A subtle shift opens you to freedom from the endless agitation of your mind. Touch into your deep heart and let it energize your actions.


Inquiry, mindfulness, and radical acceptance can each open doorways into unseen dimensions of your soul. Release what isn’t serving you and let your true nature lead the day.


Feeling like separate beings is a mistaken perception. Our interdependence and connection, usually buried in the background, has become more palpable than ever. We’re in these lives


Teaching Schedule for the Live Gathering

Talks, Practices and Q&A​

MONDAY – May 11th, 2020:


Effortless Mindfulness Teacher, Psychotherapist, and Author

“The important thing is to find the Self that has the capacity to bear what seemed to be unbearable, the self that can be present with all of our parts unconditionally.”



Meditation Teacher, Nonprofit Leader, and Visionary

“If you meditate to be a better person, you’ll always be busy trying to be a better person. If you meditate because you are in love with resting in your own luminous infinite being, you’ll always be in love.”



Contemporary Meditation Teacher, Bestselling Author

“Fall in love with where you are. Turn towards this – a sacred moment, unrepeatable. Trust the ebb and flow of things. Say yes to uncertainty and the unresolvedness of your life.” 



Founder of the Diamond Approach To Self-Realization

“We are not separate. Our sense of separateness is superficial and exists only in the physical dimension. Every other human being is just as precious as we are, and worthy of as much respect and love and consideration.”



Spiritual Teacher, Founder of Integral Enlightenment

“True meditation is about being fully present with everything that is – including discomfort and challenges. It is not an escape from life.”


TUESDAY – May 12th, 2020:


Founder of Gateway, Spiritual Facilitator

“Do you know how to be quiet and let go, when life challenges you and brings you to the edge?”



Wellbeing Research Professor, Director of Transformative Technology Lab

“The world’s largest scientific research project into fundamental well-being, sometimes called enlightenment, reveals the methods which actually work.”



Author, activist, authorized Lama (Buddhist Teacher) and founder of Bhumisparsha Sangha

“Let your love be the container for anger and despair. Love will not dissolve them, but will offer enough space to not get lost in them.”



Director of Mindfulness Education at UCLA, Author

“Saying yes means surrendering to your experience, whatever it is. It means feeling your body when you’re in the midst of a strong reaction or emotion… and noticing that thoughts and feelings come and go.”



Founder of Evolutionary Collective, Bestselling Author

“Right now, it feels more important than ever to come together and actively find our oneness, our goodness and our capacity to live a higher order of love as a social reality.”


Practicing in the Midst

Being & Doing is committed to creating opportunities for people to come together to practice, to celebrate community, and to recognize unending mystery and beauty (even when the sky appears to be falling).

Recordings of the live sessions will be replayed for 24-hours on Wednesday, May 13th, in every timezone.


You can also purchase the recordings for a small cost.

Being & Doing Sponsors

LOVE is Medicine – Memorial Day Weekend Sessions @ online
May 23 @ 9:00 pm – May 27 @ 9:00 pm


Learn how you can apply these teachings and help everyone you know to embrace a happier, healthier life even during times like these

Episode 3: Where Healing Comes From
May 23 –  9pm Eastern (USA)

Episode 4: Healing the Past, Healing the Future
May 24  – 9pm Eastern (USA)

Episode 5: Self-Love, Loving Others
May 25 –  9pm Eastern (USA)

 Episode 6: The Body’s Wisdom 

May 26 – 9pm Eastern (USA)

 Episode 7: Love is Medicine
May 27 – 9pm Eastern (USA)

Join the Facebook Group

Stay up to date with all things Love is Medicine

Join our Facebook Group 



LIGHTING THE 8TH FIRE with Winona LaDuke @ online
May 28 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Thursday,  May 28, 2020 | 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM PDT

Add to Calendar

An Anishinaabe Prophecies, this time is known as the 7th Fire. The prophecy says that to move to the 8th Fire, we face a choice between two paths. One path is well-worn, scorched, and leads to our destruct.ion. The other path is new, green, and leads to Mino-Bimaadiziwin (the good life)

Join us as internationally-renowned activist and author Winona LaDuke – an Anishinaabekwe (Ojibwe) member of the White Earth Nation – discusses how the pandemic provides us with an opportunity to walk a new path, taking care of each other, and our Mother Earth.

Crisis can bring out the best or the worst in communities. Winona will discuss what it’s going to take to herald in a restorative, regenerative, and just society, one where we appreciate each other, localize our economy, get cleaner, and healthier.
Let us put our minds and hearts together to make a good future for our children!

Winona LaDuke is one of the world’s most tireless and charismatic leaders on issues related to climate change, Indigenous rights, human rights, green and rural economies, food justice, alternative sources of energy, and the priceless value of clean water over a career spanning nearly 40 years of activism. She is Program Director of Honor the Earth, the founder of the White Earth Land Recovery Project, and Winona’s Hemp and Heritage Farm. A graduate of Harvard and Antioch Universities, she is the author of five books, including Recovering the Sacred, All our Relations and a novel, Last Standing Woman.

TICKETS ARE SLIDING SCALE $5 – $25 to benefit speakers and artists impacted by the cancellation of events due to the pandemic. All who register will receive a link to watch live or later at their own convenience.

Closed caption version will be available 3-4 days after the live event.

Global Coherence Pulse @ online
Jun 21 @ 12:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Join the Next Pulse – SUMMER SOLSTICE
Sunday, June 21st at 12pm PT, 3pm ET, 7pm GMT
Timezone ConverterThis month’s theme: Celebrating Our Coherence
Featured Organization: Earthdance Global
Featured Musician: Miranda Macpherson

Enjoy uplifting music, coherence related content
and a global coherence meditation.
Join thousands of people across the world who are adding coherent heart energy to lift global consciousness and cultivate personal and planetary health and well-being. Your participation matters!

Followed by the Earthdance Concert

Reserve My Space
for the Earthdance Online
Solstice Co-Manifestival
on Sunday, June 21

Featuring 9 Hours of Multiple Live Streams
with Global Meditation, International DJs, Sound Healing and
30+ Speakers on Environmental and Social Justice,
Transformative Culture, Wellness,
Cannabis and Psychedelic Medicine

Let’s Celebrate Our Coherence Together!

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