
Mully Children’s Family USA presents a SPECIAL RE-RELEASE event showing of The Letters: The Untold Story of Mother Teresa @ Churches and Theaters near you
Sep 4 all-day

Dr. Charles Mully

has often been called a modern day Mother Teresa,
rescuing over 14,000 orphans.

Mully Children’s Family USA

is partnering with


to help celebrate another
humanitarian of our lifetime,

Mother Teresa.

On September 4th,
movie theaters and churches
in over 200 cities across the U.S.
will take part in a special re-release event showing of

The Letters: The Untold Story of Mother Teresa.

Please visit to view the trailer.
If you’re interested in scheduling an event
at your church or at a theater near you,
go to this
Additionally, a portion of all ticket sales

will benefit Mully Children’s Family

and will help us continue our work of
Saving Children’s Lives!

Please join us in celebrating an amazing humanitarian

and Nobel Peace Prize winner who

served others in need.

For further event questions,
please contact



Mully Children’s Family USA
3000 Old Alabama Road Suite 119-302
Alpharetta, GA 30022
Sierra Club and Seventh Generation #Readyfor100 Text 69866 @ Everywhere
Oct 30 @ 1:02 am

Climate Justice and Equity

Climate Justice & Equity

We don’t have to wait. Renewable energy solutions are already available and attainable.

We all deserve clean air and a healthy life. A switch to 100% renewable energy will help reduce some of the negative health effects caused by climate change and the burning of fossil fuels. Let’s stand up together for a healthier planet that benefits all.

Dec 5 @ 12:00 am


Empowering Women through Writing, Weaving and Sharing
Be heard, connect with your inner resources and cultivate courage to create change.

Our Mission

To create a woven tapestry based on the stories of 1,000 women globally by 2020 that will be exhibited internationally to shine a light on the creative accomplishments of women while calling attention to the challenges women currently face world-wide.

To foster a culture of self-knowledge and sharing that builds courage and fosters a sense of power in women everywhere to contribute to their communities in positive ways.

To allow women to tell the story of their lives, as a catalyst for change, particularly by opening up discussions about issues of domestic violence and sexual abuse in a safe and supportive way.

To promote resilience, compassion, open communication, healing and peace in individuals and communities.

Intro to the Project

Participating in Woven Voices is a journey that starts with self-reflection and writing, and transforms into a woven tapestry, a visual storyboard of women’s lives from around the globe. The 3 elements of the Woven Voices project work together as tools to access, claim, and celebrate our power as individuals and together as a global community of women.

The Artist

Brecia Kralovic-Logan is a passionate champion of creativity who has spent the last 40 years helping people of all ages to embrace and express their unique individuality.


Brecia Kralovic-Logan
4164 Mount Hukee Ave
San Diego, Ca 92117
Mobile: 805-896-3287












Drawdown EcoChallenge @ In your community
Apr 3 – Apr 24 all-day
Our Story

For over 25 years, we’ve inspired, educated and activated thousands of communities and organizations through our solutions-focused programs and ready-to-use social and digital tools. Together, they provide the launchpad for emerging generations and sustainability leaders to experience “ah-ha” moments that lead to extraordinary environmental and social change.

Drawdown EcoChallenge is:

  • a 21-day engagement program focused on carbon reduction;
  • a challenge taking place April 3-24 and;
  • following actions highlighted in Drawdown, a book based on meticulous research that maps, measures, models, and describes solutions to global warming that already exists and;
  • where participants track and share their progress online in a robust platform and earn points for taking action and;
  • the combination of collective action, camaraderie, and friendly competition makes change a little easier — and a lot more fun and;
  • providing tools and inspiration to turn intention into action, and
  • giving participants a fun and social way to think about and act on proven solutions to reverse global warming!


Over eighty actions within seven challenge categories

provide participants with diverse options to reduce carbon usage. 


The EcoChallenge Platform is a signature offering of (formerly Northwest Earth Institute), a sustainability organization that provides innovative social and digital tools designed to be a launchpad for emerging generations and sustainability leaders to experience “ah-ha” moments that lead to extraordinary environmental and social change. also hosts a global October EcoChallenge which is free and open to everyone, everywhere. Over 73,500 people from 101 countries have used the EcoChallenge Platform and the organization has engaged over 250,000 people throughout its 25-year history. The EcoChallenge Platform can also be used to create custom Challenges that meet the engagement and action goals of your workplace, college, or community.

107 SE Washington St. #251
Portland, OR 97214
(503) 227 2807

INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S MONTH Taking It To The Streets 2019! @ online and in your neighborhood
Jun 1 @ 12:00 am


 What does love in action look like? What does love in action sound like? What does love in action feel like?
This year we explore all the various ways we can be and co create love in action. Along with a challenge~ How are you showing up in the world? at the grocery store, with your family, at work, school, out being social How are we showing up in the world? Does it feel in alignment? Since we know we are love, and love is who we are… what does love look like for us personally? Each person here is a divine, miraculous unfolding. We each have our own Unique Energetic Signature… what you bring to the planet, to the streets, only you can bring. Be strong in your heart, be strong in your dreams. Let’s show the world what we can do in the name of love! International Children’s Month 2019 Platform is TAKING IT TO THE STREETS! Love In Action! International Children’s Month web site is based in Oral Traditions. If you are inspired, please cite your source. We stand on the shoulders of those who have come before us. IN the name of love we thank Gandhi, our indigenous relatives/relations, and for this year especially the first wave of love in action creators of the 60’s…We have come full circle. GAME ON and BE THE MEDICINE! #ICMTakingItToTheStreets #ICMGameOn #ICMGlobalWaveofLove #ICMBeTheMedicine





CAMP KINDNESS DAY – JULY 23, 2019 @ Your neghborhood
Jul 23 all-day


Camp Kindness Day logo

Camp Kindness Day — July 23, 2019

On July 23, the camp community will participate in Camp Kindness Day – an event highlighting the practice of intentional kindness that happens every day at American camps. This is an opportunity to raise awareness of the the great work that camps are doing to teach kindness in engaging, simple, repeatable, and high impact ways that live on in the daily lives of campers and staff members when they return home.

Focusing on our youth and young adults, Camp Kindness Day will help showcase the commitment of the camp community to fostering the core values of kindness, compassion, generosity and care, and integrating those values more fully into every aspect of our society. These values are already part of the fabric of the camp experience. We share the mission for our youth to be nurtured, taught, supported, and inspired to grow into our new generation of kind, compassionate, socially-minded, community-oriented citizens.

Camp Kindness Day will allow camps to incorporate into their July 23 programming fun theme-based activities and cooperative games, cool projects, and memorable moments which will celebrate the value and impact of kindness.

How your camp can participate:

  1. Schedule Camp Kindness Day into your programming on July 23.
  2. Help spread the word in a unified social media campaign by tagging #CampKindnessDay into your social media and other communications.
  3. Share your plans so that ACA can support you through localized public relations efforts.

To support your camp’s involvement in Camp Kindness Day, ACA has produced an electronic #CampKindnessDay Backpack, complete with programming ideas and activities, FAQs, social media tips, and other information on how your camp can celebrate Camp Kindness Day.

Open the Backpack

Be part of the nation-wide evolution! Plan now to add #CampKindnessDay to your camp’s programming on July 23.


The Peace Alliance @ Online and in person
Sep 1 – Oct 2 all-day
We have a number of ways to get involved this month and be part of The Peace Alliance’s peacebuilding movement.

– Second Monday of every month: September 9, 7:30 pm PDTCalifornia Department of Peacebuilding call – all are welcome: 1-712-775-7031, code 719-062-520#

– Second Tuesday of every month: September 10, 6:00 pm PDT/9:00 pm EDTNational Monthly Action Call, To register, click here for September, and here for the Calendar for each month to register. Join us – it’s free! Invite a friend!

– Third Wednesday of every month: September 18, 5:00 pm PDT / 8:00 pm EDTCampaign for a Department of Peacebuilding call- all are welcome: 1-929-436-2866, meeting ID 464 735 321

– September 19-22 Visionaries Summit in Sacramento, CA – register here

– September 21, International Day of Peace

– September 22-25 Lobby Days in Washington DC – click here for more information on how to participate, and here to register

– October 2, Stand Up for Nonviolence Gandhi150 event #Gandhi150 – more information here

We hope you’ll join us this month!

In peace and partnership.

Terry Mason
and The Peace Alliance Board of Directors and Leadership Council

About The Peace Alliance

The Peace Alliance empowers civic action toward a culture of peace.

Who We Are:
We are an alliance of organizers and advocates taking the work of peacebuilding from the margins of society into the center of national discourse and policy priorities.

We champion a comprehensive, collaborative approach to peace and peacebuilding.




The Web of Life – Season of Creation – 2019
Sep 1 – Oct 4 all-day

Take Action with Creation Justice Ministries This September


Check out these different ways for you and your congregation to get involved. Come back every month for new ways to take action!

#CareForCreation: September 2019


Share the Word


September 1, 2019

Online Prayer Service for Creation Day/World Day of Prayer for Creation

Creation Day, also called the World Day of Prayer for Creation, opens the Season each year. Pope Francis, Patriarch Bartholomew, the World Council of Churches, and many other leaders have called the faithful to celebrate it. Christians from around the world are invited to join an online prayer service to come together in a joyful celebration of our common cause.

September 16, 2019

Learn more

10:00 Eastern US / 15:00 London / 21:00 Manila
Please join us for a webinar to explore the connection between biodiversity and Christian spirituality. Speakers include Rev. Dr. Dave Bookless or A Rocha International / Lausanne Catalyst for Creation Care, Rev. Dra. Neddy Astudillo of GreenFaith Latino America, and Celia Deane Drummond of the University of Oxford. The conversation will be moderated by Rev. Rachel Mash, Environmental coordinator for the Anglican Church of Southern Africa and Green Anglicans.

September 20, 2019

Global Climate Strike

Young people from around the world will come together for a remarkable day of strikes from school to demand urgent action on the climate crisis. Their parents, neighbors, teachers, and families will stand alongside them. The climate strikes were galvanized by Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg, and each strike to date has sent more than a million people into the streets. Learn more at Laudato Si’ Generation, the climate initiative by and for young Catholics.

September 21, 2019

International Coastal Cleanup Day

For over 30 years, communities have come together to remove trash from coastlines and waterways including ponds, lakes, and rivers. Together, these volunteers remove and catalogue mountains of litter every year. Your community is invited to join. To learn more, please visit the Ocean Conservancy.

September 23, 2019

United Nations Climate Action Summit

The UN Secretary General is hosting a summit devoted to climate change, with the aim of calling the world’s attention to the urgent need to implement the Paris Agreement. The Paris pact has been agreed to by every country–only the United States has said it intends to leave it. But countries have not made policies to meet its goals. Of the 197 countries in the agreement, only seven are on track to keep warming below 2 degrees celsius, and only two are on track to keep warming below 1.5 degrees celsius. Science tells us that every fraction of a degree in warming means more hunger, more sickness, more conflict. The UN Secretary General’s summit is a chance for the people of the world to rally around real, ambitious policies to solve this crisis.

September 23, 2019

6th International Conference on Ecological Theology and Environmental Ethics, Orthodox Academy of Crete Chania, Crete, Greece
Learn more

This conference will engage theology on key ecological concerns from a variety of religious traditions and perspectives. This year’s theme is “Ecological racism and prophetical voices for ecological crisis.” The conference will be a blend of learning and discussion, while attending to the magnificent Earth and cultural context of this region of Crete.

Guide 2019 – Season of Creation Theme – Web of Life

October 4, 2019  St. Francis Day  Many traditions view St. Francis as an inspiration and guide for those who protect creation. October 4 is his feast day and the last day in the Season of Creation. Faith leaders from around the world will come together to reflect on how St. Francis has informed their spiritual journey and to celebrate our month-long journey together.

Think Kindness @ Your community
Sep 1 – Sep 30 all-day


There’s a growing crisis among young people today. One-in-five students report being bullied, cyberbullying is on the rise, and teen suicide is at a record high. As these problems continue to worsen, many adults may be left scratching their heads. How do we stop this crisis and help our youth?

There are a lot of possible answers, but there’s one that I’d like to pose today that I think is too often overlooked: kindness.

Yes, the simple act of kindness – not just witnessing it, but participating in it – has the ability to change people’s lives for the better. To make our world safer and happier for our children, we need to be teaching them how to be kind at home, at school, and in their communities.

This may seem overly simple, but science backs it up. According to research from places like Harvard and UC Berkeley, among others, acts of kindness release chemicals in the brain, such as serotonin and oxytocin, which reduce depression and anger and boost overall happiness.

Being kind isn’t something we should just mention to our kids in passing – it should be an integral part of their daily activities.

As the founder of Think Kindness, I am blessed to have an incredible job. I go into schools all across the country and help kids tap into their inner kindness potential. In my ten years here, I’ve seen some amazing results. For instance, after my very first speech, a student who struggled with suicidal thoughts wrote me to tell me how getting involved in helping others radically changed his life for the better.

Luckily, Think Kindness isn’t the only organization that makes kindness its mission.

There’s a group called Count Me In, founded and led by youth, which helps to connect young people with volunteer opportunities in their communities and around the world. To date, the organization has inspired over 100 million volunteer hours. In addition, Count Me In has an annual leadership summit which serves as a bootcamp training kids how to be volunteers and do good in the world. I am also blessed to sit on the advisory board for such a powerful and meaningful organization.

Similarly, there’s an organization in Canada called the WE Charity which does incredible work to connect kids to acts of kindness. For instance, WE offers volunteer trips to impoverished communities around the world, giving young people a powerful chance to make a real difference for people in need.

They also host what they call We Days, which draw hundreds of thousands of children into stadiums across the world to hear nspirational messages about doing good around the world.

Organizations like these and others are essential to turning the tide of anger, depression, and sadness among our youth today.

But they need backup, because according to one study, youth volunteering has gone down over the last fifteen years. All of us – parents, teachers, community leaders – need to promote kindness to young people.

We can do it in two ways: first and foremost, by showing kindness ourselves; second, by connecting our kids to groups which can give them the tools they need to be conduits of kindness everywhere they go.

Let’s get to it – it just might change the world.


With Kindness,

Brian Williams
President & Founder, Think Kindness

1 Million Actions 4 the Planet @ Your community
Sep 9 – Sep 30 all-day



Our mailing address is:

1 Million Women

Lvl 5, 66 Wentworth Ave

SydneyNSW 2000


Thanks a million,

Nat and the 1 Million Women team xx

Natalie Isaacs
1 Million Women Founder

Will you sign up for 1 Million Actions 4 the Planet, our challenge to mobilise thousands of people to change their habits for the planet and to raise critical money to combat the climate emergency?

How we live each day matters. One small action at a time multiplied by millions and millions changes the system. 1 Million Women is empowering women and girls all over the world to take action on the climate emergency every day. But we need funds to grow and reach more women and girls. To fight the climate emergency, we need every single one of us.

Starting on the 9th September, will you take on the 1 Million Actions 4 the Planet challenge and show your family, friends and community that we need a lifestyle revolution right now to combat the climate emergencyGo plastic freemeat & dairy free or car free for 21 days while raising vital funds for 1 Million Women to help make our movement bigger and stronger at a time when it’s needed more than ever.

It takes at least 21 days to change a habit so we’ll be changing our habits for the planet and demonstrating to the people around us that they can do it too!


We’ll give you all the tips and guides you need to undergo the challenge so that you can create new lifelong habits to help our planet!

Earth Treasure Vase Global Healing Project – Full Moon Meditation Series @ Global - in your time zone
Sep 13 – Dec 11 all-day

Join us each month on the full moon for the profound Earth Treasure Vase Full Moon Global Healing Meditation series, with Cynthia Jurs and David T. Nicol.

Fri Sept 13 // Sun Oct 13 // Tues Nov 12 // Wed Dec 11

Our mailing address is:

Alliance for the Earth

PO Box 8031

Santa FeNM 87504


Inspired by an ancient Tibetan Buddhist tradition, the Earth Treasure Vase Global Healing Project brings healing and protection to the Earth by filling consecrated clay vessels with prayers and offerings, and ceremonially burying them in the Earth in collaboration with indigenous elders, young activists and grassroots leaders in places where healing and protection are most needed around the planet.

The project began in 1990, when Cynthia met a 106 year-old lama living in a cave in the Himalayas and asked him, What can we do to bring healing and protection to the Earth? He gave her this practice and since then, 49 Earth Treasure Vases have been planted (5 of these are in process now) in sacred places, war torn communities, mountains, forests and sources of rivers on every inhabited continent. The vases form a living global mandala of prayers and intentions for the healing of the Earth. With 21 vases still to go, the practice continues with pilgrimages to many new locations. On every full moon we gather for a guided meditation to direct our prayers and intentions into the vases and energize the global mandala, embracing Gaia with our heartfelt presence and sacred offerings.

Meet Your Facilitators

Cynthia Jurs

Cynthia Jurs, is a Lama in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and a Dharmacharya in the Order of Interbeing of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. She is the guiding teacher at Open Way Sangha in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where she teaches a dharma path of sacred activism in response to the call of the Earth. In 1990 she made a life-changing pilgrimage to meet the hermit and meditation master, Kushok Mangden Charok Rinpoche, a 106-year-old lama living in a cave in Nepal, from whom she received the practice of the Earth Treasure Vases. Cynthia’s nonprofit, Alliance for the Earth is dedicated to facilitating a global community committed to planetary healing and collective awakening through the Earth Treasure Vase Global Healing Project and is also engaged in numerous peace-building and women’s empowerment efforts in Liberia, Africa. Cynthia directed the film, Turning Prayer Into Action: Indigenous Grandmothers Meet the Bioneers and is currently at work on a book and film entitled, Summoned By The Earth.

David Nicol, Ph.D.

David T. Nicol, Ph.D., is the executive director and co-founder of the Gaiafield Project, and co-founder of BeThePeace and WiseUSA, two initiatives that have united tens of thousands of people worldwide for large-scale meditations dedicated to social change. He is the author of Subtle Activism: The Inner Dimension of Social and Planetary Transformation (SUNY Press), the first comprehensive study of the idea that focused collective meditation and intention can contribute powerfully and measurably to social change. David has taught on Subtle Activism at the California Institute of Integral Studies, The Shift Network, and the Institute for Subtle Activism.

Remaining 2019 Full Moon Dates 
for the ETV Global Healing Meditation are:
Fri Sept 13 // Sun Oct 13 // Tues Nov 12 // Wed Dec 11.


Register for this free call here
The Earthling Movie
Sep 15 – Nov 15 all-day

OJAI, Calif — Planet Earth is not a star but it rises to outright star status in one of the most fascinating film documentaries of 2019.

In “The Earthing Movie,” produced by award-winning filmmakers Josh and Rebecca Tickell, the curtain rises to demonstrate − to very unsuspecting audiences – that our planet packs surprisingly huge healing properties. 

The film relates the discovery of the healing power of the planet’s electrically charged surface, a natural, perpetual energy shown in multiple studies over the last 20 years to significantly reduce inflammation, pain, and stress, produce deeper sleep, more energy, and improve circulation.

Earthing, also known as grounding, refers to accessing these major health benefits by walking outdoors on natural surfaces or using commercially available grounding products indoors while you sit or sleep. 

In short, Earthing is a simple lifestyle addition that connects you to the Earth’s healing touch.  You get the benefits without effort or dieting.

The Earthing movie debuted at the Sedona International Film Festival earlier this year to a packed audience of 750 people.  It subsequently won the Audience Award at the Dances With Films Festival at the Grauman’s Chinese Theater in Hollywood in June.

The movie features actresses Amy Smart and Mariel Hemingway, integrative medicine pioneer Deepak Chopra, and an array of physicians, who, along with Earthing pioneer Clint Ober, describe the unique science and benefits of Earthing.

September showings include Palm Springs, London (The Health Optimisation Summit), Los Angeles, and Santa Monica, and at the Yoga’s Research Society’s annual convention on November 16 in Philadelphia.

For showtimes, screening locations, and a short trailer of the film, see

The film is currently doing a festival circuit after which it will be available on major digital platforms both in the U.S. and internationally.

You can read a review of the film here:

Previous films by Josh and Rebecca Tickell’s Big Picture Ranch Production Company, based in Ojai, California, have won multiple awards for social and environmental documentaries, including awards at Sundance, Seattle, Gaia, and Sustainable Planet film festivals.

For more information about Earthing, refer to the Earthing book and the Earthing Institute website

Whether you practice Earthing outdoors or indoors, make sure you do it routinely.  Stay connected to the Earth’s healing power!  Indoor grounding products developed by Earthing pioneer Clint Ober are available at and   

The Earthing Institute


Sep 20 all-day


On September 20, three days before the UN Climate Summit in NYC, young people and adults will strike all across the US and world to demand transformative action be taken to address the climate crisis. Millions of us will take the streets to demand a right to a future, and we’re inviting you to


Find a strike near you to attend on September 20. If you don’t find an event in your area, organize one! We’ll provide everything you need to get started in planning something in your community so no experience is necessary.

Whether you’re 7 or 77, you’re invited to join the movement.


From Bill McKibben:

Dear Friends,

“Last week I ended up in jail for a little while, because I’d sat down in a Congress member’s office to protest the deadly confluence of climate and immigration policy. You can read about my day in the New Yorker1 story shared on the bottom of this email, but my point in sharing it with you is not to say that I acted nobly or that it was a big deal.

Instead, my point is simply that sometimes you have to act even if you’re not entirely sure what the effect will be. We’re coming up on the next great moment in the climate movement, the global all-ages climate strike on Sept. 20. Years of sustained resistance from Standing Rock to the school strikes and beyond, particularly from youth of color, have led us to this moment. So let’s make the most of it.

We’re now just one month away from the Global Climate Strike. Join your community members, coworkers, and children in the streets at an event near you, or host one yourself.

Whatever you do that day — whether you walk out of work or school, close down your business, or join a protest, it will help build the groundswell that is now clearly rising.

When you strike, you’ll be striking for justice above all — it’s one thing you can do on behalf of those who are incarcerated at the border, or who are living so close to the margin that taking a day off is not possible. If you have some flexibility in your life, it’s time to put it to work. If you don’t, sign up anyway, we’ll find other ways for you to participate and show your support.  

The UN’s best guess is that unchecked climate change could produce a billion climate refugees this century. Think about that for a moment — a billion people whose lives would be utterly, permanently, devastatingly upended. Then think about whether you can take a day to do something real about it, even without knowing exactly what change it will produce.

It’s time for all of us who can to take action for a more just and sustainable world. Join the Global Climate Strike starting on September 20th and fight with me for the future we all deserve.

Together we build movements, and when those movements get big enough they change history. You change history. Thank you for being a big part of it –

Let’s make change, “

Bill McKibben 


For more information, please visit



With the consequences of climate change becoming ever more clear and dire with each passing day, a new powerful wave of the climate movement has been swelling up over the last couple of years. Young people around the world have been rising up to defend our future, and have been going on strike – every week, all over the planet – for months. On September 20, for the first time, the adults are joining us.

We, as a global society, are at a crossroads. We have a decision to make. Are we going to choose money or power or are we going to choose the future? The September 20 strike is an invitation to everyone to choose us. Choose the kids, choose humanity, choose the future.

Led by a diverse coalition of youth-led and adult-led organizations,

September 20 is an intergenerational day of striking

that will launch an entire week of climate action across the world.

September 20 is only the beginning. We must carry this energy to the 2020 elections, and beyond to ensure real, bold action is taken to address the climate crises. This is history in the making, and it’s time we take back the narrative to save our futures.

The demands set forth by the youth coalition will be released soon.







ECOLISE @ Global
Sep 21 all-day


The European Network for Community-led Initiatives on Climate Change and Sustainability, is the initiator and main organiser of the European Day of Sustainable Communities. We have 46 member networks and organisations across Europe



European Day of Sustainable Communities

A celebration of local communities taking action for a zero-carbon, regenerative and inclusive Europe.

This is an ECOLISE flagship event. #EDSC19 #SustainableCommunity

Become a co-creator of the day! For details see


Use #GANDHI150 and #RETHINKPEACE to Join the Worldwide Social Media Conversation on Peace! @ SOCIAL MEDIA
Oct 2 all-day

The time is now more than ever to be the change and stand up for peace and nonviolence. Our communities deserve to live their daily lives peacefully and together we can strive to make that happen. As partners of #Gandi150 and believers in the power of peace, we invite you to be part of the movement on October 2. More information here.

How to get involved on October 2:

1. Nonviolence Champion – Nominate a faculty member from your educational institution, as the champion for the event.

2. Nonviolence in Action – On October 2, host a screening of the documentary film, “From India with Love”, followed by an interactive discussion to promote peace.

3. Nonviolence in Classrooms – Lead an experiential learning module on nonviolence in the classroom and promote peace.

Get started here

Join us on October 2 and share your activity with us at The Peace Alliance. Find our Facebook page here and/or tag us on Twitter at @PeaceAllianceUse #Gandhi150 and #RethinkPeace to join the worldwide social media conversation on peace!

Thank you!

In peace and  partnership!

Jelena Popovic, Teaching Peace in Schools Council Lead

and The Peace Alliance Board of Directors and Leadership Council

About The Peace Alliance

The Peace Alliance empowers civic action toward a culture of peace.

Who We Are:
We are an alliance of organizers and advocates taking the work of peacebuilding from the margins of society into the center of national discourse and policy priorities.

We champion a comprehensive, collaborative approach to peace and peacebuilding.

The 8th Annual Children’s Global Wave Of Love @ Your time zone and heart space!
Jun 21 @ 1:11 pm

The 8th Annual Children’s Global Wave Of Love

June 21 at 1:11 pm in your heart and time zone.

We collectively come together to cultivate and

send forth our mission

“Children Across the Planet in Love, Care, and Respect.”



We Declare June Children’s Month!!!
Since everyday is children’s day, we create a year-long, free, activity platform for children, families, communities, schools, organizations and YOU to empower

heart space and help transform the world!

Our Mission Statement: Our mission is to provide complete and total support to all children with an entire month of activities that enhance all aspects of a child’s life.

From 0-20 in age, all races, religions, backgrounds and experiences.
A month of FUN! Stewardship, social and environmental activism!
Some suggestions for Mom and Dad, teachers, youth group leaders:
do parades, dances, and plays; songwriting and artwork; write letters to Congress, Parliament, Kings and Queens; shoot some documentaries and music videos; plant gardens—anything you can think of that does something good for the children !
Some suggestions for children:
send us your videos of what you are doing in…
music, dance, sk8 boarding…
Tell us your story !
Where are you at in the world?
What do you want to see happen?
Here is our new email address!

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