
Hip Downtown Book Signing Event @ Cha Cha's
May 8 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Hip Downtown Book Signing Event @ Cha Cha's

Lily Sanders {Author, Speaker, Radio Personality, Coach} cordially invites you to join us for a discussion and book signing of “Truth To Triumph: A Spiritual Guide to Finding Your Truth”. Get ready to be inspired!

UNITY in commUNITY: Int’l Day of Peace March and Rally presented by the River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding @ The Sun Center
Sep 21 @ 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

​In celebration of our common humanity, we join with citizens from all around the world on September 21st for International Peace Day. This year we are excited to celebrate the EMPOWERED VOICES OF YOUTH in our commUNITY, who are leading the way to a more peaceful and just world.  International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution and this day of peace provides a globally shared occasion for all humanity to commit to peace above all differences and to contribute to building a culture of peace.

Come and join us as we

march, chant, dance, rally, listen and create

with one another to celebrate our

connection, hope, and commUNITY!


Festivities include:
Unique voices from our International community
International Flag Ceremony
Sign Making
…and more!

Peace Walk & Singing Peace @ Big Love Headquarters
Sep 23 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm


Peace Walk & Singing Peace

Hosted by Zach Freidhof

May all beings know peace. Om Shanti. 

My the leaves of aggression fall from the trees of society,
and may the rotting fruits of anger
be turned to compost
through our inward efforts and outward compassion.

September 23, 2018
11 AM – 2 PM
1111 Carey Ave (Big Love Headquarters)
 Akron, OH 44314-1975

We will begin at Big Love HQ and walk in silence and mindfulness to Chestnut Ridge Park, about 25 min. We will meditate there for about 20 min and return to Big Love HQ. Then we will have a Peace Kirtan until 2pm, chanting for Peace – mainly Peace Shalom Salaam Shanti.

All are welcome! If anyone would like to bring food, it can be there at Big Love HQ for after the walk. We will walk rain or shine, though if there is a drenching rain or thunderstorm, we will just chant for Peace and reschedule the walk.

For those who have not experienced The Big Love Network, Peace Month is the perfect time. Come and walk with the kindest group of folks you”ll ever meet. Laugh and share food. Please bring a dish to share and stay for the meditation and chanting for inner peace and the power to send that on.

The Laramie Project
Oct 5 @ 7:30 pm – Oct 14 @ 11:30 pm



Theater Company of Lafayette Presents

The Laramie Project
by Moises Kaufman and the Tectonic Theater Project
Directed by Nanci Van Fleet






October 2018 marks the 20th anniversary of Matthew Shephard’s murder. He was the victim of a brutal assault because he was gay. Moises Kaufman and fellow members of the Tectonic Theater Project made six trips to Laramie over the course of a year and a half, in the aftermath of the beating and during the trial of the two young men accused of killing Shepard. They conducted more than 200 interviews with the people of the town and created a deeply moving and fascinating theatrical experience.

Do not miss this powerful and moving production that explores the depths to which humanity can sink and the heights of compassion of which we are capable.

Performances run October 5 – 14

Fridays and Saturdays – 7:30 pm

Sunday matinees at 2:00 pm

420 Courtney Way
Lafayette CO  80026


Tickets at

Global Indigenous Wisdom Summit @ online on Facebook
Oct 8 all-day

Join indigenous leaders from around the world for a day of Earth-based wisdom teachings, prayers, and music to support transformation, healing, and social change.

Indigenous Peoples Day – October 8, 2018 Live on Facebook

Powerful Indigenous voices from our beloved Mother Earth are coming together to share sacred knowledge with you… (scroll down for details)

There is no registration required to attend… just visit our Facebook page here on October 8 starting at 9am Pacific Time.

During this full-day Facebook Live gathering, you’ll:

  • Celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day, October 8, 2018 LIVE with sisters and brothers all over the world
  • Receive stories and wisdom from Indigenous elders
  • Participate in reverent moments & an opening ceremony
  • Learn about prophecies regarding enormous change & heart-connected evolution
  • Discover how to take action for change!
  • View The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code — a compelling documentary film by Sheldon Wolfchild

And much more good healing for us all!

At the core of global restoration is the recognition that Indigenous peoples carry a way of being that is sustainable, harmonious, healthy, and just. Their ancient wisdom can guide us in healing our hearts, transforming our minds and creating truly loving, collaborative communities on our planet.

That’s why we’re thrilled to announce that on Indigenous Peoples DayMonday, October 8, 2018, The Shift Network is presenting a full-day Global Indigenous Wisdom Summit via Facebook Live!

This will be a profound spiritual gathering of Indigenous leaders from around the world sharing Earth-based wisdom teachings, prayers, and music to support transformation, healing, and social change, as well as concrete examples for birthing a new era — one in which all members of the human family are treated with respect, understanding, compassion and justice.

The day will be hosted by Indigenous speaker Shawna Bluestar (Shawnee, Lenape, Azteca), and will include keepers of wisdom from around the world, such as:

Grandmother SaSa (Swan of the North) is a seer, a dreamer and a universal healer. She founded The Rose and The Swan Healing Center for Healers, where she conducts teachings and the Medicine Hoop of Life ceremony twice a year.

Grandmother Flordemayo is a founding member of the Church of the Spiritual Path, the Confederation of Indigenous Elders of the America, Institute of Natural and Traditional Knowledge, International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, and recently founded The Path a 501(c)3 organization.

Woman Stands Shining (Pat McCabe) has the honor of being of the Diné (Navajo) Nation. A life-bringer, life-bearer mother, writer, artist, activist, speaker and cultural liason, her work is driven by the study of the Science of Right Relations. Moving from the central knowledge that we, the five-fingered-ones, are born into beauty, as beauty, for joyful life, she brings the understanding of Indigenous ways of knowing into discussion and inquiry on sustainability.

Dave Courchene , Nii Gaani Aki Innini (Leading Earth Man), has traveled internationally, carrying a message of hope and peace. Dave shares ancient Indigenous knowledge that he believes can act as the foundation in supporting the new life that Mother Earth is now entering, and that the elders have confirmed has arrived. He has created a special place for sharing ancient Indigenous knowledge — the Turtle Lodge — built based on a vision he received many years ago.

Grandmother Moetu-Taiha Ransfield is descendent of the Ngai Tuhoe and the Kahungunu tribes of Aotearoa New Zealand. Moetu is always connected to her land, her mountain, her river and her people because she is them. She carries her ancestors with her. After an experience with cancer, she was given a choice of whether to stay “here” or go to the ‘loved ones’. Grandmother Moetu chose to stay and made a commitment to be a channel for helping humanity. Her ‘calling’ is her life. She wants to find and build leaders, the ones who want to make a difference and be a force for good in the world.

Pura Fé is a Native singer-songwriter, seamstress, teacher and activist. She is also the founding member of the Internationally renowned Native American women’s a cappella trio, “Ulali”.

Ilarion (Kuuyux/Larry) Merculieff has over 40 years of serving his Unangan (Aleut) people and is a carrier of messages from Indigenous elders from around the world. He speaks all over the world, has received many awards and co-authored two books.

Tiokasin Ghosthorse is a musician, writer, educator. He is an internationally-syndicated host, executive producer and founder of the 26-year-old “First Voices Radio,” heard on 77 public, community and commercial radio stations in the U.S. and Canada. Photo by Ivan March.

Joanne Shenandoah , PhD, is one of “America’s most celebrated and critically acclaimed Native American musicians of her time” (Associated Press). She is a Grammy Award winner with 3 nominations and over 40 music awards, including 14 Native American Music awards – a Hall of Fame Inductee. Her music ranges from solo to full symphony and 22 recordings.

Shawna Bluestar Newcomb (Shawnee, Lenape, Azteca) is a spiritual guide and mentor for women, supporting them to share their unique gifts and voices. Shawna is working with her father Steven T. Newcomb to challenge The Doctrine of Discovery, and dedicated to bring about healing for humanity, Mother Earth, and future generations by sharing The Reverence Code based on ancient and Indigenous wisdom.

Buffy Sainte-Marie is an internationally renowned recording artist, activist, educator, visual artist, and winner of countless awards. In 2017 she released Medicine Songs, a career retrospective of Sainte-Marie’s song collection spanning nearly 50 years. Medicine Songs features new recordings of Sainte-Marie’s songs about the environment, alternative conflict resolution, Indigenous realities, greed, and racketeering. Part rhythmic healing, part trumpeting wakeup call, Medicine Songs is the soundtrack for the resistance.

Unci Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance is an Oglala Sioux who lives on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. She is a Lakota keeper of the traditional ways, great grandmother, Native American Church elder, and beadworker descended from Long Visitor and members of the Crazy Horse Band, named for the great warrior, Crazy Horse.

Steven Newcomb (Shawnee, Lenape) is the co-founder and co-director of the Indigenous Law Institute, along with Birgil Kills Straight who is an Oglala Lakota headman and ceremonial person. Steve Newcomb is author of “Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Christian Discovery” and co-producer of the documentary film, “The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code” directed by Sheldon Wolfchild (Dakota). Newcomb is one of the world’s foremost authorities on the Doctrine of Discovery based on the 40 years he has spent investigating and writing about these issues. Photo by William P. Laronal

Leah Shenandoah is an Oneida Iroquois Wolf Clan award-winning singer-songwriter, jeweler and multi-media artist. She considers herself a radical compassionist in a world filled with suffering.

Nathan Blindman  is a commercial artist and a producer known for “CowJews and Indians” (2013).

Reverend Eila Paul is a Grandmother and healer who has a spiritual and physical connection to her people, the Maori of Aotearoa New Zealand, and to her culture. Eila works with the elderly, and children, to weave deep and sacred connection to the earth and all beings. She travels through North America and Europe offering sacred seeds of knowledge and healing.

Lyla June is poet, musician, educator, anthropologist, activist and community servant of Diné (Navajo), Tsétsêhéstâhese (Cheyenne) and European lineages. She holds a degree in Environmental Anthropology with honors from Stanford University as well as a degree in American Indian Education with distinction from the University of New Mexico.

Throughout the day, these powerful leaders will help open a deeper understanding within you about the many challenges Indigenous nations and peoples face, and how we can work together toward a brighter future for humanity, all living things, and Mother Earth.

At the Shift Network, we are deeply committed to our Indigenous brothers and sisters and see healing our society’s relationship with Indigenous Peoples, and supporting their upliftment, as essential for the larger healing of our world. That is why we dedicate this event to hearing more of their voices of wisdom, which carry important medicine for our time.

Please join us!

There is no registration required to attend… just visit our Facebook page here on October 8 starting at 9am Pacific.

Stanford University presents: Conversations on Compassion with Dr. Elissa Epel @ Cubberley Auditorium, Graduate School of Education, Stanford University 485 Lasuen Mall
Nov 15 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Stanford School of Medicine

Conversations on Compassion with Dr. Elissa Epel


6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, November 15, 2018


Cubberley Auditorium, Graduate School of Education, Stanford University
485 Lasuen Mall, Stanford, CA, United States

Map >>

About The Event

In this conversation, CCARE’s founder and director, Dr. James Doty, will discuss compassion, meditation, and biology of aging with Dr. Elissa Epel. The hour-long dialogue will be followed by questions from the audience and a book signing. The talk will be recorded and posted to CCARE’s YouTube Channel and website several weeks after the event.

About Dr. Elissa Epel

Elissa Epel, Ph.D, is a Professor at UCSF in the Department of Psychiatry. She studies how chronic stress can impact aspects of biological aging (including the telomere/telomerase system), and how behavioral, mindfulness, and meditation interventions may buffer stress effects and promote psychological and physiological thriving. She co-leads the NIH Stress Network and a UC obesity research consortium, linking other UC campuses in the study of stress, sugar, food addiction, and obesity. Dr. Epel is a member of the National Academy of Medicine, steering council member for the Mind and Life Institute, and President Elect of the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research. She co-authored “The Telomere Effect: A Revolutionary Approach to Living Younger, Healthier, Longer,” a NYT best seller, with Nobel Laureate Elizabeth Blackburn.


FREE ONLINE REGISTRATION | Please bring a paper or electronic copy of your confirmation email for entrance to the event.

Doors open at 5:30 p.m. for registered attendees | Registration is required to access seating before the event begins. Remaining seats will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis after the event begins.

Directions & Parking

Cubberley Auditorium, Stanford Graduate School of Education | Directions | Parking

Disability-Related Accommodations and Services

Please email CCARE staff at by November 10, 2018 with requests for disability-related accommodations.

STAND UP FOR HUMANITY! @ Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool,
Aug 10 @ 6:00 pm


1225 R Street NW    |    Washington, DC, 20009    |    202-543-1414

Stand Up For Humanity! is a movement promoting and supporting a world that works for all. It is about embracing those qualities that serve the Highest and Best of our Humanity.  We are here to help each other connect and act from our universal and common good; and to raise the consciousness and vibrations on the planet, and within our nation, to one of inclusion, peace, and harmony. And to demonstrate that even one small act taken by an individual can make a difference and contribute to the positive uplifting of humanity.

On Saturday, August 10, 2019 at 6pm, let’s gather, millions strong at the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, to “Stand Up For Humanity”. Featuring dynamic speakers and fantastic music! We are calling all people willing to raise the consciousness within our nation and the world!

Hosted by Unity of Washington, DC – Rev. Sylvia E. Sumter, Senior Minister
1225 R Street NW – Washington, DC 20009 – 202-543-1414



The Nature of Unity

Unity is a religious movement that began over a century ago. In the 1880’s Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, co-founders of Unity, began to work with some new ideas that they had found about life. Charles had a withered leg; Myrtle had tuberculosis. But in a short time, Myrtle was healed and Charles’ health was so much improved that other people, seeing the changes in them, were drawn to them to find out how they, too, could change.

The Fillmores had no thought of starting a new religion; they just wanted to help themselves and others who turned to them for help. In 1889 they began to publish a little magazine called Modern Thought, which a few years later they renamed Unity. In this magazine, they presented the ideas that had helped them heal themselves and find peace and strength. These ideas are simple. They are centered around two basic propositions:

One ~ God is Good.
Two ~ God is available, in fact, God is in you.


If God is good, God’s will is good. It is impossible to believe that a good God — a God who is love and intelligence — could have made you in any other way except to be healthy, happy, prosperous, loved and loving, courageous and strong. If you are not healthy and happy, it can only be because you have separated yourself from God in mind — the only place you can separate yourself from God and God’s good. You have only to reunite in mind with God, and your life is certain to be full and fulfilling. You do this best by getting still and realizing your oneness with God. Every thought, negative or positive, comes one at time to the door of your conscious mind; there you let it in or turn it away. To have a good life, you have to learn to say no to the negative thoughts which deny your oneness with god’s good and say yes to the positive thoughts which affirm your oneness with God’s good.

Perhaps this is an oversimplification of Unity teachings, but these are the essential elements.

Unity is not a proselytizing religion. We are happy to have you call yourself a Unity student and join a Unity group. But we are also happy when we can help you be a better Methodist, a better Catholic, a better whatever you are.

Unity began as an open-ended religion, and we pray it always will be. May we always be seekers after Truth rather than people who feel that they have found all the Truth and must form an exclusive little circle to preserve it.

Unity is the religion of the written word, and Unity School of Christianity is the organization that has carried that written word around the world. Unity has grown almost entirely because individuals who have been helped by its ideas have told others who need help about it. Unity has always been a warm and loving way of life, sensitive to people’s needs, God-centered but human-hearted. This is Unity.


Calling All Volunteers – “Stand Up for Humanity”
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool

In November of 2017, Unity of Washington, DC kicked-off our Stand Up for Humanity Movement on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. We are excited to share that we have planned another gathering at the Memorial on Saturday, August 10, 2019. Additional information will be forthcoming, however in the interim we are seeking volunteers to assist with the execution of the event. There will be a variety of opportunities to serve on sub-committees prior to the event, as well as onsite. If you are interested in volunteering sign-up TODAY!

Grandmothers Book Launch @ Tibet House
Sep 18 @ 4:00 pm – 7:30 pm


Dear Friends and Community,

The Grandmothers are getting ready to travel to New York next month to celebrate the Grandmothers Wisdom book launch and then we will travel to upstate New York for a historical event at Menla, LIFT THE EARTH, where we will be joined by other spiritual leaders.

Are you being called to action to support Mother Earth and world peace? Many have requested guidance on how to respond to the chaotic state of the world. Join us in traditional dialogue, ceremonies and circles, and participate in indigenous wisdom on these topics.

We hope you can join us!

In love and peace,
Grandmother Mona Polacca



Book Launch

September 18, 2019
Tibet House US, New York, NY

Our much-anticipated book promises to be a ground-breaking portrayal of traditional spiritual women in history and will be an inspiration for all. These stories are ageless wisdom of earth-based cultures that can benefit all people in today’s climate of disconnection.

Please join the Grandmothers and special guests in New York City for the book launch of Grandmothers Wisdom: Reverence for All Creation.

Tickets are selling fast!

GRANDMOTHERS WISDOM: Reverence for All Creation – Book Launch

September 18, 2019

4:00 – 7:30  pm

Tibet House

22 West 15th Street

New York, NY  10011


Join the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, Dr. Henrietta Mann, Nena Thurman and other special guests for the book launch of“Grandmothers Wisdom: Reverence for All Creation”.

The Earth is our loving grandmother. For all time, Cheyenne storytellers, generation after generation, have repeated this belief with both their minds and their hearts. As they say, The Great One, Everywhere Spirit, created the universe and all life with power so vast it defies human imagination. Entirely with the force of thought, the four powerful spirit beings came into existence to witness creation and to eventually safeguard and shelter all life, especially human beings. Next came the water of life, the fire and light of the sun, the infinite sky air, and compassionate Earth. The Great One, Everywhere Spirit, contemplated creation and thought the Earth to be the most beautiful of all, then declared that the Earth be known as our grandmother.

Grandmother Earth is also, more commonly, referred to as Mother Earth. Indeed, she is first woman, first mother, first teacher, oldest mother, and oldest grandmother. The Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers whose magnificent lives are encapsulated in the work of this book represent Earth’s titanic spirit, power, beauty, and love. Individually and collectively, they are rooted in the Earth and carry her wisdom as a perpetual trust. They are committed to sustaining their Earth home and to educating and defending the hearts of all the world’s children.

Please join us in celebrating the manifestation of “Grandmothers Wisdom: Reverence for All Creation”, life and the continuation of this movement of peace, spiritual activism, honoring Mother Earth and future generations.

Seating is first-come, first-served.

Reception and book signing to follow. To join the signing line, we ask that you please purchase a copy of the book available at the event.

Lakota Waldorf School Pow Wow @ Lakota Waldorf School
Sep 19 @ 1:00 pm

Lakota Waldorf School Pow Wow

Dear Friends of Lakota Waldorf School

We are very excited to host our first Pow Wow in celebration of Waldorf school’s 100th anniversary, September 19th 2019


Peace Lanterns Festival 2019 @ Gantry Plaza State Park
Sep 21 @ 2:00 pm – 8:30 pm


Peace Lanterns Festival 2019

September 21, 2019


Gantry Plaza State Park

Long Island City 11011

Our next peace event that Heiwa Peace & Reconciliation Foundation is co-sponsoring will be annual Peace Lanterns Festival on Saturday, September 21 (UN International Day of Peace!!!) from 2pm – 8:30pm. It will be held at Gantry Plaza State Park in LIC, NY (along with East River, across the River from the United Nations) – Center Blvd & 49th Ave., LIC.

Schedule of Peace Lanterns Festival:
-Free Public Event. Donations are welcome. –

2:00 – 6:00pm Lantern Decorating, Origami, Face Painting, Henna Tattoos, Seedball Making, and African Dance.

2:30 – 5:30pm “Meditate NYC” – Public Meditation Day
Practice mindfulness and calming under the guidance of revered teachers from Buddhist and other traditions from across the globe.

3:00 – 6:00pm Public Paddling, organized by HarborLAB

6:15pm – 7:30pm Speakers and Interfaith Prayers for Peace
Music by Heiwa Peace Band

7:30 – 8:30pm Floating Peace Lanterns
108 lanterns with your words and images of peace and set them afloat with the setting sun.

Peace Lanterns Festival is co-sponsored by the HaborLAB, the Heiwa Peace Reconciliation Foundation of New York and the Buddhist Council of New York, in partnership with the Global Movement for the Culture of Peace, the Interfaith Center of New York, the Interfaith Center of USA, the Newtown Creek Group, the NY de Volunteers, the Origami Therapy Association, the Sikh Cultural Society, the TF Cornerstone, and the World Yoga Community.

Call (646) 797-7982


THE WEB OF LIFE New Moon Call to Action @ Global Online
Sep 30 @ 9:00 am – 10:30 am


New Moon Global Call to Action
Sacred Reciprocity:
Learning to Live in Harmony with All of Life
A FREE Interactive Global Conversation
with Michael & Puma Fredy Quispe Singona
Friday, August 30th, 9-10:30am Pacific
There is so much that is affecting us, so much heavy energy, worry, stress, and fear that is affecting our physical bodies and sending us to the hospitals. We need to take care of our heart and mind in order to completely heal our physical bodies.

Puma Fredy Quispe Singona
I am very excited to announce that our dear friend Fredy “Puma” Quispe will be joining us for this month’s new moon call. Puma, who lives in Cusco Peru, was trained by his grandfather from the age of 6. He has been walking the path of a traditional Andean Medicine Man and is recognized as a holder of ancient Andean wisdom.
Puma and Michael will be exploring the concept and application of Ayni, the sacred art of reciprocity, to our lives and human evolution. August is the month for celebrating Mother Earth in Peru, although it seems that this is true of every month with the indigenous people. Please join us as we explore how to meet the challenges of separation, alienation and divisiveness that are growing in our world today.
Our separation from the natural world is not only killing us, we are taking the bulk of all the earth’s species with us in our quest for more of what we really don’t need. When we learn to think in terms of systems we recognize that everything is connected and plays a vital role in the balance of the energetic forces of the universe…
Michael Stone


Fredy “Puma” Quispe is a prominent citizen within his local community and a member of the Elders Council in Chinchero, Peru as well as the co-founder of Cusi Huayna, a youth group focused on re-strengthening the community through the remembrance of traditional dance, story, and weaving. He is accredited to sharing the secrets of the Andes with hundreds of tourists each year as a guide on the Inca Trail while continuing to study with Quechua elders throughout the Sacred Valley.
Today Puma plays an active role in world affairs by sitting on several international and indigenous councils including the World Wisdom Council, whose honorary chair is Mikhail Gorbachyev. He was also featured in 4Real which began as a documentary television series that features young leaders who, under extreme circumstances, are affecting real change on some of the most pressing issues of our time, and has now expanded to include an online global community. Through this work, he is ensuring the contribution of indigenous wisdom toward strengthening the vision of global harmony and healing.


Michael Stone is a multi-faceted leader in the realm of shamanism and spiritual development. He is the on the faculty of the Shift Network and is the host and producer of the Shamanism Global Summit. For the past 15 years he has hosted KVMR’s weekly Award winning show Conversations, which highlights leading edge thinkers, authors and activists in environmental restoration, social justice and spiritual fulfillment. As co-founder of Quantum Consulting he works with organizations to combine quantum theory with mystical shamanism to promote healing, wellness and belief change with his clients. Michael leads classes, tele-seminars and workshops on embodied shamanism, meditation and unity spirituality.

 The new moon is a time of new beginnings, an access to unlimited potentiality!​​​
​If you miss our weekly radio shows or New Moon calls you can become a Patron of The Well of Light and receive these
and so much more by going to:
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Celebrate Tewa Women United’s Past, Present, and Future
Oct 14 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm



Governor’s Mansion, One Mansion Drive, Santa Fe, NM

Located in the ancestral Tewa homelands of Northern New Mexico, Tewa Women United is a multicultural and multiracial organization founded and led by Native women. The name “Tewa Women United” comes from the Tewa words wi don gi mu which can be translated as “we are one” in mind, heart, and in the spirit of love for all.

Learn more about our vision, mission, and history here.

Please Visit the Contact Us page for a list of program/staff emails addresses.

Come Celebrate Our 30th Anniversary With Us!

Please join us for this special evening
to celebrate Tewa Women United’s Past, Present, and Future

This event, on Indigenous People’s Day, celebrates 30 years of being in beloved community and showcases how Tewa Women United has created spaces for Indigenous women to uncover their power, strength, and skills.

Wo’watsi will feature…

  • Pueblo Dances
  • Blessings from the TWU Sayain/Grandmothers’ Circle
  • Words from executive director Dr. Corrine Sanchez
  • Indigenous-inspired appetizers from Chef Ray Naranjo
  • Offerings of Poetry & Art
  • And more….

All ticket proceeds will benefit the work of Tewa Women United.

This will be an evening to remember…we look forward to sharing it with you!

• NOTE: Tickets are limited and available until October 7 or until sold out

• To receive email updates about this event, sign up here

Contact Us

Tewa Women United
Phone: (505) 747-3259 | Fax: (505) 747-4067

Mailing Address:
Tewa Women United
PO B0x 397
Santa Cruz, NM 87567

Office: 912 Fairview Lane, Española, NM 87532


About Us

About Tewa Women United

Located in the ancestral Tewa homelands of Northern New Mexico, Tewa Women United is a multicultural and multiracial organization founded and led by Native women.

The name “Tewa Women United” comes from the Tewa words wi don gi mu which can be translated as “we are one” in mind, heart and in the spirit of love for all.

Our Beginnings

Tewa Women United (TWU) started in 1989 as a support group for women from the Pueblos of the northern Rio Grande concerned with the traumatic effects of colonization, religious inquisition, and militarization leading to issues such as alcoholism, suicide, domestic/sexual violence and environmental violence. In the safe space we created, we transformed and empowered one another through critical analysis and by embracing and reaffirming our cultural identity.

In 2001 we transitioned from an informal, all volunteer group to a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Tewa Women United was incorporated for educational, social and benevolent purposes, specifically for the ending of all forms of violence against Native Women and girls, Mother Earth and to promote peace in New Mexico.

Our Vision
TWU believes in strengthening and re-strengthening beloved families and communities to end violence against women, girls, and Mother Earth.

Our Mission
The mission of TWU is to provide courageous spaces for Indigenous women to uncover the power, strength, and skills they possess to become positive forces for transformative change in their families and communities.

Our Values

A’Gin – respect for self and others
Wina ta yay – Together we live these values
Seegi ma vay i – Loving, caring for each other
Kwee-wa seng-wa vi tuu – female/ male energy – ancestral knowingness
Nung Ochuu Quiyo – Our Mother, Mother Earth, multi-versity
Bin mah pah di – Letting go
Wowatsi – Our breath, our prayer, commitment to live life with purpose and good intentions

Poor People’s Campaign in Dayton, Ohio – Manifesting the DREAM of MLK, Jr. @ College Hill Community Church
Jan 19 @ 12:00 pm


It’s not the waking, it’s the rising!

We must do M.O.R.E!

Manifesting the DREAM of MLK Jr.!

Sneak Peek Showing of “We Cried Power: A documentary of the PPC”

Dayton: January 19th at 12:00PM

College Hill Community Church

1547 Philadelphia Drive

Dayton, Ohio 45406


Looking forward to hearing your voices and making a change with you to mobilize,organize, register and educate Ohioans around poverty, racism,ecological devastation and the war economy! 

Check out the newly designed website! Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival 

Here is a link to a video that describes the tour during the 2nd stop in North Carolina.

PPC in NC, We Must Do M.O.R.E!

For those of you wanting to join us in DC for the Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington, June 20, 2020, please visit the site below and book your ride!  The PPC Rally will also make stops along the way to fill the bus, so if you don’t see your city listed let us know and we can find a way to connect you.  We will also need to do a tremendous amount of fundraising to send those that are impacted.

Here is the link to book your ride to DC, Click HERE  

Register for the March on Washington Click HERE

Here is the donation link for those who would like to support those going to DC.


EXCITING NEWS FOR APRIL:  The National Mobilizing, Organizing, Registering and Educating (M.O.R.E.) Tour, will be coming to Dayton, Ohio, with Campaign co-chairs Rev. Theoharis, and Rev. Barber on April 23, 2020—details will be coming in a few weeks!  

Poor People’s Campaign in Cincinnati, Ohio – Manifesting the DREAM OF MLK, Jr.
Jan 20 @ 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm


It’s not the waking, it’s the rising!

We must do M.O.R.E!

Manifesting the DREAM of MLK Jr.!

Cincinnati: January 20th

A special collaboration with Public Allies from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m.

Sneak Peek of “We Cried Power”, followed by an economic  and  panel discussion.

Cincinnati Public Library in the Tower Room

800 Vine St, Cincinnati, OH 45202


Looking forward to hearing your voices and making a change with you to mobilize,organize, register and educate Ohioans around poverty, racism,ecological devastation and the war economy! 

Check out the newly designed website! Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival 

Here is a link to a video that describes the tour during the 2nd stop in North Carolina.

PPC in NC, We Must Do M.O.R.E!

For those of you wanting to join us in DC for the Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington, June 20, 2020, please visit the site below and book your ride!  The PPC Rally will also make stops along the way to fill the bus, so if you don’t see your city listed let us know and we can find a way to connect you.  We will also need to do a tremendous amount of fundraising to send those that are impacted.

Here is the link to book your ride to DC, Click HERE  

Register for the March on Washington Click HERE

Here is the donation link for those who would like to support those going to DC.


EXCITING NEWS FOR APRIL:  The National Mobilizing, Organizing, Registering and Educating (M.O.R.E.) Tour, will be coming to Dayton, Ohio, with Campaign co-chairs Rev. Theoharis, and Rev. Barber on April 23, 2020—details will be coming in a few weeks!  


WE The World & THE POOR PEOPLE’S CAMPAIGN Collaborate Together! @ WE The World Facebook Page
Jan 26 @ 6:00 pm

It’s not the waking, it’s the rising!

We must do M.O.R.E!

Manifesting the DREAM of MLK Jr.!



Visit OUR Facebook page to watch a virtual screening of “We Cried Power”.

There will be a panel discussion afterwards.

Visit the facebook page here –  We, the World

to watch the live screening

of the PPC documentary on January 26th, at 6:00 pm.


Looking forward to hearing your voices and making a change with you to mobilize,organize, register and educate Ohioans around poverty, racism,ecological devastation and the war economy! 

Check out the newly designed website! Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival 

Here is a link to a video that describes the tour during the 2nd stop in North Carolina.

PPC in NC, We Must Do M.O.R.E!

For those of you wanting to join us in DC for the Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington, June 20, 2020, please visit the site below and book your ride!  The PPC Rally will also make stops along the way to fill the bus, so if you don’t see your city listed let us know and we can find a way to connect you.  We will also need to do a tremendous amount of fundraising to send those that are impacted.

Here is the link to book your ride to DC, Click HERE  

Register for the March on Washington Click HERE

Here is the donation link for those who would like to support those going to DC.


EXCITING NEWS FOR APRIL:  The National Mobilizing, Organizing, Registering and Educating (M.O.R.E.) Tour, will be coming to Dayton, Ohio, with Campaign co-chairs Rev. Theoharis, and Rev. Barber on April 23, 2020—details will be coming in a few weeks!  

Special Online Interactive Broadcast—Manifesting The Dream: The Poor People’s Campaign–A National Call for Moral Revival @ Online
Feb 23 @ 6:00 pm

February 23, 2020

Special Online Interactive Broadcast
Part of our MLK Program
Manifesting The Dream
The Poor People’s Campaign
A National Call for Moral Revival
Panel Discussion and Interactive Online Broadcast
Featuring National Campaign Leaders
Sunday February 23rd at 6PM Eastern Time

Watch the Broadcast LIVE or Watch the Recording on
We, The World’s Facebook Page
Please LIKE the Page to be notified when our Broadcasts are startingThese Special Broadcasts are part of our MLK Program
Manifesting The Dream
Carrying Forward the Work and Legacy
of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
During the Compassion Games’ MLK 40 Days of Peace
To Participate in Manifesting The Dream: MLK 40 Days of Peace

Sign Up Here
Takes under a minute!

Full MLK Broadcast Links and other activity details here:

It’s Time To Restore the Voting Rights Act! Hosted by OHPPC!! @ Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County (Main Library)
Feb 26 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Meeting will be at the Main Library – Huenefeld Tower Room

In 2013, the Supreme Court gutted the core of one of the crowning achievements of the civil rights movement: the Voting Rights Act. The 1965 bill, propelled by the historic march of protesters from Montgomery to Selma, Alabama, officially put an end to the literacy tests, poll taxes, and voting restrictions that had disenfranchised millions of minority voters for decades. And it went further than that: it also required areas of the country with a history of using these discriminatory tactics to get federal approval before making any changes to voting.- Vice News Oct. 16, 2020

Soon after the ruling in 2013, polling locations were closed and many of the closed polls were in neighborhoods with large minority populations.

We will review the history and ramifications of the gutting of the Voting Rights Act. Then we will discuss what are the possible solutions to solving attacks on our nation’s voting rights in our community, our state and our nation.

If you are able, please bring a dish to share. Please let us know if you have any needs to allow you to participate fully.


Started on November 13, 2017


The Ohio Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call For Moral Revival is uniting the poor and dispossessed against systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, the war economy, and our corrupt national morality. Join us
The Ohio Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call For Moral Revival is uniting the poor against racism, war, poverty, and ecological devastation; reviving Rev. Dr. King’s #PoorPeoplesCampaign to spark a #MoralRevival for today.
Yo Tengo Un Sueno—(I Have A Dream) @ The Whitney Museum
Feb 28 @ 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

(413)-841-0298, (413)-464-6485, (413)-310-8944, se habla espanol

“I Have A Dream” / “Yo Tengo Un Sueño”    

Four Kings Community Event

The Whitney Museum of Art,

        42 Wendell Ave,

        Pittsfield MA

February 28, 2020

        5-8:00 pm

In the Latino culture , Three Kings Day is a very important event to celebrate the coming of the Three Kings to the Christ child, falling on January 6th, which includes re enactment and gifts for children. Additionally, the “ I Have a Dream” Four Kings event will promote the values of love and equity of the “King of Social Justice”, Martin Luther King.

“To inject a new dimension of love into the veins of our civilization”- MLK JR.

“Para inyectar una nueva dimension de amor dentro de la venas de nuestra civilizacion”- <MLKJR.

Manos Unidas announces a collaborative community event with Roots and Dreams Coop and other dedicated collaborators, to shake off the winter blues! Come learn how to dance a dance from Central America, help create a giant mural on themes of peace and justice, add your dream to the Community Dream Tree, eat delicious Puerto Rican food, witness a colorful Mexican dance troupe, hear songs of peace, *ta gift sharing for our community children.
There will be concurrent tabling and a silent auction, as well as a material donation area for our *Unidos con Puerto Rico” project, which is seeking support again for our Puerto Rican brothers and sisters affected by the recent earthquakes.

At 7:00 pm, we will do a staged reading of our community bilingual play “I Had a Dream,” written by David Detmold, and performed by a dedicated group of Manos Unidas members. Connect with a diverse array of community members in this second annual “I Have a Dream” Four Kings Day tradition in the spirit of community generosity and love.

The event is free to all peoples, but there is a suggested donation of $10 per plate of food, and a suggested donation of $20 for the food and event per family, to raise money for the Hopeseed Empowerment Cooperative of Manos Unidas, which is helping build a multi-class, multicultural movement that assists in building cooperative business visions, as well as raising the capacity of our community to the next level of greatness.

Four Kings/ Cuatro Reyes Performance lineup
The Whit, 42 Wendell Ave, Friday Feb 28th, 2020

Concurrent 5-630: Puerto Rican Food by Gustitos Boricuas
Concurrent 5-7pm: Multicultural Muralmaking with Kristina Cardot of Funky Phoenix and Manos Unidas
Concurrent: Silent Auction and Info Tabling

5-5:30- background music and intros, readings by  Manos team and TBA

Tyramisu- soul music
Indigo and Anaelisa- songs for justice
Chris Stix- drumming
Imaran and Anu- spoken word

6pm: Sandra Bonilla- Salvadorean dance

6:20- Living through the Arts Multicultural Youth Initiative of Manos Unidas children sing
6:30- Hoping Machine
7:00pm  staged reading of “I Had a Dream”, a bilingual play about border crossings and the struggles of our times. written by David Detmold and performed by Manos Unidas members and supporters with a special vocal and musical performances by Living through the Arts project children/ Manos team and the Gauadalupenas, a Mexican dance troupe

7:30- 7:50- words and generosity/giftsharing/ concurrent music
7:50 closing and musica

(413)-841-0298, (413)-464-6485, (413)-310-8944, se habla espanol

P.O Box 112, South Lee, MA 01260
and popup locations in  Pittsfield, MA 0120

For more information about a list of desired items for Puerto Rico or for gift signups for your children or those you know, please text or email one of us above!

Para mas informacion sobre las donaciones para Puerto Rico, para agregarse a la lista de los regalos de los ninos, o cualquier pregunta, porfavor comunicarse con nosostros en los correos electronicos o telefonos arriba!


The Light of the World: A Retreat in Arizona with Eckhart Tolle and Kim Eng @ Arizona Biltmore Hotel
Apr 23 – Apr 26 all-day

The Light of the World

A Retreat in Arizona with Eckhart Tolle and Kim Eng

April 23–26, 2020

Arizona Biltmore

Register today! This event will sell out!          Register Now


Eckhart Tolle teaches a simple but profound truth: you are not separate and are never alone. Just as a sunbeam is an emanation of the sun, you and everyone you know come from the same basic source—and are still connected at the deepest level.

In this spirit, we are pleased to host The Light of the World: A Retreat in Arizona with Eckhart Tolle and Kim Eng. In April of 2020, you can join Eckhart and Kim at the historic Arizona Biltmore Hotel for four days of personal and spiritual exploration.


Eckhart TolleKim Eng

You Are the Light of the World

Set against the dramatic backdrop of the Sonoran Desert, this retreat will dive deep into questions about the origin of consciousness, humanity’s ongoing evolution, the tendencies of the ego, and your true, timeless nature. Eckhart and Kim will guide you through inquiry, meditation, guided movement, piercing insights, and much more—all in the comfort of one of Arizona’s most storied resorts.

When we meet to share the search for meaning, we take another step closer to embodying our inherent interconnectedness. During The Light of the World, you’ll not only receive live instruction from two of the world’s premier spiritual teachers, but also enjoy the rare opportunity to explore the spaciousness of the present moment with fellow seekers.

“There’s no place where you say, ‘Here’s the sun and here’s the ray.’ They merge. Here’s the sun, and then it becomes the rays of the sun. And in the same way, consciousness emanates from the source of all life and then manifests as beings.”  Eckart Tolle


  • daily talks icon

    Inspiring daily talks with Eckhart Tolle

  • movement practice icon

    Presence Through Movement practice and talks with Kim Eng

  • group meditation icon

    Group meditation and practical question-and-answer sessions with Eckhart and Kim

  • desert icon

    Opportunities to explore the startling beauty of the Sonoran Desert and its pristine night skies

  • personal reflection icon

    Ample time for both solitude and community engagement within the beautiful grounds of the Biltmore

    Arizona Biltmore Resort

    Since 1929, the Arizona Biltmore has been a stand-out destination, creating unforgettable memories. Over the years, the 39 acres of gardens, swimming pools, and iconic architecture have provided a safe haven for celebrities, diplomats, and presidents, and a luxurious resort for guests from all walks of life.

    The resort has been an Arizona landmark since its opening and is one of the only existing luxury hotels in the world with a Frank Lloyd Wright influence. The Biltmore was designed by Albert Chase McArthur, a Harvard graduate who had studied under Wright. The Arizona Biltmore, located at the base of the Phoenix Mountain Reserve, is a timeless treasure in itself as well as a base to explore the beauty of the Sonoran Desert. The beautiful and magical red sandstone formations of Sedona are a short two-hour drive away.

    We have reserved a large block of rooms at a special group rate for retreat participants. The nightly rate of $359 for a single occupancy room or $419 for a double occupancy room includes a daily private group lunch for retreat participants.

    Rooms will sell out! Please book your lodging as soon as possible.

    Lodging costs are paid separately to The Arizona Biltmore and are not included in your retreat tuition. A special group lodging rate will be available until March 23, 2020 or until rooms are sold out, whichever comes first. Reservations require a one-night deposit. After March 23, 2020, any unsold rooms can be booked at the current hotel rates based on availability. Please be sure to review the room cancellation penalties at the time of booking.

    For hotel booking inquiries with specific requests, or to book days before and after the retreat, please call the Arizona Biltmore at 602.955.6600.

    For those who would like to find a roommate, please visit the Meetup forum.


    A daily group lunch will be served in a private dining room for The Light of the World retreat participants beginning on Friday, April 24 and ending with lunch on Sunday, April 26. Gluten-free and vegetarian options will be offered.

    For breakfast and dinner, guests are encouraged to dine at one of several restaurants and casual cafes at the Arizona Biltmore: Frank & Albert’s (casual dining, open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner), Wright’s (fine dining, only open for dinner), and the Wright Bar (contemporary American fare). Also available: poolside service at the Cabana Club, grab-and-go items at the Café, and 24-hour in-room dining.


    Nearest Airport

    Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (8 miles)

    Airport Shuttles

    There are many transportation options available upon arrival at Phoenix Sky Harbour International Airport, including airport shuttles, taxis, private car service, and car rentals. Driving time is approximately 15 minutes.

    Transportation Options


    Parking at the Arizona Biltmore is available for an additional cost.



    Opening Day: Thursday, April 23

    3:00–7:00 pm
    Retreat registration
    7:00 pm
    Doors open
    7:30 pm
    Eckhart Tolle opening talk

    Closing Day: Sunday, April 26

    9:30 am
    Doors open
    10:00 am
    Eckhart Tolle closing talk

    Full retreat schedule to be announced at a later date.

    Morning sessions on Friday and Saturday will be Kim Eng’s Presence Through Movement workshop. You will have the opportunity to choose which day you would prefer to attend. Afternoon and evening sessions will be talks, meditations, and Q&A sessions with Eckhart and Kim.


    This event will sell out!
    $1,197 USD

    Registration fee covers tuition only. Lodging, which includes a private daily group lunch, is paid separately through the Arizona Biltmore.

    For more information contact
    or call 800.333.9185

The Interfaith Leadership Institute – for Students and Educators – 2020
Aug 7 – Aug 9 all-day

Interested in joining us in 2020? Fill out our early interest form and be the first to know when registration opens and save $50 off your registration.  We’ll make sure you’re the first to know when registration opens for our August 7-9, 2020 ILI in Chicago. Bonus: you’ll receive $50 off when you register!

See the ILI in action

The Interfaith Leadership Institute (ILI) is the largest gathering of students and educators with a commitment to American religious pluralism. Each year, hundreds of people who care about the future of our religiously diverse society converge in Chicago to learn, train, share, and get inspired to bring the movement for interfaith cooperation back to their campuses and communities.  Over the course of three days, participants learn to bridge divides and forge friendships across lines of religious and worldview differences. Come to the ILI with the passion to bring people together and leave equipped with the knowledge and skills to make it happen.

Interested in joining us in 2020? Fill out our early interest form and be the first to know when registration opens and save $50 off your registration.


Training Tracks

Introductory and advanced training tracks are designed to support those new to this work by laying the foundation for interfaith leadership, and providing advanced skills in topics ranging from strategic planning to navigating tricky challenges and more.

Plenary Sessions

Plenary sessions will feature conversation with experienced leaders and their stories of engaging religious difference and disagreement in American life. During the Unconference, attendees will have the power to guide these conversations by choosing discussion topics and important questions at the beginning of the gathering.

Discounts & Scholarships

As we do not want cost to be a hindrance to engaging with interfaith leadership, we have a number of discounts, as well as registration scholarships available.

Interfaith Youth Core
141 W. Jackson Blvd, Suite 3200, Chicago, IL 60604
Phone: (312) 573-8825

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