
Connect for Peace 2018 @ Foley Square Park
Sep 20 @ 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Connect for Peace 2018 @ Foley Square

Connect for Peace is a public street happening for peace in honor of the International Day of Peace. We invite participants and passersby to connect with one another in a spirit of openness, spontaneity, and childlike innocence. A cross between performance art and a peace rally, these powerful events have touched the lives of people from around the globe.

We take a moment to connect for peace. We take a moment to really see the person in front of us. We say, “I see you” and are genuinely seen in return. The bungee cords physicalize the invisible connections between all people. As we realize how interconnected we are, peace is a natural outcome.

Amazing things happen at every Connect for Peace event. It touches something deep. Passersby stop to share intimate details of their lives. Strangers are moved to extraordinary acts of kindness. The premise is simple but the results are incredibly powerful.

UNIFY Broadcast from UN of Peace Day Participants Uniting Worldwide and Synchronized Meditation @ UN and Peace Accelerators/UNIFY Peace Celebration at The Brooklyn Mirage
Sep 21 all-day
UNIFY Broadcast from UN of Peace Day Participants Uniting Worldwide and Synchronized Meditation @ UN and Peace Accelerators/UNIFY Peace Celebration at The Brooklyn Mirage

Can the world be peaceful for 24 hours? Every hour a new invitation, action, mission, and hero will invite you in the UNIFY Experience for all to do and share together! This is hosted by UNIFY and all our amazing Partners honoring The International Day of Peace. The Incredible Celebration will be led LIVE on UNIFY FB Page.

Sept 21 we will be LIVE on FB,starting the kick off of this Global Synchronized Event and will be working towards breaking our last Guinness World Record!

Learn more about this at

Share your peaceful actions on Twitter, FB, Instagram with us featuring hashtag # reporting your actions on the Map on our site

Please share this event! Peace on!

From Peace Accelerators Description: It is our dream (and hopefully it will become your dream as well) that over the next decade we begin to celebrate the International Day of Peace (September 21st) more and more each year, until over time it becomes the first holiday that the entire world celebrates.

It is not religious and it is not about any made-up country — it is about all of us seeing the commonality between each other, realizing we’re on one Earth (and in many ways this place needs us to adapt to her quite quickly at this crucial point in history).

This Thursday we are holding a large beautiful inspiring event for the International Day of Peace. There will be community leaders, speakers, musicians, meditation, yoga, dj’s and much more.

This will be one evening you will not want to miss.

It will be the largest celebration for the International Day of Peace in NYC, the heartbeat city of our one planet.

Let’s show the world what we want.

FREE Laughter Yoga on the PHONE! @ On the Phone from Wherever You Are!
Sep 21 @ 9:00 am – 9:15 am
FREE Laughter Yoga on the PHONE! @ On the Phone from Wherever You Are!

Join others for 15 glorious minutes of Laughter Yoga on the phone as we celebrate 11 Days of Global Unity! Today, we culminate these 11 days as we mark the UN International Day of Peace. When Dr. Kataria, founder of Laughter Yoga, began spreading his vision of sharing intentional laughter, he recognized that Laughter is a universal language and since its founding in 1995, he has hoped others will share his vision of using shared intentional laughter to help the world find peace. I’m SURE I’ve enjoyed laughing with each and every person who has called in during the 11 Days of Global Unity. On this, our last call of this series, we will focus on Laughter Exercises that envision a more peaceful world. As always: no previous experience, no special clothes or equipment required. CALL: +1-218-339-2460 CODE: 52844# (LAUGH#) We’ll start with SMILE-UPsSM and get the giggles with silly, playful LAUGHTER exercises that help unite us as we decrease stress, anxiety and depression, increase joy, connection, creativity, energy, focus and productivity. Connect to others through LAUGHTER! Time given is for Central Standard Time. More information about Sarah and her work on The Event Page has more details including a MAP to find the correct time in YOUR time zone and a link to the Facebook Event where you can RSVP if you want to connect further. Come together to LAUGH for joy! “Laughter is the shortest distance between 2 people.” – Victor Borge

Also NOTE: Sarah continues these Laughter Calls every MONDAY MORNING at 9am Central Standard Time for 15 minutes. You are always invited! Thanks for joining the fun as we all work together to find a more unified, and much more peaceful world, one big smile and one shared laugh at a time!

UNITY in commUNITY: Int’l Day of Peace March and Rally presented by the River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding @ The Sun Center
Sep 21 @ 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

​In celebration of our common humanity, we join with citizens from all around the world on September 21st for International Peace Day. This year we are excited to celebrate the EMPOWERED VOICES OF YOUTH in our commUNITY, who are leading the way to a more peaceful and just world.  International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution and this day of peace provides a globally shared occasion for all humanity to commit to peace above all differences and to contribute to building a culture of peace.

Come and join us as we

march, chant, dance, rally, listen and create

with one another to celebrate our

connection, hope, and commUNITY!


Festivities include:
Unique voices from our International community
International Flag Ceremony
Sign Making
…and more!

Sep 1 – Sep 30 all-day

CPI is stewarded by Pathways To Peace

PLACE Your Activities on the Peace Map!


We are in Peace Month (September) and the final countdown to the 37th annual International Day of Peace!

It is especially important to share your Peacebuilding activities on the universal Peace Map! You can add your activities for the world to see, and for people interested in joining you, by clicking here:

Peace Month is particularly significant this year as we honor the 20th Anniversary of The UN Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace, which is September 13th: A/RES/53/243 B Adopted by the United Nations in 1999, The Declaration and Programme of Action serves as a reminder of the importance of making Peace Day every day. The theme for the 20th Anniversary Observance is: “Empowering and Transforming Humanity.” And, we know that you are committed to doing that every day!

It’s not too late to place your activities on the Peace Map for the 20th Anniversary, as well as for what you will be doing for the International Day of Peace (Peace Day) on 21 September.
Please know this site is a long-established and universal website (www.internationaldayofpeace) that serves to inform and connect every one involved in Peace Day, beginning annually with the 100-day Countdown.
Please make the site your own and drop in frequently to see what’s happening to create a diverse and sustainable Culture of Peace throughout our precious and challenged planet.
Let us all create Peace Day every day!
Peace Lanterns Festival 2019 @ Gantry Plaza State Park
Sep 21 @ 2:00 pm – 8:30 pm


Peace Lanterns Festival 2019

September 21, 2019


Gantry Plaza State Park

Long Island City 11011

Our next peace event that Heiwa Peace & Reconciliation Foundation is co-sponsoring will be annual Peace Lanterns Festival on Saturday, September 21 (UN International Day of Peace!!!) from 2pm – 8:30pm. It will be held at Gantry Plaza State Park in LIC, NY (along with East River, across the River from the United Nations) – Center Blvd & 49th Ave., LIC.

Schedule of Peace Lanterns Festival:
-Free Public Event. Donations are welcome. –

2:00 – 6:00pm Lantern Decorating, Origami, Face Painting, Henna Tattoos, Seedball Making, and African Dance.

2:30 – 5:30pm “Meditate NYC” – Public Meditation Day
Practice mindfulness and calming under the guidance of revered teachers from Buddhist and other traditions from across the globe.

3:00 – 6:00pm Public Paddling, organized by HarborLAB

6:15pm – 7:30pm Speakers and Interfaith Prayers for Peace
Music by Heiwa Peace Band

7:30 – 8:30pm Floating Peace Lanterns
108 lanterns with your words and images of peace and set them afloat with the setting sun.

Peace Lanterns Festival is co-sponsored by the HaborLAB, the Heiwa Peace Reconciliation Foundation of New York and the Buddhist Council of New York, in partnership with the Global Movement for the Culture of Peace, the Interfaith Center of New York, the Interfaith Center of USA, the Newtown Creek Group, the NY de Volunteers, the Origami Therapy Association, the Sikh Cultural Society, the TF Cornerstone, and the World Yoga Community.

Call (646) 797-7982


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