
Gaia Is Hiring UnConference @ Lenzwald
May 25 – May 28 all-day

To enlarge the team of planet Earth, Gaia is looking for evolutionaries working in full self-responsibility and on a freelance basis in different departments (e.g. cultural evolution, regeneration and conservation of flora and fauna, sustainable energy production, evolution of the economy, enlivening soils, upgrading human thoughtware, etc.)

– Are you willing to put your talents in service of something bigger than yourself?

– Are you ready to take radical responsibility for everything you do and don‘t do?

– Are you willing to leave your comfort zone and explore the unknown?

A growing team of extraordinary, inspired, and like-minded people with a strong vision of what is possible who lead a purposeful life, being their destiny in action and creating a future where all living beings can live harmoniously on planet Earth instead of merely surviving. If you are interested to meet with your team-colleagues, join us at the UnConference. We are looking forward to creatively collaborating with you!

World Day of Prayer @ Unity Village
Sep 13 @ 4:45 pm – Sep 14 @ 6:00 pm

Please join us at Unity Village for the 24th annual Unity World Day of Prayer!

Weds, Sept 13:
* 7-8:30pm Opening Service in the Activities Center with keynote by Rev. Linda Martella-Whitsett. Music by Jana Stanfield. A candlelight walk to the Silent Unity Chapel will follow to open the 24-hour prayer vigil.
* 8:45pm Reception at Unity Banquet and Dining.

Thurs, Sept 14:
* 7:30-9am Interfaith Prayer Breakfast at Unity Banquet and Dining – In Person & Live Online.
* 11am Silent Unity Prayer Service in Activities Center – In Person & Live Online.
* 1:30pm Sacred Circle prayer experience in the central courtyard by flagpole
* 2:30-3:30 Sound Immersion (Gongs) in Activities Center – In Person & Live Online
* 3:30-5pm Art Gallery opening and Poetry Reading behind the bookstore.
* 4-6pm Open House for Unity Worldwide Ministries in Unity Education Building.
* 7-8pm Inspirational Concert by Jana Stanfield and closing celebration – In Person & Live Online.
* 8pm Closing of the 24-hour prayer vigil in the Silent Unity Chapel.

All events are free and open to the public. No registration required.
Donations gratefully accepted.

Open Heart Conversations: Bhakti Yoga with Radhanath Swami @ United Palace
May 19 @ 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Open Heart Conversations: Bhakti Yoga with Radhanath Swami @ United Palace

Join Rev. Arda Itez and Rev. Dr. Jose Roman for a very special Open Heart Conversation to explore the path of Bhakti-yoga with one of its most beloved spiritual leaders and NY Times best-selling author, his holiness Radhanath Swami, with music by Jahnavi Harrison and friends.

Introduced to the West as The International Society For Krishna Consciousness in 1966 by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Bhakti-yoga has traceable roots to the 1st millennium, BCE. What came to be known as the “Hare Krishna Movement” developed into one of the most influential and important spiritual and social reformations in US history.

Sometimes referred to as “love for love’s sake,” Bhakti is one of the four yogic paths to enlightenment and the essence of spiritual perfection, which is to awaken ecstatic love for God.

What was it about the Bhakti tradition that inspired so many people to embrace it as their own?

Who are the Hare Krishnas?

What are the Bhakti tenets, spiritual practices and beliefs?

Discover the beauty behind one of the oldest, most well-known and often misunderstood spiritual traditions, and what led to his life of devotion directly from Radhanath Swami himself.

Tree of Peace & Reconciliation Tree Planting with Drawdown Markham @ Fly High Farm and Gardens
Sep 15 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Tree of Peace & Reconciliation Tree Planting with Drawdown Markham @ Fly High Farm and Gardens

In cooperation with the WE-Energime-Global Cooperation Turtle Island International Civil Society Organization and in support of peaceful interfaith dialogue, especially in light of Laudato Si, the recent message from Pope Francis on “Care for Mother Earth”, Drawdown Markham will be assisting Global Cooperation Day (GCD, New Zealand) to Celebrate the 800 year Anniversary (in 2019) of the meeting between Saint Francis of Assisi and Sultan Al Kamil in the year 1219 by planting a *Commemorative Tree of Peace* on a property in the East end of Markham (Locust Hill) on Sunday, September 15th.

This event is being done in support of the DD Markham CCAH Collaborative Exchange Project (CEP) and the “Spark for Humanity” project by We Are Mother Earth! (WAME) and GTI Enterprises (cooperative corporation), and for the eventual establishment of our “Go Local” Campaign for community resilience and adaptation, supported by our local Drawdown Markham Interfaith Neighborhood and Business Collaborative (which is part of the EncounterCanada collaborative, which is intended “to localize the Sustainable Development Goals to build ‘Climate Smart’ safe and sustainable communities and cities, pursuant to the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction”).

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