
Children’s Global Wave Of Love @ The World Your Heart
Jan 11 @ 10:11 am

We come together in our own time zones at 1:11 pm on January 11th, 2017 to collectively intention ‘Children across the planet in love, care and respect.” Unifying our hearts and minds in love, peace, and compassion for all. And igniting these intentions. Do yoga, meditate, dance ,sing, however you are uniquely called to contribute, host a meditation flashmob, gather at a favorite body of water. We come together for the children.

Peace Love and Kindness in Business with Karen McMillian @ Online Live Stream
Sep 21 @ 1:30 pm

Join us on GlobalkindnessTV with host Karen Palmer @MindfulmediaMom on all social media and Karen McMillian founder of Sacred space, community/mastermind of YINpreneurs. Heart-centered women blending ancient wisdom with modern practice and balancing yin and yang energy to slow down and speed up your success.

The place to gather, breathe, celebrate and support each other with love, wisdom, practices, tools and resources to grow you and your business bliss.

A Better World Celebrates 26th Year on the Air with Swami Beyondananda! @ Center for Remembering & Sharing (CRS)
Oct 4 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
A Better World Celebrates 26th Year on the Air with Swami Beyondananda! @ Center for Remembering & Sharing (CRS)

Come celebrate A Better World with Mitchell Rabin’s 26th Anniversary of alternative media on the air, with a Swami Beyondananda performance fun-raiser for A Better World, who has been a friend & supporter of ABW for decades. Swami will give a comedy performance followed by a dialogue between Mitchell & Steve about how to creatively create a better world. Your presence is desired.

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