
Mar 22 @ 3:00 pm

Share your smiles, compliments, time, talents, money, and energy with those around you. We must truly be the change that we want to see. And we can do it. We are doing it. Believe that the future is full of mindfulness where hearts mean more than our accounts.

The Love Initiative.

Notes From the Road – Bright Lights Blog

Book a house concert or music for a yoga class today!!


Date Time Venue Location Cost
3/22/18 3:00 PM Choices Akron, OH
3/22/18 6:00 PM Tea Time for Peace Kent, OH
3/23/18 5:00 PM Friends of the Metro Parks Benefit w/ the Bright Lights Akron, OH
3/27/18 7:00 PM Brother’s Lounge Cleveland, OH
3/30/18 6:30 PM 330 Day @ Akron Civic Theatre Akron, OH
3/31/18 10:30 AM Celebration of Life for Marilyn Stroud Cuyahoga Falls, OH
4/3/18 6:30 PM MLK Kirtan Akron, OH Donations
4/4/18 6:30 PM Nonviolent Communication Circle Akron, OH Donations
4/6/18 7:00 PM Big Love Night @ Live Music Now w/ Rhodes St Rude Boys Akron, OH $5-10
4/7/18 8:30 PM Mustard Seed Highland Square w/ Bright Lights! Akron, OH
4/10/18 7:00 PM Brother Lounge Cleveland, OH
4/16/18 7:00 PM Wolf Creek Winery Norton, OH
4/21/18 6:30 PM Bright Lights @ the Rialto Akron, OH $5
4/22/18 4:00 PM Yoga Central Canton, OH
4/28/18 7:00 PM Wine Mill Peninsula, OH
5/2/18 6:30 PM Nonviolent Communication Series Akron, OH Donations
5/4/18 7:00 PM Big Love Night @ Live Music Now w/ Gretchen Pleuss Akron, OH $5-10
5/5/18 12:00 PM Cleveland VegFest Cleveland, OH
5/5/18 6:00 PM Bent Ladder winery Doylestown , OH
5/8/18 7:00 PM Brother’s Lounge Cleveland, OH
UNIFY Broadcast from UN of Peace Day Participants Uniting Worldwide and Synchronized Meditation @ UN and Peace Accelerators/UNIFY Peace Celebration at The Brooklyn Mirage
Sep 21 all-day
UNIFY Broadcast from UN of Peace Day Participants Uniting Worldwide and Synchronized Meditation @ UN and Peace Accelerators/UNIFY Peace Celebration at The Brooklyn Mirage

Can the world be peaceful for 24 hours? Every hour a new invitation, action, mission, and hero will invite you in the UNIFY Experience for all to do and share together! This is hosted by UNIFY and all our amazing Partners honoring The International Day of Peace. The Incredible Celebration will be led LIVE on UNIFY FB Page.

Sept 21 we will be LIVE on FB,starting the kick off of this Global Synchronized Event and will be working towards breaking our last Guinness World Record!

Learn more about this at

Share your peaceful actions on Twitter, FB, Instagram with us featuring hashtag # reporting your actions on the Map on our site

Please share this event! Peace on!

From Peace Accelerators Description: It is our dream (and hopefully it will become your dream as well) that over the next decade we begin to celebrate the International Day of Peace (September 21st) more and more each year, until over time it becomes the first holiday that the entire world celebrates.

It is not religious and it is not about any made-up country — it is about all of us seeing the commonality between each other, realizing we’re on one Earth (and in many ways this place needs us to adapt to her quite quickly at this crucial point in history).

This Thursday we are holding a large beautiful inspiring event for the International Day of Peace. There will be community leaders, speakers, musicians, meditation, yoga, dj’s and much more.

This will be one evening you will not want to miss.

It will be the largest celebration for the International Day of Peace in NYC, the heartbeat city of our one planet.

Let’s show the world what we want.

SUSTAINABILITYNOW Teleconference @ Online
Jun 1 – Jun 7 all-day

The Moment We’ve All Been Waiting For…

Today is DAY 1 of the Sustainability Now Telesummit and boy, are you in for a treat!
Each speaker will be available on-demand for 48 hours.
Here’s today’s schedule:
Alosha Lynov – Off-Grid Water Systems
Marina Qutab – Waste Not Want Not: Zero Waste Solutions for Daily Living
Ryan Eliason – How to Change the World Without Going Broke
Sean Steed – Plant-Based Epoxy: a Case Study for Circular Economy
Zach Bush, MD – Chemical Farming, Ecology & Human Health
Warm regards,
Mira & Scott
Together we rise!
Click the image below to download a PDF calendar with descriptions
Alosha Lynov  Bio Veda: Off-Grid Water Systems
Marina Qutab – Eco Goddess: Waste Not Want Not: Zero Waste Solutions for Daily Living
Ryan Eliason – Visionary Business School: How to Change the World Without Going Broke
Sean Steed – Change Climate: Plant-Based Epoxy: a Case Study for Circular Economy
Zach Bush, MD – Farmer’s Footprint: The Crossroads of Chemical Farming, Ecology & Human Health — A Path to Regeneration
Alexander Verbeek – Planetary Security Initiative: Climate Change and Planetary Security
Brother Phil Lane Jr. – Four Worlds International Institute: The International Treaty to Protect & Restore Mother Earth
Heshie Segal – Kids Better World: Clean Water on the Go: Reducing Plastics and Protecting Our Health
Mike Strizki – Hydrogen House Project: Hydrogen Micro-Grids: Clean Power for the Future, Now
Summer Bock – Guts & Glory: How Fermented Foods Can Repair Our Health
Hazel Henderson – Ethical Markets: Hungry for Change: How Halophyte Plants Can Help Solve the Global Food Crisis
Jay Potter – ECOR: From Waste Stream Fiber to Circular Economy
Jorgen Hempel – Hemp Ecosystems: Seeing Green: Hemp and Hydrated Lime Construction
Ronit Herzfeld – Leap Forward: Beyond Bias: Moving From “Me” to “We”
William Padilla-Brown – MycoSymbiotics: Cultivating Culinary and Medicinal Mushrooms for Fun and Profit
Brian D. Ridgway –Level 5 Liberation: Finding Freedom
Judy Wicks – Circle of Aunts and Uncles: Nurturing Local Economies
Kristen Comella – U.S. Stem Cell: Heal Thyself: The Regenerative Power of Your Own Stem Cells
Reggie Nayar – Innovative Waste Solutions: The Dirty Truth About Waste and Recycling
Jon Ramer – Compassion Games: Deep Social Networking as a Vehicle for Global Change
Judah Becker – Mercy House Ministry: Aquaponics: a Path to Self-Sufficiency
Michael Rice and Zana Zu – ZeMArc Design: Holistic Design
Dr. Richard Satava – University of Washington Medical Center: Frontiers of Medicine and the Ethical Implications of Medical Breakthoughs
Amy Oskins & Amzi Smith – EastCoast EarthHomes: New Paradigms for Housing: Earthship 2.0
Hajjar Gibran – DomeGaia: Go Dome or Go Home: Earthy meets Elegant with AirCrete Construction
Larry Stearns – Nature’s Head: From Waste to Resource: Composting Toilets and Waterless Waste Solutions
Paul Rodney Turner – The Food Yogi: Food Yoga: Sharing Food, Sharing Compassion
Vinit Allen – Sustainable World Coalition: We ARE the Planet: Redefining the Human Family
Jessica Cooper – International WELL Building Institute: Health and WELL-building: Work Environments Designed to Help People Thrive
John Todd – John Todd Ecological Design: Restoring Water and Land with Biologically-Based Eco-Machines
Michael Gosney – Synergetic Press: Vehicles of Social Change
Michael Pawlyn – Exploration Architecture: Solving Design Challenges Through the Wisdom of Nature
Off-Grid Water Systems
Alosha Lynov – Bio Veda
Alosha Lynov, inventor and master builder of regenerative living habitats, walks you through the basics of building an off-grid water system to provide water self-sufficiency including collection, purification and reuse.
Waste Not Want Not: Zero Waste Solutions for Daily Living
Marina Qutab – Eco Goddess
From a Zero-Waste Survival Kit to buying in bulk, eco-goddess Marina Qutab makes it cool to jump on the zero-waste bandwagon with simple steps we can all take to become more conscious consumers.
How to Change the World Without Going Broke
Ryan Eliason – Visionary Business School
Rethink business with Ryan Eliason as he empowers social entrepreneurs and changemakers to make money while making a difference and busts limiting beliefs like the notion that service must mean struggle.
Plant-Based Epoxy: a Case Study for Circular Economy 
Sean Steed – Change Climate
Sean Steed of Change Climate shows how one innovative solution to a toxic global problem can create circular economy, impact social justice, restore an ecosystem and transform manufacturing world-wide.
The Crossroads of Chemical Farming, Ecology & Human Health — A Path to Regeneration 
Zach Bush, MD – Farmer’s Footprint
Discover how we can restore our health by restoring our soil. Zach Bush, triple-board-certified MD, makes brilliant big picture connections between current commercial farming practices, gut health, and the meteoric rise of disease since the introduction of glyphosate—a powerful herbicide and antibiotic used in big agriculture.
Climate Change and Planetary Security
Alexander Verbeek – Planetary Security Initiative
Climate change is not just about the weather. Alexander Verbeek discusses the threat to global security—like financial damage from increasingly violent storms, disruptions in delivery of food and essential goods and displacement of millions of people. Learn how we can act now to take the future in hand.
The International Treaty to Protect & Restore Mother Earth
Brother Phil Lane Jr. – Four Worlds International Institute
Brother Phil shares the fruit of 50-years’ work with indigenous peoples from around the world—a comprehensive plan to restore Mother Earth and unify the human family by incorporating empowerment of youth and women, renewable energy, organic food production, biodiversity and more.
Clean Water on the Go: Reducing Plastics and Protecting Our Health 
Heshie Segal – Kids Better World
A champion for children and clean water worldwide, Heshie Segal uses her networking expertise to dispel myths, raise awareness and promote the Puritii filtered water bottle, a safe water solution for first and third-world countries alike.
Hydrogen Micro-Grids: Clean Power for the Future, Now
Mike Strizki – Hydrogen House Project
Clean, pure water as a by-product of “burning” hydrogen fuel? Join Mike Strizki, founder of the Hydrogen House Project, for a tour of his Skunk Works where he’s been pioneering hydrogen fuel cell technology for the past 25 years.
How Fermented Foods Can Repair Our Health 
Summer Bock – Guts & Glory
Did you know that good health begins with billions of tiny bacteria in the gut? Certified fermentationist Summer Bock shares how and why fermented foods, like sauerkraut, are the recipe to better health.
Hungry for Change: How Halophyte Plants Can Help Solve the Global Food Crisis 
Hazel Henderson – Ethical Markets
The global food crisis is inextricably linked to the dwindling fresh-water supply. Futurist Hazel Henderson sees a solution in plants like quinoa, one of the many edible halophyte plants that thrive in a salt water environments.
From Waste Stream Fiber to Circular Economy
Jay Potter – ECOR
Jay Potter, innovator and co-founder of ECOR shares how to build a business by turning problems into profits through circular economy. ECOR takes fiber from the waste stream, and produces materials for furniture and building that can be fully recycled at end of life. Their patented process adds only water, heat and pressure.
Seeing Green: Hemp and Hydrated Lime Construction
Jorgen Hempel – Hemp Ecosystems
Jorgen Hempel has been refining hemp and lime construction practices for over 25 years. Learn how he creates living buildings from easily renewable materials. These buildings breathe, won’t burn, are naturally insulated and grow more stable over time.
Beyond Bias: Moving From “Me” to “We” 
Ronit Herzfeld – Leap Forward
Psychotherapist, Ronit Herzfeld invites us to join in exploring a “new way of being human” and shares an emerging strategy for awakening humanity to appropriate action as we rise to the unprecedented and urgent demands of our times.
Cultivating Culinary and Medicinal Mushrooms for Fun and Profit
William Padilla-Brown – MycoSymbiotics
With an affordable and relatively low-tech lab and grow room, self-schooled mycologist William Padilla-Brown shows how to make a lucrative career of growing and foraging for mushrooms.
Finding Freedom
Brian D. Ridgway – Level 5 Liberation
Brian D. Ridgway dissolves the “illusion” of problems to generate an experience of unlimited possibility and the power to intentionally create a world of your choosing.
Nurturing Local Economies 
Judy Wicks – Circle of Aunts and Uncles
Through Micro-Loans and Mentorship Recognizing strong local economies as a foundation of resilience and sustainability, Judy Wicks shares how to establish a micro lending and mentorship network to support the growth of local entrepreneurs.
Heal Thyself: The Regenerative Power of Your Own Stem Cells
Kristen Comella – U.S. Stem Cell
Learn how stem cells from our very own fat have the potential to eliminate the need for many pharmaceuticals and surgical procedures, how the Federal Drug Administration is trying to regulate this revolutionary treatment and what we must do to preserve our rights.
The Dirty Truth About Waste and Recycling
Reggie Nayar – Innovative Waste Solutions
Most of what we “recycle” still winds up in landfills and landfills are filling up. Expert in developing zero-waste strategies for major manufacturers, Reggie Nayar takes you behind the scenes to gain a deeper understanding of the waste stream, current recycling practices and steps you can take to make a positive impact.
Deep Social Networking as a Vehicle for Global Change 
Jon Ramer – Compassion Games
Jon shows how to turn big dreams into reality and make “waves” as a social innovator by bringing together networks of social changemakers to amplify one another’s voice and collectively make a global impact.
Aquaponics: a Path to Self-Sufficiency
Judah Becker – Mercy House Ministry
A means to both food and financial security, Judah Becker provides an introduction to aquaponics, a circular system where the waste from farmed fish nourishes hydroponically grown plants and the plants purify the water for the fish.
Holistic Design
Michael Rice and Zana Zu – ZeMArc Design
Michael and Zana take you on a journey into the dynamic interplay of beauty, functionality and sustainability that defines holistic design. Learn how they combine Bio Architecture and the sacred to create temples of life.
Frontiers of Medicine and the Ethical Implications of Medical Breakthoughs
Dr. Richard Satava – University of Washington Medical Center
Explore the future of medicine with Dr. Richard Satava. From cloning and 3D body-part printing to suspended animation and directed energy therapies, technology is outpacing our moral maturity, creating the necessity for new ethical guidelines.
New Paradigms for Housing: Earthship 2.0 
Amy Oskins & Amzi Smith – EastCoast EarthHomes
Flip the script from high maintenance, high expense housing to the financial freedom of a home that heats and cools itself, collects its own water, generates its own electricity, grows its own food and processes its own waste water.
Go Dome or Go Home: Earthy meets Elegant with AirCrete Construction
Hajjar Gibran – DomeGaia
Hajjar Gibran, founder of DomeGaia, offers tools and techniques for building with AirCrete, a light-weight mixture of foamed dishwashing liquid and cement that is low cost, extremely durable and DIY-friendly.
From Waste to Resource: Composting Toilets and Waterless Waste Solutions
Larry Stearns – Nature’s Head
Learn how Larry Sterns’ special commode turns human waste into valuable compost while conserving water and minimizing pollution.
Food Yoga – Sharing Food, Sharing Compassion
Paul Rodney Turner – The Food Yogi
With over 2 million vegan meals served daily by his global Food For Life organization, food yogi Paul Rodney Turner shares the power of food as a means to spread love and equality by bringing presence and reverence to food preparation, consumption and sharing.
We ARE the Planet – Redefining the Human Family
Vinit Allen – Sustainable World Coalition
Vinit Allen helps us to recognize human beings as cells in the body of Mother Earth and the human family as her consciousness. Through this lens of profound interconnection, we experience care for the planet as direct care for ourselves.
Health and WELL-building: Work Environments Designed to Help People Thrive
Jessica Cooper – International WELL Building Institute
Going beyond LEED certification, Jessica Cooper shares how the IWBI WELL Building Standard raises the bar for work environments to include comprehensive metrics in 10 categories: air, light, sound, community, water, movement, materials, nourishment, thermal comfort and mind.
Restoring Water and Land with Biologically-Based Eco-Machines
John Todd – John Todd Ecological Design
John Todd guides us through ways we can harness nature’s genius to clean up toxic waterways, re-green the desert, rehabilitate devastated landscapes and clean up our oceans.
Vehicles of Social Change
Michael Gosney – Synergetic Press
Michael Gosney discusses the connection between festival culture and community as fertile ground for social experimentation, as well as new cultural models and morays related to food, energy, social justice, monetary exchange and more.
Solving Design Challenges Through the Wisdom of Nature 
Michael Pawlyn – Exploration Architecture
Beyond low- or no-impact sustainable design, regenerative design is an innovative approach that contributes to the betterment of the environment. Michael Pawlyn explains how it works, plus the impact it would have if entire cities adopted this model.
The Convergence on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel @ online
Aug 9 @ 12:00 am
The Convergence

The Convergence

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

In a world inevitably going global and multicultural, what becomes of religions and spirituality? What becomes of activism towards real global change? In THE CONVERGENCE, global Interspiritual pioneer and scientist Dr. Kurt Johnson joins interfaith leaders Ben Bowler of Australia and Doug King of America in engaging women and men who are inspiring leaders and change agents around our world. Spiritual and cultural leaders, sacred and secular activists, scientists, artists, writers, economists, politicians and even shamans join in this discussion of a world trying to wake up and grow up. What is at stake and what are the technologies and cosmologies creating a world that can work for everyone? If you are concerned for our world’s future and sincere about your commitments to bold and world-serving ideas, you’ll want to tune in to The Convergence on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.


Episode Description

VoiceAmerica presents this Evergreen Special detailing major 2019 and 2020 global events upcoming from UNITY EARTH partners Standing for Peace Campaign, Road to 2020 Events, and Caravan of Unity across America. The five sections of the Special spotlight, now and for months to come: United Nations mandated global holiday events like the International Day of Yoga and the International Day of Peace, the vision and work of Light on Light Magazine and VoiceAmerica in covering all these events, UNITY EARTH and its partners month to month activities and initiatives 2019-2020, and the roles of partner groups like Transformation365, We, the World, URI, UNIFY, EcoPeace and The Evolutionary Leaders. Featured are global leaders from the UN, UNITY EARTH, Light on Light Magazine, Transformation365, We, and The Evolutionary Leaders. Lets share this Special, ongoing, as a resource and PR instrument pointing toward all of these global events and gathering a global constituency for their success!


Ambassador K. Nagaraj Naidu

Ambassador K. Nagaraj Naidu

His Excellency Ambassador K. Nagaraj Naidu is a career diplomat in the Indian Foreign Service representing the Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations in New York. He holds a Master’s Degree in law and diplomacy from the Fletcher School. His extensive background includes being a fluent Chinese speaker and having previously served in China on four separate postings. More recently, he was the National Coordinator for establishing the International Solar Alliance in India. Significantly, Ambassador Naidu is a long-standing yoga practioner. Reaching back to a tender age, he was exposed to his grandfather rising early to teach yoga classes. As part of the 5th Anniversary of World Yoga Day in June, he moderated a high level panel in New York in the UN Secretariat on the theme of climate change and climate action.

Gayatri Naraine

Gayatri Naraine

Since 1980 Gayatri Naraine has served as the representative of the Brahma Kumaris at the United Nations in New York. She is a spiritual educator, writer, and speaker. She is currently the vice chair of the International Day of Yoga Committee. Gayatri’s focus is on the Sustainable Development Goals. She helped in the development of a concept paper entitled Enhancing Human Flourishing Within the 2030 Development Agenda: The Spirituality of Global Transformation. This was the result of a 3-year dialogue held with UNFPA. As a design team member for the Call-of-the-Time Dialogues, a global leadership dialogue, she has spent the last 20 years exploring “experiments in silence,” the transformational depth of contemplative silence and its impact on the world. She serves on the Board of the Kosmos Journal. Gayatri was born in Guyana and currently lives in New York City, USA. Contact

Ben Bowler & Deborah Moldow

Ben Bowler & Deborah Moldow

Ben Bowler, Executive Director of UNITY EARTH and Deborah Moldow, UE Creative Consultant discuss the vision of UNITY EARTH and its Road to 2020 and Caravan of Unity across America. Ben and Deborah are leaders of a team projecting inspiring global events from 2019 – 2020 and beyond. The Road to 2020 to date has touched all five continents with major intercultural and musical events. ( In 2019 events in India and The Holy Land will join the list. The New York Convergence and UNITY Earth Liftoff Celebration and concert are first steps toward “the Caravan of Unity across America” which, in 2020, will features events across America culminating in major celebrations in New York City for the International Day of Peace (Sept. 21). Ben and Deborah will help anchor a “Coalition for the Road to 2020” organized regionally to create participations in these inspiring events. The Leadership Conference, February. 1 will begin that process (contact

Rick Ulfik

Rick Ulfik

Rick Ulfik is Founder of We, the World, and The 11 Days of Global Unity which for many years has been directing major events around the major international holidays of the United Nations. Rick is a founder/leader of, FIONS and other New York City transformational organizations. He works with leaders of United Nations Committees and fellow members of the Evolutionary Leaders network co-sponsoring New York and UN international event programs. We, the World and their “Eleven Ways to Change the World” are central to the plans for 2019 and 2020 for The Road to 2020 and the Caravan of Unity across America. Rick is also a leader in Marshall Rosenberg Nonviolent Communication initiatives as well as an award-winning composer and musician. Rick co-produces Visual Voices on the Dish Network available in 15 million homes. Producing short films as well, Rick organizes and promotes scores of events and other better world activities, large and small, every year. See

Denise Scotto and Adam Collett

Denise Scotto and Adam Collett

Denise Scotto, Esq., and Adam Collett join us, respectively, as Chairperson of the International Day of Yoga Committee at the United Nations, and as Creative Director for UNITY EARTH. Denise is Guest Editor of Light on Light Magazine’s annual issues on the International Day of Yoga and hosts the IDY discussion on this broadcast. Adam, a strategist, designer, media and event producer dedicated to making a positive impact in the world by combining innovative solutions with a deep knowledge of cultural diversity, joins Ben Bowler and Rick Ulfik in the discussions of these global activities on this broadcast. Denise is an attorney at law and policy advisor who has held leadership roles in professional bar organizations and has organized numerous events at UN fora. Adam, with 20 years of experience in design and technology, event production, not-for-profit management, cultural projects, youth programs and more, implements cutting-edge solutions for NGOs and social enterprises.

Karuna and Kurt Johnson

Karuna and Kurt Johnson

Karuna is founder of and a leader in the international Yoga and spiritual practice communities. She is also Host Editor of Light on Light Magazine and a host of The Convergence Series on VoiceAmerica. Dr. Kurt Johnson is the Series Host for The Convergence on VoiceAmerica and Contributions Editor for Light on Light Magazine. Light on Light has produced two annual special issues on The International Day of Yoga with the IDY Committee at the United Nations also featured in this broadcast and will publish a special issue in August 2019 reflecting this VoiceAmerica Special,see lightonlightmagazine Karuna and Kurt are co-developing Light on Light with Managing Editor Shannon Winters (below) and also preparing a lifestyle book, manual and lifestyle Teacher Training program with Karuna for 2019. Light on Light magazine and Kurt’s Interspiritual Network are both partners of UNITY EARTH. See

Rev. Diane Berke and Jeff Genung

Rev. Diane Berke and Jeff Genung

Part of Tranformation365, Rev. Diane Berke is the founder of The One Spirit Learning Alliance and One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in New York City. Jeff Genung is co-founder and President of Contemplative and, with Rev. Berke, a leader in the interspiritual movement. One Spirit and Contemplative Life have both co-sponsored various events with UNITY EARTH and Contemplative Life is a UNITY EARTH Partner. An author and international speaker, Diane is a recipient of the Houston Smith Interfaith Educator Award and numerous other recognitions. Contemplative Life and Transformation365 create a digital hub that connects people and communities with transformative practices. Contemplative’s prodigious website hosts hundreds of spiritual teachers and practice traditions, as do the famed interfaith education programs at One Spirit Recently Jeff has also partnered with along with Dr. Kurt Johnson of the Interspiritual Network and UNITY EARTH.

Kate Sheehan Roach and Sr. Mary Friedland

Kate Sheehan Roach and Sr. Mary Friedland

Sr. Mary Friedland and Kate Sheehan Roach join us from Transformation365. Mary Friedland is Coordinator of the Brahma Kumaris activities in Chicago and the Midwest. A Raja Yogi of more than 30 years, she teaches courses in meditation and everyday spirituality. She enjoys applying spiritual principles to life’s knotty problems and sharing what she has learned with others. Kate Sheehan Roach served as founding editor of Contemplative Journal, and as managing editor of the Spirituality Channel at She is now Director of Content for and as a founding member of the core team. Kate works alongside some of today’s great spiritual and religious teachers as editor/agent, podcast host, moderator, and program director. She is a certified Centering Prayer facilitator and serves on the North America Leadership Council for the United Religions Initiative. She lives on the edge of Philadelphia. Contact:

Shannon Winters and Yanni Maniates

Shannon Winters and Yanni Maniates

Shannon Winters in the Managing Editor of Light on Light Magazine and Yanni Maniates is Global Projects Director for UNITY EARTH. Light on Light is dedicated to spiritual practice and inspired lifestyle and Yanni has been working with Contemplative and other leaders in the UNITY EARTH Network creating spiritual practice programs to accompany UNITY EARTH’s events. The program developed by Yanni, Jeff Genung of Contemplative Life and Rev. Diane Berke of America’s largest interfaith seminary, One Spirit in New York City is called “Transformation 365” and its programs can be found at Shannon has also been Managing Editor of UNITY EARTH’s Convergence Magazine which, along with Light on Light, publishes special issues on the amazing activities across the networks featured in this broadcast. Shannon has also just completed a spiritual autobiography, The Gospel of Wisdom, documenting her journey from religious fundamentalism to interspirituality.

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Take Action for Gender Equality Worldwide with Global Citizen
Sep 1 – Sep 16 all-day

Every two minutes a woman dies from complications in pregnancy or childbirth, and millions around the world are denied the choice of if and when they want to have children.


UNFPA Supplies supports over 20 million women and girls worldwide with family planning services, contraception, and vital maternal medicines, and since 2007 they have saved over 1.1 millions lives.


Without additional support, their vital work — and the safety of over 20 million women and girls — will be at risk. Call on world leaders to step up for women and girls by pledging new funds this year.


Thank you so much,

Annabelle Roberts

Sign the Petition

17 September 2019 – Opening of the General Assembly regular session | 24 September 2019 – Opening of the general debate.
Sign the petition telling world leaders — including the UK, Canada, Australia and Germany — to pledge new funds to UNFPA Supplies and protect women’s lives everywhere. We’ll be handing your signatures over to decision makers this September at the United Nations General Assembly, so add your name now!

ECOLISE @ Global
Sep 21 all-day


The European Network for Community-led Initiatives on Climate Change and Sustainability, is the initiator and main organiser of the European Day of Sustainable Communities. We have 46 member networks and organisations across Europe



European Day of Sustainable Communities

A celebration of local communities taking action for a zero-carbon, regenerative and inclusive Europe.

This is an ECOLISE flagship event. #EDSC19 #SustainableCommunity

Become a co-creator of the day! For details see


South Carolina We Must Do M.O.R.E Tour: A National Call for Moral Revival @ Cherokee United Methodist Church•2105 Cosgrove Ave, North Charleston, SC 29405
Jan 13 @ 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Start: Monday, January 13, 2020 5:30 PM

End: Monday, January 13, 2020 8:30 PM

Location:Cherokee United Methodist Church2105 Cosgrove Ave, North Charleston, SC 29405

Host Contact Info:

Join the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival in South Carolina for the eighth stop of the We Must Do M.O.R.E. national tour as we Mobilize, Organize, Register and Educate.

Click here if you’d like to volunteer and help make this tour a success!

The tour in South Carolina will culminate with a Moral Monday March and Mass Meeting on Monday, January 13th in Charleston, SC. This will follow a weekend of activities a community canvas to register people for a movement that votes and a community site visit.

Monday, January 13th | Charleston, SC

South Carolina Moral Monday March & Mass Meeting
5:30 PM – Gather for the march
6:30 PM – Mass Meeting begins
Cherokee United Methodist Church, 2105 Cosgrove Ave, North Charleston, SC 29405

**No large bags or umbrellas will be allowed in the mass meetings and small bags are subject to being searched.

At the Moral Monday, we will hear from South Carolinians directly impacted by systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, militarism and the war economy, and the corrupt moral narrative. We will also hear from Rev. Barber and Rev. Theoharis, Co-Chairs of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival.

The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival is organizing a 25-state We Must Do MORE national tour from September 2019 to May 2020. This tour will lead into the Mass Poor People’s Assembly & Moral March on Washington, where thousands of poor people and moral agents will gather at the nation’s capitol on June 20, 2020 to demonstrate their power.

We will demand the implementation of our Moral Agenda and call all people of conscience to engage in deeply moral civic engagement and voting that cares about poor and low-wealth people, the sick, immigrants, workers, the environment, people with disabilities, first nations, the LGBTQ community, and peace over war.


World Interfaith Harmony Meet @ Gyan Saroval
Feb 29 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm


Country: India
City: Mount Abu


Organizer:  Brahma Kumaris

Location::  Gyan Saroval – Academy for a Better World, Mt.Abu, Rajasthan, India


World Interfaith Harmony Meet is being organized by Brahma Kumaris at its international Head Quarter Complex Gyan Sarovar, an academy for a better world.

This event is being celebrated during the Silver Jubilee celebrations of Gyan Sarovar. Many spiritual, religious and faith leaders will be participating in the meet. The aim and objectives of this event are to share common interests and to also come to common understanding regarding actions that could be taken to mitigate climate-related issues, inter-regional harmony, and value-based education systems. The list of the invited guests include:

HH Dalai Lama Ji,

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev Ji,

Sri Ravi Shankar Ji,

Dadi Janki Ji, and many others.

Gyan Sarovar

The Academy for the Better World, known in Hindi as Gyan Sarovar, offers residential programs and courses on development and practical implementation of human, moral and spiritual values and principles.

The Brahma Kumaris started building the campus for the Academy for a Better World, an institution of higher learning established by the Brahma Kumaris along with its sister institution, the World Renewal Spiritual Trust, and Rajyoga Education and Research Foundation, in 1991. The aim was to provide a training facility for the institution’s outreach to all sections of society. Within a few years, 28 acres of land near the institution’s headquarters in Mount Abu was transformed into a modern village complex in a quiet, rural setting.

The campus includes Universal Harmony Hall, an auditorium that can seat 1,600 people and has facilities for simultaneous translation in 16 languages; the International Spiritual Art Gallery housing sculptures, murals, audio-visual and laser displays and other works of art from around the world; the International Center for Higher Learning comprising 13 seminar and training rooms; accommodation for up to 1,500 people; kitchen and dining facilities that can cater to 1,200 people at a time; three man-made lakes that irrigate the 15,000 trees planted to provide fruits and vegetables and a rural retreat atmosphere; and a solar water heater for cooking. The telephone exchange, computers and emergency lighting systems are powered by solar and wind energy, and a unique waste treatment plant is capable of treating 200,000 liters of washing, kitchen and bathroom waste water daily, of which nearly 80 percent is available for re-use.

In 1996, the Academy was presented to Habitat II, the second UN Conference on Human Settlements held in Istanbul, Turkey. It was recognised as part of the Best Practice Initiative for Human Settlements.

“When you increase the number of gardens, you increase the number of heavens too!”

Humanity Rising – Global Solutions Summit @ Online
May 22 – Aug 20 all-day

How can we be vessels of hope in a time such as this? We have the opportunity to embrace actions that can be taken to make a difference for ourselves and those around us. When we take these steps together there is a collective mounting of GOOD that impacts humanity and our world.  

Please consider joining us for the offerings laid out below.  Together we are creating a powerful vision for a healthy and flourishing future. We hope you can join us in these worthy endeavors!

Sign Up for the Summit HERE

May 22


May 23-31


We are opening Humanity Rising with ten days of listening to voices of women from around the world to emphasize the imperative that women be empowered to lead in shaping the post pandemic world.

June 1-7


After the women speak, we want to listen to the voices of the young for seven days to emphasize the importance of youth leadership in the new world.

June 8-19


How do we become more effective in implementing solutions? What strategies can we implement that can make a real difference?

The world has been stopped. Most of us have been in some form of lockdown, and over the next several months countries and individuals will find their own paths through the crisis.  It is clear that this virus is not going to suddenly go away. So what can we do? How can we be part of the solution?

Allow us to introduce you to Humanity Rising, a growing movement of people and organizations coming together to take counsel on how we can leverage the crisis of the coronavirus pandemic into an opportunity for human renewal and increased resilience to future challenges. It is designed to generate radical collaboration between individuals and organizations dedicated to building a better world.

You’re invited to be a part of this international coalition of over 200 leaders from diverse backgrounds and 100 partner organizations representing over 10 million individuals from around the world for the launch of the Humanity Rising Global Solutions Summit on May 22, 2020.

June 20-27


Week of celebration of the UN and international efforts to implement the UN Sustainable Development Goals

June 28 – July 8


What new ideas and new modes of thinking are required for a sustainable and more resilient post pandemic world? How do we develop a new story for humanity?

If you can’t join the live conversations, all sessions will be recorded and you can access the complete video library.

The Summit will continue for as long as the pandemic lasts. This is important because world events are changing every day and it is imperative that we interact with events as they unfold. The world will shapeshift many times over the next months. We must be in a position to continue to adapt and evolve as the global situation does. 

The essential imperative is that we all come together in dialogue and action to ensure that the world community seizes the opportunity to rebuild beyond the pandemic in more abundant, resilient and sustainable ways, as framed by the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Humanity Rising is powered by Ubiquity. 

July 9 – July 20


What are people and organizations doing on the ground that are actually making a difference in people’s lives and in building sustainability?

July 21-31


What have we learned? How can we be more effective? How do we build more powerful coalitions?

Each day, the Summit, an initiative of Ubiquity University, will convene for two hours from 8:00 – 10:00AM (PDT) | 5:00-7:00PM (CET) to engage in presentations, group dialogues and working groups, and will continue for as long as the pandemic lasts. It will feature daily TED Talks-style presentations from influential figures such as Jane Goodall, Charles Eisenstein and Vandana Shive as well interactive sessions with leaders from international organizations such as Synergos, Impact HUBS, World Economic Forum, Gaia Education, Humanity’s Team, Ideanco, Masterpeace, Age Nation, Pachamama Alliance, Global Ecovillage Network, Crowdsourcing Week, Heart Ambassadors, Davos Blockbase, and many more.

Our goal is to have hundreds of organizations participating and collaborating. Ubiquity President and Founder Dr. Jim Garrison explains, “The Humanity Rising Summit is an extraordinary opportunity to come together with like-minded people from around the world to consider how we can use this crisis to create a world that is more sustainable and resilient. We believe that nothing less than proactive radical collaboration is sufficient to create a truly new world beyond the pandemic.”

August 1-10


More ideas for change, more reframing of what we need to envision for a positive future.

August 11-20


More examples of what people and organizations are doing on the ground that are actually making a difference in people’s lives and in building sustainability.

September onwards

We will evaluate and shape-shift as the circumstances warrant.


The Interfaith Leadership Institute – for Students and Educators – 2020
Aug 7 – Aug 9 all-day

Interested in joining us in 2020? Fill out our early interest form and be the first to know when registration opens and save $50 off your registration.  We’ll make sure you’re the first to know when registration opens for our August 7-9, 2020 ILI in Chicago. Bonus: you’ll receive $50 off when you register!

See the ILI in action

The Interfaith Leadership Institute (ILI) is the largest gathering of students and educators with a commitment to American religious pluralism. Each year, hundreds of people who care about the future of our religiously diverse society converge in Chicago to learn, train, share, and get inspired to bring the movement for interfaith cooperation back to their campuses and communities.  Over the course of three days, participants learn to bridge divides and forge friendships across lines of religious and worldview differences. Come to the ILI with the passion to bring people together and leave equipped with the knowledge and skills to make it happen.

Interested in joining us in 2020? Fill out our early interest form and be the first to know when registration opens and save $50 off your registration.


Training Tracks

Introductory and advanced training tracks are designed to support those new to this work by laying the foundation for interfaith leadership, and providing advanced skills in topics ranging from strategic planning to navigating tricky challenges and more.

Plenary Sessions

Plenary sessions will feature conversation with experienced leaders and their stories of engaging religious difference and disagreement in American life. During the Unconference, attendees will have the power to guide these conversations by choosing discussion topics and important questions at the beginning of the gathering.

Discounts & Scholarships

As we do not want cost to be a hindrance to engaging with interfaith leadership, we have a number of discounts, as well as registration scholarships available.

Interfaith Youth Core
141 W. Jackson Blvd, Suite 3200, Chicago, IL 60604
Phone: (312) 573-8825

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