
‘GRANDMOTHERS ON THE MOVE’ Podcast Episodes @ ongoing podcasts
Oct 3 @ 12:00 am


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Grandmothers To Grandmothers Campaign

The Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign exists to support the indomitable African grandmothers who are caring for the millions of children who have been orphaned by AIDS. Members of the Grandmothers Campaign share three goals. They work to:

  • Raise funds to meet the needs of African grandmothers and the children in their care;
  • Listen to African grandmothers, respect their expertise and amplify their voices, in order to promote authentic and substantive responses to the epidemic in Africa;
  • Build solidarity among African and Canadian grandmothers in order to motivate and sustain the vital work of turning the tide of AIDS in Africa.

Canadian grandmothers groups are tremendously active in their communities. They put on concerts, organize card tournaments, and sell jewellery. They visit countless schools and community organizations. They bake, cook, sew, knit, paint, write, organize cycle tours, walks, and even ride motorcycles – all to raise funds and awareness for grandmothers in sub-Saharan Africa through the Stephen Lewis Foundation.

To learn more about how you can get involved in the Campaign, write to Ilana here.

Articles About The Campaign

What started as a conversation around a kitchen table has grown to become a movement to empower women, especially grandmothers, in Africa.

The Grandmothers Campaign, an initiative of the Stephen Lewis Foundation, is known as Grandmothers 4 Grandmothers in Regina, which was among the very first places in Canada where women took on projects to support families in Africa.

‘We know the power of women’s organizing in Canada and older women have an extraordinary amount of vigour and energy.’– Ilana Landsberg-Lewis

As Ilana Landsberg-Lewis explains, the movement arose in response to the human crisis, observed by her father Stephen Lewis during his time as a special envoy for the United Nations, afflicting the African continent during the HIV and AIDS pandemic.

Millions of children were orphaned by the deaths of their parents. Their grandmothers were left to raise them, with little or no support.

Ilana Landsberg-Lewis

Ilana Landsberg-Lewis is co-founder, with her father Stephen Lewis, of the Stephen Lewis Foundation. One of their main campaigns supports grandmothers in Africa. (Lisa MacIntosh/Stephen Lewis Foundation)

“Grandmothers were just in an agony of loss,” Landsberg-Lewis said. “Death was everywhere. They were left with no income and often isolated by the terrible stigma surrounding HIV-AIDS.”

Landsberg-Lewis recalled how requests seeking aid referred to the grandmothers as “caregivers” and when she asked why, she learned there was a strong bias in play.

“Nobody wants to fund them because they’re older women and nobody sees them as a meaningful investment,” she learned.

“We decided if Canadian grandmothers knew what was happening on the [African] continent then it would surely resonate with them and boy did it ever,” Landsberg-Lewis said.

“I wish I could say that I was prescient but it would be overstating it,” she said, talking about how the success of the organization, which quickly grew from a handful of activists brain-storming at a kitchen table (her own) to over 250 chapters across the country.

Since 2006 they have raised about $25 million.

“It was really extraordinary but I can’t say that I’m surprised,” she said. “Older women in our communities, we know the power of women organizing in Canada and older women have an extraordinary amount of vigour and energy.”


The Campaign currently boasts more than 240 grandmothers groups across the country. Many of the groups have organized into regional and national networks in order to support each other’s efforts in solidarity with African grandmothers and the children in their care.

Resources from the Grandmothers Campaign go to grassroots organizations that support African grandmothers with food, health care, school fees and school uniforms for their grandchildren, income-generating programmes, counselling, social support, essential shelter, and other necessities. Throughout Africa, grassroots organizations run by and for grandmothers are sharing insights, deepening their expertise, collaborating with other local organizations, and building their capacity to turn the tide of AIDS at community level.

Take Action for Gender Equality Worldwide with Global Citizen
Sep 1 – Sep 16 all-day

Every two minutes a woman dies from complications in pregnancy or childbirth, and millions around the world are denied the choice of if and when they want to have children.


UNFPA Supplies supports over 20 million women and girls worldwide with family planning services, contraception, and vital maternal medicines, and since 2007 they have saved over 1.1 millions lives.


Without additional support, their vital work — and the safety of over 20 million women and girls — will be at risk. Call on world leaders to step up for women and girls by pledging new funds this year.


Thank you so much,

Annabelle Roberts

Sign the Petition

17 September 2019 – Opening of the General Assembly regular session | 24 September 2019 – Opening of the general debate.
Sign the petition telling world leaders — including the UK, Canada, Australia and Germany — to pledge new funds to UNFPA Supplies and protect women’s lives everywhere. We’ll be handing your signatures over to decision makers this September at the United Nations General Assembly, so add your name now!

Reclaim the Court
Oct 6 @ 12:30 pm – 5:00 pm

One year ago, thousands of women, femmes, survivors, and allies descended on DC to protest now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh and his inadequate and intentionally incomplete confirmation process. On the anniversary of Kavanaugh’s illegitimate confirmation, Congress must reckon with us once more.

Join Women’s March, Demand Justice, Center for Popular Democracy and partners on October 6th in DC for a mobilization on the anniversary of Kavanaugh’s sham confirmation to make sure Congress knows that we are still watching and demand they investigate Kavanaugh. A thorough vetting of him and his record is more important now than ever.

We must know whether Kavanaugh lied to the Senate, whether he sexually assaulted the women who credibly accused him of doing so, and whether he is ultimately fit to be a justice on the Supreme Court.

Brett Kavanaugh will roll back rights that women have worked for generations to secure. We won’t wait around for that to happen, we’re fighting back now.

See you in DC.


Wes Studi – The Legendary Actor – His Plea for the Indian Country Amid the COVID Pandemic – Action Plans for the Nation @ You! Your community!
May 21 @ 12:00 am

From Indigenous New England  


StrongWalker | May 21, 2020 at 11:15 am | Categories: National News | URL:

Oscar winner Wes Studi launched a new PSA raising awareness about the seriousness of COVID-19 in Indian Country. (courtesy photo)

ADDISON, Texas — From small-town Oklahoma native to internationally acclaimed actor and musician, Wes Studi forever changed a stereotype with his unforgettable performances in Dances with WolvesThe Last of the MohicansHeat and Avatar.

Now, he’s working on another mission.

Yesterday, the Cherokee citizen and legendary film star released a public service announcement (PSA) to raise awareness of the serious effects of COVID-19 in Indian Country and request widespread support for Partnership With Native Americans (PWNA) to ensure Native Americans are not left behind during the pandemic.

What sparked the PSA is a series of vital health issues happening in the wake of COVID-19, even with many stay-at-home orders in place. The risk of contracting the virus is higher among Native Americans due to overcrowded housing and high rates of diabetes, kidney disease and asthma. And despite more than 7,100 confirmed cases of COVID-19 within the Navajo Nation and other tribal communities, federal aid has been slow to arrive.

In his new PSA, the Oscar winner reminds the public of the need for immediate attention and charitable donations to PWNA, which has secured tribal clearances and follows CDC and tribal guidelines to continue delivering critical items, such as food, water, sanitizer and personal protective equipment (PPE).

For more information on the PSA, and to learn how to donate, visit Organizers are asking people to share this on social media using the hashtags #NativeHope and #COVID19. You can also call 1(800) 416-8102 to learn more.

“Every day, remote reservation communities face shortages of food, water and healthcare, and COVID-19 has magnified that reality,” said Joshua Arce, PWNA president and CEO. “Donations are critical now as we bring relief to under-resourced communities.”

Studi notes PWNA is a nonprofit he trusts. In 2019, they collaborated in a five-part Realities Video Series with Wes Studi that aimed to give an accurate portrayal of reservation life and dispels long-held myths that continue to impact Native communities.

The post Legendary Actor Wes Studi Urges the Public to Assist Indian Country Amid Pandemic appeared first on Native News Online.

“This is a major issue right now…also Protect The Sacred has a Facebook page…this was started by youth and has Mark Ruffalo helping them and a couple other actors…and Navajo youth who have stepped up to help their Elders”
from Grandmother Michelle Reid

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