
Children’s Global Wave Of Love @ The World Your Heart
Jan 11 @ 10:11 am

We come together in our own time zones at 1:11 pm on January 11th, 2017 to collectively intention ‘Children across the planet in love, care and respect.” Unifying our hearts and minds in love, peace, and compassion for all. And igniting these intentions. Do yoga, meditate, dance ,sing, however you are uniquely called to contribute, host a meditation flashmob, gather at a favorite body of water. We come together for the children.

Global Love Day @ The Love Foundation
May 1 all-day

Global Love Day, held annually each May 1st since 2004, is the universal recognition of our innate oneness through love. It is our vision to unite one and all in a celebration of love and compassion. We honor each May 1st as a symbolic day of unconditional love and call upon all people and all nations to gather together in the wisdom of peace and love. Join people around the world in celebrating and expanding LOVE.

The tenets of Global Love Day best summarize our vision:
We are one humanity on this planet.
All life is interconnected and interdependent.
All share in the Universal bond of love.
Love begins with self-acceptance and forgiveness.
With respect and compassion we embrace diversity.
Together we make a difference through love.

When we come from this limitless love, we naturally and easily embrace ourselves and our fellow humanity. Opening our heart, we allow unconditional love to be our guide and compassion to be our gift to life.

We invite you to celebrate with us by consciously focusing on love and what it means to you throughout this day. We hope that by practicing love in all areas of your life, you will find it easy to love unconditionally all year long. Our main theme explains it best…”Love Begins With Me”

World Day of Prayer @ Unity Village
Sep 13 @ 4:45 pm – Sep 14 @ 6:00 pm

Please join us at Unity Village for the 24th annual Unity World Day of Prayer!

Weds, Sept 13:
* 7-8:30pm Opening Service in the Activities Center with keynote by Rev. Linda Martella-Whitsett. Music by Jana Stanfield. A candlelight walk to the Silent Unity Chapel will follow to open the 24-hour prayer vigil.
* 8:45pm Reception at Unity Banquet and Dining.

Thurs, Sept 14:
* 7:30-9am Interfaith Prayer Breakfast at Unity Banquet and Dining – In Person & Live Online.
* 11am Silent Unity Prayer Service in Activities Center – In Person & Live Online.
* 1:30pm Sacred Circle prayer experience in the central courtyard by flagpole
* 2:30-3:30 Sound Immersion (Gongs) in Activities Center – In Person & Live Online
* 3:30-5pm Art Gallery opening and Poetry Reading behind the bookstore.
* 4-6pm Open House for Unity Worldwide Ministries in Unity Education Building.
* 7-8pm Inspirational Concert by Jana Stanfield and closing celebration – In Person & Live Online.
* 8pm Closing of the 24-hour prayer vigil in the Silent Unity Chapel.

All events are free and open to the public. No registration required.
Donations gratefully accepted.

Spaces on the Earth prayer sessions
Apr 19 @ 8:00 am
Thursday April 19, 2018, at 8 am Pacific time and at 7pm Pacific time
The call will be recorded and a free MP3 provided upon request.

Free Conference call invite

Organizer: Rita Morgin

  1. Join meeting with audio:
  Dial-in Number: (712) 770-4035 – United States
  Access Code: 493843
  2. Join meeting with video conferencing and/or screen sharing:
  Or, enter online meeting ID on desktop app: ritadragon79

Land healing meditation: sending love and light to all the energies on a land or space that are in need of Loving Care.

Mission statement: SpiritEarthMinistries is a prayerful service for this planet: let the Earth be healed such that every space and every being may they have all the love and light and care that they need to live in harmony and create their personal heaven on Earth Here and Now.
Spaces on the Earth have been collecting our energetic debris for thousands of thousands of years. It can be cleared easily and quickly to create harmonious space that supports our living.
Do you know of a land that needs love and care? What if the places around you are just waiting to support your life? What is heaven on Earth to you?
Meditations by Rita Morgin at offer feelings of calm and peace to the places and all beings in those places. Saturating lands with the life Giving Loving Light Of Heaven and Earth is one of many healing modalities created  to bring more love into this world.
As a transformational catalyst and door opener, Rita Morgin invites you to open doors of possibilities that you might not otherwise see to open.
ROB DUNCAN LIVE with his Funkin Soul Band- Charity Concert. Let’s help re-unite Children who have been separated from their families @ Rockwood Music Hall 3
Jul 7 @ 6:45 pm – 8:00 pm
ROB DUNCAN LIVE with his Funkin Soul Band- Charity Concert. Let's help re-unite Children who have been separated from their families @ Rockwood Music Hall 3

A great soul /funk concert. Come and be uplifted by great music and let’s raise as much money as possible to help re-unite children who have been separated from their families at the U.S. border. Tickets are $10. Please click on the link below to buy tickets, bring friends! You may make an extra donation on the night if you so wish. All proceeds will go to this great cause. Rob Duncan has played music all over the world, is a father of 3 and writes music about his experience of being human, man and father.

Here’s what he says about his music and this concert:
My music draws from my life experience; spiritually, soulfully, intellectually, and emotionally. All of my songs represent my musical influences like soul music, blues, jazz, and rock. Deeply soulful, funky, melancholy music with ultimately a message of hope. That’s how I write my music. That’s how I sing my music. I lay my heart on the table and reach you in places that you feel.

I have decided to donate the cover charge from my upcoming show at Rockwood Music Hall 3 to RAICES. RAICES primarily provides two very very important things.
It provides lawyers for the children who have been torn from their parents by ICES, and it pays the Immigration Bond which releases the parent from detention allowing their children to rejoin them. This is where your $10 cover charge for my upcoming show will go. If you wish to donate extra you may do so on the night of the show.

ROB DUNCAN LIVE with his Funkin Soul Band
Date: Saturday, July 7
Time: 7 PM – 8 PM (Arrive by 6:30. Show starts at 7:00! )
Rockwood Music Hall Stage 3
185 Orchard St, New York, NY
Hosted by North Corner Music

$10 Cover Charge
For Tickets, Click Here:

GPSEN’s Sustainability Symposium @ Portland Community College Cascade
Mar 8 all-day
GPSEN's Sustainability Symposium @ Portland Community College Cascade

There has never been a more important time to learn, find hope, connect with each other, and discover new ways to make a difference as we advance sustainability initiatives in our greater Portland region and beyond. Highlighting cutting-edge academic and community research and sustainability projects, we will focus on collaboration, diversity, innovative problem-solving, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Check out our 2019 Sustainability Symposium Program at!

Join opening and closing keynote speakers to celebrate regional innovation and International Women’s Day:

* Judy BlueHorse Skelton, Assistant Professor, Indigenous Nations Studies Program, Portland State University
* Leaders of the Clean Energy Initiative, from CCC, NAACP, OPAL, and NAYA, with moderator Jenny Lee
* Suvira Chaturvedi, a UN Adviser in international development and women’s empowerment

We also have a great slate of speakers, including faculty, student, and community leader presentations, workshops, a poster session, an art exhibit, table exhibits, our award ceremony, and a networking reception and celebration. Plus, we have a pre-conference Student Summit, hosted by our College Network.

Come join us to learn about and celebrate the amazing, innovative sustainability education work in our region and beyond!

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