
‘GRANDMOTHERS ON THE MOVE’ Podcast Episodes @ ongoing podcasts
Oct 3 @ 12:00 am


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Grandmothers To Grandmothers Campaign

The Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign exists to support the indomitable African grandmothers who are caring for the millions of children who have been orphaned by AIDS. Members of the Grandmothers Campaign share three goals. They work to:

  • Raise funds to meet the needs of African grandmothers and the children in their care;
  • Listen to African grandmothers, respect their expertise and amplify their voices, in order to promote authentic and substantive responses to the epidemic in Africa;
  • Build solidarity among African and Canadian grandmothers in order to motivate and sustain the vital work of turning the tide of AIDS in Africa.

Canadian grandmothers groups are tremendously active in their communities. They put on concerts, organize card tournaments, and sell jewellery. They visit countless schools and community organizations. They bake, cook, sew, knit, paint, write, organize cycle tours, walks, and even ride motorcycles – all to raise funds and awareness for grandmothers in sub-Saharan Africa through the Stephen Lewis Foundation.

To learn more about how you can get involved in the Campaign, write to Ilana here.

Articles About The Campaign

What started as a conversation around a kitchen table has grown to become a movement to empower women, especially grandmothers, in Africa.

The Grandmothers Campaign, an initiative of the Stephen Lewis Foundation, is known as Grandmothers 4 Grandmothers in Regina, which was among the very first places in Canada where women took on projects to support families in Africa.

‘We know the power of women’s organizing in Canada and older women have an extraordinary amount of vigour and energy.’– Ilana Landsberg-Lewis

As Ilana Landsberg-Lewis explains, the movement arose in response to the human crisis, observed by her father Stephen Lewis during his time as a special envoy for the United Nations, afflicting the African continent during the HIV and AIDS pandemic.

Millions of children were orphaned by the deaths of their parents. Their grandmothers were left to raise them, with little or no support.

Ilana Landsberg-Lewis

Ilana Landsberg-Lewis is co-founder, with her father Stephen Lewis, of the Stephen Lewis Foundation. One of their main campaigns supports grandmothers in Africa. (Lisa MacIntosh/Stephen Lewis Foundation)

“Grandmothers were just in an agony of loss,” Landsberg-Lewis said. “Death was everywhere. They were left with no income and often isolated by the terrible stigma surrounding HIV-AIDS.”

Landsberg-Lewis recalled how requests seeking aid referred to the grandmothers as “caregivers” and when she asked why, she learned there was a strong bias in play.

“Nobody wants to fund them because they’re older women and nobody sees them as a meaningful investment,” she learned.

“We decided if Canadian grandmothers knew what was happening on the [African] continent then it would surely resonate with them and boy did it ever,” Landsberg-Lewis said.

“I wish I could say that I was prescient but it would be overstating it,” she said, talking about how the success of the organization, which quickly grew from a handful of activists brain-storming at a kitchen table (her own) to over 250 chapters across the country.

Since 2006 they have raised about $25 million.

“It was really extraordinary but I can’t say that I’m surprised,” she said. “Older women in our communities, we know the power of women organizing in Canada and older women have an extraordinary amount of vigour and energy.”


The Campaign currently boasts more than 240 grandmothers groups across the country. Many of the groups have organized into regional and national networks in order to support each other’s efforts in solidarity with African grandmothers and the children in their care.

Resources from the Grandmothers Campaign go to grassroots organizations that support African grandmothers with food, health care, school fees and school uniforms for their grandchildren, income-generating programmes, counselling, social support, essential shelter, and other necessities. Throughout Africa, grassroots organizations run by and for grandmothers are sharing insights, deepening their expertise, collaborating with other local organizations, and building their capacity to turn the tide of AIDS at community level.

Sierra Club and Seventh Generation #Readyfor100 Text 69866 @ Everywhere
Oct 30 @ 1:02 am

Climate Justice and Equity

Climate Justice & Equity

We don’t have to wait. Renewable energy solutions are already available and attainable.

We all deserve clean air and a healthy life. A switch to 100% renewable energy will help reduce some of the negative health effects caused by climate change and the burning of fossil fuels. Let’s stand up together for a healthier planet that benefits all.

The Convergence on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel @ online
Aug 9 @ 12:00 am
The Convergence

The Convergence

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

In a world inevitably going global and multicultural, what becomes of religions and spirituality? What becomes of activism towards real global change? In THE CONVERGENCE, global Interspiritual pioneer and scientist Dr. Kurt Johnson joins interfaith leaders Ben Bowler of Australia and Doug King of America in engaging women and men who are inspiring leaders and change agents around our world. Spiritual and cultural leaders, sacred and secular activists, scientists, artists, writers, economists, politicians and even shamans join in this discussion of a world trying to wake up and grow up. What is at stake and what are the technologies and cosmologies creating a world that can work for everyone? If you are concerned for our world’s future and sincere about your commitments to bold and world-serving ideas, you’ll want to tune in to The Convergence on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.


Episode Description

VoiceAmerica presents this Evergreen Special detailing major 2019 and 2020 global events upcoming from UNITY EARTH partners Standing for Peace Campaign, Road to 2020 Events, and Caravan of Unity across America. The five sections of the Special spotlight, now and for months to come: United Nations mandated global holiday events like the International Day of Yoga and the International Day of Peace, the vision and work of Light on Light Magazine and VoiceAmerica in covering all these events, UNITY EARTH and its partners month to month activities and initiatives 2019-2020, and the roles of partner groups like Transformation365, We, the World, URI, UNIFY, EcoPeace and The Evolutionary Leaders. Featured are global leaders from the UN, UNITY EARTH, Light on Light Magazine, Transformation365, We, and The Evolutionary Leaders. Lets share this Special, ongoing, as a resource and PR instrument pointing toward all of these global events and gathering a global constituency for their success!


Ambassador K. Nagaraj Naidu

Ambassador K. Nagaraj Naidu

His Excellency Ambassador K. Nagaraj Naidu is a career diplomat in the Indian Foreign Service representing the Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations in New York. He holds a Master’s Degree in law and diplomacy from the Fletcher School. His extensive background includes being a fluent Chinese speaker and having previously served in China on four separate postings. More recently, he was the National Coordinator for establishing the International Solar Alliance in India. Significantly, Ambassador Naidu is a long-standing yoga practioner. Reaching back to a tender age, he was exposed to his grandfather rising early to teach yoga classes. As part of the 5th Anniversary of World Yoga Day in June, he moderated a high level panel in New York in the UN Secretariat on the theme of climate change and climate action.

Gayatri Naraine

Gayatri Naraine

Since 1980 Gayatri Naraine has served as the representative of the Brahma Kumaris at the United Nations in New York. She is a spiritual educator, writer, and speaker. She is currently the vice chair of the International Day of Yoga Committee. Gayatri’s focus is on the Sustainable Development Goals. She helped in the development of a concept paper entitled Enhancing Human Flourishing Within the 2030 Development Agenda: The Spirituality of Global Transformation. This was the result of a 3-year dialogue held with UNFPA. As a design team member for the Call-of-the-Time Dialogues, a global leadership dialogue, she has spent the last 20 years exploring “experiments in silence,” the transformational depth of contemplative silence and its impact on the world. She serves on the Board of the Kosmos Journal. Gayatri was born in Guyana and currently lives in New York City, USA. Contact

Ben Bowler & Deborah Moldow

Ben Bowler & Deborah Moldow

Ben Bowler, Executive Director of UNITY EARTH and Deborah Moldow, UE Creative Consultant discuss the vision of UNITY EARTH and its Road to 2020 and Caravan of Unity across America. Ben and Deborah are leaders of a team projecting inspiring global events from 2019 – 2020 and beyond. The Road to 2020 to date has touched all five continents with major intercultural and musical events. ( In 2019 events in India and The Holy Land will join the list. The New York Convergence and UNITY Earth Liftoff Celebration and concert are first steps toward “the Caravan of Unity across America” which, in 2020, will features events across America culminating in major celebrations in New York City for the International Day of Peace (Sept. 21). Ben and Deborah will help anchor a “Coalition for the Road to 2020” organized regionally to create participations in these inspiring events. The Leadership Conference, February. 1 will begin that process (contact

Rick Ulfik

Rick Ulfik

Rick Ulfik is Founder of We, the World, and The 11 Days of Global Unity which for many years has been directing major events around the major international holidays of the United Nations. Rick is a founder/leader of, FIONS and other New York City transformational organizations. He works with leaders of United Nations Committees and fellow members of the Evolutionary Leaders network co-sponsoring New York and UN international event programs. We, the World and their “Eleven Ways to Change the World” are central to the plans for 2019 and 2020 for The Road to 2020 and the Caravan of Unity across America. Rick is also a leader in Marshall Rosenberg Nonviolent Communication initiatives as well as an award-winning composer and musician. Rick co-produces Visual Voices on the Dish Network available in 15 million homes. Producing short films as well, Rick organizes and promotes scores of events and other better world activities, large and small, every year. See

Denise Scotto and Adam Collett

Denise Scotto and Adam Collett

Denise Scotto, Esq., and Adam Collett join us, respectively, as Chairperson of the International Day of Yoga Committee at the United Nations, and as Creative Director for UNITY EARTH. Denise is Guest Editor of Light on Light Magazine’s annual issues on the International Day of Yoga and hosts the IDY discussion on this broadcast. Adam, a strategist, designer, media and event producer dedicated to making a positive impact in the world by combining innovative solutions with a deep knowledge of cultural diversity, joins Ben Bowler and Rick Ulfik in the discussions of these global activities on this broadcast. Denise is an attorney at law and policy advisor who has held leadership roles in professional bar organizations and has organized numerous events at UN fora. Adam, with 20 years of experience in design and technology, event production, not-for-profit management, cultural projects, youth programs and more, implements cutting-edge solutions for NGOs and social enterprises.

Karuna and Kurt Johnson

Karuna and Kurt Johnson

Karuna is founder of and a leader in the international Yoga and spiritual practice communities. She is also Host Editor of Light on Light Magazine and a host of The Convergence Series on VoiceAmerica. Dr. Kurt Johnson is the Series Host for The Convergence on VoiceAmerica and Contributions Editor for Light on Light Magazine. Light on Light has produced two annual special issues on The International Day of Yoga with the IDY Committee at the United Nations also featured in this broadcast and will publish a special issue in August 2019 reflecting this VoiceAmerica Special,see lightonlightmagazine Karuna and Kurt are co-developing Light on Light with Managing Editor Shannon Winters (below) and also preparing a lifestyle book, manual and lifestyle Teacher Training program with Karuna for 2019. Light on Light magazine and Kurt’s Interspiritual Network are both partners of UNITY EARTH. See

Rev. Diane Berke and Jeff Genung

Rev. Diane Berke and Jeff Genung

Part of Tranformation365, Rev. Diane Berke is the founder of The One Spirit Learning Alliance and One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in New York City. Jeff Genung is co-founder and President of Contemplative and, with Rev. Berke, a leader in the interspiritual movement. One Spirit and Contemplative Life have both co-sponsored various events with UNITY EARTH and Contemplative Life is a UNITY EARTH Partner. An author and international speaker, Diane is a recipient of the Houston Smith Interfaith Educator Award and numerous other recognitions. Contemplative Life and Transformation365 create a digital hub that connects people and communities with transformative practices. Contemplative’s prodigious website hosts hundreds of spiritual teachers and practice traditions, as do the famed interfaith education programs at One Spirit Recently Jeff has also partnered with along with Dr. Kurt Johnson of the Interspiritual Network and UNITY EARTH.

Kate Sheehan Roach and Sr. Mary Friedland

Kate Sheehan Roach and Sr. Mary Friedland

Sr. Mary Friedland and Kate Sheehan Roach join us from Transformation365. Mary Friedland is Coordinator of the Brahma Kumaris activities in Chicago and the Midwest. A Raja Yogi of more than 30 years, she teaches courses in meditation and everyday spirituality. She enjoys applying spiritual principles to life’s knotty problems and sharing what she has learned with others. Kate Sheehan Roach served as founding editor of Contemplative Journal, and as managing editor of the Spirituality Channel at She is now Director of Content for and as a founding member of the core team. Kate works alongside some of today’s great spiritual and religious teachers as editor/agent, podcast host, moderator, and program director. She is a certified Centering Prayer facilitator and serves on the North America Leadership Council for the United Religions Initiative. She lives on the edge of Philadelphia. Contact:

Shannon Winters and Yanni Maniates

Shannon Winters and Yanni Maniates

Shannon Winters in the Managing Editor of Light on Light Magazine and Yanni Maniates is Global Projects Director for UNITY EARTH. Light on Light is dedicated to spiritual practice and inspired lifestyle and Yanni has been working with Contemplative and other leaders in the UNITY EARTH Network creating spiritual practice programs to accompany UNITY EARTH’s events. The program developed by Yanni, Jeff Genung of Contemplative Life and Rev. Diane Berke of America’s largest interfaith seminary, One Spirit in New York City is called “Transformation 365” and its programs can be found at Shannon has also been Managing Editor of UNITY EARTH’s Convergence Magazine which, along with Light on Light, publishes special issues on the amazing activities across the networks featured in this broadcast. Shannon has also just completed a spiritual autobiography, The Gospel of Wisdom, documenting her journey from religious fundamentalism to interspirituality.

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VoiceAmerica has been a pioneer in original live talk radio programming for the past 20 years. We continue to produce exceptional radio content that emotionally connects and creates lasting impact in the lives of our global listening audience.

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For our listeners:

We strive to inform, shape and change the way you live, offering content that inspires, entertains and enlightens. Our goal is to create content that impacts you, any time any place and on any Device. Period!


PHILABUNDANCE Summer’s End Festival @  Novick Urban Farm
Sep 6 @ 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Philabundance is the largest hunger relief organization in greater Philadelphia, working with 365 local partners to distribute over 26 million pounds of food annually. But food distribution is only one way Philabundance addresses hunger in its nine-county service area. Recognizing the importance of job training and living wages in long-term solutions to hunger, Philabundance launched the Philabundance Community Kitchen (PCK) in 2000 in order to to create economic opportunities for adults with low- to no-income.

When: Friday, September 6, 2019 from 5:30PM – 8:30PM

Where: Novick Urban Farms, 3660 S. Lawrence Street (just past intersection of Pattison Ave and S. Lawrence)

What: Join in for a night of food, drinks, games and more! There will be Southeast Asian food, games & prizes, a farm tour and performances. Hosted by SEAMAAC and its partners (Philabundance, Vetri Community Partnership, and Novick Urban Farm), you can purchase tickets by visiting this site.



We are grateful to those in our communities who help us drive hunger from our

communities today and end hunger forever, including the individuals, partners,

small businesses and others who are hosting 

benefits on behalf of Philabundance.



PCK is a 14-week culinary vocational training program which has been transforming the lives women and men with low-to-no income since 2000. Students in the 500-hour program will; earn their ServSafe certificate; intern in the culinary industry; prepare meals for those in need; and receive retention services by PCK staff for two years after graduation to ensure that students maximize their training and maintain positive work ethics post-graduation.


Moving Food Forward: Product Innovation

Our goal is to create nutritious food from surplus farm products in a way that extends shelf life & adds value for our communities in need (upcycling). We partner with manufacturers to create retail items which fund the same high quality items for donation.  The Abundantly Good brand allows us to provide better food for clients AND engage socially conscious consumers in our mission in an exciting new way.



3616 South Galloway Street
Philadelphia, PA 19148
P: (215) 339-0900
F: (215) 339-0924

8th Zermatt Summit – Humanizing Globalization
Sep 12 – Sep 14 all-day
8th Zermatt Summit - Humanizing Globalization

Our current economic model has become unsustainable, it has lost its moral and political legitimacy. In the competitive market economy it has shown a continuous ability to be creative and to increase wealth. In the last decades, there has been a progressive blurring of its link with the global common good and a significant loss of our capacity to regulate it. Economics have been disconnected from ethics and politics as financial capitalism tends to nurture a speculative race where money creates more money without sufficiently investing in the economy of goods and services useful to mankind. Destruction of the planet and its biodiversity, growing inequality and poverty, injustice, exclusion and alienation are some of the dysfunctions likely to have significant negative consequences for future generations.

TransOhio and Clintonville Counseling and Wellness present the 2nd Annual Trans Career and Wellness Day @ Columbus Public Health
Sep 21 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

TransOhio and Clintonville Counseling and Wellness present the 2nd Annual Trans Career and Wellness Day at Columbus Public Health! Local employers and community and wellness partners will be onsite to offer employment, health, and other opportunities to the transgender and gender non-confirming community.

10AM – 3PM: Job Fair with dozens of local affirming and inclusive employers and resources from Community organizations

11AM – 4PM: Wellness Workshops

10AM – 4PM: Medical testing by Columbus Public Health

Please check back to hear about the employers and community partners attending this year, details about the wellness workshops, and info about raffle prizes! Please share!

(614) 645-7417

TransOhio, Inc.
P.O. Box 14481
Columbus, Ohio 43214

Facebook: TransOhio Fan page

Our Mission

TransOhio serves the Ohio transgender and ally communities by providing services, education, support, and advocacy, which promotes and improves the health, safety and life experience of the Ohio transgender individual and community.

Our Vision

  • to serve as a bridge to other LGBTQ+ and ally communities
  • to provide a focus for matters of concern to the Ohio transgender community and their allies by providing open, affirming, visible and tangible support
  • to promote opportunities and networking that increase awareness of the Transgender and gender-nonconforming community’s needs and concerns such, as discrimination and violence
  • to increase lesbian, gay, bisexual, heterosexual, and ally understanding and cultural awareness of the Ohio Transgender community
  • to help ensure that Ohio educational programs and services are inclusive and supportive of Ohio Transgender issues, perspectives, and concerns
  • to provide social activities that are inclusive of all LGBTQ+ and ally communities, access to safe-spaces, people, forums for confidential discussion, support, and local and national resource information
  • to foster Ohio Transgender community pride
Transitions Initiatives presents Community Resilience & COVID-19: A Community Discussion @ Online - Zoom
Apr 2 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Community Resilience & COVID-19: A Community Discussion

Coming Together for Community Resilience

Join us!

Thursday, April 2, 2020

 4:00pm – 5:30pm PST

   5:00pm –  6:30pm MST

  6:00pm – 7:30pm CST

  7:00pm – 8:30pm EST

 Learn about inspiring and impactful ways that

Transition Initiatives are responding to the pandemic

in their local communities,

Share your own ideas and experience with community responses

to COVID-19, and

explore how to deepen the resilience of your own community

during these challenging times. 

In this virtual gathering, we’ll learn about:

Please register for free here through Zoom to receive a link to join. Limited to the first 100 people who sign up. If you sign up and then realize you cannot attend, please cancel your registration promptly using the link in your confirmation email it o make space available for someone else who is able to participate.

Following these brief presentations, we will break into small group discussions to learn the nuts and bolts of these models, as well as how to implement them in our own communities.


Marissa Mommaerts


Strike, Divest, and Vote for our future…with EARTH DAY LIVE @ Online and Social Media
Apr 23 – Apr 25 all-day

Earth Day Live will feature a three-day livestream where millions of people can join activists, celebrities, musicians, and more in an epic moment of community and hope for the future.



From April 22 – the 50th anniversary of Earth Day –  to April 24…

The fights against the coronavirus and the climate crisis go hand-in-hand, and as we work to flatten the curve of this pandemic, we must strive toward the longer term goal of building a society rooted in sustainability and justice.



The Earth Day Live stream will be viewable on this website and will be the full user experience. In addition, it will be simulcast across major streaming platforms such as Facebook Live, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Twitch to engage with broader audiences. Partner organizations and an extensive network of major websites will be embedding the live stream as well.



Featuring Al Gore • Amanda Palmer • Amber Valletta • Angela Rye • Angelique Kidjo • Bill McKibben • Chef Alexandra Shrader • Chef Dominique Crenn • Daniel Fernandez • David Wallace Wells • DJ Spooky • Dr Michael Greger • Dr. Sweta Chakraborty • Ed Begley Jr. • Emily Wells • Ilyasah Shabazz • Jack Johnson • Jameela Jamil • Jason Mraz • Joaquin Phoenix • John Kerry • Kathryn Budig • Lil Dicky • Lisa Edelstein • Local Natives • Louie Schwartzberg • Luke Baines • Madame Gandhi • Margaret Klein Salamon • Mark Ruffalo • Mary Heglar • Matt McGorry • Megan Boone • Michael Franti • Moby • Monica Dogra • Mustafa Santiago Ali • Nahko the Bear • Ndaba Mandela • Patricia Arquette • Patrisse Cullors • Questlove • Rep. Lauren Underwood • Rep. Ted Lieu • Reverend Dr. William Barber II • Robby Romero • Rosanna Arquette • Secretary John Kerry • Sharon Carpenter • Shepard Fairey • Soul Clap • Stacey Abrams • Talib Kweli • The Both -w- Aimee Mann and Ted Leo • Tim Heidecker • Tony Revolori

And many more to be announced soon!

STRIKE – Earth Day and Youth Climate Strikes – April 22

On the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, we will demonstrate our collective power and unity through community building and storytelling. This first day will focus on amplifying the voice of indigenous leaders and youth climate activists who are leading the movement to halt the climate crisis

DIVEST – Divestment and Climate Financing – April 23

Led by Stop the Money Pipeline Coalition, during this day of action we are calling for a global reset. We want to reprogram the economy so that it works for people and the planet, not polluters and politicians.

VOTE – Voter Registration and Political Engagement – April 24

We need leaders who will address this existential threat. It’s critical for all of us to show up at the polls this year and vote for our future. So the final day will focus on the importance of voting through a nationwide youth voter registration day.

The US Climate Strike Coalition and Stop The Money Pipeline Coalition, who together are made up of over 500 organizations, have come together to organize Earth Day Live.

The US Climate Strike Coalition is a coalition of over 400 organizations that formed ahead of the September 20, 2019 climate strikes. Led by the leading youth-led climate organizations in the US, the coalition works intergenerationally and collaboratively to coordinate the Climate Strikes in the US.

Stop the Money Pipeline is a coalition of over 100 climate, environmental and Indigneous rights groups that is demanding that the financial sector stops funding the fossil fuel industry and deforestation, and starts respecting Indigenous sovereignty and human rights.

LIGHTING THE 8TH FIRE with Winona LaDuke @ online
May 28 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Thursday,  May 28, 2020 | 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM PDT

Add to Calendar

An Anishinaabe Prophecies, this time is known as the 7th Fire. The prophecy says that to move to the 8th Fire, we face a choice between two paths. One path is well-worn, scorched, and leads to our destruct.ion. The other path is new, green, and leads to Mino-Bimaadiziwin (the good life)

Join us as internationally-renowned activist and author Winona LaDuke – an Anishinaabekwe (Ojibwe) member of the White Earth Nation – discusses how the pandemic provides us with an opportunity to walk a new path, taking care of each other, and our Mother Earth.

Crisis can bring out the best or the worst in communities. Winona will discuss what it’s going to take to herald in a restorative, regenerative, and just society, one where we appreciate each other, localize our economy, get cleaner, and healthier.
Let us put our minds and hearts together to make a good future for our children!

Winona LaDuke is one of the world’s most tireless and charismatic leaders on issues related to climate change, Indigenous rights, human rights, green and rural economies, food justice, alternative sources of energy, and the priceless value of clean water over a career spanning nearly 40 years of activism. She is Program Director of Honor the Earth, the founder of the White Earth Land Recovery Project, and Winona’s Hemp and Heritage Farm. A graduate of Harvard and Antioch Universities, she is the author of five books, including Recovering the Sacred, All our Relations and a novel, Last Standing Woman.

TICKETS ARE SLIDING SCALE $5 – $25 to benefit speakers and artists impacted by the cancellation of events due to the pandemic. All who register will receive a link to watch live or later at their own convenience.

Closed caption version will be available 3-4 days after the live event.

Global Coherence Pulse @ online
Jun 21 @ 12:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Join the Next Pulse – SUMMER SOLSTICE
Sunday, June 21st at 12pm PT, 3pm ET, 7pm GMT
Timezone ConverterThis month’s theme: Celebrating Our Coherence
Featured Organization: Earthdance Global
Featured Musician: Miranda Macpherson

Enjoy uplifting music, coherence related content
and a global coherence meditation.
Join thousands of people across the world who are adding coherent heart energy to lift global consciousness and cultivate personal and planetary health and well-being. Your participation matters!

Followed by the Earthdance Concert

Reserve My Space
for the Earthdance Online
Solstice Co-Manifestival
on Sunday, June 21

Featuring 9 Hours of Multiple Live Streams
with Global Meditation, International DJs, Sound Healing and
30+ Speakers on Environmental and Social Justice,
Transformative Culture, Wellness,
Cannabis and Psychedelic Medicine

Let’s Celebrate Our Coherence Together!

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