
The Rohingya Genocide and Refugee Crisis @ Church of the Advent Hope
Jun 2 @ 2:30 pm

This program will discuss the Genocide currently being committed against the Rohingya people in Myanmar/Burma.
Special guests Beth Lilach (Head of the Education Department at the Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County) , Adem Carroll (United Nations Program Director for Burma Task Force) and Jacqueline Murekatete (Rwanda Genocide Survivor and Activist) will speak about the Rohingya genocide to help us better understand the ongoing atrocities—and what we might be able to do to help.

8th Zermatt Summit – Humanizing Globalization
Sep 12 – Sep 14 all-day
8th Zermatt Summit - Humanizing Globalization

Our current economic model has become unsustainable, it has lost its moral and political legitimacy. In the competitive market economy it has shown a continuous ability to be creative and to increase wealth. In the last decades, there has been a progressive blurring of its link with the global common good and a significant loss of our capacity to regulate it. Economics have been disconnected from ethics and politics as financial capitalism tends to nurture a speculative race where money creates more money without sufficiently investing in the economy of goods and services useful to mankind. Destruction of the planet and its biodiversity, growing inequality and poverty, injustice, exclusion and alienation are some of the dysfunctions likely to have significant negative consequences for future generations.

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