
Join the October Pachamama Alliance Global Call @ Your computer/your phone
Oct 3 @ 10:30 am – 11:45 am

Get Inspired and Engaged by the Global Community


Reconnect with the Source of Pachamama Alliance

A 75-Minute Conference Call for Our Global Community


These calls are designed to

bring together Pachamama Alliance

participants, leaders, and supporters who are actively engaged

in creating a shift in humanity to a worldview

that honors and sustains life


By coming together and grounding in this vision, you will:

*Feel supported in your work.
**Be inspired and energized in your unique role in a worldwide
   network committed to a new future for all.
***Strengthen your connection to like-hearted people and to the spirit
     that has inspired Pachamama Alliance since its inception.




to reserve your space for the conversation.

Fill out the online form and submit.

You will receive a confirmation email.


NOTE time is for Pacific Time -this is a global event so check for your time zone

1009 General Kennedy Ave
San Francisco, California
Call (415) 561-4522
Global Indigenous Wisdom Summit @ online on Facebook
Oct 8 all-day

Join indigenous leaders from around the world for a day of Earth-based wisdom teachings, prayers, and music to support transformation, healing, and social change.

Indigenous Peoples Day – October 8, 2018 Live on Facebook

Powerful Indigenous voices from our beloved Mother Earth are coming together to share sacred knowledge with you… (scroll down for details)

There is no registration required to attend… just visit our Facebook page here on October 8 starting at 9am Pacific Time.

During this full-day Facebook Live gathering, you’ll:

  • Celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day, October 8, 2018 LIVE with sisters and brothers all over the world
  • Receive stories and wisdom from Indigenous elders
  • Participate in reverent moments & an opening ceremony
  • Learn about prophecies regarding enormous change & heart-connected evolution
  • Discover how to take action for change!
  • View The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code — a compelling documentary film by Sheldon Wolfchild

And much more good healing for us all!

At the core of global restoration is the recognition that Indigenous peoples carry a way of being that is sustainable, harmonious, healthy, and just. Their ancient wisdom can guide us in healing our hearts, transforming our minds and creating truly loving, collaborative communities on our planet.

That’s why we’re thrilled to announce that on Indigenous Peoples DayMonday, October 8, 2018, The Shift Network is presenting a full-day Global Indigenous Wisdom Summit via Facebook Live!

This will be a profound spiritual gathering of Indigenous leaders from around the world sharing Earth-based wisdom teachings, prayers, and music to support transformation, healing, and social change, as well as concrete examples for birthing a new era — one in which all members of the human family are treated with respect, understanding, compassion and justice.

The day will be hosted by Indigenous speaker Shawna Bluestar (Shawnee, Lenape, Azteca), and will include keepers of wisdom from around the world, such as:

Grandmother SaSa (Swan of the North) is a seer, a dreamer and a universal healer. She founded The Rose and The Swan Healing Center for Healers, where she conducts teachings and the Medicine Hoop of Life ceremony twice a year.

Grandmother Flordemayo is a founding member of the Church of the Spiritual Path, the Confederation of Indigenous Elders of the America, Institute of Natural and Traditional Knowledge, International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, and recently founded The Path a 501(c)3 organization.

Woman Stands Shining (Pat McCabe) has the honor of being of the Diné (Navajo) Nation. A life-bringer, life-bearer mother, writer, artist, activist, speaker and cultural liason, her work is driven by the study of the Science of Right Relations. Moving from the central knowledge that we, the five-fingered-ones, are born into beauty, as beauty, for joyful life, she brings the understanding of Indigenous ways of knowing into discussion and inquiry on sustainability.

Dave Courchene , Nii Gaani Aki Innini (Leading Earth Man), has traveled internationally, carrying a message of hope and peace. Dave shares ancient Indigenous knowledge that he believes can act as the foundation in supporting the new life that Mother Earth is now entering, and that the elders have confirmed has arrived. He has created a special place for sharing ancient Indigenous knowledge — the Turtle Lodge — built based on a vision he received many years ago.

Grandmother Moetu-Taiha Ransfield is descendent of the Ngai Tuhoe and the Kahungunu tribes of Aotearoa New Zealand. Moetu is always connected to her land, her mountain, her river and her people because she is them. She carries her ancestors with her. After an experience with cancer, she was given a choice of whether to stay “here” or go to the ‘loved ones’. Grandmother Moetu chose to stay and made a commitment to be a channel for helping humanity. Her ‘calling’ is her life. She wants to find and build leaders, the ones who want to make a difference and be a force for good in the world.

Pura Fé is a Native singer-songwriter, seamstress, teacher and activist. She is also the founding member of the Internationally renowned Native American women’s a cappella trio, “Ulali”.

Ilarion (Kuuyux/Larry) Merculieff has over 40 years of serving his Unangan (Aleut) people and is a carrier of messages from Indigenous elders from around the world. He speaks all over the world, has received many awards and co-authored two books.

Tiokasin Ghosthorse is a musician, writer, educator. He is an internationally-syndicated host, executive producer and founder of the 26-year-old “First Voices Radio,” heard on 77 public, community and commercial radio stations in the U.S. and Canada. Photo by Ivan March.

Joanne Shenandoah , PhD, is one of “America’s most celebrated and critically acclaimed Native American musicians of her time” (Associated Press). She is a Grammy Award winner with 3 nominations and over 40 music awards, including 14 Native American Music awards – a Hall of Fame Inductee. Her music ranges from solo to full symphony and 22 recordings.

Shawna Bluestar Newcomb (Shawnee, Lenape, Azteca) is a spiritual guide and mentor for women, supporting them to share their unique gifts and voices. Shawna is working with her father Steven T. Newcomb to challenge The Doctrine of Discovery, and dedicated to bring about healing for humanity, Mother Earth, and future generations by sharing The Reverence Code based on ancient and Indigenous wisdom.

Buffy Sainte-Marie is an internationally renowned recording artist, activist, educator, visual artist, and winner of countless awards. In 2017 she released Medicine Songs, a career retrospective of Sainte-Marie’s song collection spanning nearly 50 years. Medicine Songs features new recordings of Sainte-Marie’s songs about the environment, alternative conflict resolution, Indigenous realities, greed, and racketeering. Part rhythmic healing, part trumpeting wakeup call, Medicine Songs is the soundtrack for the resistance.

Unci Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance is an Oglala Sioux who lives on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. She is a Lakota keeper of the traditional ways, great grandmother, Native American Church elder, and beadworker descended from Long Visitor and members of the Crazy Horse Band, named for the great warrior, Crazy Horse.

Steven Newcomb (Shawnee, Lenape) is the co-founder and co-director of the Indigenous Law Institute, along with Birgil Kills Straight who is an Oglala Lakota headman and ceremonial person. Steve Newcomb is author of “Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Christian Discovery” and co-producer of the documentary film, “The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code” directed by Sheldon Wolfchild (Dakota). Newcomb is one of the world’s foremost authorities on the Doctrine of Discovery based on the 40 years he has spent investigating and writing about these issues. Photo by William P. Laronal

Leah Shenandoah is an Oneida Iroquois Wolf Clan award-winning singer-songwriter, jeweler and multi-media artist. She considers herself a radical compassionist in a world filled with suffering.

Nathan Blindman  is a commercial artist and a producer known for “CowJews and Indians” (2013).

Reverend Eila Paul is a Grandmother and healer who has a spiritual and physical connection to her people, the Maori of Aotearoa New Zealand, and to her culture. Eila works with the elderly, and children, to weave deep and sacred connection to the earth and all beings. She travels through North America and Europe offering sacred seeds of knowledge and healing.

Lyla June is poet, musician, educator, anthropologist, activist and community servant of Diné (Navajo), Tsétsêhéstâhese (Cheyenne) and European lineages. She holds a degree in Environmental Anthropology with honors from Stanford University as well as a degree in American Indian Education with distinction from the University of New Mexico.

Throughout the day, these powerful leaders will help open a deeper understanding within you about the many challenges Indigenous nations and peoples face, and how we can work together toward a brighter future for humanity, all living things, and Mother Earth.

At the Shift Network, we are deeply committed to our Indigenous brothers and sisters and see healing our society’s relationship with Indigenous Peoples, and supporting their upliftment, as essential for the larger healing of our world. That is why we dedicate this event to hearing more of their voices of wisdom, which carry important medicine for our time.

Please join us!

There is no registration required to attend… just visit our Facebook page here on October 8 starting at 9am Pacific.

Festival of the Child @ Online
Nov 14 – Nov 20 all-day

Festival of the Child is a free summit empowering parents & educators to help children thrive. 21+ expert speakers, 7 days, online.

About this Event

????Festival of the Child is a completely FREE event and takes place ONLINE, from Nov 14th-20th, featuring experts and change-makers working tirelessly for the good of children everywhere.

????Supporting a paradigm shift in learning, we are reimagining education.

????Join us and add your voice to the collective.

????Learn directly from visionaries, storytellers, teachers, activists, doctors, psychologists and more to get the latest insights in how to grow today’s child for tomorrow and restore wellbeing now.

????So many of our children suffer from mental health issues that directly result from ways in which they are being educated and a system that is failing to look at their developmental needs.

????Learn tried and tested strategies that support YOUR child to grow up healthy, happy and full of hope for the future.

????Now more than ever we have an incredible opportunity to shift the learning paradigm into one that supports ALL of our children to truly thrive.

????It is time to be bold in our vision and brave in our footsteps as we re-imagine what learning looks like in the 21st century.

????We know that you want your children to grow up with a connection to themselves a strong sense of self and personal identity, empathy and care for others and full of creative solutions to transform humanity as this crucial time in our collective evolution.

????Come join the education revolution. Be heard. Have your say. Be a part of this important conversation.

????Completely free to sign-up. ????

But only available to registered participants.

Get your FREE eventbrite ticket then head on over to our website to REGISTER.

It’s the only way to access the videos – as all links will be sent out by email.

Can’t wait to see you all on the other side!

Spiritual Wildfire Summit @ Online
Feb 2 – Feb 7 all-day

pictured above:  Brooke Medicine Eagle

I’m thrilled to invite you to a FREE global online Summit that starts Feb. 2-7 called:


Igniting the Worldwide Spiritual Wildfire We Need Now: A Call to Action




I’ll be participating with 23 other featured speakers including Sandra Ingerman, Andrew Harvey, Nina Simons, Cynthia Jurs, Steve Farrell and Lyla June Johnston and I’d love for you to join us! Each of us will be offering inspiration, healing, and empowering practical tools to anyone who is ready to courageously use their own light to help ignite a worldwide spiritual wildfire.

The Spiritual Wildfire Summit is organized to address the fact that we live in epic times. In fact, we are experiencing nothing less than the reinvention of civilization. Yet as we dive into uncharted waters and move closer to a critical tipping, we see a worldwide awakening beginning to catch fire. The Spiritual Wildfire Summit offers inspiration, healing, and empowering practical tools to anyone who is ready to courageously use their own light to help ignite a worldwide spiritual wildfire.

To register for this free event click here. Link to:

Together we can create a new world based on compassion, wisdom, justice, and joy!

During this FREE 6-day global online summit, together we will experience & integrate profound ways to restore the Story of Our Awakened Hearts.

This transformational event is FREE to all registered attendees! You do need to RSVP in order to receive all of the info you need to participate in this unique and never before seen gathering of visionaries!


Would you like to have permanent downloadable lifetime access to all 25 interviews, in both audio & video format, so you can watch or listen to them at your convenience even after the Summit has ended? If so, the Lifetime Access Upgrade Package is available for a very special Early Bird Price through Feb. 4 only. CLICK HERE to learn more about this upgrade package. 50% of all Lifetime Access purchases go to the Changing Woman Initiative.


Finally, here’s a link to a 2-minute video that beautifully sums up the Spiritual Wildfire Summit theme. Take a look and please share this video and info about this Summit to anyone you think would like to join the Spiritual Wildfire Revolution!


If you know someone that would like to participate in the Summit, please send them here so they can receive all of the benefits of the Spiritual Wildfire Summit.


We begin on 2-2-2020! Here’s to igniting the worldwide spiritual wildfire we need now! See you on the inside!


With gratitude and bright blessings,


Your host,

Joan D’Argo


P.S. Be sure to return to the Event Schedule Page often while the Spiritual Wildfire Summit is airing so you get the most out of this event!


EARTH WEEK Pittsburgh – Virtual Teach-in & Youth Climate Strike @ Online and Instagram
Apr 19 @ 1:00 pm – Apr 23 @ 12:00 pm

Pittsburgh Earth Day 2020
Tune in tomorrow, Sunday, April 19 at 1:00 P.M. for the Pittsburgh Earth Week Teach-In! Watch live #VoteEarthPG#VoteClimatePGH
Pittsburgh Earth Day 2020's photo.


24-Hour Youth Climate Strike on Instagram


Hosted by Pittsburgh Earth Day 2020

Join Fridays for Future for a 24-Hour Climate Strike on Instagram.
Details on Facebook
Apr 22 at 12 PM – Apr 23 at 12 PM


Pittsburgh is marking the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day by reigniting our dedication to our planet, to each other and to our collective future here on Earth. We call on everyone to unite, stand and act for a healthier, safer, more just and sustainable world.

Pittsburgh will mark the 50th Anniversary of Earth Week by reigniting our dedication to the planet, to each other and to our collective future. We call on everyone to be part of a healthier, safer, more just and sustainable world.
Founding Date
April 22, 2020


When the first Earth Week took place on April 16-22, 1970, it was a moment that captured the hearts of many Americans who were moved to dedicate themselves to the fight for clean water, land and air. Fifty years later, people and the planet face a far greater threat in the form of climate change.
The climate emergency requires urgent and immediate action.
The 50th Anniversary of Earth Day must reignite that dedication to our planet, each other and to our collective future on Earth. It must extend the fire and passion for change of that first Earth Day to marginalized communities in SWPA and beyond who are most deeply harmed by environmental assaults and climate change. We are calling on everyone to unite – on this day and every day – to stand and act for a healthy, safe, just and sustainable world that protects and supports us all.
We the people Unite Under these Values:
We declare a climate emergency and call on our leaders to address that emergency NOW. Fossil fuel-based energy and petrochemical production will push our planet toward climate collapse.
We honor Mother Earth, the supporter of all life, who provides us with sustenance, clean air and clean water. We honor our Ancestors who blessed us with reverence for life. We embrace the Rights of Nature and recognize that we are a part of its interconnected Web of Life.
We value our responsibility to care for our planet and all people now and for the future.
We seek Environmental Justice for all. Environmental work must not perpetuate economic, social, gender and racial inequalities or health and environmental burdens. We respect historic communities and land rights. We support Indigenous self-determination, anti-racism and oppose disinvestment in marginalized communities. We especially value the voices and wisdom of communities of color including African American and Native communities and support their demands for environmental and social justice.
We unite with frontline communities to break down barriers that prevent all people from creating and benefiting from a just transition for those workers displaced as a result of the disinvestment in and closing of fossil fuel companies. We turn to the people in communities most harmed by environmental injustice for their leadership, their voices and their wisdom.
We call for a new kind of reinvestment in community systems that promote ongoing community education and investment. This reinvestment must emphasize renewable energy; maintain poison-free, fertile soil for safe, local food production; and recycle, reuse and re-purpose non-fossil based materials in circular manufacturing.
We value our inherent and legal rights to clean air and water as guaranteed by federal and state laws. We support the creation of laws that reject putting corporate profits above the health of people and non-human relatives, that ensure workers’ safety and that protect the health of our ecosystems and environment.
We hold that fracking, pipelines, plastics, synthetic chemicals and nuclear waste are poisoning our bodies and the whole planet. We oppose spending taxpayer money for these industries.
We value economic systems and community development projects that will be people-focused, community-driven and inclusive of the next Seven Generations*.
We are pro-union and pro-living wage. We value reliance on local resources and clean jobs that do no harm.
We hold all government officials accountable as stewards for healthy people and a healthy society. We believe that our environment and our climate must be protected, and that our land and natural resources cannot be exploited for corporate gain or greed – especially at the risk of public safety and health.
*Seventh Generation Principle is a key element in The Great Law of Peace of the Hodinoshoni (Iroquois) Confederacy. It is an intentional statement of purpose, accountability and to acknowledge that the actions and decisions we make today should result in a peaceful and sustainable world seven generations into the future.
Pittsburgh Earth Day Demands of Pennsylvania’s Governor and Elected Leaders
Declare a state-wide Climate Emergency NOW. Ask all levels of government to adopt a Climate Action Plan as part of State/County/Municipal Codes.
Stop use of public tax dollars to support fracked gas, oil, coal and nuclear industries on the state and federal level. Invest in renewable industries and in jobs that do not harm workers, communities and people.
Support 100% renewable energy by 2030.
Divest all State Pension funding from fossil fuel investments.
We must honor our constitutional right to clean air and water (Pennsylvania Constitution Article 1 Section 27). Restore strong regulatory protections for air, water and land to protect all citizens from pollution.
Children in Western Pennsylvania are being poisoned by lead in our water and industrial pollutants in our air. We must upgrade infrastructure, aging industrial plants and the region’s wastewater treatment facilities to reduce additional greenhouse gases and pollution, including raising our water-testing standards.
Along with stronger regulations, we must ensure that polluting industries pay fines for pollution that reflect the harm done to people.
Reallocate funding for communities harmed by gas, oil and coal industries. Support community green union and non-union jobs and clean economic development initiatives, ensuring social support and job training for former fossil fuel workers.
Promote local and sustainable agriculture that does not depend on using poisons and chemical fertilizers. Support safe agricultural practices on local, state and federal levels. Protect sources of drinking water and agriculture from contamination by fracking.
Ban single-use plastics immediately and establish viable substitutes and markets for the re-use of recycled materials to reduce the market for fracked-gas plastics.
Adopt State Building Codes that require all new construction to reduce additional greenhouse gases by incorporating passive solar design and renewable energy systems in residential and commercial buildings.
Increase access, equity and sustainability in the transportation sector. Improve public and alternative transportation infrastructure to increase fuel efficiency, reduce pollution/carbon emissions and ensure safe and convenient routes for cyclists and pedestrians. Ensure affordable public transit fares and accessible public transit routes for all communities.
The Pittsburgh Earth Day 2020 coalition invites groups in SWPA and beyond to join us in planning in our Earth Week events. We welcome all participating organizations to provide feedback on these statements which may be amended to reflect those concerns.


Apr 22 @ 6:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Awakening Humanity’s Consciousness as One,
“Celebrating Our Planet,

Healing our Heart


The13th Annual



Planet Heart Logo © Elana Stanger,
​a.k.a. St. Angel

Come join us on EARTH DAY

Wednesday, April 22, 2020, at
6 – 9:30 PM EST

Globally Online

for A Very Special Evening

with our Conscious Community as we

Gather in Unity Honoring Mother Earth
and the 50th anniversary of Earth Day!

Listen to Inspirational Talks with Spiritual,  Indigenous, Peace and Environmental Leaders, and Experience Live Music Performances! 

There will be Celebrations & Prayers for World Peace, Planet Earth & All Inhabitants.
All Are Welcome!

Due to the coronavirus we will be

hosting our event online this year!!

“Every day is Earth Day where Peace Within Brings Peace on Earth ” – ReAwakennd

Produced by Andrew Kaen in Association 
with We, The World (fiscal sponsor),


Watch LIVE or the Recording HERE:
Like these pages to get notified for the Event and please share!

  Contact us:  EarthDay@WeTheWorld.Org       


Even if you cannot attend, and you would like to support us, please make a tax deductible donation. Click Button Below. Thank you.

Meet your Presenters:



Mitchell Rabin,  International speaker/Workshop Leader,

Holistic Coach and Host/Producer of A Better World Radio & TV


Rick Ulfik
Founder of We, The World, the WE Campaign, and Co-Creator of 11 Days of Global Unity 


Angelica Cubides
Ordained Minister, Indigenous Elder


Jonathan Granoff is President of Global Security Institute and an Attorney, Author and Advocate ​for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons, 2014 nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize


Transpersonal Coach/Healer
Soul Plan Activator, Author and Artist


​Guy R. McPherson is an American scientist, Professor Emeritus of Natural Resources and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona


Elly Lessin
Long-time Environmental Advocate


Jackson Madnick Founder and President of Pearl’s Premium Lawn Seed


Host of Heart of Mind Radio, ​facilitator of Meditation and Relaxation Techniques;  a Master Teacher of Qigong Form; an Energy-Vibrational Healer


Heidi Little
International Award-Winning Singer-Songwriter, Vocalist, Self-Love and Empowerment Educator, Co-Founder/Director of International Children’s Month, Founder of The Center For Advancement in Social Emotional Learning, Co-Writer of ONE, The Message From Mother Earth


Michael Fitzpatrick​
World-Renowned Cello Soloist 


Two Feathers 
Indigenous Teacher and Educator


William “Bill” Garrett
Founder/Chairman, Harlem Climate Caucus​


Evan Pritchard
​Indigenous Speaker, Author, Musician


Lisa Roma
Singer-Songwriter, Vocalist, Songpoet, Musician and Composer, Writer, Publisher,  and Visionary


​Composer, Arranger, Producer and an accomplished Multi-Instrumentalist 


David Young
Musician, Author, Speaker, Artist


 Andrew Kaen (ReAwakennd)
Executive Producer and Founder/Organizer
Planet Heart’s Annual World Peace Earth Day Celebration
Vibrational Sound Healer/Channel/Poet/
​Singer-Soulwriter/Ambassador For Peace

Portions of the Proceeds support 

We, The World and

Planet Heart

to produce these events.

“We hear Mother Earth’s call to simultaneously become more heart centered and action oriented.  Feeling Mother Earth’s sacredness in our hearts can be profound motivation to act on Her behalf.  Many actions are needed now, from calling legislators to attending rallies … art making, creative planning, spreading the word, writing letters to the editor … advocating for clean water, renewable energy … as well as social, racial, and economic justice issues that are inseparable from co-creating a sustainable, thriving world that works for all.  We believe these actions are most effective, and most beautiful, when they are inspired by and carried out with love and respect for this beautiful planet, all who reside here, and whatever divine energies are loving us and encouraging us through this Great Turning.  This feeling of connection, love, and inspiration is what we seek to create through Planet Heart’s Annual World Peace Earth Day.  Please join us, be inspired, keep your heart open, and channel that love into action. ”
Ellen Osuna, Environmental and Peace Activist 



​ ​






Intergenerational Climate Collaborative Project Hosted by: Sue Blythe and Chitra Golestani @ Online - Zoom
Apr 26 @ 1:00 pm

BEING & DOING PRESENTS…Practicing in the Midst – Deepening Presence, Compassion and Resilience in Times of Great Change @ Online
May 11 @ 12:00 pm – May 12 @ 7:30 pm


Practicing in the Midst

Deepening Presence, Compassion and Resilience in Times of Great Change

REGISTER FOR FREE  Live-Streamed Global Online Gathering May 11th & 12th

To accommodate our global audience, the online live-stream will have

a 24-hour replay ​on Wednesday, May 13th, in every timezone.

welcome letter from the host…

Greetings friends…

We’ve all got to follow best practices for staying safe and taking care of each other during the pandemic. This online gathering is about best practices for your inner life.

How can you rest in your own presence and non-reactivity? How can you open in compassion and let your heart’s intelligence guide your actions? How can you stay open to your experience – not grabbing onto your emotion but not bypassing it either? How can your struggles deepen your practice and bring forward new capacities?

This Being & Doing gathering will give you a chance to hear from some extraordinary, open-hearted, generous mentors. The teachers will all be live – guiding practices, taking questions and joining with you in a supportive field of collective presence. Use this opportunity to help you stay open and free inside of yourself, to nourish your resilience, and to connect with a powerful community of like-minded souls.

Jeff Charno, Being & Doing Host


You can use this Awakening in the Midst video collection right away.  

From Loch Kelly, Craig Hamilton, Diana Winston, Caverly Morgan

These aren’t ordinary guided meditations. These four short programs lead you directly into natural awakened awareness – a state of flow and effortless presence. Clarifying this in yourself is life changing and it’s easier than you think.

FREE VIDEO DOWNLOAD+ Reserve Your Place at the Gathering


PRACTICING IN THE MIDST is a free two-day LIVE online gathering bringing together ten extraordinary and generous teachers with a community of thousands of people.  Challenging times can be a powerful catalyst for personal and collective evolution. Come join us in practice.



You will learn to rest in your already awakened nature. A subtle shift opens you to freedom from the endless agitation of your mind. Touch into your deep heart and let it energize your actions.


Inquiry, mindfulness, and radical acceptance can each open doorways into unseen dimensions of your soul. Release what isn’t serving you and let your true nature lead the day.


Feeling like separate beings is a mistaken perception. Our interdependence and connection, usually buried in the background, has become more palpable than ever. We’re in these lives


Teaching Schedule for the Live Gathering

Talks, Practices and Q&A​

MONDAY – May 11th, 2020:


Effortless Mindfulness Teacher, Psychotherapist, and Author

“The important thing is to find the Self that has the capacity to bear what seemed to be unbearable, the self that can be present with all of our parts unconditionally.”



Meditation Teacher, Nonprofit Leader, and Visionary

“If you meditate to be a better person, you’ll always be busy trying to be a better person. If you meditate because you are in love with resting in your own luminous infinite being, you’ll always be in love.”



Contemporary Meditation Teacher, Bestselling Author

“Fall in love with where you are. Turn towards this – a sacred moment, unrepeatable. Trust the ebb and flow of things. Say yes to uncertainty and the unresolvedness of your life.” 



Founder of the Diamond Approach To Self-Realization

“We are not separate. Our sense of separateness is superficial and exists only in the physical dimension. Every other human being is just as precious as we are, and worthy of as much respect and love and consideration.”



Spiritual Teacher, Founder of Integral Enlightenment

“True meditation is about being fully present with everything that is – including discomfort and challenges. It is not an escape from life.”


TUESDAY – May 12th, 2020:


Founder of Gateway, Spiritual Facilitator

“Do you know how to be quiet and let go, when life challenges you and brings you to the edge?”



Wellbeing Research Professor, Director of Transformative Technology Lab

“The world’s largest scientific research project into fundamental well-being, sometimes called enlightenment, reveals the methods which actually work.”



Author, activist, authorized Lama (Buddhist Teacher) and founder of Bhumisparsha Sangha

“Let your love be the container for anger and despair. Love will not dissolve them, but will offer enough space to not get lost in them.”



Director of Mindfulness Education at UCLA, Author

“Saying yes means surrendering to your experience, whatever it is. It means feeling your body when you’re in the midst of a strong reaction or emotion… and noticing that thoughts and feelings come and go.”



Founder of Evolutionary Collective, Bestselling Author

“Right now, it feels more important than ever to come together and actively find our oneness, our goodness and our capacity to live a higher order of love as a social reality.”


Practicing in the Midst

Being & Doing is committed to creating opportunities for people to come together to practice, to celebrate community, and to recognize unending mystery and beauty (even when the sky appears to be falling).

Recordings of the live sessions will be replayed for 24-hours on Wednesday, May 13th, in every timezone.


You can also purchase the recordings for a small cost.

Being & Doing Sponsors

May 19 @ 3:00 pm
Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival's photo.

MAY 19, 2020  3:00 pm EST

The Intersection of the Climate Crisis and Social Justice

Join the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival and The Climate Reality Project for our upcoming webinar highlighting the intersection of climate and environmental justice, the history of the #PoorPeoplesCampaign, and the upcoming digital mass march and assembly.

The webinar will feature Campaign Co-Chairs Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II and Dr. Liz Theoharis, as well as Dr. Robert Bullard, Climate Reality board member, Texas Southern University distinguished professor of environmental policy, and to many, the “father of environmental justice.”

The only way to solve the climate crisis is by working together. And to build a winning coalition, we need to understand how this crisis intersects with social inequities like racial discrimination, poverty, and environmental injustice.

Register here:

Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival
People’s Hub Workshops: Getting Through Economic Downturns Together @ Online
May 21 @ 1:00 pm – Jun 11 @ 1:00 pm


Where have we been?

Where are we going?

What might be possible together?

The Circle may be over but the workshops are coming up! 

It’s time to sign up!!

This has been a time of organizing. We are moving from our deep roots in community to challenge the status quo. We are building systems that work for our people. We are imagining a different way. 

It has been a time of reckoning. 

Covid-19 has magnified the disparities and injustices of our world. Specifically, the ways that Black, Indigenous, People of Color, chronically ill and disabled people experience higher levels of violence, housing insecurity, and job discrimination. We continue to lose people to white supremacy: 

Nina Pop

Breonna Taylor

Ahmaud Arbey

There is a missing and murdered indigenous women’s epidemic. 

Capitalism and white supremacy will attempt to make us forget this time and return to a disconnection from each other and the earth. 

We cannot and will not return to a normal that devalues people and planet. 

“We can impose beauty on our future.”
–Lorraine Hansberry 

Instead, let’s make a promise, a commitment to honor community. For those of us with privileges it’s a time to risk comfort,  #share your check.

Together, we can be a part of community-based solutions, be a part of the radical imagination. As Lorraine Hansberry stated, we can impose beauty on our future.

Join us for a deepened understanding of economic downturns and solidarity economy. What we do now matters. 

Weekly Climate Emergency Organizing presented by The Climate Mobilization @ online
May 21 @ 8:00 pm – May 28 @ 8:00 pm

Select a date and time

8:00 PM
8:00 PM

This weekly call is for those of us who are terrified of the climate emergency and determined to be part of a movement to claw back our future from the jaws of extinction.

You will learn about The Climate Mobilization’s strategy for transforming our economy in the next ten years, and how you can take action locally and be part of this plan.

You will make contact with an excellent team of organizers who will offer support and coaching in your journey to push back and win a just and inclusive future.

  • In 2020, the climate emergency threatens to take our future away from us.
  • YOU
  • The solution is to organize.
  • YOU
  • This session is designed to show you how.

The session is open to anyone, whether you are part of an organization or not, whether you have experience of organizing or not. We support over 100 different campaigns!

To Join the Call:

You will learn:

  • What YOU can do to respond to the Climate Emergency
  • How to get plugged in to a team or a Climate Emergency campaign in YOUR community
  • How we’re planning to make the Climate Emergency the key issue of the 2020 election


Virtual Rites of Spring 2020 – Memorial Day Weekend Events @ Online
May 23 – May 25 all-day

Virtual Rites of Spring 2020

We gather in May for our 42nd time to celebrate the sacred Earth and the turning of the seasons in the mountains of western Massachusetts.

Join us online, (and in person in September) – as together we:

Weave the web of community;

Share in ancient traditions and new rituals;

Look forward to what we can become;

Learn through workshops and dialogue;

Light the Sacred fire;

Feel the rhythms of life in our drums and dance to raise our spirits;

Form lasting friends and see families grow as we come together in community – learning, sharing music, celebrating with ritual, and fueling our joy.

Register now for virtual Rites of Spring programming!

We are terribly sad not to be able to be together for the first time in 42 years, but we are excited to be able to still offer a substantial program. Zoom links and program details will go out to everyone who registers.

Please spread the word!


  • 8 – 8:30 AM Family Program – Seasonal Stories and Creative projects  with Andrew Coate, and Sarah Rosehill
  • 11:00 AM Workshop: Pagan Perspective Permaculture Primer with Martin Bridge
  • 3:00 PM Web Ritual
  • 8:00 PM Bardic Circle Sign Up Sheet
  • 11:00 PM DJ Meow Meow


  • 8 – 8:30 AM Family Program – Seasonal Stories and Creative projects  with Andrew Coate, and Sarah Rosehill
  • 11:00 AM Workshop: Anamanta: a Pagan Practice for Troubled Times with Andras Corban Arthen
  • 3:00 PM EarthSpirit FUNdraising Kickoff with Billy Bardo, Anya, Arianna (and maybe Patrick)
  • 6:00 PM The Feast at home
  • After Feast: DJ Dawn Dance Party! with Dawn Flatt


  • 11:00 AM Closing Ritual with Deirdre and Andras Arthen

Plus Recorded Programs on YouTube

  • Healing Ritual
  • Building a Sacred Shrine
  • Maying!
  • Preparing your own Feast

Register Online

If you are registered and paid for Rites of Spring 2020 (May or September), please follow this link to get your virtual Registration number. This program is an included add-on to your registration.

To register if you are not already signed up for Rites of Spring: Admission for the week is a sliding scale $50 – $100. Please pay what you are able, to help us keep going through this time of crisis. No one will be turned away for serious financial hardship, as long as you pay something. Additional contributions are appreciated.

Once you are registered, close to the date of the virtual events, you will receive a registration code, an accessible link and  password for the Zoom sessions, and a link to the Facebook Virtual Dining Hall. Please save that registration number for access to the Virtual Dining Hall or for any questions on your registration.

We look forward to seeing you all online.


“Waking Up Fabulous: Taking Refuge in The Time of Corona” – A Half-Day LGBTQIA+ Community Retreat @ Zoom - Online
May 23 @ 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm

“Waking Up Fabulous: Taking Refuge in The Time of Corona” – A Half-Day LGBTQIA+ Community Retreat

In the midst of this global pandemic, taking refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha has never felt more important for our community and this world. As LGBTQIA+ people, in these challenging and difficult times, we recollect the power of community to know that we are not alone; that together we can begin the healing of centuries of oppression and trauma within a deep knowing of our interconnectedness and interdependence. We learn to trust the unfolding of this life and act for the benefit of all beings.

This virtual retreat is an opportunity to come together and care for ourselves: to remember who we really are and to reconnect with our innate goodness. We will explore ways of sustaining a clear and open mind, a kind heart, and a strong body. And we will engage with the ancient teachings and practices offered by the Buddha that cultivate wisdom, kindness, compassion, joy, equanimity, and skillful actions.

This virtual retreat is for all those who identify as LGBTQIA+. The program will include guided awareness and heart practices, Dharma talks, small and large group sharing, and gentle yoga.

This Virtual Retreat will be conducted on Zoom from 12:30pm – 4:30pm EST on Saturday, May 23. The virtual retreat link will be emailed to participants within twenty-four hours of your registration. Registration for this live webinar closes at 11:30am EST on May 23.

In keeping with the tradition of offering these teachings by dana, there are no fees associated with this retreat, it is by donation only. We invite you to consider making a tax-deductible contribution during the registration process. Suggested donation levels are listed, but if you would like to contribute more, please select the Participant option and type in your desired donation amount. We appreciate your support.


Madeline Klyne has loved the dharma since 1986. She is a co-founder and teacher of South Shore Insight Meditation Center (SSIMC), a core teacher at Cambridge Insight Meditation Center (CIMC), and a visiting teacher at Insight Meditation Society. Madeline teaches programs and retreats for LGBTIQ communities. Part of Madeline’s spiritual path was to come out at the age of 5. Madeline delights in exploring practice in daily life with all who are interested. Learn more at

La Sarmiento has been practicing Vipassana meditation since 1998, is a teacher and senior retreat/event manager for the Insight Meditation Community of Washington, and has been the guiding teacher of the IMCW LGBTQ and People of Color Sanghas since 2006. A 2012 graduate of the Spirit Rock Community Dharma Leaders Training Program, they also lead mindfulness retreats for teenagers with Inward Bound Mindfulness Education and retreats for Young Adults at the Spirit Rock Meditation Center. This will be La’s 5th retreat at Garrison for the LGBTIQ community. La has been a bodyworker in private practice since 1992 and a Reiki Teacher since 2004 in Washington, DC, where they reside with their life partner Wendy and their two Cairn Terriers, Annabel and MacGregor.

Lama Rod Owens is considered one of the emerging leaders of his generation of Buddhist teachers. An author, activist, and formally authorized Buddhist teacher in the Tibetan tradition of Buddhism, he is the co-founder of Bhumisparsha, a Buddhist tantric practice community as well as a visiting teacher with several Buddhist centers including the Natural Dharma Fellowship and the Brooklyn Zen Center. A graduate of Harvard Divinity School, Lama Rod has also been a guest faculty member at the Harvard School of Education’s program Mindfulness for Educators. He has been a regular guest on SiriusXM’s Urban Viewhosted by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Karen Hunter. He is also a co-author of Radical Dharma: Talking Race, Love, and Liberation and his next book project “Love & Rage” exploring transformative anger and rage is due out June 2020. Lama Rod can be reached at

Jacoby Ballard has been teaching yoga for 20 years and now lives in Salt Lake City, Utah with his partner and child. His work sits at the intersection of spiritual practice and social change and has led him to consult with Insight Meditation Society, the Yoga Alliance, Lululemon, and speaking on college campuses. His current foray into study and taking the role of student is through his enrollment with the Community Dharma Leaders program at Spirit Rock. His teaching style is playful and profound, integrating the teachings of the dharma into how we move and breath on our mats and with each other. More at

Isabel Adon, LCSW, FOT, IFOT is a Bilingual Psychotherapist with an Office in Midtown, NYC. Isabel Adon is an Aboriginal Focusing Oriented Therapist and Trainer. She has over 20 years of experience in the mental health and presently works with children and families in an outpatient psychiatric setting in the Bronx. Isabel has been a volunteer rape crisis and domestic violence advocate for over nine years responding to crisis at six different NYC emergency rooms as a volunteer for the Mount Sinai SAVI program. She has extensive training in diversity work and for the past 15 years has been a practitioner of Vipassana and Ascension meditation.

Registration Options

1 – Participant
2 – Friend (Donation)
3 – Contributor (Donation)
4 – Supporter (Donation)
5 – Patron (Donation)
6 – Benefactor (Donation)


P.O.  Box 532
14 Mary’s Way, Route 9D

Garrison, NY 10524

LOVE is Medicine – Memorial Day Weekend Sessions @ online
May 23 @ 9:00 pm – May 27 @ 9:00 pm


Learn how you can apply these teachings and help everyone you know to embrace a happier, healthier life even during times like these

Episode 3: Where Healing Comes From
May 23 –  9pm Eastern (USA)

Episode 4: Healing the Past, Healing the Future
May 24  – 9pm Eastern (USA)

Episode 5: Self-Love, Loving Others
May 25 –  9pm Eastern (USA)

 Episode 6: The Body’s Wisdom 

May 26 – 9pm Eastern (USA)

 Episode 7: Love is Medicine
May 27 – 9pm Eastern (USA)

Join the Facebook Group

Stay up to date with all things Love is Medicine

Join our Facebook Group 



Quantum Powers – The Three Keys to Unlock Yours presented by Evolving Wisdom and Dr. Jean Houston @ Online
May 24 all-day

We at UNIFY want to let you know about a FREE Online Event where you’ll discover how to partner with the Universe to accomplish anything you want in your life!


Now more than ever, our world is deeply in need of people who can step into their purpose, where they can share what they’ve learned and help to steer themselves and others toward more positive actions. We can all become creative stewards of humanity’s course as we continue our collective journey.This event is hosted by our dear friend Dr. Jean Houston, pioneer of the Human Potential Movement, international luminary, and one person who is uniquely qualified to offer insight and help guide us during these strange times.

A Free Global Online Event

with One of the Principal Founders of the Human Potential Movement

Dr. Jean Houston

Register Now to Attend this Groundbreaking Event!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

During this event she will share special techniques that involve tapping into and aligning with the very fabric and intention of the cosmos. Practicing these techniques can allow you to accomplish extraordinary things, just as they have for certain ancient cultures and individuals throughout history.


After discovering the Quantum Powers that Jean will explore with you during the event, you’ll gain the following:


  • The power to expand time so you can do more in less time than ever before without adding stress to your life;

  • The power to experience “sustained fire” to keep you operating at your highest energy level during even the most challenging times;

  • The power to partner with the energy of the Universe to more easily accomplish your goals and fulfill your dreams;

  • The power to expand and express your creativity without sacrificing your daily responsibilities;

  • The power to almost magically attract the people and resources you need to move your projects forward and achieve the level of authentic success you’re striving for. 




WECAN presents their upcoming webinar, “Structuring an Economy for People and Planet in the Time of Climate Crisis and COVID-19” @ Online - Zoom
May 28 @ 2:00 pm

Please be invited to join the Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) on Thursday, May 28 for our upcoming webinar, “Structuring an Economy for People and Planet in the Time of Climate Crisis and COVID-19”. During this dynamic dialogue women and feminists from different regions of the world will unite to discuss alternative economies that counteract extractive economic systems, colonization, racism, and patriarchy— and instead visibilize women’s labor, center Indigenous knowledge, and prioritize people and planet. There could not be a more important time to ensure we do not go back to business as usual.
As unemployment severely rises, food and housing are under further threat, oil prices plummet, and some governments insist on bailing out the fossil fuel sector and other destructive industries instead of people and nature— the COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the already existing severe cracks in our global economic system. What is needed now is investment in economies founded on principles of justice, reciprocity, and regeneration. Learn more about this vital interactive discussion and how to participate down below!

Structuring an Economy for People and Planet

In the Time of Climate Crisis and COVID-19

Thursday, May 28, 2020

11:00 am PST/ 2:00 pm EST USA time

Please check your own time zone to coordinate!

Registration is required – register at this link

Rooted in neo-liberal capitalism, the current economic system is set to continue to rapaciously extract resources from the Earth and drive the dual crises of climate chaos and pandemics, while exploiting the labor of people worldwide to line the pockets of wealthy CEOs, fossil fuel companies and other large corporations. As we see disaster capitalism play out in real time, we must dismantle the current system and call for a regenerative, rights-based economy that prioritizes communities and nature.
An integral part of the fight for climate justice is rejecting false market-driven “solutions.” This includes the effort to expose and dismantle the roots of the extractivist economy that is inextricably intertwined with the patriarchal system that has been exploiting women and the environment for centuries. Women are on the frontlines of the climate crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, making up 70% of healthcare workers worldwide and the majority of unpaid care workers who bear the brunt of a broken economic system.
We are calling for a transition from a colonial paradigm of “exploit and extract” to a regenerative, globally-conscious one of “respect and restore.” What is needed now is an investment in alternative economic models predicated on community-led solutions, Indigenous knowledge, and ancient concepts of reciprocity with the Earth and all living beings. Already there are Indigenous economies to learn from and an emergence of socially just, place-based, caring economic models that are structuring a path forward.
Speakers include: Melina Laboucan-Massimo (Lubicon Cree First Nation), Programs Director, Indigenous Climate Action; Ruth Nyambura, Kenyan Activist with African Ecofeminist Collective; Cindy Wiesner, Executive Director, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance; Ellen Brown, Attorney and Founder of the Public Banking Institute; Rauna Kuokkanen (Sápmi) Research Professor of Arctic Indigenous Studies at the University of Lapland, Finland; and comments and moderation by Osprey Orielle Lake, Executive Director Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN).

This webinar is part of WECAN’s Advocacy and Solutions Series: A Just and Healthy World is Possible, an ongoing dialogue series lifting up women’s leadership as we continue to collectively build a powerful movement founded on principles of justice, love, and a fierce dedication to our planet and each other.

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED, please register here:
To ensure the security of our participants and speakers we ask that you register for the webinar via Zoom, which we encourage so that you may participate in the conversation and ask questions and make comments. If you do not want to register, you are welcome to join us on Facebook, where we will be streaming the event live.
If you need support registering or have any questions, be welcome to reach out to

Melina Laboucan-Massimo, Lubicon Cree First Nation
Programs Director, Indigenous Climate Action
Canada, Turtle Island

Melina Laboucan-Massimo is Lubicon Cree from Northern Alberta, Canada. She is the founder of Sacred Earth Solar and the Campaign Director at Indigenous Climate Action. She has worked on social, environmental and climate justice issues for over 15 years. Melina has worked, studied and campaigned in Brazil, Australia, Mexico, Canada and across Europe focusing on resource extraction, climate change impacts, media literacy, energy literacy and Indigenous rights & responsibilities.

Melina is the host of a new TV series called Power to the People which documents renewable energy, food security and eco-housing in Indigenous communities across North America. She is also a Fellow at the David Suzuki Foundation with a focus on Climate Change, Indigenous Knowledge and Renewable Energy. Facing the firsthand impacts of the Alberta tar sands in her home community, Melina has been a vocal advocate for Indigenous rights and environmental justice. For over a decade, Melina worked as a Climate and Energy Campaigner with Greenpeace Canada and the Indigenous Environmental Network. She has written for a variety of publications and produced short documentaries on the tar sands, climate change, water issues and Indigenous cultural revitalization.

Ruth Nyambura
Kenyan Activist with African Ecofeminist Collective, Kenya
Ruth Nyambura is a Kenyan eco-feminist and researcher working on the intersections of ecological justice in Africa. Her work and activism uses a feminist political ecology lens to critically engage with the continent’s and global food systems; challenging neoliberal models of agrarian transformation and amplifying the revolutionary work of small-holder farmers of Africa (most of them women), as well as rural agrarian movements offering concrete anti-capitalist alternatives to the ecological, economic and democratic crisis facing the continent.

Cindy Wiesner
Executive Director, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, USA
Cindy Wiesner, a 25-year veteran of the social justice movement in the U.S. and internationally, is the executive director of the Grassroots Global Justice Alliance. She’s been active in many movement building initiatives, including Climate Justice Alliance, World March of Women, Social Movement Assemblies, International Council of the World Social Forum, Fight Against the FTAA, UNITY, Building Equity and Alignment Initiative and, currently, It Takes Roots and the Rising Majority, Green New Deal National Network and People’s Bailout. Her main passions are training organizers in a transformative radical organizing model and building counter-hegemonic campaigns that not only fight what participants are against, but put into practice what they want to see manifested. She identifies as a lesbian and is of Salvadoran, Colombian and German descent. She is a grassroots feminist, internationalist, and movement strategist.

Rauna Kuokkanen, Sápmi
Research Professor of Arctic Indigenous Studies,
the University of Lapland, Finland
Rauna Kuokkanen is Research Professor of Arctic Indigenous Studies at the University of Lapland, Finland. Prior to that, she was Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science and Indigenous Studies Program at the University of Toronto (2008-2018). Her main areas of research include comparative Indigenous politics, Indigenous feminist theory, Indigenous women’s rights and Arctic Indigenous governance and legal and political traditions.
Professor Kuokkanen’s new book Restructuring Relations: Indigenous Self-Determination, Governance and Gender, forthcoming by Oxford University Press in 2018, is an Indigenous feminist investigation of the theory and practice of Indigenous self-determination, governance and gender regimes in Indigenous political institutions. She was the founding chair of the Sámi Youth Organization in Finland and has served as the Vice-President of the Sámi Council. She has also long worked and advocated for the protection of Sámi sacred sites, particularly Suttesája, a sacred Sámi spring in Northern Finland. Professor Kuokkanen was recently appointed as the Chair of the Arctic Program Committee of NordForsk. She is from Ohcejohka/Utsjoki, Sápmi (Finland).

Ellen Brown
Attorney and Founder of the Public Banking Institute, USA
Ellen Brown is the founder of the Public Banking Institute and the author of a dozen books and hundreds of articles. She developed her research skills as an attorney practicing civil litigation in Los Angeles. In the best-selling Web of Debt (2007, 2012), she turned those skills to an analysis of the Federal Reserve and “the money trust,” showing how this private cartel has usurped the power to create money from the people themselves and how we the people can get it back.
Ellen ran for California State Treasurer in 2014 with the endorsement of the Green Party garnering a record number of votes for a Green Party candidate. Learn more about Ellen Brown at

Osprey Orielle Lake
Executive Director of the Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN), USA
Osprey Orielle Lake is the Founder and Executive Director of the Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International dedicated to accelerating a global women’s climate justice movement. She works nationally and internationally with grassroots and Indigenous leaders, policy-makers and scientists to promote climate justice, resilient communities, and a just transition to a decentralized, democratized energy future.
Osprey serves on the Executive Committee for the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature and Osprey is the Co-Director of the Indigenous Women’s Divestment Delegations, and actively leads WECAN’s advocacy, policy and campaign work in areas such as Women for Forests, Divestment and New Economy, Indigenous Rights, a Feminist Agenda for a Green New Deal, and UN Forums. Osprey is the author of the award-winning book,”Uprisings for the Earth: Reconnecting Culture with Nature.”
For the Earth and All Generations,
Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network
(WECAN) International Team

20,000 Masks Have Been Delivered to Indigenous Communities in the U.S.

WECAN is honored to announce that the first round of 20,000 face masks have been delivered to Indigenous communities throughout the United States through the Protect the Peoples Emergency (PPE) partnership fund with Movement Rights, Indigenous Environmental Network, T.E.J.A.S, Eaton, and other organizations.
As reported by one of our partners, Sebi Medina-Tayak of Eaton, “We have shipped most of the masks out to Navajo, Ponca, Apache, Oglala, Hopi, Piscataway and Houma clinics and organizations in this first round.”
Please learn more about the fund here:
WECAN International | 20 Sunnyside Avenue, #A-438, Mill Valley, CA 94941

BOUNCE BACK – A Webinar for Parents on Fostering Resilience @ Online - Zoom
May 28 @ 3:00 pm

Register Here

The Peace Center educates and empowers schools and families and enriches communities with proven conflict resolution and social justice programs.

The Peace Center is registered as a 501(c)(3), and incorporated as a non-profit educational organization.


Net of Life – The Grandmothers Speak @ Online - Zoom
Jun 14 @ 4:00 pm

Net of Light/The Grandmothers Speak | 2106 Shelter Bay Ave., Mill Valley, CA 94941

During these changing times we are living in, we will come together in non-traditional ways to share the Grandmothers’ messages.


These Online teachings will be held on a regular bi-weekly basis, starting this Sunday (June 14).


The Grandmothers want us to know how vitally important each of us is, as we anchor the Net of Light where we live.


The Grandmothers say, “No one comes to this work unless we call them,” so, if they are calling you, join us.


Many more are being called into this work in these times, and we fully embrace all who step forward through this online medium.

to see June 14 Zoom meeting

The PEACE CENTER presents: America Exposed: Pouring Salt on the Wounds @ Online - Zoom
Jun 16 @ 8:47 pm – 9:47 pm


Longstanding racial tensions have once again exploded, following the recent horrific deaths of Black Americans, causing grief, anger and outrage in towns and cities across the country.

Peaceful protests and violent confrontations have spilled into the streets and jolted our fragile communities.

Please join The Peace Center (on a Zoom call) for an authentic conversation on race and injustice, as we witness the stark reality of a nation whose wounds have not been dressed or healed.

When: Wednesday, June 17  6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Facilitated by: Gayle Evans, Barbara Simmons, and Tayna Longino

Register Here for Democracy Circle

(Zoom link will be emailed upon registration.)

Our mailing address is:
The Peace Center
102 W Maple Ave
Langhorne, PA 19047-2820

The Peace Center educates and empowers schools and families and enriches communities with proven conflict resolution and social justice programs.
The Peace Center is registered as a 501(c)(3), and incorporated as a non-profit educational organization.

#UnDistanced Festival @ online
Jun 18 @ 12:00 pm – Jul 10 @ 3:00 pm
All Out presents:

Prides in over 500 cities around the world have been canceled

due to the coronavirus.

For millions of LGBT+ people, Pride events represent a precious moment of visibility, community, and solidarity. Pride boosts our movement and our community, powering our batteries for the coming year. Without it, our sense of belonging, our visibility, our advocacy, and our ability to support each other are all weakened.

But we don’t need to give up on Pride 2020 around the world. The power of digital gives us the chance to come together for Pride in spirit, if not with our bodies. It allows us to respect physical distancing, but embrace social and community cohesion. It allows us to celebrate who we are and who we love across borders and cultures.

This is #UnDistanced.

June 18 - Book reading with Dan Glass - 12pm EST / 5pm BST
June 20 - Panel: LGBT+ Refugees: Voices from the frontline - 11am EST / 4pm BST
June 23 - Panel: On the ground with Polish activists living in "LGBT-free zones" - 12pm EST / 5pm BST
June 24 - Watch party: Are you proud? - 3pm EST / 8pm BST
June 25 - Panel: Organising Pride where it is illegal to be gay - 1pm EST / 6pm BST
June 28 - Campaign Action: Stand with Pride in St. Petersburg - All day
June 28 - Panel: The fight for Love and Equality in Russia - 12pm EST / 5pm BST
June 30 - Panel: What does Pride means to you? - 1pm EST / 6pm BST
July 01 - Panel: Do corporations pinkwash Pride? - 12pm EST / 5pm BST
July 2 - 7pm Berlin / 8pm BST: Solidarität und Intersektionalität in der deutschen LGBT*-Bewegung
July 10 - 3pm EST / 8pm BST: The #UnDistanced Dance Party

We’re adding more exciting new events so check back later!
Speaker Series: We are What We Buy–How to make purchasing choices that regenerate the planet  @ online
Jun 25 @ 8:00 pm


We are What We Buy:
How to make purchasing choices that regenerate the planet 

Thursday, June 25, 2020 at 5pm PST/8pm EST – Online

How do you know that one product is better for you and the planet than another? What identifiers should you look for when using your purchasing power? Join us for a dynamic conversation with four leaders driving the future of certifications for Regenerative standards, including:

  • The Land to Market Program from Savory Institute
  • The Chief Innovation Officer at How Good
  • Representative from the Regenerative Organic Alliance
  • Representative from the Soil Carbon Initiative

Explore with us how informed consumers and regenerative agriculture can work together to build positive ecological and community health.


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