
Mar 22 @ 3:00 pm

Share your smiles, compliments, time, talents, money, and energy with those around you. We must truly be the change that we want to see. And we can do it. We are doing it. Believe that the future is full of mindfulness where hearts mean more than our accounts.

The Love Initiative.

Notes From the Road – Bright Lights Blog

Book a house concert or music for a yoga class today!!


Date Time Venue Location Cost
3/22/18 3:00 PM Choices Akron, OH
3/22/18 6:00 PM Tea Time for Peace Kent, OH
3/23/18 5:00 PM Friends of the Metro Parks Benefit w/ the Bright Lights Akron, OH
3/27/18 7:00 PM Brother’s Lounge Cleveland, OH
3/30/18 6:30 PM 330 Day @ Akron Civic Theatre Akron, OH
3/31/18 10:30 AM Celebration of Life for Marilyn Stroud Cuyahoga Falls, OH
4/3/18 6:30 PM MLK Kirtan Akron, OH Donations
4/4/18 6:30 PM Nonviolent Communication Circle Akron, OH Donations
4/6/18 7:00 PM Big Love Night @ Live Music Now w/ Rhodes St Rude Boys Akron, OH $5-10
4/7/18 8:30 PM Mustard Seed Highland Square w/ Bright Lights! Akron, OH
4/10/18 7:00 PM Brother Lounge Cleveland, OH
4/16/18 7:00 PM Wolf Creek Winery Norton, OH
4/21/18 6:30 PM Bright Lights @ the Rialto Akron, OH $5
4/22/18 4:00 PM Yoga Central Canton, OH
4/28/18 7:00 PM Wine Mill Peninsula, OH
5/2/18 6:30 PM Nonviolent Communication Series Akron, OH Donations
5/4/18 7:00 PM Big Love Night @ Live Music Now w/ Gretchen Pleuss Akron, OH $5-10
5/5/18 12:00 PM Cleveland VegFest Cleveland, OH
5/5/18 6:00 PM Bent Ladder winery Doylestown , OH
5/8/18 7:00 PM Brother’s Lounge Cleveland, OH
Film Screening of ‘Enemies of Peace – Preventing the Next War in the Middle East’ @ Martin Luther King Jr. Auditorium, Santa Monica Public Library
Sep 16 @ 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Film Screening of 'Enemies of Peace – Preventing the Next War in the Middle East' @ Martin Luther King Jr. Auditorium, Santa Monica Public Library

This powerful film serves as a warning sign of the impending threat of escalating regional war in the Middle East. With the increasing number of U.S. military bases and direct U.S. military involvement in the region, it is clear that our governmental officials as well as the public are not sufficiently informed in regards to the dynamics of the conflicts in the region. Enemies of Peace shines a spotlight on the instigators, aggressors and funders of these catastrophic wars as well as their motives. Featuring some of the most renowned scholars, journalists and activists on the subject, Enemies of Peace offers insights and solutions not often expressed by the mainstream media and serves to empower activists in helping to bring the principles of peace, justice, cooperation and diplomacy back into politics, international relations and the collective consciousness.
For more information about Enemies of Peace and to view the trailer, visit:

May Peace Prevail On Earth International Hiroshima Day – Live Webcast Synchronized Global Meditation @ online
Aug 6 all-day

May Peace Prevail On Earth International

Hiroshima Day

Live Webcast

Synchronized Global Meditation
8:15 am on 6th of August

74th Annual
August 6th, 2019
Hiroshima Peace Park
in front of the Atomic Bomb Dome
7:45am – 10:30am
The Atomic Bomb Dome
was the only structure left standing in the area and was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List on December 7, 1996.


Its marker reads
As a historical witness that conveys the tragedy of suffering the first atomic bomb in human history and as a symbol that vows to faithfully seek the abolition of nuclear weapons and everlasting world peace.
Art piece From the Love to Hiroshima- Love to
Nagasaki Peace Pals Art Awards by artist
Petrov Andreea Eliza – Age 15, Romania
May Peace be In Hiroshima
May Peace Prevail On Earth


at the exact moment the first atomic bomb
fell on the city of Hiroshima
– August 6th – 8:15 am Japan time –
You are Invited
After the ringing of the Peace Bell in the Park, the entire city of Hiroshima and Japan
stops for one minute of silence and reflection at 8:15 am on August 6th,
the exact moment the first atomic bomb fell on the city.
Join the Synchronized Global Meditation to add your intentions, visions,
affirmations and prayers for a nuclear free world and the awakening of
the global heart to peace, harmony and the oneness of humanity.
Synchronized Global Meditation
Global Timing
   8:15am   August 6th  Japan
12:15am  August 6th  London
     4:15pm   August 5th  PST USA
    7:15pm   August 5th  EST USA
8:15pm  August 5th  Uruguay
The World Peace Flag Ceremony
will follow the minute of silence.
You can also send your written message 
to the people of Hiroshima

May Peace Prevail On Earth International members in Hiroshima
invite you to join them in a Call to Peace and a nuclear free world!


7:45 am Broadcast begins
8:15 am Synchronized Global Meditation
begins after the ringing of the Peace Bell in the Park
8:45 am Violin performance
9:00 World Peace Flag Ceremony
10:30 am Closing
Hosted by May Peace Prevail On Earth International
Hiroshima Members.
Infinite Gratitude to our
Supporting Organizations
May Peace Prevail On Earth International
URI Logo

Our friends at the URI – United Religious Initiatives
invite you to recite The Nuclear Prayer on Hiroshima Day
as a call for the abolition of all nuclear weapons.

Join 791 URI Community Circle in 98 countries
in a call for the abolition of all nuclear weapons.

Learn more about The Nuclear Prayer and the
Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons URI Cooperation Circle.

May Peace Prevail On Earth

Youth Champions for Peace: Securing our Common Future with the United Nations onboard the Peace Boat @ UN Headquarters and Peace Boat
Oct 11 all-day

Youth Champions for Peace:

Securing our Common Future with the United Nations onboard the Peace Boat

Calling all youth ages 18 – 30 years old!
The Peace Boat is set to arrive in New York City October 10-11 coinciding with the United Nations General Assembly- First Committee on Disarmament and International Security.  Peace Boat and the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) invite you to join us for a special event with approximately 75 young people from the ages 18-30 who will participate in activities promoting peace and disarmament in relationship to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The event is held under the “Youth for Disarmament” initiative to connect young people with experts to learn about today’s international security challenges, the work of the United Nations, and how they can become involved. The event will take place at UN Headquarters and onboard Peace Boat on Friday October 11, 2019 and will feature keynote speakers, educational panel discussions, workshops and musical performances.
Peace Boat and UNODA hope the youth participants will take the messages from this event back to their schools, organizations, and communities and encourage action for disarmament campaigns to promote a more peaceful and sustainable future.
Those interested in applying may fill out the form below to be considered as a participant for this program.  Applications will be open until September 15, 2019.
Celebrate Tewa Women United’s Past, Present, and Future
Oct 14 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm



Governor’s Mansion, One Mansion Drive, Santa Fe, NM

Located in the ancestral Tewa homelands of Northern New Mexico, Tewa Women United is a multicultural and multiracial organization founded and led by Native women. The name “Tewa Women United” comes from the Tewa words wi don gi mu which can be translated as “we are one” in mind, heart, and in the spirit of love for all.

Learn more about our vision, mission, and history here.

Please Visit the Contact Us page for a list of program/staff emails addresses.

Come Celebrate Our 30th Anniversary With Us!

Please join us for this special evening
to celebrate Tewa Women United’s Past, Present, and Future

This event, on Indigenous People’s Day, celebrates 30 years of being in beloved community and showcases how Tewa Women United has created spaces for Indigenous women to uncover their power, strength, and skills.

Wo’watsi will feature…

  • Pueblo Dances
  • Blessings from the TWU Sayain/Grandmothers’ Circle
  • Words from executive director Dr. Corrine Sanchez
  • Indigenous-inspired appetizers from Chef Ray Naranjo
  • Offerings of Poetry & Art
  • And more….

All ticket proceeds will benefit the work of Tewa Women United.

This will be an evening to remember…we look forward to sharing it with you!

• NOTE: Tickets are limited and available until October 7 or until sold out

• To receive email updates about this event, sign up here

Contact Us

Tewa Women United
Phone: (505) 747-3259 | Fax: (505) 747-4067

Mailing Address:
Tewa Women United
PO B0x 397
Santa Cruz, NM 87567

Office: 912 Fairview Lane, Española, NM 87532


About Us

About Tewa Women United

Located in the ancestral Tewa homelands of Northern New Mexico, Tewa Women United is a multicultural and multiracial organization founded and led by Native women.

The name “Tewa Women United” comes from the Tewa words wi don gi mu which can be translated as “we are one” in mind, heart and in the spirit of love for all.

Our Beginnings

Tewa Women United (TWU) started in 1989 as a support group for women from the Pueblos of the northern Rio Grande concerned with the traumatic effects of colonization, religious inquisition, and militarization leading to issues such as alcoholism, suicide, domestic/sexual violence and environmental violence. In the safe space we created, we transformed and empowered one another through critical analysis and by embracing and reaffirming our cultural identity.

In 2001 we transitioned from an informal, all volunteer group to a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Tewa Women United was incorporated for educational, social and benevolent purposes, specifically for the ending of all forms of violence against Native Women and girls, Mother Earth and to promote peace in New Mexico.

Our Vision
TWU believes in strengthening and re-strengthening beloved families and communities to end violence against women, girls, and Mother Earth.

Our Mission
The mission of TWU is to provide courageous spaces for Indigenous women to uncover the power, strength, and skills they possess to become positive forces for transformative change in their families and communities.

Our Values

A’Gin – respect for self and others
Wina ta yay – Together we live these values
Seegi ma vay i – Loving, caring for each other
Kwee-wa seng-wa vi tuu – female/ male energy – ancestral knowingness
Nung Ochuu Quiyo – Our Mother, Mother Earth, multi-versity
Bin mah pah di – Letting go
Wowatsi – Our breath, our prayer, commitment to live life with purpose and good intentions

South Carolina We Must Do M.O.R.E Tour: A National Call for Moral Revival @ Cherokee United Methodist Church•2105 Cosgrove Ave, North Charleston, SC 29405
Jan 13 @ 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Start: Monday, January 13, 2020 5:30 PM

End: Monday, January 13, 2020 8:30 PM

Location:Cherokee United Methodist Church2105 Cosgrove Ave, North Charleston, SC 29405

Host Contact Info:

Join the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival in South Carolina for the eighth stop of the We Must Do M.O.R.E. national tour as we Mobilize, Organize, Register and Educate.

Click here if you’d like to volunteer and help make this tour a success!

The tour in South Carolina will culminate with a Moral Monday March and Mass Meeting on Monday, January 13th in Charleston, SC. This will follow a weekend of activities a community canvas to register people for a movement that votes and a community site visit.

Monday, January 13th | Charleston, SC

South Carolina Moral Monday March & Mass Meeting
5:30 PM – Gather for the march
6:30 PM – Mass Meeting begins
Cherokee United Methodist Church, 2105 Cosgrove Ave, North Charleston, SC 29405

**No large bags or umbrellas will be allowed in the mass meetings and small bags are subject to being searched.

At the Moral Monday, we will hear from South Carolinians directly impacted by systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, militarism and the war economy, and the corrupt moral narrative. We will also hear from Rev. Barber and Rev. Theoharis, Co-Chairs of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival.

The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival is organizing a 25-state We Must Do MORE national tour from September 2019 to May 2020. This tour will lead into the Mass Poor People’s Assembly & Moral March on Washington, where thousands of poor people and moral agents will gather at the nation’s capitol on June 20, 2020 to demonstrate their power.

We will demand the implementation of our Moral Agenda and call all people of conscience to engage in deeply moral civic engagement and voting that cares about poor and low-wealth people, the sick, immigrants, workers, the environment, people with disabilities, first nations, the LGBTQ community, and peace over war.


Panel Discussion and Interactive Online Broadcast with William Barber’s Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival
Feb 23 @ 6:00 pm

The WE Campaign
WE – A global  campaign of We, The World to unite
and amplify the efforts
 of people, organizations
and movements working for the common good


This Special Broadcast
is part of our MLK Program

Manifesting The Dream

Carrying Forward the Work and Legacy
of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Sign Up at

The Poor People’s Campaign
A National Call for Moral Revival

Rev. William Barber, Rev. Liz Theoharis, Other Leaders
and a Growing Coalition of Organizations

Drawing on the unfinished work of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s
1967/68 Poor People’s Campaign


Panel Discussion and Interactive Online Broadcast
Sunday February 23rd at 6PM Eastern Time

Watch the Broadcast LIVE or Watch the Recording on
We, The World’s Facebook Page
Please LIKE the Page to be notified when our Broadcasts are starting

Featured Speakers Include:

The WE CampaignKaren Palmer (Host) is a Global Kindness Leader and a Livestream / Social Media Expert who co-produces several popular online talk shows. She is a best-selling author and is Coordinator of We, The World’s Campaign for Women. She helps change agents and peacemakers find their voice, and share their message and gifts globally. Find her at

RickUlfikRick Ulfik (Co-Host) is the Founder of We, The World and the WE Campaign at Rick is the Co-Creator of 11 Days of Global Unity – 11 Ways to Change the World linking local awareness and action campaigns into an inspiring international movement with participants including Desmond Tutu, Jane Goodall, Deepak Chopra, Eve Ensler, Bill McKibben and many others.

RevLizTheoharisThe Reverend Dr. Liz Theoharis is Co-Chair with the Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival which has organized the largest and most expansive wave of nonviolent civil disobedience in US history. She is the Director of the Kairos Center for Religions, Rights, and Social Justice at Union Theological Seminary and is a Founder and Coordinator of the Poverty Initiative.

Janelle BruceRev. Janelle Bruce, Esq. is a National Organizer with Repairers of the Breach and the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival. She is also the Founder and Pastor of the Church Without Walls, Global Reach. Her life, ministry and work is guided by Micah 6:8, “He has told you O’ mortal what is good and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with the Lord”.

Njimie DzurinkoNjimie Dzurinko is the founder and co-coordinator at Put People First and the Pennsylvania Poor People’s Campaign. Njimie studied Urban Studies at Temple University and English Literature/Poetry at University of Pennsylvania.

Take Action and Be of Service
During MLK 40 Days of Peace

The WE Campaign

You and Your Organization Are Invited
To Participate Now Through Feb. 29th
Sign Up Here
For Updates & To Participate
Takes under a minute!Full MLK Broadcast Links and other activity details here:

MLK’s Rip Van Winkle story was a warning:
Don’t SLEEP through the REVOLUTION!Thank you!Rick Ulfik
Founder of We, The World and the WE Campaign at
Subscribe to our WE Campaign Global Action
Now is the Time For WE Video – Narrated by Desmond Tutu and Jane Goodall for We, The
Manifesting The Dream – Service Activities to Honor and Carry Forward the Work and Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.
11 Days of Global Unity – 11 Ways to Transform Your World
An Urgent Message from Your Children at – See and post social change and cultural events for a global audience!
Volunteer Sign-up:
Organization Sign-up:
Donation Page:
Facebook – Twitter – YouTube – News Blog
Yo Tengo Un Sueno—(I Have A Dream) @ The Whitney Museum
Feb 28 @ 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

(413)-841-0298, (413)-464-6485, (413)-310-8944, se habla espanol

“I Have A Dream” / “Yo Tengo Un Sueño”    

Four Kings Community Event

The Whitney Museum of Art,

        42 Wendell Ave,

        Pittsfield MA

February 28, 2020

        5-8:00 pm

In the Latino culture , Three Kings Day is a very important event to celebrate the coming of the Three Kings to the Christ child, falling on January 6th, which includes re enactment and gifts for children. Additionally, the “ I Have a Dream” Four Kings event will promote the values of love and equity of the “King of Social Justice”, Martin Luther King.

“To inject a new dimension of love into the veins of our civilization”- MLK JR.

“Para inyectar una nueva dimension de amor dentro de la venas de nuestra civilizacion”- <MLKJR.

Manos Unidas announces a collaborative community event with Roots and Dreams Coop and other dedicated collaborators, to shake off the winter blues! Come learn how to dance a dance from Central America, help create a giant mural on themes of peace and justice, add your dream to the Community Dream Tree, eat delicious Puerto Rican food, witness a colorful Mexican dance troupe, hear songs of peace, *ta gift sharing for our community children.
There will be concurrent tabling and a silent auction, as well as a material donation area for our *Unidos con Puerto Rico” project, which is seeking support again for our Puerto Rican brothers and sisters affected by the recent earthquakes.

At 7:00 pm, we will do a staged reading of our community bilingual play “I Had a Dream,” written by David Detmold, and performed by a dedicated group of Manos Unidas members. Connect with a diverse array of community members in this second annual “I Have a Dream” Four Kings Day tradition in the spirit of community generosity and love.

The event is free to all peoples, but there is a suggested donation of $10 per plate of food, and a suggested donation of $20 for the food and event per family, to raise money for the Hopeseed Empowerment Cooperative of Manos Unidas, which is helping build a multi-class, multicultural movement that assists in building cooperative business visions, as well as raising the capacity of our community to the next level of greatness.

Four Kings/ Cuatro Reyes Performance lineup
The Whit, 42 Wendell Ave, Friday Feb 28th, 2020

Concurrent 5-630: Puerto Rican Food by Gustitos Boricuas
Concurrent 5-7pm: Multicultural Muralmaking with Kristina Cardot of Funky Phoenix and Manos Unidas
Concurrent: Silent Auction and Info Tabling

5-5:30- background music and intros, readings by  Manos team and TBA

Tyramisu- soul music
Indigo and Anaelisa- songs for justice
Chris Stix- drumming
Imaran and Anu- spoken word

6pm: Sandra Bonilla- Salvadorean dance

6:20- Living through the Arts Multicultural Youth Initiative of Manos Unidas children sing
6:30- Hoping Machine
7:00pm  staged reading of “I Had a Dream”, a bilingual play about border crossings and the struggles of our times. written by David Detmold and performed by Manos Unidas members and supporters with a special vocal and musical performances by Living through the Arts project children/ Manos team and the Gauadalupenas, a Mexican dance troupe

7:30- 7:50- words and generosity/giftsharing/ concurrent music
7:50 closing and musica

(413)-841-0298, (413)-464-6485, (413)-310-8944, se habla espanol

P.O Box 112, South Lee, MA 01260
and popup locations in  Pittsfield, MA 0120

For more information about a list of desired items for Puerto Rico or for gift signups for your children or those you know, please text or email one of us above!

Para mas informacion sobre las donaciones para Puerto Rico, para agregarse a la lista de los regalos de los ninos, o cualquier pregunta, porfavor comunicarse con nosostros en los correos electronicos o telefonos arriba!


Strike, Divest, and Vote for our future…with EARTH DAY LIVE @ Online and Social Media
Apr 23 – Apr 25 all-day

Earth Day Live will feature a three-day livestream where millions of people can join activists, celebrities, musicians, and more in an epic moment of community and hope for the future.



From April 22 – the 50th anniversary of Earth Day –  to April 24…

The fights against the coronavirus and the climate crisis go hand-in-hand, and as we work to flatten the curve of this pandemic, we must strive toward the longer term goal of building a society rooted in sustainability and justice.



The Earth Day Live stream will be viewable on this website and will be the full user experience. In addition, it will be simulcast across major streaming platforms such as Facebook Live, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Twitch to engage with broader audiences. Partner organizations and an extensive network of major websites will be embedding the live stream as well.



Featuring Al Gore • Amanda Palmer • Amber Valletta • Angela Rye • Angelique Kidjo • Bill McKibben • Chef Alexandra Shrader • Chef Dominique Crenn • Daniel Fernandez • David Wallace Wells • DJ Spooky • Dr Michael Greger • Dr. Sweta Chakraborty • Ed Begley Jr. • Emily Wells • Ilyasah Shabazz • Jack Johnson • Jameela Jamil • Jason Mraz • Joaquin Phoenix • John Kerry • Kathryn Budig • Lil Dicky • Lisa Edelstein • Local Natives • Louie Schwartzberg • Luke Baines • Madame Gandhi • Margaret Klein Salamon • Mark Ruffalo • Mary Heglar • Matt McGorry • Megan Boone • Michael Franti • Moby • Monica Dogra • Mustafa Santiago Ali • Nahko the Bear • Ndaba Mandela • Patricia Arquette • Patrisse Cullors • Questlove • Rep. Lauren Underwood • Rep. Ted Lieu • Reverend Dr. William Barber II • Robby Romero • Rosanna Arquette • Secretary John Kerry • Sharon Carpenter • Shepard Fairey • Soul Clap • Stacey Abrams • Talib Kweli • The Both -w- Aimee Mann and Ted Leo • Tim Heidecker • Tony Revolori

And many more to be announced soon!

STRIKE – Earth Day and Youth Climate Strikes – April 22

On the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, we will demonstrate our collective power and unity through community building and storytelling. This first day will focus on amplifying the voice of indigenous leaders and youth climate activists who are leading the movement to halt the climate crisis

DIVEST – Divestment and Climate Financing – April 23

Led by Stop the Money Pipeline Coalition, during this day of action we are calling for a global reset. We want to reprogram the economy so that it works for people and the planet, not polluters and politicians.

VOTE – Voter Registration and Political Engagement – April 24

We need leaders who will address this existential threat. It’s critical for all of us to show up at the polls this year and vote for our future. So the final day will focus on the importance of voting through a nationwide youth voter registration day.

The US Climate Strike Coalition and Stop The Money Pipeline Coalition, who together are made up of over 500 organizations, have come together to organize Earth Day Live.

The US Climate Strike Coalition is a coalition of over 400 organizations that formed ahead of the September 20, 2019 climate strikes. Led by the leading youth-led climate organizations in the US, the coalition works intergenerationally and collaboratively to coordinate the Climate Strikes in the US.

Stop the Money Pipeline is a coalition of over 100 climate, environmental and Indigneous rights groups that is demanding that the financial sector stops funding the fossil fuel industry and deforestation, and starts respecting Indigenous sovereignty and human rights.

The 8th Annual Children’s Global Wave Of Love @ Your time zone and heart space!
Jun 21 @ 1:11 pm

The 8th Annual Children’s Global Wave Of Love

June 21 at 1:11 pm in your heart and time zone.

We collectively come together to cultivate and

send forth our mission

“Children Across the Planet in Love, Care, and Respect.”



We Declare June Children’s Month!!!
Since everyday is children’s day, we create a year-long, free, activity platform for children, families, communities, schools, organizations and YOU to empower

heart space and help transform the world!

Our Mission Statement: Our mission is to provide complete and total support to all children with an entire month of activities that enhance all aspects of a child’s life.

From 0-20 in age, all races, religions, backgrounds and experiences.
A month of FUN! Stewardship, social and environmental activism!
Some suggestions for Mom and Dad, teachers, youth group leaders:
do parades, dances, and plays; songwriting and artwork; write letters to Congress, Parliament, Kings and Queens; shoot some documentaries and music videos; plant gardens—anything you can think of that does something good for the children !
Some suggestions for children:
send us your videos of what you are doing in…
music, dance, sk8 boarding…
Tell us your story !
Where are you at in the world?
What do you want to see happen?
Here is our new email address!

The Ribbon 2020 – Tangible Hope for No Nuclear War – 75th Anniversary of the Nuclear Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki @ Global
Aug 1 all-day

The Ribbon 2020 – Tangible Hope for No Nuclear War

The Ribbon was founded by Justine Merritt who had visited Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum in 1982. She was greatly affected by the tragedy caused by the Atomic Bomb. After arriving home, it came to her to create a Ribbon, and decided to have a Ribbon event on the 40th memorial anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

It was in the middle of the Cold War between The United States and The Soviet Union, and using nuclear weapons could happen again at a moments notice.

On August 4, 1985, in Washington, D.C., fifteen miles of Ribbons encircled the Pentagon and other important monuments: With the message of “What I cannot bear to think of as lost forever in a nuclear war”. The Atomic Bomb Dome in Hiroshima was also encircled.

The Ribbon International is now a Non Governmental Organization in Association with the United Nations. Since 1985, many Ribbons have been created around the world. People carry Ribbons and pray for Peace at many occasions such as; community memorial gatherings and marches related to nuclear, peace and environmental issues. Ribbons have been exhibited in various places as well.

Nowadays the world is closer to the tragedy of nuclear war or a nuclear accident more than ever before.

On August 1st 2020, the 75th Anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, The Ribbon International is planning to have a Ribbon event in New York City and in other cities around the world. Please join us, and pray for a world without nuclear weapons and never another nuclear tragedy. (If you cannot join, please pray with us wherever you are.)


How to make Ribbon
(Please also see our website:

  • Cut a panel of sturdy cloth, double thickness, of any color.
  • Finished size: one meter by a half meter (or one yard by a half yard)
  • Sew 20cm (9 inch) pieces of ribbon to each corner so the panels may be easily tied together.
  • On this panel, sew, paint, write, embroider, weave, knit, tie-dye or use any other kind of ornaments to express what you most love about the world and want to protect from what is endangered on this earth.
  • If you wish, write your name and/or any message on the back of the panel.


BECOME A LOCAL CONTACT FOR THE RIBBON IN YOUR COMMUNITY – organizations, schools, places of worship, individuals, artists, teachers and many others have adopted the Ribbon project for such celebrated days as Earth Day, World Peace Week and United Nations/Global Citizenship Day to promote local awareness and action. Create Ribbons to display at local events, advertise in newspapers, organization newsletters, on radio and TV.

Honor this day of global cease fire

To help support the Ribbon project and keep it growing around the world please send tax exempt donations made out to – Peace Action Education Fund, 40 Witherspoon St., Princeton, NJ 08542, USA and direct it for The Ribbon International.

We invite you to join the Ribbon project, there is no fee. Just create and display a Ribbon, you have then symbolically joined with others world wide in creating and thinking in terms of care and protection of the earth and its inhabitants.


Pieces to Peace,

There will be no check-in table in Arlington in August
with an aging, greying teacher with a red Bic pen
waiting to grade assignments for more than ten miles of Ribbon.
All the pieces belong there:
all the symbols of a nation’s yearning for peace.

Who would want to judge the pieces?
Choose one as better than another?
Work of Art?
Work of heart?

Who would want to judge the pieces?
Lay aside a child’s rain-touched, felt tipped rainbow
for an artist’s gessoed work?

Who would want to say the eighth-grader’s acrylic basketball court
held more promise that the quilter’s careful stitches
holding her aching heart together after the evening’s late news?

Each one makes The Ribbon:
the pizza, poison ivy, pomegranate seeds
the ladybugs, mid-Hudson bridge,
and creed;
each segment makes The Ribbon.

It is in the addition we find the sum:
for it is one yard
plus one yard
plus each yard of cloth
that we honor the diversity,
that we celebrate the unity.

Each piece makes The Ribbon;
each piece brings the piece.


JOURNEY. Justine Merritt
CA: Hope Publishing House
1993. (p.111) -Arlington, VA 1985


Some Events in the Life of the Ribbon

1982: Justine Merritt is inspired to tie a Ribbon around the Pentagon in Washington, DC, USA from the theme; “What I cannot bear to think of as lost forever in a nuclear war”, and writes about it to friends on her holiday card list.

1985: August 4th: Over ten miles of Ribbons encircle the Pentagon and other Washington, DC buildings. The Atom Bomb Dome in Hiroshima, Japan is also

Washington, DC – several people holding multiple ribbon panels by the Capital’s reflecting pool.

1986: In New Zealand, Ribbons connect US and USSR embassies. In South Africa, Black and White mothers unite using Ribbons to tell their government they don’t want their children killing each other. In Japan, Ribbons are used to protest the razing of Ikego Forest. 10,000 Ribbons link B’hai temple to the ocean in Austrailia and USSR World Leader Mikhail Gorbachev is presented a Ribbon by Justine Merritt.

1987: In Okinaw, Japan, Ribbons help surround the largest military base in the Pacific and are displayed in Zushi for the environment at Ikego Forest. In Holland, panels connect the US and USSR embassies. Tamel, Sinhalese and Christian segments are exhibited together in Sri Lanka.

1988-1989: In the Middle East, the Interns for Peace calendar shows Ribbons made by Arab and Jewish children.

Two colorful ribbon panels.

1990: In London, Ribbons are exhibited in the Houses of Parliament. In Geneva, Ribbons are displayed in the Palais des Nations during the NTP Conference.

1991: In New York, Ribbons are exhibited at the United Nations during the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Conference. Included are panels created by Iraqi and American children. New York State Museum in Albany has an International Ribbon exhibit.

The ribbon in a New York City parade.
Alternate picture of the New York City parade.

1992: Ribbons are displayed in Brazil and around the planet during the UN “Earth Summit.”

1993: Ribbons are displayed at the Human Rights Conference in Vienna, inspire an environmental Ribbon contest in Singapore and is cosponsor of the Parliament of World Religions in Chicago.

1994: The Canadian Ecumenical Council Calendar features Ribbon segments as part of UN related art. Gas City and Marion Indiana create and exhibit Ribbons in preparation for the UN 50th anniversary.

1995: Ribbon displays celebrate the UN 50th anniversary Year. With the help of divers, Ribbons are carried under water and connect Egypt, Israel and Jordon. Segments are contributed by Switzerland, Germany, Italy and China.

Family with Ribbons

1996: International Mothers of Liberia use Ribbons to help protest the stealing of children for the army. Towns in the Ukraine create panels calling for a world without wars or violence. Ribbons are given to all the UN Missions. Mayors for Peace through Inter-city Solidarity learn of the Ribbon.

1997: Estonia uses Ribbons to celebrate peace. Ribbons are taken to Haiti to promote a culture of peace. In Magdeburg, Germany, the Mayor inspires the city’s population to create and display panels for Human Rights Day and other occasions. The Bonadssamlingen Museum in Stenstorp, Sweden exhibits Ribbons.

1997 Stenstorp - several panels

1998: Ribbons are displayed at the UNESCO Culture and Developement conference in Stockholm, Sweden. *1998 is the UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL YEAR of the OCEANS. Show on your Ribbon the beauty of our never ending oceans.

1999: Ribbon panels are displayed for Human Rights Day in Copenhagen, made in China, are exhibitied at the Hague Appeal for Peace (HAP99) in the Netherlands and created for the International Year of Older Persons.

2000 – 2006: Ribbons are given to all U.S. Congressmen for the UN Culture of Peace Year. Lake Havasu City, AZ, USA creates and display Ribbons for UN Day. Africans and Cubans receive Ribbons for peace. A Ribbon is given to Pope John Paul II in Rome in honor of the Decade for a COP and Non Violence for the Children of the World. 9/11 annually Ribbons are carried from the UN to the World Trade Center, NY with an Interfaith litany read.

2001 – 2010: The United Nations International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-violence for the Children of the World. Show on your panel a “Culture of Peace.” Church Women United (CWU) initiates the Ribbon as part of their celebrated days of prayers for peace such as World Community Day.

Pope John Paul II greeting ribbon participants.

Founder Justine Merritt and Michele Peppers present Ribbon panel to Pope John Paul II, in honor of the United Nations resolution for the Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non Violence for the Childrend for the World (2001-2010), October 17, 2001

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