
Sounds True presents THE 30-DAY WAKE UP CHALLENGE WITH ADYASHANTI @ online
Aug 15 @ 12:00 am
Sounds True Presents
A Direct Way to Spiritual Liberation
Join Adyashanti in this journey beginning Thursday, August 15, 2019
“We’re seeking to wake up in all of the dimensions of being.”
bestselling author and spiritual teacher


adyashanti headshot
Meet Your Teacher
Adyashanti is an American-born spiritual teacher devoted to the awakening of all beings. His teachings are invitations to stop, inquire, and recognize what is true and liberating at the core of existence. His books include Emptiness Dancing, Falling into Grace, and The Most Important Thing. Adyashanti offers teachings that are free of any tradition or ideology.


When You Enroll in The 30-Day Wake Up Challenge, You’ll Enjoy ALL These Benefits
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Become More Present

Learn to become aware of the pure consciousness underlying all of your experiences. When you perceive this always-available presence, you open to startling new vistas of awareness.
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Delve Deeper

Realize the boundless potential of the fundamental ground of being. From this most basic, universal consciousness, you will experience the natural arising of wisdom, insight, and purpose.
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Evoke Love and Compassion

Discover an awareness connected with your all-accepting compassionate nature as Adyashanti guides you in contacting the silent spaciousness of the Spiritual Heart.
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Embody Awakened Awareness

With practical guidance from Adyashanti, you will learn how to embody the dimensions of awakened awareness with your family, career, and every other aspect of your life.


Enroll Today—We Begin Thursday, August 15!


Journey Schedule
The 30-Day Wake Up Challenge is divided into four weekly sessions that guide you throughout the different dimensions of awareness. In this eye-opening journey, you will learn:
Awakened Awareness
Week One | Thursday, August 15
Awakened Heart
Week Two | Thursday, August 22
Awakened Ground of Being
Week Three | Thursday, August 29
Enlightened Relativity and the Paradox of Being
Week Four | Thursday, September 5


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You may contact us Monday–Friday, 8:00 am–5:00 pm Mountain Time.

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Welcome to the Self-Study Version of Living the New Story Series 1 and 2 @ Online
Aug 21 @ 12:00 am

Welcome to the Self-Study version of Living the New Story Series 1 

Our live journey ran from August 2017 to March 2018 and each of the 8 videoconferencing sessions were recorded.


Welcome to the Self-Study version of Living the New Story Series 2 !

Our live journey ran from September 2018 to April 2019 and each of the 8 videoconferencing sessions were recorded.

Throughout the eight sessions, we are inviting you to take an experiential journey into what needs to change in us, and in the human story. Each session will explore, at increasing levels of depth, what it is to live the new story personally, and accelerate it collectively, through:

  • Understanding our own personal journey inside of our larger, collective story of human evolution.

  • Awakening to ourselves as dynamic, inspired agents of change and learning how to powerfully cocreate the future of our world in a way that is uniquely ours.

  • Catalysing our growth and evolution beyond the patterns and core beliefs of our past to make way for the new story to unfold.

  • Honouring the best of the old story and integrating it into the new.

  • Connecting with, and beginning to harness, the power of the collective field to carry the new story forward.

As we change our story, we change our world

We humans find our way by story. Our stories shape us, hold us and give meaning to our lives. Every so often it becomes clear that a prevailing story is no longer serving. Now is such a time. Humanity needs a new, inspiring picture of the future to live into.

This website is designed to support the emergence of a coherent new story for humanity and the production of practical, collaborative ways to live this new story.

We invite you to help us accelerate our collective understanding of what the ‘world in waiting’ holds for us, what is already emerging and what needs to change, both in us and in the human story.

As a first step in this journey already begun by others, the Findhorn Foundation gifted to the world – The New Story Summit: Inspiring Pathways for our Planetary Future –which was held from 27 September to 3 October 2014…a gift economy gathering of the human family to experience planetary community, draw on our collective intelligence and co-create a story to inspire us all.

The Summit was more than full so we know there is huge support and longing for a new way to live together – a way which honours ancient wisdom and the interconnected whole living system of which we, the Earth and the cosmos are all part. It’s all connected and we are all accountable. To find out more, visit our Summit page.

This online hub will continue to be just that – a hub for people from all over the world to meet, engage, collaborate, share information, dream, synergise and inspire each other to live a new story.

If you would like to join this wave of collaborative action to shift consciousness and build on the threads of a new story already being lived and experimented with, you are very welcome. We invite your engagement, transparency, trust, compassion, innovation, entrepreneurship and generosity of spirit

You can also contact us by post:

Visitors Centre
Findhorn Foundation
The Park
Forres, IV36 3TZ
Scotland, UK
For general enquiries tel: +44 (0)1309 690311

Bookings office contact details:

Findhorn Foundation
The Park
Forres, IV36 3TZ
Scotland, UK
For booking and workshop information tel: +44 (0)1309 691653

Media and Public Relations

Public Relations
Findhorn Foundation
The Park
Forres, IV36 3TZ
Scotland, UK
For media enquiries tel: +44 (0)1309 690605

Scottish charity No. SC007233, registered offices at the address above.
VAT registration No. 0957.68.506B01

The Findhorn Foundation is a Non-Governmental Organisation associated with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations.

Socially Conscious Leadership From The Inside Out – Michelle Kinder – Awakin Circles @ online
Aug 24 @ 12:00 pm
Socially Conscious Leadership from the Inside Out

Our guest this week has come to believe that “No matter how wonderful a program is, if it is done as a bestowing – a certain group of people making decisions for another group – that is never going to bridge the divide in our city.” Does your work fit within this paradigm of “bestowing,” and how do you plant seeds for a deeper mindset or consciousness shift to address underlying structural issues? Share Your Reflection »


Call with Michelle Kinder

August 24th, 12:00 PM EDT

Awakin Calls are a weekly conference call, where inspiring change makers engage in candid conversations about their journey

Enter email to RSVP:


Dallas-based therapist, activist, writer, community leader and speaker Michelle Kinder examines and teaches conscious leadership “from the inside out.” She offers practical, achievable steps for parents, teachers and others to support children’s social-emotional health, and for business and other leaders to drive transformation in their lives and organizations. While exploring the lack of mental health resources in southern Dallas, Kinder got to know the work of the Momentous Institute, a 99-year-old Dallas-based nonprofit organization that has been building and repairing social-emotional health through education and mental health programs.  Momentous Institute serves vulnerable children through therapy services, curriculum and teacher training focused on See full.

Five Questions for Michelle
What Makes You Come Alive?

Thank you for asking. Learning makes me come alive. Learning combined with contribution has long been a winning formula for me feeling most alive. Over the years I developed the habit of checking in with myself every six months or so with the questions “Am I learning? Am I contributing?” There have been interesting seasons on how the two balance each other. There are times that striving to contribute crowded out the kind of white space by brain needs for deep learning and I have had to course correct. And there have been other times that I was learning a lot, but didn’t feel like I was being a good steward in terms of making a difference for other people or for causes I care about. I should also say that because I am currently in a season of more white space and more time for discernment, increasingly, simple pleasures are what make me come alive. Listening to birds, watching our dogs, yoga, running, sunshine, good coffee and the sound of my girls laughing together. Things like that.

Pivotal turning point in your life?

When I was in High School I left my family in Guatemala and came to the states to attend boarding school. It was a transformational experience. The wonderful faculty there saw qualities in me that they nurtured into leadership and I really learned who I was and what I was capable of during those four years. Interestingly, in my previous school, there were teachers who experienced the exact same qualities as problematic, annoying or something to control. Having that experience has made me very interested in how adults show up in the lives of children in a way that respects the enormous privilege and responsibility. I always say there are no neutral interactions when it comes to our relationships with children – all interactions are either positive, negative or missed opportunities.

An Act of Kindness You’ll Never Forget?

When I was in college, my 24-year-old sister died suddenly and it was an enormous challenge to go back to school while navigating the grief process. Several weeks into it, when people had stopped checking in, I found a card tucked into one of my books. It was from a classmate I knew somewhat, but not super well. It said something like, “I know time has passed but your hurt hasn’t.” I still tear up thinking about that act of kindness. It meant so much and it has shaped my desire to show up for others in similar ways.

One Thing On Your Bucket List?

Have the kind of flexibility to visit different places for a month at a time and work remotely while folding into the local scene.

One-line Message for the World?

Regardless of the situation, if you ever aren’t sure how to be most helpful, regulate your own nervous system.


imageAwakin Circles: A hub for local meditation circles that started in the Silicon Valley and have now spread to 80+ cities around the globe. The circle start with an hour of silence, followed by a circle of sharing and dinner in silence. A newsletter with a passage selected from various wisdom traditions and an audio reading is sent out to 87,000 subscribers each week. See also Awakin Calls that hosts weekly conversations with wide-ranging thought leaders.


ServiceSpace is an organization run entirely by volunteers. We leverage technology to encourage everyday people around the world to do small acts of service. Our aim is to ignite the fundamental generosity in ourselves and others, creating both inner and outer transformation.

ServiceSpace was conceived by volunteers, was built by volunteers, and is run by volunteers — all for the benefit of volunteers. Our projects range from a daily positive news service, to an acts-of-kindness portal, to a gift-economy restaurant. Regardless of the endeavor, we act in concert to create service opportunities for each other and to support each other’s service journeys.

In September of 2011, we formally changed our name from CharityFocus to ServiceSpace. Founded in 1999, ServiceSpace was originally started to help non-profits with technical services. Over the past dozen years, the organization has become an umbrella for many generosity-driven projects. Thus we have expanded our services from focusing just on helping charities, to encouraging everyday people to contribute in meaningful ways to the world around them. As the name suggests, our new expanded ServiceSpace platform allows people to stay connected with others interested in service, participate in service opportunities through any of our dozen projects, organize their own local service event using our tools, and stay connected to inspirational content. Above all, we believe in the inherent generosity of others and aim to ignite that spirit of service. Through our small, collective acts, we hope to transform ourselves and the world.

We hold these three principles steadfast within our organization:

Stay fully volunteer-run.

ServiceSpace was founded by volunteers and is run by volunteers. There is no paid staff, no office, and no central facilities. All ServiceSpace programs are conceived, designed, implemented, and administered by people who selflessly give their time so that others can benefit from those services.

Based on twelve years of our experience with a volunteer-run infrastructure, we’ve developed a streamlined process that structures projects in a distributed and decentralized manner. This allows more volunteers to give small chunks of time and still deliver high quality services to the end-receiver.

Being volunteer-run also allows us to organically self-organize. Instead of hierarchies and prefabricated business plans, our volunteer infrastructure is dynamic, low-cost and open to radical change. Everything is based on relationships and presence, and that creates a powerful context to BE the change.

We continue to be amazed at what inspired and dedicated individuals can do. Margaret Mead eloquently said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever does.” We could not agree more.

Serve with whatever we have.

We have chosen a slightly different path than most organizations, and choose not to focus on fundraising, grants, or other sources of revenue – for example, none of our websites contain any advertisement. All services are distributed are gifted without any fees. Thus, we serve with whatever support and resources that come in organically when people are truly moved to give.

ServiceSpace projects are built within a gift-economy system, an economic system in which goods and services are given freely, rather than traded. In a traditional market economy, one’s wealth is increased by saving. In a gift economy, giving leads to increase: an increase in connections and relationship strength.

Our services are given freely, without asking for anything in return. Instead of scarcity and fear for an uncertain future, our second principle roots us in abundance and trust. We have realized that over time, if you serve with pure intentions, people’s cups of gratitude overflow. They don’t give to fulfill a need, they give as an expression of their own solidarity and joy. These genuine gifts, no matter how small or large, are what sustains us.

Focus on the small.

Our attempt is to do “small acts with great love”. As our tagline says, “Change Yourself, Change the World.” If we started out by having a goal to change the world, we might have been a little disappointed in our abilities; when we start with ourselves, we notice that the ripples around us continue to get bigger and bigger and as more people try to do small acts, we have every potential to change the world.

Just as every tiny bit of a hologram contains information of the whole, we feel that paying attention to the process, to the present moment, gives us plenty of information to become instruments of a larger, systemic change.

This is how ServiceSpace makes things happen. But essentially the engine that drives the organization is inspiration, pure and simple. We learn from each other, spur each other, help each other, and frequently amaze each other. Sure, we are stirred by the words and lives of great men and women like Gandhi and Martin Luther King and Mother Theresa; but the examples set by our ServiceSpace colleagues–everyday heroes–are the real sustaining forces behind our projects.

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER @  #WDOP2019 AND Unity Facebook page
Sep 12 all-day


Light a Virtual Candle
Unity World Day of Prayer is a global event.
 We invite you to light a virtual candle
to represent your light shining in prayer.


How Can You Participate in World Day of Prayer?

We invite all to submit a prayer request and light a virtual candle.

You can join for the events at Unity Village or other Unity centers.

Follow our hashtag #WDOP2019 and join us at the Unity Facebook page

to connect with our reflection questions and watch live events.

Sign up for Unity4Today to receive email updates and announcements.

What Is World Day of Prayer?

Held annually on the second Thursday in September, World Day of Prayer unites Unity and draws in New Thought partner communities for a 24-hour period of prayer practice. In prayer, we dissolve our personal borders as we realize God within us, around us—an active source of life, love, and wisdom

Daily Word A Note from the Editor
Prayer is an excellent place to start no matter what you want to be, accomplish, or overcome. Teresa Burton

Prayer…an excellent  place to start…accomplish…overcome…

On September 12 Unity will celebrate World Day of Prayer where, for 24 hours, people at Unity Village and beyond will join together to celebrate the gift, power, and life-changing potential of affirmative prayer.World Day of Prayer is a special event for the entire Unity movement and also for me as I remember the ways that prayer helped me grow through one of my bleakest periods. At the nadir of my life—chronically ill and marginally employed and with a host of other problems—my prospects for improving my circumstances looked dim. The worst part was that I felt powerless.

I didn’t know what I was going to do to help myself. Maybe you’ve been there—no ideas, no options, nowhere to turn. I realized I had exhausted every option except for one. I knew in my heart it was time to surrender.

Like many unaccustomed to prayer, I came to it feeling desperate. Even though I felt exhausted, worried, scared, and humbled, prayer gave me comfort and hope and helped me feel less alone.

Over the next few months, I learned how to use affirmations, which helped me feel empowered. I then started to give thanks daily for blessings great and small and practiced forgiveness of myself and others along the way. Through it all I prayed.

That was almost 20 years ago. Looking back, what felt like the end turned out to be the best beginning I could have hoped for.

I’m sure discovering the power of prayer and learning how to use affirmations were the driving forces that led me to change my life. I didn’t stop there, of course. I took definite and concrete steps in the direction of my goals. I worked hard and dreamed big.

None of those worldly efforts would have gotten me far had it not been for the work I undertook to change my thinking, still my mind, and open my heart through prayer.

Of course, you don’t have to wait until your back is against the wall to pray (in fact, I recommend that you don’t!). But I do want you to know that prayer is an excellent place to start no matter what you want to be, accomplish, or overcome.

Twenty years ago, I changed my life through prayer. I discovered the power of thought and discovered that my thinking creates my experience of the world. I took regular time in the Silence and committed to a deep process of self-discovery, but I didn’t have to do it alone.

Being able to reach out to Silent Unity® for prayer support over the years has been a treasured part of my spiritual path. Throughout its 129-year history, Silent Unity has touched the hearts of people all over the world who have reached out for prayer for themselves and others.

I’ll be among the thousands of people in prayerful participation on World Day of Prayer on September 12, and I welcome you to join me as we share in knowing this affirmation: I celebrate the vast possibilities for my life.

The presence of God within you is infinite. Your potential is truly unlimited. Give yourself the gift of prayer.


Rev. Teresa Burton

Teresa Burton, Daily Word Editor

PS: You can watch World Day of Prayer live events on the Unity Facebook page, and join in collective prayer at our Silent Unity Virtual Prayer Vigil that day. And, as always, Silent Unity warmly welcomes your prayer requests.

World Day of Prayer 2019—Invitation

Guiding Prayer

Breathing in to prayer, I am in awe of the unbound spirit, the in­finite presence within and around me. God is vitality in my breath, beauty in the natural world, strength in my determination, and compassion in my acts of service. I recognize God in the spaciousness of the universe as well as in my limitless dreams.

Let me set my sight beyond where I have seen before, into the vast reality of divine power and presence. Let me draw upon divine power and presence in order to ful­fill my great potential.

In the harmony of prayer, my heart beats to the rhythm of God. The pulse of in­finite life moves me, nourishes me, and empowers me to give life to my dreams.

World Day of Prayer 2019: Infinite Presence, Unlimited Potential @ Global Online
Sep 12 all-day

World Day of Prayer 2019: Infinite Presence, Unlimited Potential

Thursday, September 12, 2019
I celebrate the vast possibilities for my life.

You are invited to participate in Unity World Day of Prayer, a 24-hour Prayer Vigil and meditation. As always, the names and requests you send us will be held in silent prayer during the vigil.

Draw upon divine power and presence to realize the limitless possibilities in your life.

Join together with tens of thousands of people around the world. Together we will hold the high watch during World Day of Prayer, affirming that ­there is no spot where God is not. Wherever we are, God is. ­

The event will feature live music, a candlelight vigil, live-streamed prayer service, sacred prayer circle, and more.

The vigil begins Wednesday, September 11, at 7 p.m. (CT) with a candlelight walk to the Silent Unity Chapel following the opening ceremony.

World Day of Prayer 2019—Invitation

How Can You Participate in World Day of Prayer?

We invite all to submit a prayer request and light a virtual candle. You can join for the events at Unity Village or other Unity centers. Follow our hashtag #WDOP2019 and join us at the Unity Facebook page to connect with our reflection questions and watch live events.

Sign up for Unity4Today to receive email updates and announcements.

What Is World Day of Prayer?

Held annually on the second Thursday in September, World Day of Prayer unites Unity and draws in New Thought partner communities for a 24-hour period of prayer practice. In prayer, we dissolve our personal borders as we realize God within us, around us—an active source of life, love, and wisdom.

Guiding Prayer

Breathing in to prayer, I am in awe of the unbound spirit, the in­finite presence within and around me. God is vitality in my breath, beauty in the natural world, strength in my determination, and compassion in my acts of service. I recognize God in the spaciousness of the universe as well as in my limitless dreams.

Let me set my sight beyond where I have seen before, into the vast reality of divine power and presence. Let me draw upon divine power and presence in order to ful­fill my great potential.

In the harmony of prayer, my heart beats to the rhythm of God. The pulse of in­finite life moves me, nourishes me, and empowers me to give life to my dreams.


Lakota Waldorf School Pow Wow @ Lakota Waldorf School
Sep 19 @ 1:00 pm

Lakota Waldorf School Pow Wow

Dear Friends of Lakota Waldorf School

We are very excited to host our first Pow Wow in celebration of Waldorf school’s 100th anniversary, September 19th 2019


THE WEB OF LIFE New Moon Call to Action @ Global Online
Sep 30 @ 9:00 am – 10:30 am


New Moon Global Call to Action
Sacred Reciprocity:
Learning to Live in Harmony with All of Life
A FREE Interactive Global Conversation
with Michael & Puma Fredy Quispe Singona
Friday, August 30th, 9-10:30am Pacific
There is so much that is affecting us, so much heavy energy, worry, stress, and fear that is affecting our physical bodies and sending us to the hospitals. We need to take care of our heart and mind in order to completely heal our physical bodies.

Puma Fredy Quispe Singona
I am very excited to announce that our dear friend Fredy “Puma” Quispe will be joining us for this month’s new moon call. Puma, who lives in Cusco Peru, was trained by his grandfather from the age of 6. He has been walking the path of a traditional Andean Medicine Man and is recognized as a holder of ancient Andean wisdom.
Puma and Michael will be exploring the concept and application of Ayni, the sacred art of reciprocity, to our lives and human evolution. August is the month for celebrating Mother Earth in Peru, although it seems that this is true of every month with the indigenous people. Please join us as we explore how to meet the challenges of separation, alienation and divisiveness that are growing in our world today.
Our separation from the natural world is not only killing us, we are taking the bulk of all the earth’s species with us in our quest for more of what we really don’t need. When we learn to think in terms of systems we recognize that everything is connected and plays a vital role in the balance of the energetic forces of the universe…
Michael Stone


Fredy “Puma” Quispe is a prominent citizen within his local community and a member of the Elders Council in Chinchero, Peru as well as the co-founder of Cusi Huayna, a youth group focused on re-strengthening the community through the remembrance of traditional dance, story, and weaving. He is accredited to sharing the secrets of the Andes with hundreds of tourists each year as a guide on the Inca Trail while continuing to study with Quechua elders throughout the Sacred Valley.
Today Puma plays an active role in world affairs by sitting on several international and indigenous councils including the World Wisdom Council, whose honorary chair is Mikhail Gorbachyev. He was also featured in 4Real which began as a documentary television series that features young leaders who, under extreme circumstances, are affecting real change on some of the most pressing issues of our time, and has now expanded to include an online global community. Through this work, he is ensuring the contribution of indigenous wisdom toward strengthening the vision of global harmony and healing.


Michael Stone is a multi-faceted leader in the realm of shamanism and spiritual development. He is the on the faculty of the Shift Network and is the host and producer of the Shamanism Global Summit. For the past 15 years he has hosted KVMR’s weekly Award winning show Conversations, which highlights leading edge thinkers, authors and activists in environmental restoration, social justice and spiritual fulfillment. As co-founder of Quantum Consulting he works with organizations to combine quantum theory with mystical shamanism to promote healing, wellness and belief change with his clients. Michael leads classes, tele-seminars and workshops on embodied shamanism, meditation and unity spirituality.

 The new moon is a time of new beginnings, an access to unlimited potentiality!​​​
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Use #GANDHI150 and #RETHINKPEACE to Join the Worldwide Social Media Conversation on Peace! @ SOCIAL MEDIA
Oct 2 all-day

The time is now more than ever to be the change and stand up for peace and nonviolence. Our communities deserve to live their daily lives peacefully and together we can strive to make that happen. As partners of #Gandi150 and believers in the power of peace, we invite you to be part of the movement on October 2. More information here.

How to get involved on October 2:

1. Nonviolence Champion – Nominate a faculty member from your educational institution, as the champion for the event.

2. Nonviolence in Action – On October 2, host a screening of the documentary film, “From India with Love”, followed by an interactive discussion to promote peace.

3. Nonviolence in Classrooms – Lead an experiential learning module on nonviolence in the classroom and promote peace.

Get started here

Join us on October 2 and share your activity with us at The Peace Alliance. Find our Facebook page here and/or tag us on Twitter at @PeaceAllianceUse #Gandhi150 and #RethinkPeace to join the worldwide social media conversation on peace!

Thank you!

In peace and  partnership!

Jelena Popovic, Teaching Peace in Schools Council Lead

and The Peace Alliance Board of Directors and Leadership Council

About The Peace Alliance

The Peace Alliance empowers civic action toward a culture of peace.

Who We Are:
We are an alliance of organizers and advocates taking the work of peacebuilding from the margins of society into the center of national discourse and policy priorities.

We champion a comprehensive, collaborative approach to peace and peacebuilding.

Spiritual Wildfire Summit @ Online
Feb 2 – Feb 7 all-day

pictured above:  Brooke Medicine Eagle

I’m thrilled to invite you to a FREE global online Summit that starts Feb. 2-7 called:


Igniting the Worldwide Spiritual Wildfire We Need Now: A Call to Action




I’ll be participating with 23 other featured speakers including Sandra Ingerman, Andrew Harvey, Nina Simons, Cynthia Jurs, Steve Farrell and Lyla June Johnston and I’d love for you to join us! Each of us will be offering inspiration, healing, and empowering practical tools to anyone who is ready to courageously use their own light to help ignite a worldwide spiritual wildfire.

The Spiritual Wildfire Summit is organized to address the fact that we live in epic times. In fact, we are experiencing nothing less than the reinvention of civilization. Yet as we dive into uncharted waters and move closer to a critical tipping, we see a worldwide awakening beginning to catch fire. The Spiritual Wildfire Summit offers inspiration, healing, and empowering practical tools to anyone who is ready to courageously use their own light to help ignite a worldwide spiritual wildfire.

To register for this free event click here. Link to:

Together we can create a new world based on compassion, wisdom, justice, and joy!

During this FREE 6-day global online summit, together we will experience & integrate profound ways to restore the Story of Our Awakened Hearts.

This transformational event is FREE to all registered attendees! You do need to RSVP in order to receive all of the info you need to participate in this unique and never before seen gathering of visionaries!


Would you like to have permanent downloadable lifetime access to all 25 interviews, in both audio & video format, so you can watch or listen to them at your convenience even after the Summit has ended? If so, the Lifetime Access Upgrade Package is available for a very special Early Bird Price through Feb. 4 only. CLICK HERE to learn more about this upgrade package. 50% of all Lifetime Access purchases go to the Changing Woman Initiative.


Finally, here’s a link to a 2-minute video that beautifully sums up the Spiritual Wildfire Summit theme. Take a look and please share this video and info about this Summit to anyone you think would like to join the Spiritual Wildfire Revolution!


If you know someone that would like to participate in the Summit, please send them here so they can receive all of the benefits of the Spiritual Wildfire Summit.


We begin on 2-2-2020! Here’s to igniting the worldwide spiritual wildfire we need now! See you on the inside!


With gratitude and bright blessings,


Your host,

Joan D’Argo


P.S. Be sure to return to the Event Schedule Page often while the Spiritual Wildfire Summit is airing so you get the most out of this event!


Panel Discussion and Interactive Online Broadcast with William Barber’s Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival
Feb 23 @ 6:00 pm

The WE Campaign
WE – A global  campaign of We, The World to unite
and amplify the efforts
 of people, organizations
and movements working for the common good


This Special Broadcast
is part of our MLK Program

Manifesting The Dream

Carrying Forward the Work and Legacy
of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Sign Up at

The Poor People’s Campaign
A National Call for Moral Revival

Rev. William Barber, Rev. Liz Theoharis, Other Leaders
and a Growing Coalition of Organizations

Drawing on the unfinished work of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s
1967/68 Poor People’s Campaign


Panel Discussion and Interactive Online Broadcast
Sunday February 23rd at 6PM Eastern Time

Watch the Broadcast LIVE or Watch the Recording on
We, The World’s Facebook Page
Please LIKE the Page to be notified when our Broadcasts are starting

Featured Speakers Include:

The WE CampaignKaren Palmer (Host) is a Global Kindness Leader and a Livestream / Social Media Expert who co-produces several popular online talk shows. She is a best-selling author and is Coordinator of We, The World’s Campaign for Women. She helps change agents and peacemakers find their voice, and share their message and gifts globally. Find her at

RickUlfikRick Ulfik (Co-Host) is the Founder of We, The World and the WE Campaign at Rick is the Co-Creator of 11 Days of Global Unity – 11 Ways to Change the World linking local awareness and action campaigns into an inspiring international movement with participants including Desmond Tutu, Jane Goodall, Deepak Chopra, Eve Ensler, Bill McKibben and many others.

RevLizTheoharisThe Reverend Dr. Liz Theoharis is Co-Chair with the Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival which has organized the largest and most expansive wave of nonviolent civil disobedience in US history. She is the Director of the Kairos Center for Religions, Rights, and Social Justice at Union Theological Seminary and is a Founder and Coordinator of the Poverty Initiative.

Janelle BruceRev. Janelle Bruce, Esq. is a National Organizer with Repairers of the Breach and the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival. She is also the Founder and Pastor of the Church Without Walls, Global Reach. Her life, ministry and work is guided by Micah 6:8, “He has told you O’ mortal what is good and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with the Lord”.

Njimie DzurinkoNjimie Dzurinko is the founder and co-coordinator at Put People First and the Pennsylvania Poor People’s Campaign. Njimie studied Urban Studies at Temple University and English Literature/Poetry at University of Pennsylvania.

Take Action and Be of Service
During MLK 40 Days of Peace

The WE Campaign

You and Your Organization Are Invited
To Participate Now Through Feb. 29th
Sign Up Here
For Updates & To Participate
Takes under a minute!Full MLK Broadcast Links and other activity details here:

MLK’s Rip Van Winkle story was a warning:
Don’t SLEEP through the REVOLUTION!Thank you!Rick Ulfik
Founder of We, The World and the WE Campaign at
Subscribe to our WE Campaign Global Action
Now is the Time For WE Video – Narrated by Desmond Tutu and Jane Goodall for We, The
Manifesting The Dream – Service Activities to Honor and Carry Forward the Work and Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.
11 Days of Global Unity – 11 Ways to Transform Your World
An Urgent Message from Your Children at – See and post social change and cultural events for a global audience!
Volunteer Sign-up:
Organization Sign-up:
Donation Page:
Facebook – Twitter – YouTube – News Blog
Special Online Interactive Broadcast—Manifesting The Dream: The Poor People’s Campaign–A National Call for Moral Revival @ Online
Feb 23 @ 6:00 pm

February 23, 2020

Special Online Interactive Broadcast
Part of our MLK Program
Manifesting The Dream
The Poor People’s Campaign
A National Call for Moral Revival
Panel Discussion and Interactive Online Broadcast
Featuring National Campaign Leaders
Sunday February 23rd at 6PM Eastern Time

Watch the Broadcast LIVE or Watch the Recording on
We, The World’s Facebook Page
Please LIKE the Page to be notified when our Broadcasts are startingThese Special Broadcasts are part of our MLK Program
Manifesting The Dream
Carrying Forward the Work and Legacy
of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
During the Compassion Games’ MLK 40 Days of Peace
To Participate in Manifesting The Dream: MLK 40 Days of Peace

Sign Up Here
Takes under a minute!

Full MLK Broadcast Links and other activity details here:

How to Shine Your Light to Co-create the World We Know is Possible–A Live Webinar with Joan D’Argo @ Online - Zoom
Mar 4 @ 2:00 pm

Free LIVE Webinar

How to Shine Your Light to Co-create the World We Know is Possible

Wednesday, March 4 at 2:00 pm EST

Here’s the link to join:
Being a visionary during a global dark night is not always easy. But us visionaries are so needed right now! We see possibilities where others don’t. We are the ones who can see and trust in the light even when the darkness feels overwhelming. Because we believe so much in the power of this light, it’s essential we don’t burn out. This requires at least 3 things:
  • Courage: Courage to believe in your dreams . . . for yourself and for the Earth . . . even when appearances seemingly prove otherwise.
  • Tools: Empowering practical tools that work. Tools that you help you stay calm, grounded, and centered, even when it can feel like the world around us is falling apart.
  • Community: Connection to a community of like-minded visionaries who share your hopes, dreams, and visions. The kind of people who believe that together we can co-create a new world. In our lifetime.
If any of this rings true for you or if you’re curious to learn more, please join me for a FREE LIVE WEBINAR called How to Shine Your Light to Co-Create the World We Know is Possible. In this hour-long live webinar you’ll learn:
  • Why courage is an essential quality of all visionaries today and how to cultivate it on a daily basis to foster your dreams.
  • 3 easy tools to help keep you grounded and centered so you can integrate this courage to help build your innate strength and resilience. One tool in particular focuses on building your heart’s resilience.
  • Why connection to a community that shares your values is vital for visionaries.
I’m so excited to share these valuable tools with you! There’s no need to register. Just mark your calendar and join us!
Apr 22 @ 6:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Awakening Humanity’s Consciousness as One,
“Celebrating Our Planet,

Healing our Heart


The13th Annual



Planet Heart Logo © Elana Stanger,
​a.k.a. St. Angel

Come join us on EARTH DAY

Wednesday, April 22, 2020, at
6 – 9:30 PM EST

Globally Online

for A Very Special Evening

with our Conscious Community as we

Gather in Unity Honoring Mother Earth
and the 50th anniversary of Earth Day!

Listen to Inspirational Talks with Spiritual,  Indigenous, Peace and Environmental Leaders, and Experience Live Music Performances! 

There will be Celebrations & Prayers for World Peace, Planet Earth & All Inhabitants.
All Are Welcome!

Due to the coronavirus we will be

hosting our event online this year!!

“Every day is Earth Day where Peace Within Brings Peace on Earth ” – ReAwakennd

Produced by Andrew Kaen in Association 
with We, The World (fiscal sponsor),


Watch LIVE or the Recording HERE:
Like these pages to get notified for the Event and please share!

  Contact us:  EarthDay@WeTheWorld.Org       


Even if you cannot attend, and you would like to support us, please make a tax deductible donation. Click Button Below. Thank you.

Meet your Presenters:



Mitchell Rabin,  International speaker/Workshop Leader,

Holistic Coach and Host/Producer of A Better World Radio & TV


Rick Ulfik
Founder of We, The World, the WE Campaign, and Co-Creator of 11 Days of Global Unity 


Angelica Cubides
Ordained Minister, Indigenous Elder


Jonathan Granoff is President of Global Security Institute and an Attorney, Author and Advocate ​for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons, 2014 nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize


Transpersonal Coach/Healer
Soul Plan Activator, Author and Artist


​Guy R. McPherson is an American scientist, Professor Emeritus of Natural Resources and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona


Elly Lessin
Long-time Environmental Advocate


Jackson Madnick Founder and President of Pearl’s Premium Lawn Seed


Host of Heart of Mind Radio, ​facilitator of Meditation and Relaxation Techniques;  a Master Teacher of Qigong Form; an Energy-Vibrational Healer


Heidi Little
International Award-Winning Singer-Songwriter, Vocalist, Self-Love and Empowerment Educator, Co-Founder/Director of International Children’s Month, Founder of The Center For Advancement in Social Emotional Learning, Co-Writer of ONE, The Message From Mother Earth


Michael Fitzpatrick​
World-Renowned Cello Soloist 


Two Feathers 
Indigenous Teacher and Educator


William “Bill” Garrett
Founder/Chairman, Harlem Climate Caucus​


Evan Pritchard
​Indigenous Speaker, Author, Musician


Lisa Roma
Singer-Songwriter, Vocalist, Songpoet, Musician and Composer, Writer, Publisher,  and Visionary


​Composer, Arranger, Producer and an accomplished Multi-Instrumentalist 


David Young
Musician, Author, Speaker, Artist


 Andrew Kaen (ReAwakennd)
Executive Producer and Founder/Organizer
Planet Heart’s Annual World Peace Earth Day Celebration
Vibrational Sound Healer/Channel/Poet/
​Singer-Soulwriter/Ambassador For Peace

Portions of the Proceeds support 

We, The World and

Planet Heart

to produce these events.

“We hear Mother Earth’s call to simultaneously become more heart centered and action oriented.  Feeling Mother Earth’s sacredness in our hearts can be profound motivation to act on Her behalf.  Many actions are needed now, from calling legislators to attending rallies … art making, creative planning, spreading the word, writing letters to the editor … advocating for clean water, renewable energy … as well as social, racial, and economic justice issues that are inseparable from co-creating a sustainable, thriving world that works for all.  We believe these actions are most effective, and most beautiful, when they are inspired by and carried out with love and respect for this beautiful planet, all who reside here, and whatever divine energies are loving us and encouraging us through this Great Turning.  This feeling of connection, love, and inspiration is what we seek to create through Planet Heart’s Annual World Peace Earth Day.  Please join us, be inspired, keep your heart open, and channel that love into action. ”
Ellen Osuna, Environmental and Peace Activist 



​ ​






Findhorn presents a Global Online Release of INNER CLIMATE CHANGE – a Documentary @ Online - Zoom
Apr 24 all-day

Global Online Release
Friday 24th April 2020


Watch the trailer


How do we navigate the intensity of emotions and reactions stirred up by climate change, or COVID-19 for that matter? How do we come to a place of peace, compassion, forgiveness and life-affirming action?

Both leading edge science and ancient wisdom traditions point us inwards for the answer.

In this documentary you will go with us on a journey to see how our inner climate relates to the topic of climate change. And how changing from within will create the change we need.

The INNER CLIMATE CHANGE documentary focuses on the very personal experiences, insights and responses to the climate crisis, of people who participated in the Climate Change and Consciousness conference (CCC19) held in 2019 at the Findhorn Ecovillage in the northeast of Scotland. Conference participants included 350 youngers and elders of multiple ethnicities and diverse genders from 45 countries.

Featured in the documentary are notable experts,
as well as deeply committed climate activists.

Watch Parties and Sharing Circles via Zoom

We invite you to join us to watch the film together (60 minutes) followed by a post film sharing with break out groups to explore your inner response evoked by the film. Experience yourself in – and offer your listening to – a community of like-minded people all around the world.

Submit your email address to receive a reminder when the film is released and the Zoom link through which you can access the Watch Party and Sharing Circle of your choice.

You can also contact us by post:

Visitors Centre
Findhorn Foundation
The Park
Forres, IV36 3TZ
Scotland, UK
For general enquiries tel: +44 (0)1309 690311

There are three opportunities to join a viewing party and 100 places available on each. You need to sign up to receive the Zoom link. You will be able to enter the Zoom room later if you have seen the film already before and don’t want to watch it twice.

    • 24th April 2020 6pm-8.30pm BST

Hosted by Robin Alfred and Kosha Joubert, hosts of the CCC19 conference
7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT / 3am AET (25th)

    • 25th April 2020 10am-12.30am BST

Hosted by Sue Miles, long term community member of the Findhorn Foundation.
11am CET / 5am EDT / 2am PDT / 7pm AET

    • 25th April 2020 7pm-9.30pm BST

Hosted by the film director Lorenz Gramann and Lucy Thomas: Findhorn community member and facilitator
8pm CET / 2pm EDT / 11am PDT / 4am AET (26th)

INNER CLIMATE CHANGE is a documentary inspired by the people who participated in last year’s Climate Change and Consciousness conference (CCC19) held at the Findhorn Foundation. It addresses the connection between our own inner climate and the changing climate outside. Among those featured in the film are Vandana Shiva, Charles Eisenstein, Jonathon Porritt, Xhiutecatl Martinez and Polly Higgins. Many more youngers and elders from around the world add their voices to this call for us to stand up
as the creators of our reality.  

This film is a gift from the Findhorn Foundation to the world. In the spirit of gift economy feel free to donate towards the making of the film (about £20.000) and the continuation of the ICC movement.

About the filmmaker

The man behind the INNER CLIMATE CHANGE documentary is the independent filmmaker Lorenz Gramann. This is Lorenz’s third feature-length documentary. His last one A New Story for Humanity has been seen over 200.000 times.

Lorenz’s background includes a variety of healing and psychotherapy modalities. He brings the sensitivity garnered in these fields to his film making. Since 2014 he has offered his skills in the northeast of Scotland and currently lives in the Findhorn Foundation Community.

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Intergenerational Climate Collaborative Project Hosted by: Sue Blythe and Chitra Golestani @ Online - Zoom
Apr 26 @ 1:00 pm

BEING & DOING PRESENTS…Practicing in the Midst – Deepening Presence, Compassion and Resilience in Times of Great Change @ Online
May 11 @ 12:00 pm – May 12 @ 7:30 pm


Practicing in the Midst

Deepening Presence, Compassion and Resilience in Times of Great Change

REGISTER FOR FREE  Live-Streamed Global Online Gathering May 11th & 12th

To accommodate our global audience, the online live-stream will have

a 24-hour replay ​on Wednesday, May 13th, in every timezone.

welcome letter from the host…

Greetings friends…

We’ve all got to follow best practices for staying safe and taking care of each other during the pandemic. This online gathering is about best practices for your inner life.

How can you rest in your own presence and non-reactivity? How can you open in compassion and let your heart’s intelligence guide your actions? How can you stay open to your experience – not grabbing onto your emotion but not bypassing it either? How can your struggles deepen your practice and bring forward new capacities?

This Being & Doing gathering will give you a chance to hear from some extraordinary, open-hearted, generous mentors. The teachers will all be live – guiding practices, taking questions and joining with you in a supportive field of collective presence. Use this opportunity to help you stay open and free inside of yourself, to nourish your resilience, and to connect with a powerful community of like-minded souls.

Jeff Charno, Being & Doing Host


You can use this Awakening in the Midst video collection right away.  

From Loch Kelly, Craig Hamilton, Diana Winston, Caverly Morgan

These aren’t ordinary guided meditations. These four short programs lead you directly into natural awakened awareness – a state of flow and effortless presence. Clarifying this in yourself is life changing and it’s easier than you think.

FREE VIDEO DOWNLOAD+ Reserve Your Place at the Gathering


PRACTICING IN THE MIDST is a free two-day LIVE online gathering bringing together ten extraordinary and generous teachers with a community of thousands of people.  Challenging times can be a powerful catalyst for personal and collective evolution. Come join us in practice.



You will learn to rest in your already awakened nature. A subtle shift opens you to freedom from the endless agitation of your mind. Touch into your deep heart and let it energize your actions.


Inquiry, mindfulness, and radical acceptance can each open doorways into unseen dimensions of your soul. Release what isn’t serving you and let your true nature lead the day.


Feeling like separate beings is a mistaken perception. Our interdependence and connection, usually buried in the background, has become more palpable than ever. We’re in these lives


Teaching Schedule for the Live Gathering

Talks, Practices and Q&A​

MONDAY – May 11th, 2020:


Effortless Mindfulness Teacher, Psychotherapist, and Author

“The important thing is to find the Self that has the capacity to bear what seemed to be unbearable, the self that can be present with all of our parts unconditionally.”



Meditation Teacher, Nonprofit Leader, and Visionary

“If you meditate to be a better person, you’ll always be busy trying to be a better person. If you meditate because you are in love with resting in your own luminous infinite being, you’ll always be in love.”



Contemporary Meditation Teacher, Bestselling Author

“Fall in love with where you are. Turn towards this – a sacred moment, unrepeatable. Trust the ebb and flow of things. Say yes to uncertainty and the unresolvedness of your life.” 



Founder of the Diamond Approach To Self-Realization

“We are not separate. Our sense of separateness is superficial and exists only in the physical dimension. Every other human being is just as precious as we are, and worthy of as much respect and love and consideration.”



Spiritual Teacher, Founder of Integral Enlightenment

“True meditation is about being fully present with everything that is – including discomfort and challenges. It is not an escape from life.”


TUESDAY – May 12th, 2020:


Founder of Gateway, Spiritual Facilitator

“Do you know how to be quiet and let go, when life challenges you and brings you to the edge?”



Wellbeing Research Professor, Director of Transformative Technology Lab

“The world’s largest scientific research project into fundamental well-being, sometimes called enlightenment, reveals the methods which actually work.”



Author, activist, authorized Lama (Buddhist Teacher) and founder of Bhumisparsha Sangha

“Let your love be the container for anger and despair. Love will not dissolve them, but will offer enough space to not get lost in them.”



Director of Mindfulness Education at UCLA, Author

“Saying yes means surrendering to your experience, whatever it is. It means feeling your body when you’re in the midst of a strong reaction or emotion… and noticing that thoughts and feelings come and go.”



Founder of Evolutionary Collective, Bestselling Author

“Right now, it feels more important than ever to come together and actively find our oneness, our goodness and our capacity to live a higher order of love as a social reality.”


Practicing in the Midst

Being & Doing is committed to creating opportunities for people to come together to practice, to celebrate community, and to recognize unending mystery and beauty (even when the sky appears to be falling).

Recordings of the live sessions will be replayed for 24-hours on Wednesday, May 13th, in every timezone.


You can also purchase the recordings for a small cost.

Being & Doing Sponsors

Wes Studi – The Legendary Actor – His Plea for the Indian Country Amid the COVID Pandemic – Action Plans for the Nation @ You! Your community!
May 21 @ 12:00 am

From Indigenous New England  


StrongWalker | May 21, 2020 at 11:15 am | Categories: National News | URL:

Oscar winner Wes Studi launched a new PSA raising awareness about the seriousness of COVID-19 in Indian Country. (courtesy photo)

ADDISON, Texas — From small-town Oklahoma native to internationally acclaimed actor and musician, Wes Studi forever changed a stereotype with his unforgettable performances in Dances with WolvesThe Last of the MohicansHeat and Avatar.

Now, he’s working on another mission.

Yesterday, the Cherokee citizen and legendary film star released a public service announcement (PSA) to raise awareness of the serious effects of COVID-19 in Indian Country and request widespread support for Partnership With Native Americans (PWNA) to ensure Native Americans are not left behind during the pandemic.

What sparked the PSA is a series of vital health issues happening in the wake of COVID-19, even with many stay-at-home orders in place. The risk of contracting the virus is higher among Native Americans due to overcrowded housing and high rates of diabetes, kidney disease and asthma. And despite more than 7,100 confirmed cases of COVID-19 within the Navajo Nation and other tribal communities, federal aid has been slow to arrive.

In his new PSA, the Oscar winner reminds the public of the need for immediate attention and charitable donations to PWNA, which has secured tribal clearances and follows CDC and tribal guidelines to continue delivering critical items, such as food, water, sanitizer and personal protective equipment (PPE).

For more information on the PSA, and to learn how to donate, visit Organizers are asking people to share this on social media using the hashtags #NativeHope and #COVID19. You can also call 1(800) 416-8102 to learn more.

“Every day, remote reservation communities face shortages of food, water and healthcare, and COVID-19 has magnified that reality,” said Joshua Arce, PWNA president and CEO. “Donations are critical now as we bring relief to under-resourced communities.”

Studi notes PWNA is a nonprofit he trusts. In 2019, they collaborated in a five-part Realities Video Series with Wes Studi that aimed to give an accurate portrayal of reservation life and dispels long-held myths that continue to impact Native communities.

The post Legendary Actor Wes Studi Urges the Public to Assist Indian Country Amid Pandemic appeared first on Native News Online.

“This is a major issue right now…also Protect The Sacred has a Facebook page…this was started by youth and has Mark Ruffalo helping them and a couple other actors…and Navajo youth who have stepped up to help their Elders”
from Grandmother Michelle Reid

Virtual Rites of Spring 2020 – Memorial Day Weekend Events @ Online
May 23 – May 25 all-day

Virtual Rites of Spring 2020

We gather in May for our 42nd time to celebrate the sacred Earth and the turning of the seasons in the mountains of western Massachusetts.

Join us online, (and in person in September) – as together we:

Weave the web of community;

Share in ancient traditions and new rituals;

Look forward to what we can become;

Learn through workshops and dialogue;

Light the Sacred fire;

Feel the rhythms of life in our drums and dance to raise our spirits;

Form lasting friends and see families grow as we come together in community – learning, sharing music, celebrating with ritual, and fueling our joy.

Register now for virtual Rites of Spring programming!

We are terribly sad not to be able to be together for the first time in 42 years, but we are excited to be able to still offer a substantial program. Zoom links and program details will go out to everyone who registers.

Please spread the word!


  • 8 – 8:30 AM Family Program – Seasonal Stories and Creative projects  with Andrew Coate, and Sarah Rosehill
  • 11:00 AM Workshop: Pagan Perspective Permaculture Primer with Martin Bridge
  • 3:00 PM Web Ritual
  • 8:00 PM Bardic Circle Sign Up Sheet
  • 11:00 PM DJ Meow Meow


  • 8 – 8:30 AM Family Program – Seasonal Stories and Creative projects  with Andrew Coate, and Sarah Rosehill
  • 11:00 AM Workshop: Anamanta: a Pagan Practice for Troubled Times with Andras Corban Arthen
  • 3:00 PM EarthSpirit FUNdraising Kickoff with Billy Bardo, Anya, Arianna (and maybe Patrick)
  • 6:00 PM The Feast at home
  • After Feast: DJ Dawn Dance Party! with Dawn Flatt


  • 11:00 AM Closing Ritual with Deirdre and Andras Arthen

Plus Recorded Programs on YouTube

  • Healing Ritual
  • Building a Sacred Shrine
  • Maying!
  • Preparing your own Feast

Register Online

If you are registered and paid for Rites of Spring 2020 (May or September), please follow this link to get your virtual Registration number. This program is an included add-on to your registration.

To register if you are not already signed up for Rites of Spring: Admission for the week is a sliding scale $50 – $100. Please pay what you are able, to help us keep going through this time of crisis. No one will be turned away for serious financial hardship, as long as you pay something. Additional contributions are appreciated.

Once you are registered, close to the date of the virtual events, you will receive a registration code, an accessible link and  password for the Zoom sessions, and a link to the Facebook Virtual Dining Hall. Please save that registration number for access to the Virtual Dining Hall or for any questions on your registration.

We look forward to seeing you all online.


Quantum Powers – The Three Keys to Unlock Yours presented by Evolving Wisdom and Dr. Jean Houston @ Online
May 24 all-day

We at UNIFY want to let you know about a FREE Online Event where you’ll discover how to partner with the Universe to accomplish anything you want in your life!


Now more than ever, our world is deeply in need of people who can step into their purpose, where they can share what they’ve learned and help to steer themselves and others toward more positive actions. We can all become creative stewards of humanity’s course as we continue our collective journey.This event is hosted by our dear friend Dr. Jean Houston, pioneer of the Human Potential Movement, international luminary, and one person who is uniquely qualified to offer insight and help guide us during these strange times.

A Free Global Online Event

with One of the Principal Founders of the Human Potential Movement

Dr. Jean Houston

Register Now to Attend this Groundbreaking Event!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

During this event she will share special techniques that involve tapping into and aligning with the very fabric and intention of the cosmos. Practicing these techniques can allow you to accomplish extraordinary things, just as they have for certain ancient cultures and individuals throughout history.


After discovering the Quantum Powers that Jean will explore with you during the event, you’ll gain the following:


  • The power to expand time so you can do more in less time than ever before without adding stress to your life;

  • The power to experience “sustained fire” to keep you operating at your highest energy level during even the most challenging times;

  • The power to partner with the energy of the Universe to more easily accomplish your goals and fulfill your dreams;

  • The power to expand and express your creativity without sacrificing your daily responsibilities;

  • The power to almost magically attract the people and resources you need to move your projects forward and achieve the level of authentic success you’re striving for. 




LIGHTING THE 8TH FIRE with Winona LaDuke @ online
May 28 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Thursday,  May 28, 2020 | 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM PDT

Add to Calendar

An Anishinaabe Prophecies, this time is known as the 7th Fire. The prophecy says that to move to the 8th Fire, we face a choice between two paths. One path is well-worn, scorched, and leads to our destruct.ion. The other path is new, green, and leads to Mino-Bimaadiziwin (the good life)

Join us as internationally-renowned activist and author Winona LaDuke – an Anishinaabekwe (Ojibwe) member of the White Earth Nation – discusses how the pandemic provides us with an opportunity to walk a new path, taking care of each other, and our Mother Earth.

Crisis can bring out the best or the worst in communities. Winona will discuss what it’s going to take to herald in a restorative, regenerative, and just society, one where we appreciate each other, localize our economy, get cleaner, and healthier.
Let us put our minds and hearts together to make a good future for our children!

Winona LaDuke is one of the world’s most tireless and charismatic leaders on issues related to climate change, Indigenous rights, human rights, green and rural economies, food justice, alternative sources of energy, and the priceless value of clean water over a career spanning nearly 40 years of activism. She is Program Director of Honor the Earth, the founder of the White Earth Land Recovery Project, and Winona’s Hemp and Heritage Farm. A graduate of Harvard and Antioch Universities, she is the author of five books, including Recovering the Sacred, All our Relations and a novel, Last Standing Woman.

TICKETS ARE SLIDING SCALE $5 – $25 to benefit speakers and artists impacted by the cancellation of events due to the pandemic. All who register will receive a link to watch live or later at their own convenience.

Closed caption version will be available 3-4 days after the live event.

#UnDistanced Festival @ online
Jun 18 @ 12:00 pm – Jul 10 @ 3:00 pm
All Out presents:

Prides in over 500 cities around the world have been canceled

due to the coronavirus.

For millions of LGBT+ people, Pride events represent a precious moment of visibility, community, and solidarity. Pride boosts our movement and our community, powering our batteries for the coming year. Without it, our sense of belonging, our visibility, our advocacy, and our ability to support each other are all weakened.

But we don’t need to give up on Pride 2020 around the world. The power of digital gives us the chance to come together for Pride in spirit, if not with our bodies. It allows us to respect physical distancing, but embrace social and community cohesion. It allows us to celebrate who we are and who we love across borders and cultures.

This is #UnDistanced.

June 18 - Book reading with Dan Glass - 12pm EST / 5pm BST
June 20 - Panel: LGBT+ Refugees: Voices from the frontline - 11am EST / 4pm BST
June 23 - Panel: On the ground with Polish activists living in "LGBT-free zones" - 12pm EST / 5pm BST
June 24 - Watch party: Are you proud? - 3pm EST / 8pm BST
June 25 - Panel: Organising Pride where it is illegal to be gay - 1pm EST / 6pm BST
June 28 - Campaign Action: Stand with Pride in St. Petersburg - All day
June 28 - Panel: The fight for Love and Equality in Russia - 12pm EST / 5pm BST
June 30 - Panel: What does Pride means to you? - 1pm EST / 6pm BST
July 01 - Panel: Do corporations pinkwash Pride? - 12pm EST / 5pm BST
July 2 - 7pm Berlin / 8pm BST: Solidarität und Intersektionalität in der deutschen LGBT*-Bewegung
July 10 - 3pm EST / 8pm BST: The #UnDistanced Dance Party

We’re adding more exciting new events so check back later!
The Wisdom Well presents: Waterbearers Call for PEACE @ Online - Zoom
Jun 22 @ 1:00 pm

We invite you to join our circle around The Wisdom Well to celebrate life, share wisdom and give thanks for pure water, and more.

Our guest is Eva Charlotte

Eva Charlotte is an international keynote speaker, guide, and facilitator who is passionate about Peace, starting with inner peace. She has studied and collaborated with indigenous peace and wisdom keepers, and shamans from many different traditions in reawakening our innate inner presence. Among these masters was don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements.

Eva’s programs are infused with the extraordinary lessons she learned in a near-fatal skydiving accident and the remarkable quest to recapture the insights and bliss she experienced in those moments leading up to impact…a journey of lasting personal freedom and life empowerment.

Three close encounters with death have profoundly shaped Eva’s expression and work in the world, making her an emissary of Peace and catalyst of transformation, by her presence alone.
To learn more:

Monday, June 22 at 10:00 AM Pacific (check your local time)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 875 118 4261

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