
Sounds True presents THE 30-DAY WAKE UP CHALLENGE WITH ADYASHANTI @ online
Aug 15 @ 12:00 am
Sounds True Presents
A Direct Way to Spiritual Liberation
Join Adyashanti in this journey beginning Thursday, August 15, 2019
“We’re seeking to wake up in all of the dimensions of being.”
bestselling author and spiritual teacher


adyashanti headshot
Meet Your Teacher
Adyashanti is an American-born spiritual teacher devoted to the awakening of all beings. His teachings are invitations to stop, inquire, and recognize what is true and liberating at the core of existence. His books include Emptiness Dancing, Falling into Grace, and The Most Important Thing. Adyashanti offers teachings that are free of any tradition or ideology.


When You Enroll in The 30-Day Wake Up Challenge, You’ll Enjoy ALL These Benefits
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Become More Present

Learn to become aware of the pure consciousness underlying all of your experiences. When you perceive this always-available presence, you open to startling new vistas of awareness.
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Delve Deeper

Realize the boundless potential of the fundamental ground of being. From this most basic, universal consciousness, you will experience the natural arising of wisdom, insight, and purpose.
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Evoke Love and Compassion

Discover an awareness connected with your all-accepting compassionate nature as Adyashanti guides you in contacting the silent spaciousness of the Spiritual Heart.
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Embody Awakened Awareness

With practical guidance from Adyashanti, you will learn how to embody the dimensions of awakened awareness with your family, career, and every other aspect of your life.


Enroll Today—We Begin Thursday, August 15!


Journey Schedule
The 30-Day Wake Up Challenge is divided into four weekly sessions that guide you throughout the different dimensions of awareness. In this eye-opening journey, you will learn:
Awakened Awareness
Week One | Thursday, August 15
Awakened Heart
Week Two | Thursday, August 22
Awakened Ground of Being
Week Three | Thursday, August 29
Enlightened Relativity and the Paradox of Being
Week Four | Thursday, September 5


How do I contact customer service?

You may contact us Monday–Friday, 8:00 am–5:00 pm Mountain Time.

Phone: US and Canada Customers 1-800-333-9185 #3 | International Customers 1-303-665-3151 #3
Welcome to the Self-Study Version of Living the New Story Series 1 and 2 @ Online
Aug 21 @ 12:00 am

Welcome to the Self-Study version of Living the New Story Series 1 

Our live journey ran from August 2017 to March 2018 and each of the 8 videoconferencing sessions were recorded.


Welcome to the Self-Study version of Living the New Story Series 2 !

Our live journey ran from September 2018 to April 2019 and each of the 8 videoconferencing sessions were recorded.

Throughout the eight sessions, we are inviting you to take an experiential journey into what needs to change in us, and in the human story. Each session will explore, at increasing levels of depth, what it is to live the new story personally, and accelerate it collectively, through:

  • Understanding our own personal journey inside of our larger, collective story of human evolution.

  • Awakening to ourselves as dynamic, inspired agents of change and learning how to powerfully cocreate the future of our world in a way that is uniquely ours.

  • Catalysing our growth and evolution beyond the patterns and core beliefs of our past to make way for the new story to unfold.

  • Honouring the best of the old story and integrating it into the new.

  • Connecting with, and beginning to harness, the power of the collective field to carry the new story forward.

As we change our story, we change our world

We humans find our way by story. Our stories shape us, hold us and give meaning to our lives. Every so often it becomes clear that a prevailing story is no longer serving. Now is such a time. Humanity needs a new, inspiring picture of the future to live into.

This website is designed to support the emergence of a coherent new story for humanity and the production of practical, collaborative ways to live this new story.

We invite you to help us accelerate our collective understanding of what the ‘world in waiting’ holds for us, what is already emerging and what needs to change, both in us and in the human story.

As a first step in this journey already begun by others, the Findhorn Foundation gifted to the world – The New Story Summit: Inspiring Pathways for our Planetary Future –which was held from 27 September to 3 October 2014…a gift economy gathering of the human family to experience planetary community, draw on our collective intelligence and co-create a story to inspire us all.

The Summit was more than full so we know there is huge support and longing for a new way to live together – a way which honours ancient wisdom and the interconnected whole living system of which we, the Earth and the cosmos are all part. It’s all connected and we are all accountable. To find out more, visit our Summit page.

This online hub will continue to be just that – a hub for people from all over the world to meet, engage, collaborate, share information, dream, synergise and inspire each other to live a new story.

If you would like to join this wave of collaborative action to shift consciousness and build on the threads of a new story already being lived and experimented with, you are very welcome. We invite your engagement, transparency, trust, compassion, innovation, entrepreneurship and generosity of spirit

You can also contact us by post:

Visitors Centre
Findhorn Foundation
The Park
Forres, IV36 3TZ
Scotland, UK
For general enquiries tel: +44 (0)1309 690311

Bookings office contact details:

Findhorn Foundation
The Park
Forres, IV36 3TZ
Scotland, UK
For booking and workshop information tel: +44 (0)1309 691653

Media and Public Relations

Public Relations
Findhorn Foundation
The Park
Forres, IV36 3TZ
Scotland, UK
For media enquiries tel: +44 (0)1309 690605

Scottish charity No. SC007233, registered offices at the address above.
VAT registration No. 0957.68.506B01

The Findhorn Foundation is a Non-Governmental Organisation associated with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations.

Song Carriers Immersion @ Apache Creek Ranch
Sep 24 @ 2:00 pm – Sep 29 @ 1:00 pm

Song Carriers Immersion


The Song Carriers Immersion is an initiatory experience for women called to awaken their natural wild essence and vitality through song and sisterhood. The immersion brings participants deeply into the way of the Song Carrier and provides guidance about how to gather, learn, hold, and offer sacred Earth Songs. Through a rich mix of communal singing, dancing and ritual along with solo visioning and wandering, women uncover the unique gifts of their voice and remember their original role as caretakers of life and dreamers of the mystery. The setting is the pristine wilds of Apache Canyon, NM where the music and medicine of nature powerfully present themselves and root the overall experience. 


**The Song Carriers Immersion is a pre-requisite for the

Song Carriers Leadership Training.**



Fall 2019 Song Carriers Immersion is

Tuesday September 24, 2:00 pm through

Sunday September 29, 1:00 pm at

Apache Creek Ranch near Santa Fe, NM




  1. Nature Immersion
  2. Ancestral and New Song Lineages
  3. Dance as Prayer
  4. Earth-based Ritual
  5. Rhythm Making
  6. Solo Time in the Forest
  7. Sisterhood Weaving
  8. Conscious Visioning 



  1. Enliven your wild essence
  2. Receive earth songs in original languages
  3. Awaken the gift of listening for and shaping songs from nature’s music
  4. Increase fluency with rhythm
  5. Deepen embodiment
  6. Develop ritual practices
  7. Cultivate relations with Mother Earth and beyond-human entities
  8. Enter a community of sisterhood


Apache Creek Ranch is located 30 minutes from downtown Santa Fe and is surrounded by 400 acres of forest with a small creek that runs through the canyon. The breathtaking ranch has two sweet adobe casitas with loft spaces containing individual beds to share with two or more women and there is one room available with a king size bed to share with another woman. (This room is reserved for two women who are unable to climb a ladder into the loft spaces). Camping is also available for those that want more privacy. Each casita contains communal bathrooms with a shower. There is also a luxurious heated outdoor swimming pool. The retreat includes 3 nourishing meals a day, using locally grown and organic foods by our personal chef, Brigita Lacovara. (



The Song Carriers Immersion sessions will mainly take place outdoors with evening sessions indoors. Most days require an easy twenty minute walk to the forest for our gatherings. There will be one day devoted to a longer hike up the sacred mountain to make offerings and listen for nature’s songs. 


Tuesday, Sept. 24 

2pm-3pm Arrival & Registration

4pm-6pm Session

6pm Dinner


Wednesday, Sept. 25

8am Breakfast

10am Opening Ceremony

1pm Lunch

2pm-5pm Session

6pm Dinner

7pm-9pm Session


Thursday, Sept. 26 

8am Breakfast

9am-4pm Pilgrimage to sacred mountain

6pm Dinner

7pm-9pm Session


Friday, Sept. 27

8am Breakfast

9am-1pm Session

1pm Lunch

2pm-5pm Session

6pm Dinner

7pm-9pm Session


Saturday, Sept. 28

8am Breakfast

9am-1pm Session

1pm Lunch

2pm-4pm Session

5pm-7pm Closing Water Lodge

7:30pm Feast


Sunday, Sept. 29

8am Breakfast

9am Check-out

10am-12:30pm Song Carriers Women’s Community Circle in Santa Fe



Madi Sato is a singer and women’s community leader of Japanese Ainu and Celtic roots. She is devoted to raising women’s voices for the benefit of all life. Madi has guided hundreds of women in awakening and empowering their authentic voices through the self-designed Song Carrier method of gathering in community. From a young age, she was immersed in indigenous ceremony and drawn to the feet of traditional grandmothers. She continues to compose original songs & chants consonant with nature’s music and is a lifelong dancer versed in an array of traditions and styles, both old and new. 


Madi and her husband, poet Timothy P. McLaughlin, are co-founders of PRAISING EARTH, an organization devoted to rewilding the human heart through the traditions of song, story, dance and ritual to enliven all people’s essential belonging to Earth. She is the creative mother of the organization’s Singing Waters programs, which include Song Carriers Women’s Circles, Basket of Seeds Grandmother’s Alliance, Song Carriers Immersion, Song Carriers Leadership Training, and the 13 Moons Song Archive. She lives in Santa Fe with Timothy and their three children.



$1600, includes all meals and shared lodging 

$1475, includes all meals and camping


Song Carrier Immersion


Thank you for your interest in the Song Carrier Immersion! This application allows you to articulate your desires and intentions for this program and helps us get to know you.


Before applying, please ensure you are able to commit to living on-site and fully engaging in every day of the immersion.


(Type into the spaces beside/beneath each question. Use whatever space you need. When complete, save and send to:



Address, Telephone, Email Address:



Languages spoken or sung: 

Health/Fitness Condition:


Express what draws your soul to the path of the Song Carrier.


Describe your connection and experience with song & wilderness.


What is your ceremonial background?


Are you comfortable in the elements and with hiking and spending solo time in the wild?


Please state your lodging preference. Loft bed, shared king bed, or camping?


Please list any food preferences or restrictions—

Spiritual Wildfire Summit @ Online
Feb 2 – Feb 7 all-day

pictured above:  Brooke Medicine Eagle

I’m thrilled to invite you to a FREE global online Summit that starts Feb. 2-7 called:


Igniting the Worldwide Spiritual Wildfire We Need Now: A Call to Action




I’ll be participating with 23 other featured speakers including Sandra Ingerman, Andrew Harvey, Nina Simons, Cynthia Jurs, Steve Farrell and Lyla June Johnston and I’d love for you to join us! Each of us will be offering inspiration, healing, and empowering practical tools to anyone who is ready to courageously use their own light to help ignite a worldwide spiritual wildfire.

The Spiritual Wildfire Summit is organized to address the fact that we live in epic times. In fact, we are experiencing nothing less than the reinvention of civilization. Yet as we dive into uncharted waters and move closer to a critical tipping, we see a worldwide awakening beginning to catch fire. The Spiritual Wildfire Summit offers inspiration, healing, and empowering practical tools to anyone who is ready to courageously use their own light to help ignite a worldwide spiritual wildfire.

To register for this free event click here. Link to:

Together we can create a new world based on compassion, wisdom, justice, and joy!

During this FREE 6-day global online summit, together we will experience & integrate profound ways to restore the Story of Our Awakened Hearts.

This transformational event is FREE to all registered attendees! You do need to RSVP in order to receive all of the info you need to participate in this unique and never before seen gathering of visionaries!


Would you like to have permanent downloadable lifetime access to all 25 interviews, in both audio & video format, so you can watch or listen to them at your convenience even after the Summit has ended? If so, the Lifetime Access Upgrade Package is available for a very special Early Bird Price through Feb. 4 only. CLICK HERE to learn more about this upgrade package. 50% of all Lifetime Access purchases go to the Changing Woman Initiative.


Finally, here’s a link to a 2-minute video that beautifully sums up the Spiritual Wildfire Summit theme. Take a look and please share this video and info about this Summit to anyone you think would like to join the Spiritual Wildfire Revolution!


If you know someone that would like to participate in the Summit, please send them here so they can receive all of the benefits of the Spiritual Wildfire Summit.


We begin on 2-2-2020! Here’s to igniting the worldwide spiritual wildfire we need now! See you on the inside!


With gratitude and bright blessings,


Your host,

Joan D’Argo


P.S. Be sure to return to the Event Schedule Page often while the Spiritual Wildfire Summit is airing so you get the most out of this event!


National Refugee Shabbat 5780 @ Your community
Mar 20 – Mar 21 all-day

Take Action on National Refugee Shabbat

National Refugee Shabbat 5780, which will take place on March 20-21, 2020, is a moment for congregations, organizations, and individuals around the country to dedicate a Shabbat experience to refugees and asylum seekers.

Register: Learn more about how your community or group can participate at – it’s not too late!

There are also many ways individuals can take action for refugees and asylum seekers in the week leading up to National Refugee Shabbat, as well as on the actual Shabbat itself (in accordance with individual Shabbat practice). Feel free to share the list below widely with family and friends.


1. Advocate – Call your Member of Congress to ask them to stand for the rights, safety and dignity of refugees and asylum seekers.

2. Get Involved in the Election – Research the candidates running in local elections in your area, and let them know that the rights of refugees and asylum seekers are among your top priority issues this year.

3. Update Your Facebook Photo Frame – Show your support for refugees by updating your Facebook profile picture with the HIAS #JewsforRefugees frame. Click here for directions.

4. Join the “Jews for Refugees” Facebook Group – Joining this group is a great way to connect with thousands of other committed individuals across the country, access up-to-the-minute information about the Jewish response to the refugee crisis, and share the actions that you are taking. Click here to join.

5. Donate Your Miles to Asylum Seekers – HIAS has partnered with Miles4Migrants (M4M), a nonprofit charity dedicated to using donated frequent flyer miles and money for the relocation of refugees and those seeking asylum – including families recently separated at the U.S.-Mexico border. HIAS and Miles4Migrants (M4M) will work to identify refugees and asylum seekers who need assistance purchasing airfare to reunite with their families. Donate your frequent flyer miles here the week of National Refugee Shabbat.

6. Buy Refugee-Produced Goods – Support refugees and asylum seekers around the world and in your local community by buying refugee-produced goods and/or researching refugee-owned restaurants in your community and having a meal there. Check out this website to purchase goods made by a collective of African asylum-seeking women living in Tel Aviv, Israel.

7. Give Life to Refugees and Asylum Seekers – In the week leading up to National Refugee Shabbat, set up a Facebook fundraiser to benefit HIAS’ work.

8. Scholarships for Displaced Students – Research whether your local universities and colleges offer scholarships to refugees and asylum seekers. If not, reach out and ask them to consider starting such a program. Check out Columbia University’s program for an example.

9. Have A Difficult Conversation – Using the HIAS Conversational Guide for How to Talk About Refugees with Family and Friends, commit to having at least one conversation with someone in your life who has expressed concern about welcoming refugees to the United States or even someone who has made disparaging remarks about refugees or asylum seekers.

10. Light Shabbat Candles with Intention – As you welcome Shabbat on March 20, use this reading before lighting Shabbat candles to set an intention to stand with refugees and asylum seekers around the globe.

11. Host A Gathering In Your Home – Invite a small group of friends over to your home for Shabbat dinner or lunch or a havdallah (the ceremony for closing Shabbat) wine and cheese gathering. At the gathering, consider using the HIAS National Refugee Shabbat 5780-2020 Programming Content Resource. Use the text study on page 6 of this guide as a jumping off point for conversation, take a look at and discuss the refugee art on page 13 of this guide, or screen the movie suggested on page 14 and 15 of this guide.

12. Start A Book Club – Start a book club – for adults or young people – to read books by and about refugees and asylum seekers. Use this list as a jumping off point for suggestions or search google for even more ideas.

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