
Lift the Earth: Bringing Peace to our Ancestors @ Menla
Sep 19 – Sep 22 all-day
Bringing Peace to Our Ancestors

September 19-22, 2019
Menla, Phoenicia, NY
Register at:

Join us on World Peace Day and the Fall Equinox for LIFT THE EARTH: Bringing Peace to Our Ancestors; a four-day gathering which includes the participation of the Grandmothers Council, Alice Walker, Dr. Henrietta Mann, Chief Phil Lane Jr, Dr. Robert Thurman, Jussara Korngold and other spiritual leaders and activists from around the world.This gathering will include interactive dialogue, prayer circles, and teachings on ancestral healing, water and land issues, and the future of the generations to come.

Register now before we sell out – join us for this special event and participate in this world-wide collective prayer for outer and inner peace.

Program Tuition: $520
3 Day Commuter Fee (No Meals): $754
Night Accommodations with Meals: $294 – $564
People’s Hub Workshops: Getting Through Economic Downturns Together @ Online
May 21 @ 1:00 pm – Jun 11 @ 1:00 pm


Where have we been?

Where are we going?

What might be possible together?

The Circle may be over but the workshops are coming up! 

It’s time to sign up!!

This has been a time of organizing. We are moving from our deep roots in community to challenge the status quo. We are building systems that work for our people. We are imagining a different way. 

It has been a time of reckoning. 

Covid-19 has magnified the disparities and injustices of our world. Specifically, the ways that Black, Indigenous, People of Color, chronically ill and disabled people experience higher levels of violence, housing insecurity, and job discrimination. We continue to lose people to white supremacy: 

Nina Pop

Breonna Taylor

Ahmaud Arbey

There is a missing and murdered indigenous women’s epidemic. 

Capitalism and white supremacy will attempt to make us forget this time and return to a disconnection from each other and the earth. 

We cannot and will not return to a normal that devalues people and planet. 

“We can impose beauty on our future.”
–Lorraine Hansberry 

Instead, let’s make a promise, a commitment to honor community. For those of us with privileges it’s a time to risk comfort,  #share your check.

Together, we can be a part of community-based solutions, be a part of the radical imagination. As Lorraine Hansberry stated, we can impose beauty on our future.

Join us for a deepened understanding of economic downturns and solidarity economy. What we do now matters. 

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