
11 Days of Global Unity
Sep 11 – Sep 21 all-day

11 Days of Global Unity – 11 Ways to Change the World

Celebrating our 11th Anniversary in 2015!

For 11 Days and other Updates Subscribe to the WE Campaign Global Action Newsletter here
The WE Campaign of We, The World
WE – A global  campaign of We, The World to unite and amplify the efforts
of people, organizations and movements working for the common good 11 Days of Global Unity – 11 Ways to Transform Your World!
September 11- 21, 2015
11 Days of Global Unity September 11-21 is a worldwide platform providing 11 Ways to Transform Our World. All agents of social change are invited to join in this global campaign for peace, justice, sustainability and transformation.Join the Extraordinary Partners and Allies of 11 Days of Global Unity! Register your group (it’s free) Your Group’s Name, Link, Mission, Goals and Action Steps will automatically go up on our 11 Days Participation pages which we regularly promote to a global audience!

Become a Program Partner – Post your Events and Announcements from anywhere worldwide on our newly launched Global Unity Calendar. This Calendar is compatible with Google, Outlook, Apple and many other Calendars so you can easily Subscribe and add your group’s calendar events to the Global Unity Calendar!
Become an Outreach PartnerProvide outreach and promotion of 11 Days of Global Unity to your networks and followers and we will feature your work on our Partners & Allies pages and promote your group’s activities to our global audience. Reply to this message or click here!
11 Days Summit 2015

Deep Dialogues on Each of the 11 Themes of Change

Featuring some of the most Visionary Thinkers

and Activists of our Time

Participate by computer or phone from anywhere worldwide! 

When you register you can also participate in the Shift Network’s ongoing Summer of Peace Speaker Series.

Speaker Schedule

Dialogues start each day at 1:00PM USA Eastern Time:
Sept 11 Unity – Deepak Chopra
Sept 12 Interdependence – Indigenous Grandmother Agnes Pilgrim & Carole Hart
Sept 13 Environment – Rhea Landig
Sept 14 Economic Justice – Andrew Mazzone
Sept 15 Health – Patch Adams
Sept 16 Children & Youth – Cherine Badawi and Mariah Lin
Sept 17 Women – Eve Ensler
Sept 18 Human Rights – Jacqueline Murekatete
Sept 19 Freedom – Rabbi Michael Lerner
Sept 20 Disarmament – Helen Caldicott & Alice Slater
Sept 21 Peace (the UN International Day of Peace) – Deborah Moldow & Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury (Philip Hellmich, Co-Host with Rick Ulfik) Host and Moderator for each dialogue: Rick Ulfik (Founder of We, The World)

(Note: Schedule is subject to change – please check for updated information.)

Have a question you want to ask Deepak Chopra or one of the other Summit speakers? Click here!

Click here to register – it’s FREE!

To be a Co-Sponsor or an Affiliate of this 11 Days Summit reply to this message or click here!

It’s Time to Unite Our Efforts

We, The World is seeking highly motivated individuals passionate about creating social change to positively impact people and the planet. If you want to join the WE Team and help coordinate one or more of the 11 Campaigns For Change CLICK HERE.

Together, WE Will Transform Our World!
Thank you!Rick Ulfik
Founder of We, The World and the WE Campaign at
Your generous Donation will help us to continue and expand our coalition-building.


Synchronized Breathing with Emily Harrison Founder of Akashic Academy @ Online LiveStrem
Sep 13 @ 2:00 pm

Join us as we learn and Stop and imagine for a moment, if we had global peace and abundant resources EVERYWHERE on this planet. Come find out how you can lend your energy to support this project…

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