
Children’s Global Wave Of Love @ The World Your Heart
Jan 11 @ 10:11 am

We come together in our own time zones at 1:11 pm on January 11th, 2017 to collectively intention ‘Children across the planet in love, care and respect.” Unifying our hearts and minds in love, peace, and compassion for all. And igniting these intentions. Do yoga, meditate, dance ,sing, however you are uniquely called to contribute, host a meditation flashmob, gather at a favorite body of water. We come together for the children.

What in the World is Happening? @ Still Mind Zendo
Jun 4 @ 10:00 am

Free talk about Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom, here to guide humanity out of the current chaos into a brilliant new age where sharing and cooperation are guiding principles. Included will be an introduction to Transmission Meditation, a potent form of world service and personal spiritual growth.

Prayer for Peace @ Church of Scientology of New York
Sep 21 all-day

Rev. Susana Bastarrica will be delivering a Prayer for Peace at 6pm. She is an evolutionary interactivist and the Founder/Organizer of The Vigil for Peace and Ecology. The Vigil was born from the ashes the 9/11 tragedy and inspired by The United Nations Resolutions 36/67 and 55/282 declaring an International Day of Peace and to have the entire World observe a full day of “global ceasefire and nonviolence. Rev. Bastarrica, has been instrumental in expanding the vision of the Central Park Bandshell Vigil for 15 years through cultural interaction and education to raise for Global Peace awareness. Ordained Interfaith Minister of the New Seminary. International multilingual consultant in English, Spanish, French, Rumanian and Italian. She is a teacher and lecturer in the USA, Australia, South America and Europe. Certified Feng Shui Practitioner by the Metropolitan Institute of Interior Design. Founding President of the “United Nations Staff Recreation Council” (UNSRC). SaluS Well-Being Network-and UNSRC-Former President of UNSRC Society of Enlightenment Transformation, Friendship Club, Former UNSRC Assistant Treasurer. Certified Bach Flower Remedy Counselor, Member of the “Flower Essences Society”. Crystal Healing Certification with Katrina Raphaell, Former bilingual volunteer and teacher at HealingWorks, NYC, Wellness center. Aromatherapy teacher and volunteer counselor for the American Red Cross, and the September 11 Recovery Program.

INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S MONTH @ Your heart space, the world
Jun 1 – Jun 30 all-day
INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S MONTH @ Your heart space, the world

International Children’s Month is a full year long, free, thematic, activity platform for all. The mission is “Children across the planet in love, care and respect.” Our peak month is JUNE and we ask all involved with children to take it up a notch or twenty and do something special for this month with them. Support the children in doing what they feel called to do. Support the children in what you feel called to do. This month is about celebration and joy of our children, and of appreciation. Please visit the SEL partner platform for all at

The Children’s Global Wave of Love @ Inside your heart space and the world
Jun 21 all-day
The Children's Global Wave of Love @ Inside your heart space and the world

We come together for the Annual Children’s Global Wave Of Love, at 1:11pm in every time zone beginning in New Zealand and ending in Hawaii, we come together to collectively intention “Children across the planet in love, care and respect.” Based on the Fibinacci sequence of increasing increments of divine love we send out love across the waters and lands for all. A peak day for International Children’s Month and our free year long thematic activity platform International Children Love Self Love and Cooperation 2018.

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