
Gaia Is Hiring UnConference @ Lenzwald
May 25 – May 28 all-day

To enlarge the team of planet Earth, Gaia is looking for evolutionaries working in full self-responsibility and on a freelance basis in different departments (e.g. cultural evolution, regeneration and conservation of flora and fauna, sustainable energy production, evolution of the economy, enlivening soils, upgrading human thoughtware, etc.)

– Are you willing to put your talents in service of something bigger than yourself?

– Are you ready to take radical responsibility for everything you do and don‘t do?

– Are you willing to leave your comfort zone and explore the unknown?

A growing team of extraordinary, inspired, and like-minded people with a strong vision of what is possible who lead a purposeful life, being their destiny in action and creating a future where all living beings can live harmoniously on planet Earth instead of merely surviving. If you are interested to meet with your team-colleagues, join us at the UnConference. We are looking forward to creatively collaborating with you!

What in the World is Happening? @ Still Mind Zendo
Jun 4 @ 10:00 am

Free talk about Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom, here to guide humanity out of the current chaos into a brilliant new age where sharing and cooperation are guiding principles. Included will be an introduction to Transmission Meditation, a potent form of world service and personal spiritual growth.

Synchronized Breathing with Emily Harrison Founder of Akashic Academy @ Online LiveStrem
Sep 13 @ 2:00 pm

Join us as we learn and Stop and imagine for a moment, if we had global peace and abundant resources EVERYWHERE on this planet. Come find out how you can lend your energy to support this project…

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