
Spaces on the Earth prayer sessions
Apr 19 @ 8:00 am
Thursday April 19, 2018, at 8 am Pacific time and at 7pm Pacific time
The call will be recorded and a free MP3 provided upon request.

Free Conference call invite

Organizer: Rita Morgin

  1. Join meeting with audio:
  Dial-in Number: (712) 770-4035 – United States
  Access Code: 493843
  2. Join meeting with video conferencing and/or screen sharing:
  Or, enter online meeting ID on desktop app: ritadragon79

Land healing meditation: sending love and light to all the energies on a land or space that are in need of Loving Care.

Mission statement: SpiritEarthMinistries is a prayerful service for this planet: let the Earth be healed such that every space and every being may they have all the love and light and care that they need to live in harmony and create their personal heaven on Earth Here and Now.
Spaces on the Earth have been collecting our energetic debris for thousands of thousands of years. It can be cleared easily and quickly to create harmonious space that supports our living.
Do you know of a land that needs love and care? What if the places around you are just waiting to support your life? What is heaven on Earth to you?
Meditations by Rita Morgin at offer feelings of calm and peace to the places and all beings in those places. Saturating lands with the life Giving Loving Light Of Heaven and Earth is one of many healing modalities created  to bring more love into this world.
As a transformational catalyst and door opener, Rita Morgin invites you to open doors of possibilities that you might not otherwise see to open.
Nature, Music and Medicine- A Co-Creative Process with Maureen Robertson and Jose Melo @ Teleseminar
Feb 16 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

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